den Hals gerade nicht voll genug? Könnte bedeuten dass mit einer Kurssteigerung gerechnet wird. PPA also erst nach dem Meeting, wenn überhaupt?
Background The Company?s current stock option plan, the 2012 Plan, is a fixed stock option plan permitting the grant of options issuable for up to 38,165,342 Common Shares, which represented 20% of the number of Common Shares which were issued and outstanding when the 2012 Plan was approved by the Company?s shareholders on June 11, 2012. As at June 14, 2013, there are options outstanding under the 2012 Plan to acquire 32,125,550 Common Shares, leaving 5,334,392 Common Shares available for future option grants, representing 14.24% and 2.2%, respectively, of the 242,926,384 Common Shares issued and outstanding as of the Record Date. The 2012 Plan is administered by the CGCC on behalf of the Board. Board Approval and Rationale The CGCC approved amendments to the 2012 Plan, which amendments are subject to shareholder approval as well as the approval of the TSX (the 2012 Plan, as amended, the ?2013 Plan?). Many of these amendments were ?housekeeping? amendments intended to clarify the language contained in the 2012 Plan. A significant amendment was the change of the plan from a ?fixed? to a ?rolling? plan permitting the issuance of options exercisable for shares equivalent in number of 20% of the Company?s common shares from time to time. Unless otherwise approved by the Company?s shareholders, the maximum number of shares reserved for issuance under the 2013 Plan (and under any other share compensation arrangements of the Company) shall be equal to 20% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares in of the Company as at the date of grant. If any stock option granted under the 2013 Plan terminates, expires or, with the consent of the holder, is cancelled, new stock options may thereafter be granted covering such Common Shares, subject to any required prior approval by any applicable stock exchange, if stock options are re-granted to the same person on different terms in conjunction therewith. If the 2013 Plan is not approved by the majority of the shareholders voting in person or by proxy at the Meeting, it will not become effective and the 2012 Plan will remain in effect unamended. If the 2013 Plan is approved, options granted under the 2012 Plan will remain outstanding, but will be governed by the 2013 Plan.