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Des Weiteren halte ich auch das Portfolio für durchaus aussichtsreich. Warum sollte die Aktie also NICHT steigen???
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GreenShift Industrial Design Unit Releases Shareholder Letter
MOUNT ARLINGTON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 4, 2006--GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) today released to its shareholders the following correspondence from David Winsness, the chief executive officer of GreenShift Industrial Design Corporation ("GIDC"):
Dear Shareholders:
We achieved much of what we set out to do since our formation in the beginning of the third quarter 2005; we acquired our initial portfolio of green technologies, we brought on key senior operational, engineering and business development talent, and, as announced last week, we initiated our plans to move GIDC into a public platform - which we believe will play a critical role in the deployment and proliferation of our green technologies.
Regarding this last item, our parent company, GreenShift, last week announced its plans to transfer its stakes in GIDC and GreenShift's wholly owned Tornado Trash Corporation to Veridium Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: VRDM) in connection with Veridium's implementation of its plans to revitalize its industrial waste recycling business model. We expect that these transactions will be completed during the first half of this quarter and will be particularly timely as we begin to demonstrate cash flows stemming from applications of our technologies.
The GIDC business model is based on the engineering and marketing of green innovations and processes that enhance manufacturing efficiencies, improve resource utilization and minimize waste. Our primary goal is to minimize inefficiencies for our clients in their respective use and, we hope, their reuse of natural resources in their myriad processes. Our revenue model is primarily based on our provision of these industrial design services and an in-the-trenches form of technology transfer.
Take, for example, our proprietary Dissolved Air Flotation ("DAF") sludge processing technology that effectively reduces the volume of DAF sludge by 80% while recovering the majority of the animal fats contained in the waste of livestock and poultry processing facilities. Poultry processing facilities alone generate an estimated 500 million gallons per year of this sludge. Our technology enables livestock and poultry processing facilities to dramatically reduce the volume of sludge they are shipping and disposing. This translates to reduced costs and increased profitability for livestock and poultry processing facilities. We do not intend, however, to sell equipment to these facilities - instead we intend to install our equipment onsite at each of our prospective clients' facilities on a turn-key basis, where we are paid fixed annuities based upon our clients' reduced costs.
Our DAF process is precisely the sort of incremental green shift that we were founded to implement, and I believe it is an excellent example of what a green shift really is - by reducing inefficiencies for livestock and poultry processing facilities, we are helping to reduce consumption of virgin natural resources, we are helping to reduce waste disposal expenses and the impact on the environment of that disposal, and we are doing it by helping our clients increase their bottom lines for no up front capital expenditure.
Another good example is the current installation of our Tornado Generator(TM) technology at Protein Solutions, LLC, located in Joplin, Missouri, where the technology effectively processes and dehydrates poultry products into highly nutritional and shelf stable products. This system operates 24 hours per day, 5 days per week to produce high quality animal fats, chicken broth and dehydrated poultry proteins - another case of reduced waste and increased profit.
Take this approach now and extend it to our use of our entire portfolio of technologies and targeting of inefficiencies across a wide array of industries and you will get a sense of where we are headed.
Our focus for the immediate term is to initiate cash flows with key targeted installations of our technologies. And, while our technology portfolio currently includes a number of exciting universal processing, water purification, emissions control, and waste recycling technologies, we will continue to acquire and develop technologies to add to our portfolio. Any such activity however will be subordinate to our generation of positive cash flows.
Finally, we are excited about moving into a public platform. We believe that our technologies are capable of some pretty amazing gains in process efficiencies and we intend to demonstrate this with cash flows in the immediate term. We are additionally excited to have the financial and other support of GreenShift - who is expected to receive an additional 10% stake in Veridium in return for its planned transfer of GIDC and Tornado Trash, and then plans to distribute that 10% stake out to GreenShift's shareholder base. It is our view that GreenShift's dividend and other support will help to enhance awareness of our business model at a critical time in our evolution.
We are pleased with GIDC's progress and we are very much looking forward to bringing our technologies to market under our planned new capital structure. We are grateful for your support and involvement. I look forward to our next communication.
Best Regards,
David Winsness
Chief Executive Officer
GreenShift Industrial Design Corporation
About GreenShift Industrial Design Corporation
GIDC's business model is based on the engineering and marketing of green innovations and processes that enhance manufacturing efficiencies, improve resource utilization and minimize waste. GIDC's mission is to deliver consumer oriented Natural Solutions(TM) based on an array of green technologies and applied engineering expertise that reduce waste at the source and make it easier for people and businesses to recycle and reuse resources. GIDC plans to initially focus on the acquisition, development and marketing of benchmark green technologies and products that accomplish the following key goals:
-- Reduce the volume of waste generated by residential and
commercial consumers;
-- Increase the convenience and decrease the cost of recycling by
residential and commercial consumers; and,
-- Increase the cost-efficiency of processing certain types of
industrial wastes.
GIDC is currently a development stage business but expects to leverage its portfolio of powerful new green technologies to generate revenue starting in 2006 from the provision of customized engineering services to third party clients.
About GreenShift Corporation
GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) is a publicly traded business development company (BDC) whose mission is to develop and support companies and technologies that facilitate the efficient use of natural resources and catalyze transformational environmental gains.
BDCs are regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 and are essentially publicly-traded equity funds where shareholders and financial institutions provide capital in a regulated environment for investment in a pool of long-term, small and middle-market companies through the use of senior debt, mezzanine financing, and equity funding. GreenShift plans to use equity and debt capital to support and drive the value of its existing portfolio of companies and to make investments in a diversified mix of strategically compatible growth stage public and private businesses and technologies. Additional information regarding GreenShift Corporation is available online at www.greenshift.com.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains statements, which may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of GreenShift Corporation, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.
CONTACT: GreenShift Corporation
Jim Grainer, 973-398-8183
Fax: 973-398-8037
Email: investorrelations@greenshift.com
Web: www.greenshift.com
CEOcast, Inc. for GreenShift CorporationEd Lewis, 212-732-4300
SOURCE: GreenShift Corporation
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Dienstag, 3. Januar 2006
Schachmatt auf dem Ölfeld
250 Dollar für ein Fass Öl
Mit den hohen Ölpreisen gewinnen Untergangsprophezeiungen zunehmend an Boden: Der ehemalige Energieberater des US-Präsidenten George W. Bush und Investmentbanker, Matthew R. Simmons, meldet sich am Anfang des neuen Jahres routinemäßig zu Wort und prophezeit für die nächsten Jahre einen dramatischen Anstieg des Ölpreises.
" Wir müssen in den kommenden Jahren mit einem Ölpreis von 200 bis 250 Dollar je Fass rechnen" , sagte Simmons jetzt dem Wirtschaftsmagazin " Capital" . Öl werde knapp und es würden immer weniger neue Felder geortet, argumentiert er. " 2005 wurden so wenige neue Quellen entdeckt wie seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht mehr." Neue Fördertechniken und neue Vorkommen könnten den globalen Rohstoffmarkt kaum mehr entlasten.
Bis 2012 werde das weltweite tägliche Fördervolumen von aktuell 75 Mio. auf 65 Mio. sinken, erwartet Simmons. Zugleich ziehe die Nachfrage rapide an. Schon wenn China und Indien pro Kopf so viel Energie verbrauchten wie das relativ arme Mexiko, müsste die tägliche Produktionsmenge um 45 Mio. Barrel steigen, um den Bedarf zu decken.
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Angesichts der jüngsten Turbulenzen auf den Ölmärkten fallen solche Horrorszenarion auf fruchtbaren Boden. Der Hurrikan " Katrina" im Golf von Mexiko löste Anfang September in einer ohnehin überhitzten Marktphase eine weltweite Ölpreis-Hysterie aus. Für ein Fass Rohöl, dass bei Jahresbeginn noch um die 40 Dollar kostete, mussten mit einem Mal 70 Dollar und mehr gezahlt werden. Schon vor " Katrina" hatten die steigende Nachfrage der großen Länder China, Indien und Brasilien, politische Unsicherheit im Nahen Osten, Streiks, Versorgungsängste und die Spekulation den Ölpreis von einem Rekordhoch zum nächsten getrieben. Sind das die Vorboten des von Simmons gezeichneten UNtergangsszenarios?
Die Analysten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, die für 2005 überwiegend einen durchschnittlichen Ölpreis von unter 40 Dollar vorhergesagt hatten, lagen zumindest mehr deutlich daneben. Für das nächste Jahr gehen die Prognosen deshalb schon einmal weit auseinander. Die meisten Konjunkturausblicke, zum Beispiel von der Commerzbank oder dem Hamburgischen Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA), rechnen mit Ölpreisen von 54 oder 55 Dollar je Fass. Andere, wie zum Beispiel die Schweizer Großbank UBS oder die HypoVereinsbank, erwarten dagegen 60 oder gar 70 Dollar.
Simmons ist in der Szene kein Unbekannter. Er leitet die 1974 von ihm gegründete Energieinvestmentbank Simmons & Co und beriet im Wahlkampf 2000 Bush in Energiefragen. Sein Buch " Twilight in the Desert" avancierte in den USA zu einem Bestseller, in dem die Erschöpfung der Ölfelder Saudi-Arabiens vorhergesagt wird.
Unterstützung bekommt Simmons von einem weiteren Untergangspropheten: dem 74-jährigen Geologe Colin Campbell. Auch er beschwört seit vielen Jahren die Spitze (" Peak" ) der Ölförderung und das bevorstehende Ende des Öl-Zeitalters. Auch er erfreut sich wachsender medialer Aufmerksamkeit.
Viele in der Branche lässt das kalt: " Das wird vorhergesagt seit 100 Jahren" , meint dazu zum Beispiel der BP-Volkswirt Christof Rühl. " Als Ökonom kann ich damit nichts anfangen." Die Verfügbarkeit von Öl sei eine reine Preisfrage. " Wenn man bereit ist, das Geld zu bezahlen, ist genug Öl verfügbar. Wir sehen keine Engpässe."
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The waste from current ethanol production processes contains a vast supply of underutilized corn oil. The current value of the oil remains at less than $0.30 per gallon as it is trapped within this ethanol byproduct. Using Mean Green?s processes, the oil can be economically and sold as a commercial feed ingredient or the oil can be chemically converted into biodiesel.
Biodiesel is a clean burning alternative fuel produced from renewable resources such as animal fats, soybean oil, corn oil, and waste restaurant grease. Biodiesel contains no petroleum but can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to create biodiesel blends. It can be used in diesel engines with little or no modifications. The conversion process required to produce biodiesel from fats, oils and greases is simple and safe.
Biodiesel is better for the environment because it has fewer emissions than petroleum diesel, biodegrades as fast as table sugar and is less toxic than table salt. Being produced from renewable resources allows for reduction in American's dependence on foreign oil while contributing to the economy.
Mean Green? plans to generate revenue and earnings in the near term through the extraction, marketing and sale of extracted corn oil while it builds it first biodiesel facility in the Eastern U.S. Once this facility is operational, Mean Green? plans to extract the corn oil, process the oil into biodiesel and then market and sell the biodiesel directly to consumers
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GreenShift's Mean Green BioFuels Company Releases Shareholder Letter
MOUNT ARLINGTON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 9, 2006--GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) today released to its shareholders the following correspondence from David Cantrell, the president and chief executive officer of Mean Green BioFuels Corporation ("Mean Green").
Dear Shareholders:
Since our formation in the third quarter 2005, we have made some significant strides: we acquired our initial portfolio of biofuels technologies, we brought on critical senior operational, engineering and business development talent, and, as announced last month, we initiated our plans to construct two of our planned five 30 million gallon per year biodiesel production facilities in western Tennessee.
Our focus as we turn to 2006 will be to continue to lay the foundation for our biodiesel production facilities, but also, and importantly, to bring our various innovations to market on an accelerated basis and in ways that build cash flows while we continue to execute on our production development plans.
We have developed a number of exciting innovations and our current offerings are based on process technologies that increase the profitability of the Corn-to-Fuel business model by a factor of 1.8 times the industry average of 15% of revenue to better than 27% of revenue. Mean Green's business model allocates this increase equitably to participating Ethanol Producers and Biodiesel Producers.
Ethanol Producers: One Kernel -- Two Fuels
Currently, the majority of ethanol production is based on a dry milling technique that utilizes more than 1 billion bushels of corn to produce 3 billion gallons per year of ethanol (Fuel #1). The dry mill process converts the starch from the kernel of corn into sugar and then the sugar into ethanol. The balance of the corn (non-starch components) then goes through a dewatering and dehydration process where the byproduct is sold as a commercial feed ingredient called distillers dried grain ("DDG").
DDG contains the majority of the corn oil that was present in the kernel. Today, the 1 billion bushels of corn currently used in the dry mill ethanol process contain roughly 300 million gallons of corn oil that is currently sold for about $0.03 per pound as commercial feed. Our technologies present another option - cost effective conversion into Biodiesel (Fuel #2).
Mean Green's proprietary and patent-pending technologies are the basis of cost effective methods to recover up to 75% of the corn oil latent in DDG, first from concentrated thin stillage and then from wet cake. Pictures and video of part of Mean Green's proprietary technology is available online on our website at www.meangreenbiofuels.com - this system is in use today and efficiently recovers corn oil from concentrated thin stillage. Mean Green's Corn Oil Extraction System(TM) offers the following compelling benefits:
-- Low Operating Costs - the system requires less than $0.05 per
gallon of corn oil produced;
-- High Recovery Rates - the technology is capable of recovering
up to 75% of the corn oil within the DDG;
-- Increased Revenue - the corn oil extracted with Mean Green's
technology is readily amenable to refining into biodiesel fuel
which creates a new revenue stream for participating ethanol
-- Reduces Current Operating Costs and Emissions - Mean Green's
technology improves the drying efficiency of the DDG which in
turn reduces overall plant operating costs and emissions; and,
-- Low Capital Cost - Mean Green's oil extraction methods have a
capital cost of less than 15% of traditional corn oil
extraction methods.
Installed for No Up Front Cost - Increase in Profitability
Mean Green will install its Corn Oil Extraction System(TM) into client ethanol facilities on a turn-key basis for no up front cost. Mean Green will customize the design of its Corn Oil Extraction System(TM) to meet the desired corn oil recovery objectives of participating facilities. Mean Green will train plant operators in its use, and then purchase the extracted corn oil from participating facilities at a premium. The combined impact of the new sales and efficiency improvements to a participating ethanol facility is expected to be upwards of a 25% increase in profitability with no additional expense.
Mean Green believes that this increase has clear implications for existing producers, and it can help to drive the increased development of additional ethanol production in America. Increased profitability of this magnitude can be expected to favorably impact the economic analyses of start-up ethanol facilities and enable increased access to investment capital.
Investment in Ethanol Production
Mean Green's parent company, GreenShift Corporation, is an investment company whose mission is to develop and support companies and technologies that facilitate the more efficient use of natural resources. With assistance as necessary from GreenShift, and at the option of participating facilities, Mean Green plans to make equity and other investments in ethanol producers and other companies that use Mean Green's innovative technologies.
Fuel #2 - Biodiesel Production
Mean Green intends to build five biodiesel production facilities over the next 2 years. The feedstock for these facilities will include: corn oil derived from ethanol facilities, soybean oil, and animal fats. Mean Green is designing each biodiesel conversion facility to operate at 30 million gallons per year and to be expandable to accommodate growth. Each Mean Green biodiesel facility will utilize traditional esterification and transesterification methods as well as other Mean Green proprietary processes. On a limited basis, Mean Green plans to allow qualified biofuels companies to participate as minority shareholders in each of its facilities.
Ongoing Innovation
Mean Green has developed and is developing additional technologies that Mean Green believes will continue to drive additional innovation in biofuels. Mean Green plans to announce a series of additional technologies in 2006 that are expected to catalyze another boost in industry profitability that, when combined with Mean Green's Corn Oil Extraction System(TM) and related technologies, increase the profitability of the Corn-to-Fuel business model by a factor of 2.4 times the industry average of 15% of revenue to better than 36% of revenue.
Get Mean. Be Green.
To Mean Green, being green is not about hugging trees ... it's about getting into the trenches, getting dirty, resolving environmental challenges, and making money. The "Green" in Mean Green represents both profit and the environment. It's always profit first and never one without the other.
This biofuels industry is in its infancy and Mean Green believes that substantial and compelling opportunities exist for innovation and improved profitability. Mean Green's hopes to continue to favorably enhance industry profitability and is eager to aid in the advancement of the biofuels industry. Our ambition is to use our technologies to help re-energize American agriculture by reducing costs and increasing profits for industry participants while increasing America's energy independence and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
We are pleased with Mean Green's progress and we are looking forward to executing what is to me a very exciting business model. We are grateful for your support and involvement. I look forward to our next communication.
Best Regards,
David Cantrell
President and Chief Executive Officer
Mean Green BioFuels Corporation
About Mean Green BioFuels Corporation
Mean Green intends to finance, build and operate five 20 to 60 million gallon per year biodiesel production facilities in the eastern U.S., where it will utilize its many patent-pending and proprietary oil recovery technologies to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil by producing high quality biodiesel fuels.
Recently cited by President Bush as "one of our nation's most promising alternative fuel sources," biodiesel is a clean burning alternative fuel that contains no petroleum. It can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend, it can be used in diesel engines with little or no modifications, and it is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics.
Over 37 billion gallons of petroleum diesel are used for domestic transportation each year in the U.S. The total demand for diesel fuel approaches 50 billion gallons per year when construction, farming and other off-road uses are considered. The current production of biodiesel in the U.S. is less than 100 million gallons per year leaving a considerable demand for the renewable fuel.
The Mean Green model is based on the production of biodiesel out of the following sources:
-- soy bean oil;
-- animal fats procured from rendering operations;
-- corn oil extracted from ethanol facilities using Mean Green's
breakthrough corn oil extraction technology; and
-- animal fats derived from dissolved air flotation wastewater
sludges using the proprietary technologies of Mean Green's
sister company, GreenShift Industrial Design Corporation.
Additional information on Mean Green and its breakthrough biofuels technologies is available online at www.meangreenbiofuels.com.
Interested parties that wish to put Mean Green's technologies into action today or who are seeking investment in their biofuels company should contact Mean Green at 888-870-9193 or getmean@meangreenbiofuels.com.
About GreenShift Corporation
GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) is a publicly traded business development company (BDC) whose mission is to develop and support companies and technologies that facilitate the efficient use of natural resources and catalyze transformational environmental gains.
BDCs are regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 and are essentially publicly-traded equity funds where shareholders and financial institutions provide capital in a regulated environment for investment in a pool of long-term, small and middle-market companies through the use of senior debt, mezzanine financing, and equity funding. GreenShift plans to use equity and debt capital to support and drive the value of its existing portfolio of companies and to make investments in a diversified mix of strategically compatible growth stage public and private businesses and technologies. Additional information regarding GreenShift Corporation is available online at www.greenshift.com.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains statements, which may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of GreenShift Corporation, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.
CONTACT: GreenShift Corporation
Jim Grainer, 973-398-8183
Fax: 973-398-8037
CEOcast, Inc. for GreenShift CorporationEd Lewis, 212-732-4300
SOURCE: GreenShift Corporation
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