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12.01.05 18:41

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEso kann langsam losgehen

ertsmal die aktuellen news

John Travolta Cures ``Lonely Heart'' with Family Room Entertainment

2005-01-12 10:30 ET - News Release

LOS ANGELES -- (Business Wire) -- Jan. 12, 2005

    In conjunction with Avi Lerner's Millennium Films,
Emmett/Furla Films, a wholly owned subsidiary of Family Room
Entertainment Corporation (OTCBB:FMLY), recently announced that they
have signed John Travolta to star in "LONELY HEARTS" for freshman
writer/director Todd Robinson. Holly Weirsma will produce with Randall
Emmett and George Furla of Emmett/Furla Films executive producing. Avi
Lerner, John Thompson and Boaz Davidson will also executive produce.
Millennium Films will finance and serve as the world-wide distributor
of the Picture.
    "LONELY HEARTS" is the story of Buster Robinson (Travolta) hot on
the trail of a pair of deranged lovers on an interstate murdering
spree. Robinson must follow the trail of clues and stop them before
they kill again.
    Emmett/Furla and Weirsma most recently teamed up on the just
wrapped "THE TENANTS" for director Danny Green. The picture starred
Dylan McDermott and Snoop Dogg. The picture was 100% equity financed
through Emmett/Furla's EFF Independent banner with Millennium handling
distribution. "LONELY HEARTS" falls under the multi-picture
arrangement between Emmett/Furla Films and Millennium Films.
    Emmett and Furla stated: "We are excited to be working with John
again. As the kudos for our previous collaboration, `LOVE SONG FOR
BOBBY LONG,' indicate, John is an extremely talented actor and
wonderful person."
    Emmett/Furla Films is currently in negotiations for its Producing
Services Agreement, which will contain the terms for Emmett/Furla
Films back-end and net profits participation.
    John Travolta is repped by William Morris and Mike Ossi and Howard
Butler of the law firm Ossi, Butler, Najem & Rosario Attorneys at Law.

schön, jetzt arbeite neben kevin spacey, steven seagal, morgan freeman auch noch john travolta für mich :-)

find ich gut.

hab mir den spass bisher auch einiges kosten lassen ;-)

aber es sollte sich demnächst auszahlen. entgegen meiner ausage im vorherigen posting endet das geschäftsjahr bereits ende juni (nicht im august). D.h. die 10 angekündigten filme kommen innerhalb der nächsten 6 monate.
das sollte sich kurstechnisch auswirken.
marktkapitalisierung weiterhin ca. 7 mio $.

ausserdem haben die ihren letzten quartalsgewinn, wie angekündigt, verwendet, um ihre IR zu verbessern.
zumindest wurde der internetauftritt aktualisiert und ein ansprechpartner wird jetzt auch genannt.

ich sehe die sache weiterhin positiv. mit einem sehr positiven newsflow in den nächsten tagen/wochen kann es schnell die von mir angekündigte VERFÜNFACHUNG bis ende diesen jahres geben.

ps. auch kontraindikator "newtrader" spricht für einen einstieg. ihm missfällt family room entertainment ebenso wie DEWB. Schade eigentlich.

@katjuscha  wenn du das hier lesen solltest, wäre es schön, wenn du deine meinung mal posten könntest. ist natürlich egal ob positiv oder negativ :-)  

12.01.05 18:57

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEHab gerade noch ne aktuelle eibschätzung


Family Room has been a source of great frustration for me. The company keeps improving, but the stock is going nowhere.  For the last two years the company has engaged in toxic financings that have collared the stock's ability to move up. It simply needed to trade much higher volume to absorb the excess supplies associated with raising money. When I first wrote about FMLY in November of 2002 there were 21.6 million shares issued and outstanding. Today there are about 90 million.

I was on the fence as to whether I would continue to cover the stock. The company did another financing in December, and I was anxious to avoid Deja Vu all over again this year. However, the current financing is five year debt that is paid monthly in 60 installments. It could be converted to shares, but no shares underlying the debt will be free trading for about four months. According to a recent 8K filing with the SEC, the debt can convert to shares at a cost of $.15- over twice where the stock is trading.

On the plus side, Family Room has an enormous number of new films going into production in 2005. The first, 88 Minutes starring Al Pacino, is scheduled to go into production this month. FMLY has not announced production has started, so there could be a delay.

I am informed by management that FMLY could produce as many as 10 films in 2005, starring some very high profile names. As if to prove the point, FMLY announced the signing of a major new film today.

FMLY mad a huge announcement after the market opened today. They will going into production in 2005 on LONELY HEARTS starring box office super star John Travolta.

In the past I have compared FMLY to a biotech company. In biotech, projects take many millions of dollars and many years to bring to fruition. The average new drug takes 12 years and costs about $700 million to bring to market.

One hit movie could be like a new drug introduction to this company. Sometime later this year Edison, starring Justin Timberlake, Kevin Spacey, and Morgan Freeman will hit the box office. If the movie is a big hit, it could mean substantial profits to Family Room.

If 10 movies are produced in 2005, FMLY increases its chances of significant profits looking out to 2006 and 2007 on other people's money. In the interim, the company has recently turned cash flow positive from producer fees, and looks like it will stay that way in 2005.

Technically, FMLY remains trapped in the long term regression channel you see pictured here. However, the stock is trading near the high end of the channel, and has been a couple of attempts to break out in recent months.

Perhaps this new movie with John Travolta will put some life back into this stock. I would love to see this stock break out to the upside.

You need long term faith to stay invested in FMLY. Faith, for our purposes, is defined as "Belief in the Absence of Data". Perhaps this new movie announcement will reward the faithful. Other than those who have lost patience, there should be minimal supply of stock around at this time. No dilution from capital raising is out there at this time. Perhaps this one is finally going to break out of it malaise.

ich kann mich natürlich irren aber der wert scheint wirklich riesenpotential in sich zu bergen. hoffentlich ruft er das auch ab...  

12.01.05 19:44

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBich habe geordert

kriege aber keine  

12.01.05 19:49

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEwo denn?

ist wohl momentan noch am besten in NY zu ordern.

hier sind ja noch kaum umsätze.

bist du das in ffm mit den 35000?  

12.01.05 20:42

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBja das bin ich 20000 und 15000 o. T.

13.01.05 13:03

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBlass mich mal überraschen wo die nächstes jahr

stehen, da mit JOHN travolta das der hinter der ganzen sache steht, na ja warten wir es ab. Die dinger kosten ja nichts, allen die dabei sind viel glück  

13.01.05 16:16

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEich will es nicht beschreien, aber

es sieht momentan sehr nach einem ausbruch aus dem langfristigen abwärtstrendkanal aus...

auf das er gelingen möge!!!  

14.01.05 03:33

4566 Postings, 7203 Tage hedudaFrage!

Ich bin neu hier im Board/Forum.
Darum grüße ich erst einmal alle recht herzlich und würde mich freuen wenn man nicht gleich drauf haut, wenn ich eine Frage komisch formuliere.

Jetzt zur Frage:  
Kann ich den Kurs von 767727 auch irgendwo bei N-TV Tafeln abfragen?

Danke im Voraus

14.01.05 09:46

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEHallo heduda

nein. den kurs gibts nicht auf n-tv zu sehen. dafür ist die firma noch zu klein. vielleicht in ein paar jahren wenn sie im s&P 500 drin sind :-)

03:33 hm, sehr komische zeit :-)  

14.01.05 22:11

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEAusbruch!?

schlusskurs 0,082$. wäre mir lieber gewesen, wenn wir bei 0,085$ geschlossen hätten.

bid 0,082   ask 0,085

so muss man sagen, ausbruch ja aber noch nicht nachhaltig.

entweder gehts dienstag deutlich nach oben, oder wir fallen wohl wieder in den trendkanal zurück.

bleibt auf jeden fall spannend.


17.01.05 11:44

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerB0,065 zu 0,10 geht doch, da wird sich was tun o. T.

18.01.05 22:27

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEso ein schöner tag...

gap von freitag geschlossen und danach auf tageshoch geschlossen.

ausbruch somit bestätigt.

sieht nach weiter steigenden kursen aus.

allerdings gab es auch etwas sehr sehr eigenartiges. wenn mir diese letzten trades einer erklären könnte, wäre ich sehr dankbar.

      time        Ex     Price    Change    Volume          §
          §16:02:53 Q 0.089 +0.007 50,000
          §16:00:39 Q 0.089 +0.007 5,000
          §16:00:26 Q 0.089 +0.007 50,000
          §15:51:59 Q 0.072 -0.01 1,000,000
          §15:50:35 Q 0.071 -0.011 500,000
          §15:49:50 Q 0.071 -0.011 1,000,000
          §15:32:11 Q 0.085 +0.003 5,000
          §15:31:33 Q 0.085 +0.003 2,000
          §14:43:40 Q 0.085 +0.003 10,000
          §14:30:31 Q 0.085 +0.003 10,000

was hat es mit den 2,5 mio stück zu 0,071 u. 0,072 auf sich??? bidseite war immer über 0,08$.  

24.01.05 13:43

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerB@bammie

schau dir die mal an, was denkste  

28.01.05 14:26

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBwas gibt es neues @IDTE o. T.

28.01.05 14:38

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBDas waren die letzten News

Family Room Entert. spek. kaufen

Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" stufen die Aktie von Family Room Entertainment (ISIN US30705R1059/ WKN 767727) mit "spekulativ kaufen" ein.

Im Jahr 2000 gegründet, decke die in Los Angeles ansässige Family Room Entertainment mehrere Bereiche des Filmgeschäfts ab. Neben der Entwicklung und Produktion sei das Unternehmen im Filmvertrieb tätig. Die aufstrebende Produktionsgesellschaft kümmere sich zudem um die Finanzierung sowie um den Internetkontent zur Unterstützung der Filmprojekte. Das Hauptaugenmerk des Vertriebs richte das Untenehmen dabei in erster Linie auf die USA und Kanada, wobei eine Ausweitung auf die weltweiten Märkte angestrebt werde. Umgesetzt würden die einzelnen Teilbereiche wie Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb durch die drei 100%igen Tochtergesellschaften Emmett/Furla Films Productions Corporation, Emmett Furla Films Distribution LLC und E F F Entertainment, Inc.

Family Room Entertainmet habe momentan mehrere Filmprojekte in der Pipeline, wobei der Trend eindeutig zu immer größeren Produktionen gehe. Als absolutes Qualitätsmerkmal erachte man dabei die Tatsache, dass für die kommenden Filme Hollywodgrößen wie Al Pacino, Morgan Freeman oder Kevin Spacy, um nur einige zu nennen, hätten gewonnen werden können. Als wahren Meilenstein sehe man zweifelsohne die Produktion "88 Minutes", ein Thriller mit Al Pacino, bei dem noch im August diesen Jahres die Dreharbeiten beginnen sollten.

Unter der Voraussetzung, dass der Streifen mehr als die Kosten einspiele, erhalte Family Room Entertainment bei dieser Produktion statt der bisherigen kleinen Beteiligung am Gewinn des Produzenten erstmalig eine Beteiligung an den gesamten Einspielerlösen. Werde der Film tatsächlich zum Kassenschlager, würde dies nach Einschätzung der Experten den endgültigen Durchbruch für Family Room Entertainment bedeuten. Man solle dabei auch bedenken, dass der momentane Börsenwert bei lediglich 5 Mio. USD liege und somit schon der Erfolg eines einzelnen Projekts einen enormen Schub für die Aktie bedeuten könnte.

Charttechnisch präsentiere sich die Aktie seit Anfang des Jahres in schwacher Verfassung und habe dabei rund die Hälft ihres Werts eingebüßt. Da Family Room Entertainment momentan eine Reihe hochinteressanter Filmprojekte in der Pipeline habe sehe man diesen Kursrutsch weniger problematisch, sondern eher noch als Chance günstig Position aufbauen zu können. Auch auf der Indikatorenseite, wie zum Beispiel dem RSI und der Stochastik, die momentan im neutralen Bereich notieren würden, schenke man diesem Titel weniger Beachtung, da man in erster Linie auf die baldige Erfolge bei den Filmprojekten setze. Nichtsdestotrotz halte man es dennoch für unumgänglich bestehende Positionen bzw. Neuengagement mit einem Stopp-Loss abzusichern.

Auch wenn Family Room Entertainment in jüngster Vergangenheit eine Reihe von Erfolgsmeldungen veröffentlicht habe und die Chancen ausgezeichnet stünden, dass die Produktionen auf breites Interesse stoßen würden oder möglicherweise sogar ein Kassenschlager darunter sei, dürften die Risiken nicht außer Acht gelassen werden. Den überproportionalen Wachstumsperspektiven stehe andererseits ein entsprechend höheres Risiko gegenüber, das bei der Investitionsentscheidung nicht vernachlässigt werden dürfe. Man solle zudem daran denken, seine Orders streng zu limitieren und die Position mit einem Stopp-Loss abzusichern.

Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" empfehlen die Aktie von Family Room Entertainment spekulativ zu kaufen. Das Kursziel liege bei 0,18 USD.


28.01.05 15:21

2718 Postings, 7529 Tage IDTEhier stehen die letzten news

scheint alles wie geplant zu laufen....

ausser dem aktienkurs...

aber die filme laufen ja auch erst noch an.  

28.01.05 15:49

4566 Postings, 7203 Tage hedudaNachrichten gibt es genug

die kosten nur alle Knete!!!!


Released Contributor Author Title Pages Price
25-Jan-2005 Reuters Investment Profile N/A  Family Room Entertainment: Business description, financial summary, 3yr and interim financials, key statistics/ratios and historical ratio analysis. 11 $20
25-Jan-2005 ValuEngine, Inc. N/A  ValuEngine Quantitative Industry Report for LEISURE 18 $49
22-Jan-2005 Wright Reports N/A  A textual analysis of Family Room Entertainment Corp.'s financial statements, including company description and recent stock performance, versus Viastar Media Corporation, Atlantic Syndication Network Inc and Videoflicks Com Inc. 0 $25
13-Jan-2005 Reuters Fundamentals N/A  Family Room Entertainment-ProVestor Plus Report 17 $25
10-Jan-2005 Pechala's Reports Lubomir Pechala FAMILY ROOM ENTERTAINMENT CORP (FMLY=US) 2-weeks forecast 1 $10
5-Jan-2005 Sageworks, Inc. N/A  ProfitCents public report for Family Room Entertainment 2005Q1 to 2004Q1. 0 $19.95


28.01.05 16:06

4566 Postings, 7203 Tage hedudaNoch ein paar Nachrichten

Family Room Entertainment   --- FMLY.OB  
Contact: George Furla Co-CB/PR/CEO  Phone: 323-850-2800
FAX: 708-444-0812
Family Room Entertainment Corporation is a motion picture company involved in the creative development, production, distribution, licensing and financing of motion pictures and the internet content that supports those motion pictures. The Company's distribution markets include primarily the United States and Canadian markets, but extend to other markets worldwide. The significant business activities of the Company constitute one business segment, filmed entertainment.


Family Room Entertainment (FMLY.OB) Tear Sheet

Family Room Entertainment Corporation (FMLY) is engaged in key aspects of motion
picture entertainment, including production, production services, finance and
distribution. FMLY develops, produces and performs production-related services
for the entertainment industry mainly through three wholly owned subsidiaries:
Emmett/Furla Films Productions Corporation. (EFFP), Emmett Furla Films Distribution
LLC and E F F Independent, Inc. (EFFI). EFFP is a motion picture development,
production and production-related services entity that primarily develops,
produces and provides production-related services for motion pictures intended
for worldwide theatrical release. Emmett Furla Films Distribution LLC oversees
and arranges worldwide distribution and/or exploitation of FMLY's entertainment
projects and properties. EFFI develops and produces action, adventure and family
oriented motion pictures for television and home video distribution, as well
as episodic television and Internet programming.

Wenn sich so viele Analysten mit den Thema befassen, dann kann das nur ein gutes
Zeichen sein!


29.01.05 05:13

53 Postings, 7207 Tage ConjulioWas für ein Zockerpapier mit Phantasie

Kurs in Frankfurt bei 0,048€

Überlege ernsthaft mir da ein paar shares ins Boot zu holen.

Gründe hierfür sind der fast (noch) ausbleibende und geringe Handel. Sollte der Film "88 Minutes" für erstes Gesprächspotential sorgen, käme hier der Handel auch geringfügig in Schwung.

Grösste Spekulation meineseits ist aber der Film "Edison". Wieso? Beim durchstöbern der Schauspieler ist aufgefallen, das u.a. Justin Timberlake, ein mehr oder wenig begnadeter Sänger :-), dort mitspielt. Dieser hat gerade seinen ersten Film abgedreht und positive Beispiele zeigen (wie der Film 8 Mile), das es hier nicht unbedingt auf Qualität ankommt. Diese Künster haben halt viele Fans, die sich deswegen auch den schlechtesten Film anschauen, so aber die Kasse füllen. Wenn dieser Film auch, mehr oder minder in Deutschland erfolgreich ist, kann ordern in Frankfurt zum Schnäppchenknüller werden.

Alles sehr sehr interessant.  

31.01.05 15:40

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBConjulio finde ich auch lege noch mal nach o. T.

31.01.05 16:11

4566 Postings, 7203 Tage hedudaNews!

Press Release Source: SmallCapReview

SmallCapReview Introduces Profile for Family Room Entertainment
Monday January 31, 9:10 am ET

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 31, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- ( ), a leading small-cap stock information site, introduces Family Room Entertainment (OTC BB:FMLY.OB - News) to its database of subscribers and its website audience.
The full profile for Family Room Entertainment including investor highlights may be viewed at

Family Room Entertainment develops, produces and performs production related services for the entertainment industry. FMLY is involved with several movies scheduled for production or release in 2005 which should make this by far the most productive year for the Company. ``The Amityville Horror,'' which FMLY's Randall Emmett and George Furla co-executive produced, will be the first movie released this year and will be distributed by MGM/Dimension Films.

For the more information on Family Room Entertainment please visit or the company's website at news is a Free Newsletter sent to subscribers, highlighting select small-cap stocks. To sign-up visit Features available at include in-depth profiles of select Small-Cap and Penny Stocks, all-in-one message boards covering the top message board forums, an exhaustive research page, tech charts, and daily news on companies and trends in the small-cap market.

Forward-Looking Statements

Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this release include certain forward-looking statements, which are intended to be covered by safe harbors. Those statements include, but may not be limited to, all statements regarding management's intent, belief and expectations, such as statements concerning future operating and growth strategy. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, without limitation, the factors detailed from time to time in company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. One or more of these factors have affected, and in the future could affect businesses and financial results in the future and could cause actual results to differ materially from plans and projections. It is believed that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements included in this release will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking statements included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by the company or any other person that objectives and plans will be achieved. All forward-looking statements made in this release are based on information presently available. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

Disclosure: No investor should assume that reliance on the views, opinions or recommendations contained herein will produce profitable results. may hold positions in securities mentioned herein, and may make purchases or sales in such securities featured on our web site or within our reports. In order to be in full compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Section 17(b), will disclose in its disclaimer, what, if any compensation was received for our efforts in researching, presenting and disseminating this information to our subscriber database and featuring the report on our web site. has been compensated nine thousand dollars by Family Room Entertainment for its efforts in presenting the Family Room Entertainment profile on its web site and distributing it to its database of subscribers, this creates an inherent conflict of interest and readers are encouraged to view the full disclaimer at

Thomas Englebert, Editor

Source: SmallCapReview  

31.01.05 16:13

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBIDTE bitteschön

Family Room Entertainment (FMLY)

Producing films with top quality talent at a modest cost.

FMLY announced that for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2005, revenues have increased by 731% over the same quarter of 2004. Revenues for the first quarter of 2005 totaled $975,557, up from $133,500 for first quarter 2004.


FMLY Highlights

Announced that for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2005, revenues have increased by 731% over the same quarter of 2004. Revenues for the first quarter of 2005 totaled $975,557, up from $133,500 for first quarter 2004. In addition, this increase in revenues is an increase of 1409% over fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2004, which had revenues of only $69,233.
Net Income was $44,719 for the first quarter 2005, compared to a Net Loss of ($549,891) for the same period of Fiscal 2004.
Recently announced that John Travolta had signed on to star in "LONELY HEARTS", a picture EFF is producing with a third party.
Announced that it has fully paid off its debt contracted through its line of credit with its banking facility thereby strengthening its balance sheet.
Announced that it has received funding from institutional and accredited investors, with net proceeds to the Company of $1,744,290.
"A LOVE SONG FOR BOBBY LONG"  world-premiered at the Venice Film Festival. The Pic stars John Travolta and Scarlett Johansson and was executive produced by FMLY?s Randall Emmett and George Furla.  
?THE AMITYVILLE HORROR? has completed principal photography and is now in post-production.
"Edison" starring Morgan Freeman, LL Cool J, Justin Timberlake and Kevin Spacey is scheduled to be released in 2005.
Announced that principal photography began on the Steven Seagal action movie, titled "TODAY YOU DIE".  
Announced that it has completed principal photography on motion picture entitled " THE TENANTS", starring Dylan McDermott (TV's THE PRACTICE) and Snoop Dogg (STARSKY AND HUTCH).
?SUBMERGED? starring Steven Seagal has completed principal photography and is now in post-production.
The Company is in active development of ?THE CONTRACT? for two time Academy Award nominee, Bruce Beresford, to direct.  
"MICRONAUTS? which is based on the 1970s and 80s toy line and featured in almost 200 Marvel Comics issues, is in active development.

?ROOM SERVICE? based on the novel by Beverly Brandt, is in active development.

?RIN TIN TIN? based on the true story of the abandoned puppy found a World War I battlefield, is in active development.

Announced that its wholly owned titles, "AFTER SEX" and "HELD FOR RANSOM" have completed their first cycle of distribution within the United States, and all rights (including the television and the home video/DVD rights) are now available for re-licensing by Emmett/Furla Films.

Also in the early stages of development is "THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN" which Emmett and Furla will produce with Ilya Salkind (Superman I, II, III).  



FMLY is involved with several movies scheduled for production or release in 2005. This will be by far the most productive year in the history of FMLY.

"The Amityville Horror," which FMLY?s Randall Emmett and George Furla co-executive produced, will be the first movie released this year and will be distributed by MGM/Dimension Films.



Family Room Entertainment Corporation, with its subsidiaries, Emmett/Furla Films Productions, Emmett/Furla Films Distribution and EFF Independent, is a publicly held company trading on the NASDAQ Bulletin Board under the symbol "FMLY". FMLY develops, produces and performs production related services for the entertainment industry. Family Room Entertainment's aim is to create and produce high quality motion pictures with high profile talent that can be distributed to a worldwide audience. FMLY derives its income from producer fees, production consulting and service fees and royalties as well as its participation in the profits of the various pictures it produces.

The FMLY co-founders, Randall Emmett and George Furla, believe that they have the expertise and contacts within the entertainment industry, specifically in the competitive production and distribution arenas, to profitably acquire content, package product by adding value to the content with top quality talent and produce motion pictures which are in the moderate to higher level budgets, which can be distributed to a mass worldwide audience.

FMLY announced that for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2005, revenues have increased by 731% over the same quarter of 2004. Revenues for the first quarter of 2005 totaled $975,557, up from $133,500 for first quarter 2004. Net Income was $44,719 for the first quarter 2005, compared to a Net Loss of ($549,891) for the same period of Fiscal 2004.




FMLY was created to take advantage of an opportunity in the movie/video segment of the entertainment industry. The company founders (Randall Emmett and George Furla) developed a business model that can profitably produce:

Moderate cost movies (generally in the $5 to $25+ million range depending on the property)  
Utilizing acting talent that has name recognition but is affordable.
FMLY employs a business model that the company believes minimizes investment risk in entertainment productions. This ?formula? provides the potential for FMLY to attain breakeven early in the product life cycle and achieve profitability. Employing a core group of highly qualified staff that can source ideas, talent and financing is key to the company?s success.

Since inception, the company has developed, produced and participated in the distribution of various films using this formula. Marquee stars include: Billy Bob Thornton, Steven Seagal, John Travolta, Morgan Freeman, Charlie Sheen, Denise Richards, Kevin Bacon, Christian Slater, Val Kilmer, Willem Defoe, Justin Timberlake and many others.


Recent News and Press Releases

Family Room Joins Maverick & Integrated for a Ride on the ``TERROR TRAIN''

John Travolta Cures ``Lonely Heart'' with Family Room Entertainment

Family Room Sings ``A Love Song'' with Scarlett Johansson Golden Globe Nomination

Family Room Entertainment Financials

Family Room Pays Off Line of Credit

Family Room Begins New Film with Action Star Steven Seagal

FAMILY ROOM ENTERTAINMENT CORP Files SEC form 8-K, Entry Material Agreement, Financial Statements and Exhibits

Family Room Enters Second Cycle on Two Titles

Family Room Completes Filming on THE TENANTS

Family Room Revenue Up by 1407% Over Previous Quarter


Family Room Says 'Saturday Night' Alright



Randall Emmett - Co-Chairman
Mr. Emmett has extensive experience in the entertainment and film industry. He began his career with Simpson/Bruckheimer Studios as an Assistant to the producer after graduating from the New York School of Visual Arts in 1994. While at Simpson/Bruckheimer, Randall worked on film projects such as ?Bad Boys? and ?Crimson Tide?. Randall later worked for International Creative Management (?ICM?) as an Assistant within the Motion Picture Talent Division. Mr. Emmett has joint responsibility for concept development.

George Furla - Co-Chairman
Mr. Furla has over 18 years of business experience in entertainment and financial services. He began his business career with Cantor Fitzgerald where he was a trader in the equity securities area. After spending several years with Cantor Fitzgerald, George then worked for Jones and Associates for 3 years in a similar capacity. In 1988, Mr. Furla left Jones and Associates to run a hedge fund that he established. Mr. Furla entered the film business in 1995, financing several productions. George formed the current production company in 1998 and is principally responsible for financing arrangements, distribution and has joint responsibility for concept development. Mr. Furla is a 1982 graduate of the University of Southern California with a degree in business administration.

M. Dal Walton, III - Vice President of Development and Business Affairs
Mr. Walton brings expertise in both film and television. While attending Rollins College in Florida , Dal started a television station targeted at the student and regional Market. After graduation in 1993 with a degree in International Relations, Dal has worked on several film projects with Columbia Tri-Star Television, MGM/UA, Spelling Entertainment Group, Saban Entertainment, and network television productions  for NBC in various Production Accounting functions. In addition, Mr. Walton co-coordinated the television production of the 1996 Summer Olympiad in Atlanta, Georgia. Dal joined Emmet/ Furla Films in 1998 and produced the ?Andrew Dice Clay...I?m Over Here Now? pay per view event. Dal is currently responsible  for idea/story development, relations with writers, screening potential projects and the business affairs (finance, legal and general administrative functions) of EFF.


Three Month Chart



M. Dal Walton III
Investor Relations
8530 Wilshire Suite 420
Beverly Hills , CA 90211

Telephone: (310) 659-9411 x 127
Facsimile: (310) 659-9412



Forward Looking Statements

Safe Harbor: Statements contained in this report, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements as that are defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause results to differ materially from those projected.

This report contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "ACT"). In particular, when used in the preceding discussion, the words "plan," "confident that," "believe," "expect," "intend to" and similar conditional expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements within the meaning of the ACT and are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, market conditions, competitive factors, the ability to successfully complete additional financings and other risks.

Disclaimer feature stock reports are intended to be stock ideas, NOT recommendations. Please do your own research before investing. It is crucial that you at least look at current SEC filings and read the latest press releases. For continuing coverage of FMLY, please sign up for our free newsletter, News. Information contained in this report was extracted from current documents filed with the SEC, the company web site and other publicly available sources deemed reliable. For more information see our disclaimer section, a link of which can be found on our web site. This document contains forward-looking statements, particularly as related to the business plans of the Company, within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sections 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and are subject to the safe harbor created by these sections. Actual results may differ materially from the Company's expectations and estimates. This is an advertisement for Family Room Entertainment. The purpose of this advertisement, like any advertising, is to provide coverage and awareness for the company. The information provided in this advertisement is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country.

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We encourage our readers to invest carefully and read the investor information available at the web sites of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at: and/or the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) at: . Readers can review all public filings by companies at the SEC's EDGAR page. The NASD has published information on how to invest carefully at its web site.



02.02.05 16:33

2966 Postings, 8367 Tage TamerBhallo IDTE tolles Archiv

Dec 9, 2004   Family Room Pays Off Line of Credit  
Dec 2, 2004   Family Room Begins New Film With Action Star Steven Seagal  
Nov 23, 2004   Family Room Enters Second Cycle on Two Titles  
Nov 18, 2004   Family Room Completes Filming On The Tenants  
Nov 17, 2004   Family Room Receives Funding  
Nov 17, 2004   Family Room Revenue Up by 1407% Over Previous Quarter
Nov 1, 2004   Family Room Says 'Saturday Night' Alright
Oct 27, 2004   Family Room Entertainment Project Status Report
Oct 19, 2004   Family Room Raises Equity For New Picture
Oct 15, 2004   Family Room Signs With Action Star Steven Seagal For Additional Picture
Sep 29, 2004   Family Room Entertainment Project Status Report
Jan 29, 2003   Family Room Gets in the ?Belly of the Beast?
Jan 28, 2003   Family Room?s ?Narc? Passes $8 Million at the Box Office
Jan 16, 2003   Family Room?s ?Narc? Goes Into Wide Release
Jan 16, 2003   Family Room Fills Up 2003 Slate
Dec 16, 2002   Family Room?s ?Narc? Garners Three Nominations
Dec 10, 2002   Family Room is Alive with ?Half Past Dead?
Dec 4, 2002   Family Room finds Neve Campbell & Sam Shepard on the ?Blind Horizon?
Nov 15, 2002   Family Room Goes ?Half Past Dead?
Nov 11, 2002   Family Room Starts to See the "Blind Horizon"
Nov 1, 2002   Family Room Finishes Going "Out for a Kill" and Sees the "Blind Horizon"
Sep 12, 2002   Family Room Premiers a Pair of Pictures
Sep 2, 2002   Family Room Goes for the "Kill"
May 30, 2002   "Ticker" Premiers on the USA Network
May 29, 2002   Family Room Takes Action
May 22, 2002   "Good Advice" Premiers on Video and DVD
April 23, 2002   Emmett/Furla's "NARC" grabs Domestic Distribution
April 3, 2002   Emmett/Furla Acquires Stake in "Speedway Junky"
April 1, 2002   Emmett/Furla Options Three New Big Action-ers
March 13, 2002   EFF Tries "Seventeen"
March 6, 2002   Emmett/Furla Films and Millenium Films Re-Up Ten Picture Agreement

May 29, 2001   Emmett/Furla Films And Millennium Films Ten Picture Agreement
April 4, 2001   Emmett/Furla Films And Millennium Films Ten Picture Agreement
March 16, 2001   Bokeem Woodbine & Vern Troyer Know Who To "Trust"
February 22, 2001   Executive Shuffle at Emmett/Furla Films & Family Room Entertainment M. Dal Walton,III
January 12, 2001   Christian Slater & Val Kilmer know who to ?Trust?
December 18, 2000   EMMETT/FURLA AND NITTOLO ?TRUST? Peter Antonijevic


05.02.05 01:58

4566 Postings, 7203 Tage hedudaNews

Press Release Source: Family Room Entertainment Corporation

Family Room Entertainment Anticipates New Announcements at Berlin Film Festival
Friday February 4, 7:14 pm ET

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 4, 2005--Emmett/Furla Films, a wholly owned subsidiary of Family Room Entertainment Corporation (OTCBB:FMLY - News), is hopeful to be able to announce at least one new motion picture project at the Berlin Film Festival this year. The 55th Berlin International Film Festival will commence on February 10th and run until February 20th.
Emmett/Furla Films has been diligently developing and packaging several new projects and is in discussions with a major independent financier to finance and produce the pictures. Although Family Room can offer no guarantees that any of these negotiations will conclude in the announcement of a new production, Family Room remains hopeful that one of these projects will result in an announcement in the coming weeks.

Co-chairs Randall Emmett and George Furla added: "Family Room has been working very hard over the last quarter to develop several new and exciting projects. Although these projects are only in the final stages of negotiation and no negotiation has a guaranteed outcome, we remain confident."

About Family Room Entertainment

Family Room Entertainment Corporation, with its subsidiaries, Emmett Furla Films Productions ("EFFP"), Emmett Furla Films Distribution and EFF Independent (EFFI"), is a publicly held company trading on the NASDAQ Bulletin Board under the symbol "FMLY." Family Room Entertainment develops, produces and performs production related services for the entertainment industry. Family Room Entertainment's goal, through EFFI and EFFP, is to facilitate relationships (and as such, provide production related services) between creative talent (including writers, actors and directors) and companies who produce, finance and distribute motion pictures. FMLY derives its income from producer fees, production consulting and service fees and royalties as well as its participation in the profits of the various pictures it produces.

The FMLY co-founders, Randall Emmett and George Furla, believe that they have the expertise and contacts within the entertainment industry, specifically in the competitive development, production and distribution arenas, to profitably acquire content, package product by adding value to the content with top quality talent and arrange with third parties to produce and finance motion pictures which are in the moderate to higher level budgets, which can be distributed by those with the expertise to effectively do so to a mass worldwide audience. However, there is no assurance that any motion picture, which has not yet been released, will be released, that a change in the scheduled release dates of any such films will not occur or, if such motion picture is released, it will be successful.

Forward-Looking Statement:

Safe Harbor: Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause results to differ materially from those projected.

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "ACT"). In particular, when used in the preceding discussion, the words "plan," "confident that," "believe," "expect," "intend to" and similar conditional expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements within the meaning of the ACT and are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, market conditions, competitive factors, the ability to successfully complete additional financings and other risks.

    Family Room Entertainment Corporation, Beverly Hills
    M. Dal Walton, III, 310-659-9411 x127


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