ist BMO nun doch nicht für das CTO verantwortlich? Dann wäre diese vermeintlich damalige Message an die Börsenaufsicht
Helo, Helo, Helo, my name, how you know, is BMO my german appendage loves me so also their buy my stupid letter and sympatize with this so much better this (f)kucky feeling for only Euro ninteen nine every month for my lifestyle, is this not fine?!
And konw listen, what I like to say I choose the E-mail for this kind of way. There is a company, a castle in the air for my importance is not so fair. "Gulfside" is her suspekt name about you did my many message became. Their market value will don`t come down my blockheads imbecile out of the clothes schaun I will hope you see know devinitiv in there and I will make with shorts a big Gewinn Then I´M very thank you for the commercestop and know you like to do, what I like to hope Then Attention, I`m so prudence, impossible too thats my big caution only on you.
Listen, My name how you know, is BMO my german appendage loves me so also their buy my stupid letter and sympatize with this so much better this (f)lucky feeling for only Euro ninteen nine every month for my lifestyle, thats so fine!
dann doch NICHT von ihm, dem selbsternannten Go(o)dfather Deutscher Aktienkultur.
Sollte ich mich entscheiden darüber lachen zu müssen oder weinen zu sollen würde ich mich für das LACHEN! entscheiden.
Zumal er nun auch noch ein Fachmann für das bohren sein soll, wobei sich dieses wohl eher auf das "Nasenbohren" beschränken dürfte.