Der Kurs hat den Boden gefunden und es geht wieder aufwaerts. In USA hat der Kurs gegen Ende kraeftig angezogen. Allerdings bei doch recht geringen Umsaetzen von 110k. Irgendwie sind die Amis immer noch nicht interessiert.
Prognose fuer heute: wir ziehen den Kurs auf ca. 1,90 bis max 2,00. Mit Eroeffnung der USA-Boerse faellt der Kurs auf 1,40 - 1,50 um dann bei 1,70 zu schliessen.
Was habt ihr zu den Differenzen der Ankaufswerte 0,21 und 6,75 $ ??????????? News February 5, 2007 - Westar Oil Inc has completed its initial testing of its Railroad Valley property. As a result from that testing and other considerations, the Company announces its plans to become a public company. It is expected that the shares are to be valued between $15.00 to $20.00 dollars per share.
Vorteil bei Uebernahme eines Mantels kennt ihr ja
Keine Kosten fuer Boersengang
Somit aktuell ca. 7:1 Tauschverhaeltnis fuer eine Terax-aktie
da erst von 24,50$ für Westar die Rede war bei jetzt 15,00$(minimum) einen Wert im verhältnis 6,75$ für Terax erst und 4,13$ jetzt = 3,10? ausmachen. Also noch um 80% Potenzial. Verbessert mich, wenn Ihr es besser wißt. mfg nf
Westar Oil Inc to enter into share exchange agreement with Terax Energy
Jun 11, 2007 (M2 EQUITYBITES via COMTEX) -- Oil exploration and production company Terax Energy (OTC BB:TEXG.OB) said on 8 June that Westar Oil Inc has acquired the senior debt position held by third party creditors worth USD3m. Westar intends to convert the debt into Terax Energy shares at USD6.75 per share. In conjunction, Westar will enter into a share exchange agreement with Terax Energy. Westar shares will be valued at USD24.50 per share and Terax shares will be valued at USD6.75 per share effective for all shareholders of record as of 21 June 2007.
The new company will be named Westar Oil and Gas Inc. The new company is expected to have a net cash flow in excess of USD12m per year and reserves in excess of USD150m. The assets will consist of properties located in Texas, Nevada, Arkansas, Mississippi and Oklahoma.
Terax has also elected to extend its current leasehold interests as well as bring the wells located in Erath County into production. The expected net cash flow from the rework of six wells is in excess of USD750,000 per month.