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18.05.07 16:01

60 Postings, 7235 Tage laloGo away in May an come back in October!?

Bin unschlüssig, ob ich diese Korrektur zu einem Nachkauf nutzen soll,
oder doch erstmal den kompletten Sommer abwarte und dann im Herbst wieder einsteige. Bin da bei diesen Innovativen Werten ein bischen unschlüssig!
Wie seht ihr das?  

22.05.07 09:26

511 Postings, 8006 Tage BowwarriorMeldung

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Names Scott Albertson New VP of Production

PENNINGTON, N.J., May 21, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTCBB:WWAT), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced that, effective immediately, Scott Albertson has joined the company as Vice President of Production. Mr. Albertson, who previously served as a consultant to WorldWater for several months, has over 20 years experience in manufacturing operations, including with British Petroleum (BP) and Corning. In his last position at BP, he was Vice President of Procurement, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management for the company's Crystal Silicon operations.

"We felt it was imperative to bring Scott on as a full time employee given our need for manufacturing expertise as we ramp up production for the larger systems being installed this year," stated Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO. "As we take WorldWater to the next level in designing and supplying some of the largest solar systems in the market, Scott's experience will prove invaluable to our organization."

Scott Albertson

Mr. Albertson has been a manufacturing consultant since 2004, providing strategic counsel to companies experiencing rapid growth in their operations. Prior to this, he served as Vice President of Procurement, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management at British Petroleum (BP), overseeing the company's Crystal Silicon operations worldwide. He had previously been Vice President of BP's Thin Film Technologies business, heading up the Technology and Engineering group and managing two thin film solar plants (one utilizing Amorphous Silicon, the other Cadmium Telluride). Prior to coming to BP in 1998, Mr. Albertson was with Corning, where he had served since 1987 in roles of increasing responsibility within the manufacturing group of the Environmental Division.

Mr. Albertson graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a B.S. in engineering and math, and a concentration in operations analysis. He spent seven years with the USMC Special Forces before starting with Corning.



PS: Trend stimmt, Korrektur tat gut, die Bekanntgabe des Abschlusses der Zusammenarbeit mit Entech wird immer wichtiger!  

23.05.07 15:13

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage Lavati100 Tage-Linie hat Kurs abgefangen




23.05.07 20:26

141 Postings, 7231 Tage DauTraderWas für ne Meldung ...

Die haben dem nen festen Job gegeben und nun????


25.05.07 09:48

511 Postings, 8006 Tage BowwarriorWer ernsthaft in ein Unternehmen

investiert, sollte auch wissen was vor sich geht:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. and Solargenix Energy, LLC Sign Strategic Memorandum of Understanding on Sales and Marketing Efforts


WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB:WWAT.OB), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, and Solargenix Energy, LLC (SGX) headquartered in Sanford, North Carolina, announced today the signing of a Strategic Memorandum of Understanding that is expected to lead to the expansion and increased efficiency of the marketing and sales forces of both companies. WorldWater is an international solar engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered solar technology providing solutions to power and water supply problems; Solargenix is in the business of maximizing patented solar collection technology and other patents and know-how to convert the sun's light into a variety of temperature ranges for thermal heat, with worldwide experience in energy and environmental engineering, solar design and building construction.

The Companies expect to offer a full spectrum of solar power capabilities for industrial, residential and commercial buildings -- from lighting to heating, from driving motors and pumps to hot water supply and HVAC. The companies believe that these collaborative applications of their respective technologies will contribute to increased marketing and sales with attendant increased revenues, profitability and market shares for both companies.

Solargenix Energy, LLC is a 45% stakeholder in Acciona Solar Power, Inc. (formerly Solargenix Energy, Inc) the company currently developing a 70MW solar thermal power plant in Boulder City, Nevada. The Strategic Memorandum of Understanding between Solargenix and WorldWater does not involve Acciona Solar Power, Inc., but contemplates exploration of the viability of using WorldWater's patented photovoltaic solar technologies in the large scale power plant business. Solargenix concentrates its current business on commercial, industrial and residential installations and has commissioned a number of installations in Chicago as part of its multi-year contract with the City of Chicago.

Solargenix worldwide patents in solar thermal products and systems are based on the science of non-imaging optics developed at the University of Chicago by world renowned scientist Dr. Roland Winston. Non-Imaging Optics improves the efficiency of converting solar energy to thermal energy. The Winston Series CPC solar collector developed by Solargenix and manufactured in its Chicago facility was awarded the Top Ten Green Building Product award in 2004 by GreenSpec Directory and the Top One Hundred Products by Building Products Magazine in 2005. The Winston CPC collector is capable of producing temperatures up to 200 degrees F for commercial and industrial applications.

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp.:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB:WWAT.OB) is a leader in solar electric engineering, water management solutions, solar energy installations and products. Its solar technology is at work in over 20 countries around the world. In the US, it provides solar electric, water pumping and purification technology to water utilities, agribusiness, industry, schools, communities, homeowners and emergency responders. The company is responsible for major breakthroughs in solar power technology and holds numerous solar-related patents. For more information visit

About Solargenix Energy, LLC:

Solargenix is the leading provider in the design, manufacturing, integration and deployment of solar thermal renewable energy systems that address the cooling, heating and power needs of residential and commercial markets. For more information visit

Source: WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp.



25.05.07 09:52

511 Postings, 8006 Tage Bowwarriorvon gestern, aber vielleicht

noch nicht von jedem bemerkt...

FOCUS-MONEY - Worldwater Kursziel 1,50 Euro  

11:23 24.05.07  

München ( AG) - Die Experten der "FOCUS-MONEY" sehen für die Aktie von Worldwater (ISIN US98155N1063/ WKN 909889) ein Kursziel in Höhe von 1,50 Euro.

Quentin Kelly, Unternehmenschef von Worldwater & Solar Technologies (WWAT), sei zwar schon 72, aber denke noch lange nicht ans Aufhören: "Jetzt fängt es doch erst an, richtig Spaß zu machen." Er stamme aus einer Erfinderfamilie und habe in mehr als 20 Jahren mit seinem Unternehmen ein Verfahren entwickelt, das jetzt serienreif sei.

Die Branche habe bislang vor dem schier unlösbaren Problem gestanden, mit dem Strom aus Solarenergie starke Motoren anzutreiben. Nur bis zu fünf PS würden Solarkraftwerke auf die Waage bringen. Die großen Sonnenenergieparks würden nur funktionieren, weil sie ihre Energie zu subventionierten Preisen in das öffentliche Stromnetz einspeisen würden.

Mit der WWAT-Technik könnten Maschinen und Pumpen mit bis zu 1.000 PS arbeiten. Die Hälfte der weltweiten Stromerzeugung werde zum Antrieb von Maschinen und Pumpen verwendet. Es sei nun zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte möglich, ganze Städte oder Gebäude allein mit Sonnenenergie zu betreiben. Kelly habe den ersten Großauftrag vom Flughafen Fresno in der Tasche.

Der Umsatz sei im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr von 2 Mio. USD auf 17 Mio. USD explodiert. In diesem Jahr sollten es mindestens 30 Mio. USD bis 35 Mio. USD werden. Zudem verhandle WWAT über eine Übernahme von Entech. Mithilfe von NASA-Technologie habe Entech wesentlich leistungsfähigere Solarzellen entwickelt als die herkömmlichen. Die weltweit Effizientesten stelle aber Emcor her. Sie würden die Zellen für die NASA-Satelliten liefern. Allerdings müsse die Technologie noch auf die Erde übertragen werden. Hierfür habe sich Emcor bereits bei WWAT beteiligt.

Für die Worldwater-Aktie sehen die Experten von "FOCUS-MONEY" ein Kursziel von 1,50 Euro. Zur Absicherung sollte ein Stoppkurs bei 0,45 Euro platziert werden. (Ausgabe 22) (24.05.2007/ac/a/a)




25.05.07 09:54

511 Postings, 8006 Tage Bowwarriorstark unterschiedliche Kursziele

Der Aktionär - Worldwater spekulativ kaufen  

07:37 24.05.07  

Kulmbach ( AG) - Die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" raten die Aktie von Worldwater (ISIN US98155N1063/ WKN 909889) spekulativ zu kaufen.

Das Unternehmen setze in Zukunft auf weniger aber größere Projekte. Damit werde das Geschäft anfälliger für Schwankungen, solle aber ertragreicher verlaufen. Obwohl sich die Erlöse im ersten Quartal des laufenden Geschäftsjahres halbiert hätten, habe sich der Verlust um 40 Prozent auf 2,1 Mio. USD reduziert. Sollte die Tendenz anhalten, könnte zum Ende des Jahres der Turnaround gelingen.

Die Experten hätten die Worldwater-Aktie im November vergangenen Jahres zu einem Kurs in Höhe von 0,25 Euro empfohlen. Bis heute habe das Papier um 59,6% zugelegt und notiere aktuell bei 0,40 Euro. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 0,80 Euro.

Die Experten von "Der Aktionär" empfehlen die Worldwater-Aktie spekulativ zu kaufen. Zur Absicherung sollte ein Stoppkurs bei 0,35 Euro platziert werden. (Ausgabe 22) (24.05.2007/ac/a/a)


25.05.07 10:08

1319 Postings, 7567 Tage NussriegelHauptversammlung gestern

Kursziele von Focus-money sind IMHO ziemlich irrelevant. Auch bessere Leute tun sich schwer, WWAT und das Potenzial realistisch einzuschätzen (differenziert nach theoretischem, technischem und Martktpotenzial und den Chancen und Quoten, die davon zu realisieren sind. (siehe punkt 9 und 10 der Notizenliste unten)

Ich hätte mir insgesamt etwas mehr "Butter bei die Fische" gewünscht, speziell zur Entech-Übernahme wäre was fällig. Trotzdem insgesamt sehr positive Aussagen und besonders die Anzahl und der Umfang der laufenden Bids haben mich positiv überrascht.

hier erst mal die Präsentation von QK von gestern:

und dann noch einige Notizen eines Teilnehmers (entliehen aus Yahoo)

1. There will be a "Special Meeting" in July to do what could not be done today because the company did not have a quorum. They were 10 million shares "short" because of a technical glitch (my undereducated opinion) apparently caused by holding back the 10K when the proxy was mailed. The 10K was held back to remove the "going concern" language. The language was removed. So, we have what we here in New Jersey call a "do over" at the request of their servicing agent, ADP.. Returns of stock voted showed approximately 90 percent in favor vs. 10 % negative.

2. QK said we face 2 crisis: energy and water. At this point in time, the primary focus has been on the energy crisis while the water crisis has not been fully recognized. QK reiterated what he said in the Jeffries presentation that in 2, 3 or 4 years, "water will be what energy is today". Of course, WWAT is uniquely positioned to offer solutions in both areas.

3. QK said they are adding engineers, project managers and contractors every week to keep up with business as it is ramped up.

4. One of WWAT's strategic partners is NAI Global. NAI brings 3000 - 4000 sales people in 400 cities around the world with 100's of millions of square feet in roof tops and parking lots... all potential consumers of WWAT's services and products.

5. There will be a meeting in July of all "airport managers" to see WWAT's solar arrays.

6. In the past there were fears that solar arrays would "blind" pilots with bright reflections. This is an unfounded fear because array panels absorb light instead of reflecting light.

7. WWAT held meetings with two major buildings' managers in the New York area. QK said "what we can supply, no one else can supply to them".

8. Ten percent of all energy in California is used to pump water. WWAT is one of two preferred suppliers. Powerlight is the other and WWAT's main competitor. QK said Powerlight cannot do what we do....

9. In California alone, there is the potential of 5000 megawatts. In the next 24 months, WWAT's aim/goals are to go after 25 systems worth $150 million. Thereafter, their aim/goal is to after 75 more systems worth another $450 million...and, this is just in California.

10. QK discussed "PPA's". QK said WWAT developed PPA's for project financing for WWAT's clients. This is another advantage that WWAT has over other companies. QK said we have large pools of money available. There are 4 PPA's in particular at this time. This allows WWAT to bid on multi megawatt jobs NOW... QK said they have a 15 megawatt bid out there right now... and they have another 2, 3 or 4 FIFTY megawatt bids out there... QK said they have bid on a $100 - $250 million dollar job with "Site Global"(Phonetic spelling) ... "our big brother". As cash flow improves, there wil be a point when WWAT can bid those large jobs without "Site Global".

11. I have no personal doubt that Entech is a "done deal" but for the final exchage of money and stock after the company is authorised by shareholders to raise the number of shares to 400 million. The delay does not bother me. Sure, I'd like to see it finalized, but I appreciate the fact that sometimes we have to wait for good things in life... When questioned about Entech, I believe that QK said something that they are in the final stages...or words to that effect. Reading between the lines, it seems to me that additional shares will put the ink on the contract. QK described the relationship of WWAT, Emcore and Entech as being a three legged stool. QK said "We work very close with Entech.... that Entech's optical lenses applied with Emcore and our technology... we will be able to opperate...for large communities..." or words to that effect. (I wish this meeting was recorded) QK also said they bid now with contemplation of Entech....

12. QK discussed WWAT being in a period where they are moving away from small jobs, and segwaying into larger jobs.

13. We will see Fresno Airport money in Q3 & Q4 this year. I do not know what percentage QK was talking about.

14. Today's gross margins are 15% to 20%. WWAT's goal is to raise gross margins to 25% to 30%. Their margins will do better when they use Emcore and Entech concentrators.

15. QK said WWAT now has a "Blue Chip Accounting Department".

16. WWAT has outgrown its 12,000 square foot office space with an annex building, and will move into a building in Ewing New Jersey with 30,000 square feet out of 150,000 square feet...potential to continue to expand on site at the new building...???? Emcore's R&D to share space with WWAT as part of the 30,000 square feet.

17. QK said they have a great relationship with an investment bank that will raise money for WWAT.

18. QK said they plan to move to the Nasdaq, probably to the "small caps". The plan to move to the Nasdaq is because of increased dialogue with institutional investors.

19 On display outside in front of the clubhouse was a "MobileMax" portable solar powered water pump... Look at WWAT's website to see its picture and specs. I believe this is the same or similar unit that was donated/loaned to Katrina relief workers in September 2005. I asked one of the WWAT employees at the unit why the US Government has not purchased a number of these units for responding to future emergencies. He said it has taken a year and a half to get approvals from the government to be a vendor to sell to the government... He said they should be approved in another two weeks... It sure would be nice to see thousands of these units around the country to cope with power and water issues after hurricanes, tornados and other natural disasters..... Also, how about thousands of these units for our troops around the world...

20. Finally, an observation... The people of WWAT seem to be true professionals. I was pleased to meet some of them today. I am impressed with them, their resumes and the feeling of confidence they conveyed to me.

in diesem Sinne allen ein schönes Wochenende,


29.05.07 13:23

511 Postings, 8006 Tage BowwarriorEntech Akquisition vor Abschluss

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Announces Signing of New Letter of Intent with ENTECH

Parties Anticipate Closing During Summer


WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB: WWAT) (formerly WorldWater & Power Corp.), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced that Chairman and CEO Quentin T. Kelly and ENTECH, Inc. Vice President - Corporate Business Robert R. Walters signed a final Letter of Intent defining the terms for the acquisition of ENTECH, Inc., developer and manufacturer of advanced solar concentrating technology. The definitive agreement is expected to be completed before the end of the second quarter, with closing scheduled soon thereafter. As part of the agreement, WorldWater will pay ENTECH shareholders $6.3 million in cash consideration along with $12 million in WorldWater common stock. The deal also includes earn-out provisions for ENTECH's stockholders and management if certain performance benchmarks are met. Additional terms were not disclosed.

"We greatly appreciate our shareholders' patience as we worked hard to structure an appropriate transaction this past year," stated Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO. "While it has clearly taken longer than expected to finalize the terms of this important acquisition, we remain very excited about the opportunities that ENTECH brings to WorldWater. ENTECH's solar concentrator technology greatly enhances the efficiency of large solar applications, utilizing 95% less silicon to generate power than required by conventional flat plate solar modules. As a combined entity, we can provide solar systems capable of generating and delivering electrical and thermal energy at a price competitive with the grid - even before rebates. We have been working with ENTECH on a number of megawatt and multi-megawatt RFPs and look forward to consummating this transaction in the very near future. This is an exciting time for our two companies."

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that provides solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp., visit the website at

About ENTECH, Inc.

ENTECH provides advanced solar energy technology for a variety of applications, ranging from daylighting systems for commercial buildings to solar power arrays for spacecraft. The company's patented solar power systems produce electricity from sunlight for applications on Earth (terrestrial power) and in space (spacecraft power). ENTECH's Fresnel lenses capture sunlight and focus it onto small solar cells, thereby reducing electricity costs compared to conventional flat-plate (planar) solar energy approaches. Additional information can be found at



30.05.07 16:08

511 Postings, 8006 Tage BowwarriorÄKTSCHEN

WorldWater & Solar Technologies' CEO Travels with Governor Schwarzenegger on Trade Mission to Canada


WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTC BB:WWAT.OB), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced that Quentin T. Kelly, WorldWater Chairman and CEO, is traveling in Toronto and Vancouver this week with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Governor's Trade Mission to Canada from May 29 to May 31. He will also participate in the California-Canada Conference on Clean Technologies in Vancouver.

Mr. Kelly was invited by Governor Schwarzenegger due to the Company's leading role in building prominent solar energy projects in California, including the recently-announced Fresno airport solar complex as well as the largest solar-powered agricultural system in the world and only self-sustaining water utility.

"The Governor has been a leader in promoting clean, renewable energy alternatives, and our work in California has demonstrated the impact that solar applications can have in reducing power consumption, protecting the environment, and addressing agricultural requirements," Mr. Kelly said. "We look forward to bringing our same technology to Canada, which has shown a sincere dedication to reducing its reliance on traditional energy sources and improving the environment."



30.05.07 17:11

1319 Postings, 7567 Tage NussriegelPerfeeekt

das sind news, die ich mag!


30.05.07 19:10

40 Postings, 6436 Tage KylieAnnWOOOOWWWW

Was ist hier den los?

30.05.07 20:26

511 Postings, 8006 Tage BowwarriorJetzt gehts zum Rafting

WorldWater & Solar Technologies to Feature `Eco Raft' at Pacific Economic Summit in Vancouver

Led by Brett Rogers and Crew of Naturalists, Raft will Travel 500 Miles Down Yukon River with Solar for Power and Water Purification

 Co-sponsored by Waterkeeper Alliance to Highlight Climate Change Dangers

PENNINGTON, N.J., May 30, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTCBB:WWAT) (formerly WorldWater & Power Corp.), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced that it will display the "Eco Raft" in Vancouver, Canada, at the Pacific Economic Summit on May 31. The raft will be seen at the California State Delegation Exhibit and will utilize WorldWater's solar power and water purification for the "Eco Raft -- Ideas for a Sustainable Future" that will make a six-week, 500-mile trip down the Yukon River starting in mid-June.

Eco Raft was conceived to raise public awareness about critical issues surrounding a sustainable future -- clean air, clean water and sustainable harvesting of natural resources. The raft, built with timber destroyed by forest fires and other natural events will manned by a crew of naturalists led by Brett Rogers. The Waterkeeper Alliance of Canada, allied with Waterkeeper Alliance led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is co-sponsoring the raft trip.

The Waterkeeper Alliance has more than 125 member organizations worldwide focused on maintaining our ability to safely swim, drink, and fish in local waterways as hallmarks of clean water. Waterkeepers patrol local water bodies to address community concerns, identify threats to clean water, and make use of the legal and democratic processes designed to protect water quality.



30.05.07 21:03

7765 Postings, 6848 Tage polo100,81

Die 0,81 sollten nachhaltig durchbrochen werden, dann haben wir ein 5 Jahres-Hoch !  

30.05.07 22:01

268 Postings, 6857 Tage Alpha14527,6 ver fi ckt e pro zent

danke !!!

gute nacht zusammen!

und ein sonniges morgen ...

wenn dieser chartstop ,durchbrochen werden sollte haben wir eine neue jagtrakte!

vorerst unstoppable ...

ich hol mal ne flasche champus ...

bis morgen .. euer alpha .... lall ...


30.05.07 22:40

511 Postings, 8006 Tage Bowwarrior@polo10

sind Dir 0,91 nachhaltig genug :) .... oder meinst Du, dass das Niveau die nächsten Tage nachhaltig gehalten werden soll?!

@alle:  Welches KUV und KGV auf Basis von 2007 und 2008 haltet Ihr für gerechtfertigt?

Geht Ihr davon aus, dass WWAT auch in 2008 den Umsatz verdoppeln kann? Auf evtl. dann 60-70 Mio.? Dann wäre wohl im optimalen Fall bei einem KUV von 3 ein Kurs von 1,5 bis 2,0 $ denkbar... Wenn die Großprojekte nicht kommen fallen wir allerdings tief.



31.05.07 10:10

1319 Postings, 7567 Tage Nussriegel@bow

bevor du mit einem KGV rechnen kannst, muss erst mal das G dafür her.
Das sehe ich allerdings kommen, womöglich noch dieses Jahr.
Zur Umsatzsteigerung hier nochmal ein Auszug aus meinem Posting #233

In California alone, there is the potential of 5000 megawatts. In the next 24 months, WWAT's aim/goals are to go after 25 systems worth $150 million. Thereafter, their aim/goal is to after 75 more systems worth another $450 million...and, this is just in California.
QK discussed "PPA's". QK said WWAT developed PPA's for project financing for WWAT's clients. This is another advantage that WWAT has over other companies. QK said we have large pools of money available. There are 4 PPA's in particular at this time. This allows WWAT to bid on multi megawatt jobs NOW... QK said they have a 15 megawatt bid out there right now... and they have another 2, 3 or 4 FIFTY megawatt bids out there... QK said they have bid on a $100 - $250 million dollar job with "Site Global"(Phonetic spelling) ... "our big brother". As cash flow improves, there wil be a point when WWAT can bid those large jobs without "Site Global".


02.06.07 16:16

4195 Postings, 7530 Tage MannemerBei solchen Werten ...

... mit einem KGV oder gar der Charttechnik zu operieren, ist sehr wenig aussagekräftig. Der heutige G8-Gipfel -bei allen Unzulänglichkeiten und auch Unverschämtheiten der USA in der Klimapolitik- zeigt dennoch, dass auch in den Staaten eine breite Diskussion zum Einsatz Erneuerbarer Energien läuft der sich auch die Bush-Administration nicht mehr entziehen kann. Dieses ständige Beschwören der technologischen Entwicklung (ich erspare mir hier eine vertiefende Auseinandersetzung mit der US-Position) wird in den nächsten Jahren dazu führen, dass Unternehmen wie WWAT sich zu neuen Shooting-Stars an der US-Börse entwickeln und mit staalichen Programmen gefördert werden. Möglicherweise wird die Kursentwicklung dieser Papiere auf Sicht von 3 bis 4 Jahren vergleichbar sein mit der Internet-Hysterie 1997 bis 2000/2001. Fundamental ist da bisher noch mehr dahinter. WWAT ist strategisch hervorragend aufgestellt und der endgültige Abschluss mit Entech wird der Aktie einen weiteren Schub geben, nach dem Motto zwei Schritte vor und einer zurück. Ich schätze, dass WWAT bis Ende Juli/Anfang August noch gut laufen wird bevor die Sommerflaute eintritt. Spannend wird das III. und vor allem IV.Quartal. Wenn hier der Break Even geschafft wird sowie mehr als 35 Mio Umsatz, geht die Aktie durch die Decke. Dann werden wir unabhängig von KGV oder Charts deutlich über 2 Dollar liegen. Nun aber erstmal Schritt für Schritt. Was mir sehr gut gefällt, ist die systematische und professionelle Vorgehensweise des Managements. Das ist nicht nur heiße Luft, da gibt es ein stabiles Fundament das beharrlich ausgebaut wird. Hier lohnt es sich Geduld zu haben !  

04.06.07 20:32

511 Postings, 8006 Tage Bowwarriornur mal so

wir sind über der 1,-$ Marke angekommen!!!  
Angehängte Grafik:

04.06.07 21:50

10131 Postings, 6622 Tage VermeerGute Aktie, ich hab heute schon wieder den

Einstieg verpasst. Eigentlich waren die 0,63 heute vormittag sichtlich ein Kauf!
Irgendwann will ich hier auch noch dabei sein...nur jetzt möchte ich erst wieder auf einen kleinen Rücksetzer warten.  

04.06.07 23:22

4195 Postings, 7530 Tage MannemerSo geht es vielen.

Viele sehen die Chancen für Solarwerte in USA. Jeder weiß, dass die Bush-Administration ihre Linie nicht mehr durchhalten kann und gravierende Veränderungen der Energiepolitik anstehen. Nur .. es wird gezögert, gewartet, zerredet.

Heute hat WWAT mit 1,11 Dollar geendet, d.h. ein Plus heute von 29,2 %. Eine Neubewertung der Aktie steht an. Seit meinem Einstieg Ende Januar habe ich nun über 150 % Gewinn. Nun will ich weder prahlen noch euphorisch werden.

Die Überschrift : " Worldwater +9,52% " , passt aber hier schon lange nicht mehr.

Villeicht sollten wir eine Fortsezung eröffnen; " Worldwater & Solartechnologies - die neue Solarworld der USA ? "  

07.06.07 08:52

4195 Postings, 7530 Tage MannemerStrong Buy

...kann man da nur sagen. Gestern in USA wieder ein Plus von über 19%. Mittlerweile stehen wir bei 1,25 Dollar. Die Hintergründe des Anstiegs sind immer noch unklar. Große Blöcke, hohes Volumen. 29 Mio.Stück an 3 Handelstagen in USA. Irgendetwas Großes kommt da. Erwarte täglich eine knallende News.

Ob wir heute Abend in Frankfurt an der 1 Euro-Grenze anklopfen werden ? Durchaus möglich.  

08.06.07 11:34

4195 Postings, 7530 Tage MannemerHält ...

...sich tapfer. Gestern nach dem Riesenanstieg der letzten Tage nur ein kleiner marktüblicher Rückgang von 1,8 % auf 1,23 Dollar.

Mal sehen was die Amis für eine Stimmung zum Wochenschluss haben. Wenn News kommen, gibt es nochmal einen Schub hoch.  

08.06.07 13:03

1258 Postings, 7361 Tage JingHa, Ha, Satz mit nix,

hab nach 100 % Plus verkauft und wollte die Ruecksetzer,
wie gehabt, wieder zum Einstieg ausnuetzen. Ich denke auch,
WWAT ist ein Zukunftsinvestment. Viel Glueck fuer die

Gruss Jing


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