Re: This is Shark time, amateur sell your stuff 19-Apr-10 12:59 pm
I don't know how these things work out legally, but this is what I think:
To the best of my knowledge, in both plans commons would be wiped out.
I think there is a good chance that an appeal will be made. If so, anything can happen. The commons were not represented and someone my try to sue. This was the scammiest situation I have seen.
If someone plans on sueing, it would make sense that they would want to acquire as many shares as they could and gain more control. Imho, that is the reason the shares are being bought.
Unless someone successfully challenges, the shares are worthless with the present plan because it calls for cancellation of commons. I feel that there is a good chance that someone will challenge. then it is up to will they be permitted and what comes out of it.
That is my opinion, for what it is worth.
BTW- I sold some this morning, but also held on to some. I would hate to see those dirtballs get away with their crime. Let's see what happens.
Ich glaube, ich habe das bis jetzt ganz richtig gesehen.
Es geht jetzt wohl darum, welche Einspruchsmöglichkeiten es gibt.
Und dazu sammelt vielleicht jemand Aktien.
Deshalb gibt es wohl den Kaufüberhang.
Gruss, St, JCF
Ich denke gerne das Undenkbare
Meine Meinung. Keine Handelsempfehlung
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