ich hatte einen interessanten email Austausch mit CEO Mintak.
Er versicherte mir, dass die Verzögerungen ausschliesslich mit den Covid 19 Reisebeschränkungen zusammenhängt. Den Lanxess Ingenieuren aus Deutschland und den SL Technikern aus Kanada war/ist es seit nunmehr 12 Monaten unmöglich in die USA einzureisen (neither our engineering team based in Canada nor LANXESS German engineers has been able to visit the project other than virtually for 12 months now)
we have made significant progress. While other lithium companies have been making aspirational announcements about their intentions, we have built, installed, and are operating the world's first pure direct lithium extraction plant at scale. We turned the LiSTR demo-plant on in late May 2020 and have been running it continuously for a number of months successfully. Utilizing the performance data generated over 6 months of operation we recently completed an optimization phase at the Arkansas plant (focusing on reagent and water use). It is important to recognize the purpose of a demonstration plant is to provide the most robust and optimal data for the commercial plant design. We plan to test this version 2.0 of the plant for a period of time and work with the LXS engineering team to use the data generated to build a mass balance model which will drive the front-end engineering design on the initial commercial plant and will allow for a final investment decision. While this timing may not seem quick enough to some observers but we are confident in our approach and intend to be the first new US lithium project to commence commercial production in over 50 years.
weiterhin schreibt er auf meine Frage bzgl. Kooperation mit anderen Partnern nach Lanxess:
With regards to the Lanxess JV and Standard Lithium's role/exclusivity and other opportunities, our primary focus is to bring the Arkansas project into commercial production and be the first lithium project to market in the US. We have a very realistic chance to do this. The lithium sector has seen a lot of promises but few have delivered our plan is to not make the same mistakes others have. Extracting lithium from LANXESS tail brine is the fastest way to get into production with the least project risk but the opportunity in south Arkansas doesn't end there and we have an aggressive expansion plan that we will be presenting to the market in due course.
Abschliessend kam noch heraus, dass er ein alter Rock n Roller ist (Hard Rock), was mich sehr erfreut!
Für mich macht er einen sehr geerdeten und realistischen Eindruck, kein Schaumschläger! Seine Äusserungen lassen mit etwas Geduld auf enormes Potential schliessen, was das Verfahren und die bisherigen Ergebnisse ja auch vermuten lassen. Ich in seit über 3 Jahren dabei, da schaffe ich das bischen Abwarten auch noch.....