Öl-Projekt 88 Energy Project in der heißen Phase

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06.02.23 06:03

903 Postings, 1299 Tage Black_Gold_Investo.Nochmal das Wichtigste

88 released operation update for Hickory-1 well at ASX.

Permit to Drill approved.
? Ice-pad construction to commence imminently.
? Mobilisation of Nordic Calista Rig-2 to commence.
? Spud of Hickory-1 well on track for early March.
? drilling costs estimated to be US$13.5m.  
Angehängte Grafik:
fb_img_1675659730114.jpg (verkleinert auf 47%) vergrößern

06.02.23 12:45

903 Postings, 1299 Tage Black_Gold_Investo.London +6%

busy positive Monday. Price UP and full of volume

Angehängte Grafik:
328249553_721476436048039_507476970598....jpg (verkleinert auf 51%) vergrößern

06.02.23 12:51

903 Postings, 1299 Tage Black_Gold_Investo.NEW article

NEW ARTICLE : 88 Energy confirms oversubscribed fund raise as it counts down to new well drilling stck.pro/news/EEENF/41978767  

06.02.23 18:04

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtLäuft und

jetzt nicht nur die Nase :-))

Amerika und London gehen voran, jetzt muss morgen nur noch die ASX den run fortführen?!

Na denn, einsteigen und ab geht die wilde Fahrt !  

07.02.23 07:25

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtNa also,

geht gut weiter, + 16% bei 106mio gehandelter Shares !  

07.02.23 07:43

903 Postings, 1299 Tage Black_Gold_Investo.USA gesterm mit +9% 46 Mio Shares

07.02.23 08:00

4568 Postings, 7347 Tage bradettiDie grundsätzliche Richtung

für die nächsten Wochen bis zum Spud dürfte "up" sein.
Etwas holprig könnte es evtl nächste Woche werden, wenn die PP shares frei werden....  

07.02.23 08:12

88 Postings, 1029 Tage GabrielaTMHHier der Bericht von The Market Herald Deutschland

88 Energy bringt 17,5 Millionen AU-Dollar durch überzeichnete Platzierung auf


09.02.23 22:21

105 Postings, 1540 Tage DodgeRamrealistischer Wert ?

wenn man nun, durch die Verwässerung, das Kapital im Vergleich zu den Aktienanteilen sieht, kann doch auch bei einem Ölfund, kein extremer Aktienpreis raus kommen, oder sehe ich das falsch?
Wäre bei einer positiven Nachricht im März, mit einem Kurs von 0,025? zufrieden.
Was meint ihr dazu ?  

12.02.23 18:52

421 Postings, 3905 Tage AngelmanMoin

Im hotcopper Forum hat es jemand gut umrissen: wenn es um 88Energy geht, kannst du alle Regeln und Börsen Weisheiten über Bord werfen..
2.5 c sollten vorher schon drin sein, das Zauberwort heißt Discovery, vorweg ein we have a , dann sollte mehr drin sein!  

13.02.23 10:48

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtNa dann schaun mer mal,

Was diese Woche so passiert?! Es wird/bleibt spannend ;)  

13.02.23 13:52

421 Postings, 3905 Tage AngelmanMoin

Kein Volumen, der Briefkurs wieder hoch.
Warten da Einige auf einen Kursknick zum Einstieg/Aufstocken, der vielleicht gar nicht mehr kommt?
Mir egal, hab was ich brauche ;-)
So 88, Rüssel rein und losgebohrt! Sollte ja nach der obersten Ölschicht gut geschmiert sein und flutschen, der Bohrkopf ....  

13.02.23 15:18

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtBin gespannt,

Wann wir wieder die 1cent Marke knacken?!  

14.02.23 00:02

105 Postings, 1540 Tage DodgeRamneueste Emails vom 13.02.23

Was sagen uns die 3 Emails die von 88E versendet worden ?

Mail 1:
Announcement Summary
Entity name
Announcement Type
New announcement
Date of this announcement
Tuesday February 14, 2023
The +securities to be quoted are:
Total number of +securities to be quoted
ASX +security
code Security description
Number of +securities to
be quoted Issue date
88E ORDINARY FULLY PAID 1,842,105,263 14/02/2023
Refer to next page for full details of the announcement
+Securities issued as part of a transaction or transactions previously announced to the market in an Appendix 3B
Application for quotation of +securities
Application for quotation of +securities 2 / 6
Part 1 - Entity and announcement details
1.1 Name of entity
We (the entity named above) apply for +quotation of the following +securities and agree to the matters set out in Appendix
2A of the ASX Listing Rules.
1.2 Registered number type
Registration number
1.3 ASX issuer code
1.4 The announcement is
1.5 Date of this announcement
New announcement
Application for quotation of +securities
Application for quotation of +securities 3 / 6
Part 2 - Type of Issue
2.1 The +securities to be quoted are:
Previous Appendix 3B details:
Announcement Date and
06-Feb-2023 10:05
Announcement Title
New - Proposed issue of securities -
Selected Appendix 3B to submit quotation
A placement or other type of issue
2.3a.2 Are there any further issues of +securities yet to take place to complete the transaction(s) referred to in the
Appendix 3B?
+Securities issued as part of a transaction or transactions previously announced to the market in an Appendix 3B
Application for quotation of +securities
Application for quotation of +securities 4 / 6
Part 3A - number and type of +securities to be quoted where issue has previously been notified to ASX in an Appendix 3B
Placement Details
ASX +security code and description
Issue date
Distribution Schedule
Provide a distribution schedule for the new +securities according to the categories set out in the left hand column -
including the number of recipients and the total percentage of the new +securities held by the recipients in each
Number of +securities held Number of holders
Total percentage of +securities held
For example, to enter a value of 50%
please input as 50.00
1 - 1,000 %
1,001 - 5,000 %
5,001 - 10,000 %
10,001 - 100,000 %
100,001 and over %
Application for quotation of +securities
Application for quotation of +securities 5 / 6
Issue details
Number of +securities to be quoted
Are the +securities being issued for a cash consideration?
In what currency is the cash consideration being paid?
AUD - Australian Dollar
What is the issue price per +security?
AUD 0.00950000
Any other information the entity wishes to provide about the +securities to be quoted
Application for quotation of +securities
Application for quotation of +securities 6 / 6
Part 4 - Issued capital following quotation
Following the quotation of the +securities the subject of this application, the issued capital of the entity will
(A discrepancy in these figures compared to your own may be due to a matter of timing if there is more than one
application for quotation/issuance currently with ASX for processing.)
4.1 Quoted +securities (total number of each +class of +securities quoted on ASX following the +quotation of the
+securities subject of this application)
ASX +security code and description
Total number of
+securities on issue
88E : ORDINARY FULLY PAID 20,107,868,225
4.2 Unquoted +securities (total number of each +class of +securities issued but not quoted on ASX)
ASX +security code and description
Total number of
+securities on issue

Announcement Summary
Entity name
Date of this announcement
Tuesday February 14, 2023
The +securities the subject of this notification are:
Total number of +securities to be issued/transferred
ASX +security
code Security description
Total number of
+securities to be
issued/transferred Issue date
75,000,000 14/02/2023
Refer to next page for full details of the announcement
+Securities issued as part of a transaction or transactions previously announced to the market in an Appendix 3B that
are not quoted, and are not intended to be quoted, on ASX
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted
Equity Securities
2 / 5
Part 1 - Entity and announcement details
1.1 Name of entity
We (the entity named above) give notice of the issue, conversion or payment up of the following unquoted +securities.
1.2 Registered number type
Registration number
1.3 ASX issuer code
1.4 The announcement is
1.5 Date of this announcement
New announcement
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted
Equity Securities
3 / 5
Part 2 - Issue details
2.1 The +securities the subject of this notification are:
Previous Appendix 3B details:
Announcement Date and
06-Feb-2023 10:05
Announcement Title
New - Proposed issue of securities -
Selected Appendix 3B to submit quotation
A placement or other type of issue
2.3a.2 Are there any further issues of +securities yet to take place to complete the transaction(s) referred to in the
Appendix 3B?
+Securities issued as part of a transaction or transactions previously announced to the market in an Appendix 3B that
are not quoted, and are not intended to be quoted, on ASX
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted
Equity Securities
4 / 5
Part 3A - number and type of +securities the subject of this notification (existing class or new class) where issue has previously been
notified to ASX in an Appendix 3B
Placement Details
ASX +security code and description
Date the +securities the subject of this notification were issued
Any other information the entity wishes to provide about the +securities the subject of this notification
Issue details
Number of +securities
Were the +securities issued for a cash consideration?
Please describe the consideration being provided for the +securities
Unlisted Options granted to the Company's Lead Manager and Brokers in relation to their role in the February 2023
Capital Raising as per ASX announcement lodged 6 February 2023.
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted Equity Securities
Notification of Issue, Conversion or Payment up of Unquoted
Equity Securities
5 / 5
Part 4 - +Securities on issue
Following the issue, conversion or payment up of the +securities the subject of this application, the +securities of
the entity will comprise:
(A discrepancy in these figures compared to your own may be due to a matter of timing if there is more than one
application for quotation/issuance currently with ASX for processing.)
4.1 Quoted +Securities (Total number of each +class of +securities quoted)
ASX +security code and description
Total number of
+securities on issue
88E : ORDINARY FULLY PAID 18,265,762,962
4.2 Unquoted +Securities (Total number of each +class of +securities issued but not quoted on ASX)
ASX +security code and description
Total number of
+securities on issue

This announcement contains inside information
88 Energy Limited
Cleansing Notice
The Directors of the Company provide a notice for the purposes of section 708A(5)(e) of the
Corporations Act 2001.
1,842,105,263 fully paid ordinary shares were issued to professional and sophisticated investors at an
issue price of A$0.0095 all of which were issued under the Company?s 15% Placement Capacity under
Listing Rule 7.1. The shares are part of a class of securities quoted on ASX and may be subject to a
subsequent offer for sale.
The Company issued the Shares above without a disclosure document to investors under Part 6D.2 of
the Corporations Act.
The Company, as at the date of this notice, has complied with:
(a) the provisions of Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act; and
(b) section 674 of the Corporations Act.
There is no excluded information, as defined in sections 708A(7) and 708A(8) of the Corporations Act,
as at the date of this notice.
Yours faithfully
Ashley Gilbert
Managing Director
88 Energy Ltd  

14.02.23 07:10

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtDas mal wieder verwässert wird ???

14.02.23 07:13

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtHoffe, dass jetzt eeeeendlich genug

Geld für die Bohrung zusammen getragen wurde und wir in diesem Frühjahr kein CR mehr erleben müssen?.!!!  

14.02.23 07:48

421 Postings, 3905 Tage AngelmanNix für Ungut,

aber manche Forumsteilnehmer scheinen sich nur äußerst oberflächlich mit der Company zu befassen, in die sie investiert sind..

Die Kosten dieser Bohrung waren schon fast mit dem vorhandenen Cash zu finanzieren.
88 denkt weiter, macht eine "Cash-sammlung" und hält das Geld auf der Bank vor.
Was passiert nach der Bohrung:

- Misserfolg, der Kurs rutscht ab. Erneuter CR nicht mehr zu vernünftigen Konditionen möglich. Kein Geld, keine Operationen finanzierbar.

- Erfolg, Folgekosten für Analysen, Flowtest, etc.  - das Geld ist vorhanden und finanziert den Weg zur Produktion.

PS: es gibt Börsenregeln, was alles an Infos an die Anleger weitergesteuert werden muss. Und das wird es...  

14.02.23 08:19

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtOk und danke für

Die Erläuterungen, so tief habe ich leider nicht gebohrt ;-))

Dann wollen wir mal weiter die Daumen drücken und hoffen, dass dieses Mal das Öl sprudelt !  

15.02.23 07:16

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtScheint loszugehen,

197 mio gehandelter Shares in Australien und damit 9% plus, nicht schlecht  für den Tag !  

16.02.23 08:44

3010 Postings, 2061 Tage LupenRainer_HättRi.88 Energy - Project Phoenix Overview

Wow, wie ein Trailer zu einem Blockbuster.
Ein paar hundert Meter vom Highway entfernt ... riesige Ölfelder vor der Nase. Oh man, ich komm mit der Schaufel vorbei ... diesmal muss es klappen ... die können doch wenigstens einmal was richtig machen .. man man..


A detailed summary of the Hickory-1 exploration well and outline of future development plan at the Project Phoenix acreage on the North Slope of Alaska.


16.02.23 08:50

903 Postings, 1299 Tage Black_Gold_Investo.tweet zu #5370


We are excited to share this detailed breakdown of our work on the Hickory-1 exploration well at Project Phoenix! Check out this video containing the project background and the future development plan upon success for the Phoenix acreage.




18.02.23 08:37

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtMein Gefühl sagt mir,

dass kommende Woche die 1 Cent Marke geknackt wird, mal schauen, ob mein Gefühl stimmt :-)  

20.02.23 08:58

903 Postings, 1299 Tage Black_Gold_Investo.Neuer tweet


In case you missed it, here is a brief overview of our highly prospective Project Phoenix. We continue to advance the development of the Hickory-1 exploration well, with spud on track for early March 2023. https://youtube.com/watch?v=IQtn6X7Qt2g  

22.02.23 09:45

1083 Postings, 4877 Tage lewwerworschtSo wird das aber

nix, mit meinem Gefühl?;-)  

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