Moby hatte recht und auch den Bericht den ich reingestellt habe mit dem Vergleich ist somit belegt. Auf der HOPV 2017 am 21.5. - 24.5.2017 wird es einen tollen Vergleich geben zwischen Dyesol Module und auf dem Markt erhältlichen Module - Daten und Fakten folgen!!!
Poster (P4875):
Outdoor performance evaluation of glass substrate carbon-based perovskite solar cell modules from Dyesol against commercially available photovoltaic modules during Summer & Autumn in New South Wales, Australia
Andy Theina, Martin Berrya, Jakub Mazurkiewicza, Dongchuan Fua, Jiangjing Hea
Dyesol Ltd, 3 Dominion Place, Queanbeyan NSW 2620, Australia
A comparative performance evaluation of glass substrate carbon-based perovskite solar cell modules from Dyesol against commercially available photovoltaic modules was carried out at Dyesol?s outdoor testing site in New South Wales, Australia. The test was conducted under outdoor conditions in Summer and Autumn. Dyesol outdoor testing facility can provide over forty individual channels for testing under a carefully monitored outdoor solar environment. The modules were installed in a defined test plane (precisely North facing with 35 degree tilt) and current-voltage sweeps of each module was performed at defined intervals. The light level, ambient and module temperature data was logged with each measurement. In between the tests the modules were subjected to optimal resistor loads to keep them in a working environment. Test data from sunny days was chosen to compare power output, and the performance ratio was calculated for each module. The effect of solar irradiance, ambient temperature and direct and diffuse components of natural sunlight on power output was also investigated. All modules? power output showed strong dependence on solar irradiance. However, the glass substrate carbon-based perovskite solar cell modules showed better performance throughout the day compared to other technologies.