" Viel Feind, viel Ehr"
Dieses fantastische Posting entlarvt die bezahlten Basher - readssthe10qs/roy hinkley und mobosox/caly2zero.
Wieviel Angst vor Calypte muß Abbott/Orasure haben, wenn sie soviel investieren?
PATTERNS... by: bruzzones2000 (49/F/California) 08/21/05 02:01 am Msg: 6379 of 6400
The prevailing themes hammered over and over again by the bashers mobosox and Readssthe10qs since 10/4/04 for Mobosox and 1/7/05 by Readsthe10qs when he appeared on Yahoo are:
1. Running Out of Cash. Since that date, both posted numerous posts that the company was running out of cash and would run out of cash, even to the point of listing the numbers of days left for the company.
This proved not to be true and the company not only has cash but access to financing to get them through until the end of the year. However, they continue to post this to try to frighten investors.
2. They both harp continuously on the cost of production, though much less now that they were bombed with the surprise of the last conference call the production would be in China--the very first for a saliva rapid test. Notice this has not been brought up as a point, when it was consistently brought up over the past nine months. (Again marketing)
3. They both continually reinforced repeatedly difficulties with the urine test and have continued to make that a negative, though the company trend right now is to work and develop the saliva test in China. It is clear with the inuendos, they had information which had not been made public. Additionally, they referenced historical events which were released by a person from Memphis on another board well before publicly disclosed and clearly discovered by a competitor. One of these posters made a reference to Memphis on THIS board.
4. They both continually harped on the timelines for milestones made, claiming they weren't made on the timeline expected. Most hilarious was one particular post by Mobosox which indicated by reading company documents, he didn't expect Chinese approvals until October of 05, however, he kept writing about the studies being delayed. It is clear the writer knew the realistic timeline, however, kept posting repeatedly that the company was negligent in not keeping timelines.
However, they have not focused on whether or not those statements made actually came into fruition (which most goals have.)
5. Every three or four weeks, they both focus on the CEO and CFO not owning shares (though they have options) as though it is a negative thing, when it is extremely positive to avoid conflict of interest situations. They both state they have no shares in the company and have not sold or purchased stock in the company.
6. They have slammed the financier, alluding he was engaged in some illicit activity, the President, alluding the same, not so much the CFO anymore as they cleaned up their act considerably when they realized he sat on the citizen's oversight committee contributing to the SEC.
7. They both focused on even insinuating there may be impending litigation though patent conflicts don't exist in the markets pursued.
One touts Orasure (post 3487) One states he will " hire the salesmen" if they are able to sell the product at high prices and most the posts refer to marketing.
Many allude to information they know, some gives information only known to an insider of the trade and with most the posts focusing on costs of production vs. sales prices, they indicate a marketing background.
Over and over again, it is the same talking points, through a series of routines, with the two posters with advance information that has not been brought forward publicly.
Marketing knowledge and emphasis on marketing. Extensive inside knowledge of the business. Inside knowledge coming from third world countries. Knowledge of details of FDA certification procedures. When one disappears from the board, the other disappears, as well and returns on exactly the same day.
Short sellers? No, pattern doesn't fit market trend. Competition? Everything fits.....