in den USA, da die Abstimmung über das Energy Efficiency Program kurz vor der Billigung durch das House ist und dann nur noch durch den Senat muss. Vermutlich haben einige schon Wind über das Ergebnis bekommen und kaufen fleissig ein. Dabei vor allem bei Ballard und FuelCellEnergy. Die Blase heute bei Plug Pwr hat nur ein einzelner Käufer in Deu ausgelöst - so wie ich letzte Woche...;-))) Ist aber nur ein Strohfeuer. Aber auch hier sehe ich eine echte Chance, wenn der der neue Financial Director von Plug die Auflagen zum Verbleib im NASDQ stemmen kann. Wenn nicht, wird Plug Pwr verkauft, was ebenfalls den Wert auf über 1$ treiben kann. Die großen FuelCell Werte stehen in den Startlöchern und werden einen run wie seinerzeit Apple hinlegen - schaut euch mal deren Verlauf über die Jahre my lips On Feb. 13, 2012, the Obama Administration released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 budget proposal. The president's budget proposal doubles down on key energy efficiency programs, despite the budget ax taking aim at many programs in both the domestic and defense arenas. The budget proposal also seeks to leverage the economic gains created by energy efficiency programs to create jobs, enhance U.S. energy security and establish an economy that’s “built to last.” As shown in the chart below and PDF above, the president's proposed budget requests that funding for key energy efficiency programs in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Office increase by 52% compared to the FY 2012 amounts enacted by Congress. The president recommended an even larger increase last year. Key Points in Proposed Energy Efficiency Funding:- The EERE programs with the largest proposed increases in funding are the Advanced Manufacturing Office, which would receive $290 million (a 150% increase from the FY 2012 enacted level), and the Building Technologies Program, which would receive $310 million (over 40% more than the allocation from the previous year).
- The president continues to support increased funding for other EERE programs like the Vehicle Technologies Program, as well as better funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), the Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy Consumption Surveys, and the ENERGY STAR program at the Environmental Protection Agency.
- Low-income weatherization assistance would receive $139 million, which is far below historical levels but up from FY 2012 (when the program still is spending additional funds from the 2009 Recovery Act).