shorties eindecken !! Das wird spannend!!
Wednesday April 29, 2009 20 Min Delayed
Short Quote?
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Washington Mutual Inc. $
Short Interest (Shares Short) 57,414,300
Days To Cover (Short Interest Ratio) 8.6
Short Percent of Float 3.91 %
Short Interest - Prior 57,005,900
Short % Increase / Decrease 0.72 %
Short Squeeze Ranking?
% From 52-Wk High ($ 0.42 ) %
% From 52-Wk Low ($ 0.01 ) %
% From 200-Day MA ($ 0.05 ) %
% From 50-Day MA ($ 0.04 ) %
Price % Change (52-Week) %
Shares Float 1,470,000,000
Total Shares Outstanding 1,705,359,302
% Owned by Insiders 13.65 %
% Owned by Institutions 7.60 %
Market Cap. $ 152,629,658
Trading Volume - Today 44,418,536
Trading Volume - Average 6,713,700
Trading Volume - Today vs. Average 661.61 %
Earnings Per Share -9.89
PE Ratio
Record Date 2009-AprilB
Exchange NBB
Data Provided Without Warranty
Mission Statement
The mission of TM is to provide short interest stock market data and services, so our members will be better informed of short selling in the market, track shorts in stocks and gain from the advantages that can be achieved from this valuable market data.
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