HYRF für unsere Zocker!

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neuester Beitrag: 20.04.07 22:22
eröffnet am: 10.08.05 12:47 von: NoRiskNoFun Anzahl Beiträge: 994
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16.09.05 10:13

1818 Postings, 7217 Tage data2005So, die Zocker sind raus..jetzt kann es weitergehe

n..KZ steht!  

16.09.05 10:18

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Das ist richtig schön ruhig;-) o. T.

16.09.05 10:54

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovinicht mehr lang Dicker *g* o. T.

16.09.05 11:16

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Ach Du shit, der jovi ist da;-))

Alle raus...

Bis denne "Alter"*g*

greetz joker  

16.09.05 11:18

1818 Postings, 7217 Tage data2005Hab alles geschmissen ;-)

Nur meine Hyrfs nicht *gg*  

16.09.05 11:21

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67*gg*

Da biste auch gut beraten;-)


16.09.05 13:11

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovipssst

gemopst von WO:

EYII is moving forward

I tried to get some Information from EYII concerning the Filters. On their Hompage I saw that all filters were not available at the moment (it was written “backordered”). The Shipment of 160 000.- Filters were sold out in one week! So I wrote an email to them which they responded within 4 hours. Mr. Irland is writing the next shipment will be arriving in 10 days. I got the mail yesterday so I expect a new shipment around sept 25. I wonder where it is coming from. Is Hyrf producing the filters still in Switzerland (Wal SA) until the China manufacturer begins to produce ? Anyway read the mail from eyii it sounds good. The filters are selling like “warm bred”

news from august 23 http://biz.yahoo.com/pz/050823/84443.html

I also got a price list (pdf-file, 2 pages) with wholesale, retail prices, if you want the documents I ll send it to
you: ket1390@hotmail.com

Mail from Mr. Irland i got yesterday:

We have attached a price list for you. The first shipment
of units sold out in their first week. $150,000.00 of them.

We expect a new shipment in 10 days (approx) . All orders
are shipped on the basis of first in, first out. Orders
processed first are sent first. we would suggest you revisit
our site (s) below . Obtain a membership s.a.p. so as to get
wholesale pricing. Once done, you may place wholesale
order (s) when you choose to.

Sincerely, G. Ireland



wenn man das nun in den Zusammenhang mit der News von HYRF vom 03.08.05 sieht in dem die Zusammenarbeiten zwischen EYI und HYRF benannt wurde sollte man doch meinen, die Dinger verkaufen sich wie warme Semmeln oder?

Ich find das gut :))  

16.09.05 13:15

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Die gehen wech wie "warm bred" *ggg* o. T.

16.09.05 14:13

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67News, aber psssssssssssst *g*

16.09.05 8:02 Local USA

Federal Government to Allocate Billions to Restore Water Supply as the Primary Goal in Relief Effort

FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 16, 2005 08:02 AM

RALEIGH, NC, Sep 16, 2005 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) --HydroFlo Water Treatment, Inc. (HWTI), a portfolio company of HydroFlo, Inc. (OTC BB:HYRF), announced the company will consult with Federal, State and Local officials in an effort to restore sewer treatment and water supply throughout the Hurricane-ravaged areas in the Gulf Region. The Company, through lobbying firm mCapitol, has made contact with several government officials to expedite the distribution of water filtration systems and consulting services to enable local municipalities to restore basic sanitary living conditions.

Dennis Mast of HydroFlo stated, " We have already contacted Federal, State and Local officials, and we are contributing all the resources at our disposal to assist in the relief effort. Our investors should know that John Milne is doing all he can to secure a portion of the $100 billion that is being made available for disaster relief."

The president last night spoke of the immediate need to restore the basic necessities such as sewer and water to local municipalities. In order to restore the infrastructure and to return residents to their homes and business places, there must clean potable water and a means of maintaining a secure abundant supply. HydroFlo has committed to supplying 5,000 drinking water filtration units for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The toxicity of the floodwaters is one of the key elements of concern for officials in the Gulf Region. Based on a recent news report by the Associated Press, Concerns Grow About Toxic Floodwaters, first response organizations such as the Department of Health, the Centers for Disease and Prevention, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have determined that. " The floodwaters are thick with sewage-related bacteria that are at least 10 times higher than acceptable safety limits. [They] contain E. coli, certain viruses and a type of cholera-like bacteria."

According to Dennis L. Mast, Chief Executive Officer of HydroFlo, ARTI-64(TM), the patented MARTI water filtration technology, reduces many of these bacteria in water making it safer for human consumption. He explained the company's commitment to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. " I am extremely concerned for the health and well-being of the people in the Gulf Region who have been stricken by this devastating event. I have personally lived through 5 hurricanes, and I know what type of damage a storm of Katrina's magnitude can have on the lives of families and individuals. I am honored to be able to offer these services to our fellow citizens during this horrific crisis."

Metals & Arsenic Removal Technology, Inc. (MARTI) is an international provider of water treatment solutions, treating water for industrial, municipal and residential customers. MARTI markets, designs, builds, and installs water filtration and treatment systems for the removal of arsenic in drinking water. Water contaminated with bacteria, viruses and poisonous toxins is killing people. The ARTI-64(TM) media combination is one of the most effective methods to eliminate and reduce these pollutants in order to provide clean potable water to the world.


19.09.05 15:08

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovipsssst

September 19, 2005 - 8:00 AM EDT      
HYRF 0.63   N/A  

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

MARTI Signs Agreement With International Shipment Company
Metals & Arsenic Removal Technology, Inc. (MARTI), a HydroFlo, Inc. (OTC BB: HYRF) portfolio company, has entered into a distribution agreement with All In One Global Logistics Ltd. (AIO) to ship the MARTI product line throughout Asia.

AIO is an established shipper/receiver/warehouse operation that services Hong Kong, mainland China, Thailand, Taiwan and other countries in Southeast Asia. The patented MARTI water filtration system is manufactured in China and, as a result, AIO will handle the distribution of the product in China, Hong Kong, and the Pacific Realm.

MARTI Chief Operating Officer George Moore explained, "AIO has years of exceptional experience in shipping and logistics for Southeast Asia. In order to fulfill all future obligations in the Pacific Realm and Asia, we felt that choosing a company of this reputation would enhance our abilities to fulfill all of our customers' needs."

HydroFlo (http://www.hydroflo.us) is a Business Development Company, as defined by the Investment Act of 1940. Headquartered in Apex, North Carolina, HydroFlo's core focus is to seek out synergistic acquisitions that will provide capital appreciation and income from its portfolio companies. The mission of HydroFlo, Inc. is to acquire and develop innovative technologies and businesses that will improve the quality of water throughout the world by means of detection, treatment, and removal of contaminants. By so doing, our most precious resource can be rendered safe and abundantly available for all future generations, and thereby, improve the quality of life on Earth.


19.09.05 15:19

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Wozu benötigt man wohl ein Logistikunternehmen,

das die Produkte nach China karrt,wenn es dort keinen Abnehmer gibt?;-))

Aber psssst,nicht weiter sagen*g*

Danke jovi;-)  

19.09.05 16:59

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovidu meinst

Filter für so ca in etwa 210 mios ?

Na, ob da bald ein Update zu dem China-Deal kommt....


19.09.05 17:04

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Ich hab nix gesagt;-)) o. T.

20.09.05 22:12

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Astreiner rebound von 0,48$ bis auf tageshoch

0,625 (SK).

Das letzte gap geschlossen,Herz was willst Du mehr.

NA ja,wenn mich einer fragen würde,dann hätte ich jetzt gerne eine positive Meldung und die Kuh fliegt.*g*

Einen schönen Abend @all

greetz joker  

20.09.05 22:22

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Grund für den rebound istein interview des CEO

TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 03:18 PM

RALEIGH, NC, Sep 20, 2005 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) --HydroFlo, Inc. (OTC BB: HYRF) today announced Chief Executive Officer, Dennis L. Mast, is highlighted in an interview by WallSt.net. The discussion covers HydroFlo's five portfolio companies and the objectives and expectations for corporate expansion into the next calendar year. Mast offers details regarding HydroFlo donations to Hurricane Katrina victims as well as projected corporate milestones for the next 12 to 18 months.

The interview features Mr. Mast's personal insights into the company's growth and projected income regarding the addition of a new Chinese manufacturer for Metals & Arsenic Removal Technology, Inc. (MARTI) products. Mr. Mast discusses, in depth, his expectations for substantial financial growth of the base revenue of HydroFlo portfolio companies Metals & Arsenic Removal Technology, Inc., Ultra Choice Water, Inc., and Advanced Water Recycle, Inc.

Mast explained his reasons for the timing of this interview, " I believe it is important to provide as much information about HydroFlo goals and objectives to the public as possible. I am glad to grant any interviews or updates about our company or innovative technologies."

To hear the entire interview, visit www.wallst.net. The interview can be accessed either by locating the ticker symbol (HYRF) on the left hand column under the appropriate exchange, or by entering the company's trading symbol (HYRF) in the Audio Search window.

greetz joker;-)

P.S. Na geht doch*g*  

20.09.05 22:50

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Wenn ich das so einigermaßen verstanden habe,

was der CEO da so erzählt, dann geht es nicht nur um den China deal sondern auch um Bangladesh und Indien.

Man will dadurch binnen 1 Jahr 250 Mio.an Umsätzen generieren!*g*

Bei einer MK von 30 Mio.$ ... das kann jeder selber ausrechnen;-))

Goods nächtle


21.09.05 09:31

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovimoin

na, dann wolln wir mal schaun was so weiter passiert :)

Danke für die Infos Joker *g*


PS: hört ihr das, dieses Geräusch von aufschlagenden Köpfen auf den Schreibtisch weil sie gestern für 0,41 geschmissen haben...

kleiner Scherz am Rande :)  

21.09.05 09:37

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67und das aufschlagen derer die bei 0,40 abräumen

wollten und nicht bedient worden sind.*g*


Die können noch welche bekommen,aber eben teurer;-))

greetz joker  

21.09.05 10:15

1818 Postings, 7217 Tage data2005Jetzt aber wieder Pssst ;-) o. T.

21.09.05 10:28

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67Is ja schon gut;-) o. T.

21.09.05 10:30

1818 Postings, 7217 Tage data2005Der Gerechtigkeithalber Jovi auch grün ;-) o. T.

22.09.05 06:47

1433 Postings, 7971 Tage jovimoin

Last Price  0.66
Change $  0.035  
Change %  5.6%  

sieht doch gut aus :)

wünsch allen einen erfolgreichen Tag


22.09.05 07:27

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67moin zusammen,das war gestern bei der Gesamtbörse

doch ein netter Tag mit hydro.

Wer kann von seinen Werten schon behaupten das sie gestern im plus geschlossen haben?*g*

Schaun mer mal wat so werden wird.

Bis denne
greetz joker

@data Du verschleuderst wieder deine grünen*g*  

22.09.05 09:43

319 Postings, 8176 Tage MitchHHMoin zusammen,

langsam gehts ja wieder in die richtige Richtung...

0,53 ?

Gruß MitchHH  

22.09.05 09:56

45712 Postings, 7917 Tage joker67und immer noch unter USA SK;-) o. T.

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