Freegold fairer Wert 1,40 - 2,10 ? !
gut analysiert
2007-01-11 10:38 ET - News Release
Mr. Steve Manz reports
Freegold Ventures Ltd. is appointing Jeffrey L. Woods as the company's vice-president of project development. Mr. Woods is a metallurgical engineer with 23 years of experience in mine development and mineral processing, and has an excellent record in designing, building and operating gold processing facilities throughout North America.
Highlights from Mr. Woods's career include being part of the commissioning and operating team for the Hycroft-Crofoot gold mine in Nevada. Hycroft is a large-tonnage, disseminated gold deposit, similar to Freegold's Almaden deposit. Hycroft produced approximately 1.1 million ounces of gold as an open pit, heap leach mine with average grades comparable with those at Almaden. Mr. Woods also served on the commissioning and operating team of Kennecott's 15,000-ton-per-day Rawhide open pit, heap leach mine in Nevada and Santa Fe Gold/Newmont's autoclave, flotation and CIL plant expansions at the Lone Tree mine in Nevada. In addition, Mr. Woods has acted as senior metallurgical engineer or project manager for numerous mine feasibility studies, mine developments, project expansions and operations, including the Kennsington gold project in Alaska, a cobalt mine concentrate and hydrometallurgical plant in Idaho, and numerous plant modifications for Newmont.
Mr. Woods has established and run three full-scale metallurgical laboratories, and was the founder and president of Woods-Gelati Inc., a Nevada-based environmental and process engineering consulting firm. Most recently, Mr. Woods was a senior process engineer/project manager at the Washington Group in Denver, and prior to that a senior processing engineer at Hatch Ltd. in Vancouver, two of the world's leading minerals engineering firms.
Steve Manz, president and chief executive officer stated: "Jeff's expertise is the perfect complement to our existing development-oriented management team, and his experience in designing and starting up numerous gold mines adds to our collective experience in having previously transitioned a number of companies from gold explorers into producers. Jeff was Hatch's team leader when they undertook a technical review of our Almaden project last year, and we were impressed with his abilities, his project enhancement recommendations and his enthusiasm for the project. In Jeff's new role with Freegold he will be instrumental in managing our feasibility study update and permitting at Almaden, as well as in helping us advance our Golden Summit project in Alaska, and in the ongoing evaluation of acquisition opportunities."
In conjunction with his appointment, Mr. Woods has been granted 350,000 stock options at an exercise price of 50 cents which shall vest quarterly over a two-year period and which have a term of five years, and 400,000 nominal value performance shares which shall vest quarterly over a two-year period. The foregoing are subject to regulatory approval.
We seek Safe Harbor.
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Freegold Ventures
2007-01-15 10:53 ET - News Release
Mr. Steve Manz reports
Freegold Ventures Ltd. has commenced a multiphase definition drilling program on its Golden Summit property outside Fairbanks, Alaska. Final assays from its fall trenching/sampling program continue to identify new high-grade veins and hangingwall bleed zones, in addition to lower-grade mineralization in between the veins and shears. Results from the 2006 work programs suggest that Golden Summit may have the potential to host bulk-tonnage gold mineralization in addition to high-grade gold mineralization in individual veins.
The current phase I drill program will consist of 5,000 feet of shallow drilling in three closely spaced parallel lines to test for gold mineralization through the Cleary Hill vein system and the 1,000-foot-wide swarm of veins as well as shear zones that run subparallel and immediately south of the Cleary Hill vein. Subsequent drilling phases to test for gold mineralization in the vein systems at other locations along its 3,500-foot known strike length may increase the total drilling footage up to 25,000 feet.
Cleary Hill vein system
The Cleary Hill vein, which was mined down to the water-table depth of 400 feet in the early 1900s, was the source of approximately 280,000 ounces of gold production at an average grade of 44.6 grams per tonne (1.3 ounces per ton). Freegold's 2006 program was not only successful in discovering a new 1,300-foot eastern extension of the Cleary Hill vein, but more importantly the program discovered that extensive bleeding of gold mineralization, via smaller quartz vein splays and horsetails, into both the hangingwall and footwall rocks, resulted in the formation of mineralized zones up to 100 feet wide surrounding the vein.
This discovery was made at the old Beistline shaft area, 1,300 feet east of the Cleary Hill mine working, where vein stripping and sampling adjacent to Beistline shaft in June uncovered the principal Cleary Hill vein. Channel samples along the 185-foot strike length of the four-foot-to-18-foot-wide vein averaged 39.5 grams per tonne (1.15 ounces per ton). Mineralization was noted to extend to the south and five-foot-long channel samples, extending five to 10 feet into the hangingwall, returned assays of 25.3, 34.3, 31.1, 26.1 and 46.3 grams per tonne (0.74 to 1.35 ounces per ton). Overburden stripping subsequently continued to the south, exposing mineralization over an area approximately 140 feet long and 100 feet wide. This area was sampled with five-foot chip channel samples on five-foot spacings. Mineralization was found to grade from less than 0.1 gram per tonne to 53.9 grams per tonne. Following the completion of the first five-foot-wide bulk sample pit and collection of the Cleary Hill vein material, additional gold mineralization remained visible in the pit walls, and a number of vertical chip channel samples were taken periodically throughout the initial 110-foot length of the pit. These assays have now been received, and confirm the presence of high-grade mineralization in the mineralized zone surrounding the main Cleary Hill vein.
Location along Gold Sample
Beistline grade type
pit wall feet gpt
0 0.24 two-foot vertical chip
10 3.67 grab
14 0.41 grab
20 0.52 three-foot vertical chip
42 1.24 five-foot vertical chip
56 0.68 two-foot vertical chip
74 1.57 two-foot vertical chip
80 616.72 three-foot vertical chip
92 4.63 three-foot vertical chip
101 65.25 three-foot vertical chip
105 0.78 3.5-foot vertical chip
This material was subsequently mined as part of the bulk sampling program. Approximately 6,000 tonnes of material was collected from the pit, which measures 300 feet long, 30 feet deep and 30 feet wide. Mineralization continues into the hangingwall of the current pit, and surface trenching chip channel samples 80 feet south of the pit wall and perpendicular to strike of the vein system returned 15 feet averaging 22.3 grams per tonne (0.65 ounce per ton).
Construction of the haul road, and subsequent stripping/cross-trenching also exposed the Cleary Hill structure approximately 1,200 feet west of the Beistline shaft area, directly above the old underground workings. As was seen in the eastern extension, gold mineralization extends over an area more than 100 feet wide, with mineralization and alteration along the main structure comparable with that seen in the Beistline shaft area. One channel sample taken on the bulk-sampled structure in this area assayed 31 grams per tonne (0.9 ounce per ton) over nine feet perpendicular to the strike of the vein. The veins in this structure are confirmed to be on strike with the higher-grade intercepts previously reported in Freegold's June cross-trenches between this and the Beistline shaft area.
In light of these new discoveries, management re-examined the limited previous drilling by Freegold along strike on this structure. Three drill holes from 1997 and 1998, located 3,000 feet west of the Beistline shaft, went through and under the Cleary Hill mine workings, and encountered significant widths of mineralization that did not fit the geological model for the Cleary Hill vein system at that time. Intercepts from these core holes included:
* 162 feet grading 0.86 gram per tonne (0.025 ounce per ton) from hole CHD9703;
* 150 feet grading 1.27 grams per tonne (0.037 ounce per ton) from hole CHD9704; and
* 101 feet grading 1.3 grams per tonne (0.038 ounce per ton) and 40 feet grading 2.2 grams per tonne (0.064 ounce per ton) in the hangingwall, plus an additional 51 feet grading 0.86 gram per tonne (0.025 ounce per ton) in the footwall of hole CHD9801.
Management now believes these significant widths of mineralization may be similar to that found in the Beistline shaft area and the Cleary Hill area 1,200 feet west of the Beistline shaft.
The Cleary Hill structure continues to remain open along strike in both directions.
Cleary Hill south vein swarm
The Cleary Hill south vein swarm comprises a series of east-northeast-trending veins and shear zones in an area that extends up to 1,000 feet south of the Cleary Hill mine, and that have been traced to date over a total strike length of approximately 1,100 feet. The haul road constructed last fall switched back and forth down the hill through the known vein swarm in the areas of the previously reported Wackwitz and Colorado veins as well as the Currey shear zone. New exposures uncovered by the haul road construction, plus additional cross-trenching in the area, has led to the discovery of a number of new veins and shear zones. Starting from south to north, the currently identified structures in this swarm exhibit the following characteristics.
Currey shear, with a known strike length of 1,100 feet
A 15-to-20-foot-wide shear zone exhibiting strong alteration, silicification and brecciation. Assay data indicate that mineralization within the shear is fairly evenly distributed with samples usually assaying in the 1.5 to three grams per tonne (0.044 ounce per ton to 0.88 ounce per ton) range over the width of the zone, though a grab sample from a block of quartz one foot in diameter assayed 77 grams per tonne (2.25 ounces per ton). June trenching returned 220 feet averaging 2.3 grams per tonne (0.067 ounce per ton) over 10-foot widths. A series of recently returned road-cut chip channels over a 20-foot length also averaged 2.3 grams per tonne, and 220 feet of new trenching this fall to the southwest continued to add to the strike of this shear with grades continuing to average in the over-two-gram-per-tonne range. The Currey shear encountered in trenching is directly on strike with a drill intercept of a similar multiphase shear zone located another 500 feet to the southwest where a Freegold core drill hole in 2000 intersected the shear over a 72-foot true width at an average grade of 4.4 grams per tonne (0.14 ounce per ton). The Currey zone remains open in all directions.
Wackwitz vein, with a known strike length of 920 feet
A distinctive milky quartz vein hosting native gold. June trenching discovered a new five-foot-wide zone averaging 16.4 grams per tonne (0.48 ounce per ton) over 235 feet with a higher-grade section of 85 feet grading 34.8 grams per tonne (1.01 ounce per ton), which includes 50 feet grading 53.1 grams per tonne (1.5 ounces per ton). The vein is hosted within schists and is frequently offset from one to several feet by one to six inches wide, steeply dipping cross-structures that are also gold bearing, with grades usually less than one gram. The Wackwitz vein trenched and bulk sampled in the fall programs has a strike length of 300 feet and is on strike with Wackwitz vein located in a road-cut exposure 120 feet to the southwest and with the 2002 cross-trenching another 500 feet to the southwest.
Blue shear, with a known strike length of 100 feet
A newly discovered 25-foot-wide shear zone exhibiting strong alteration and silicification. This shear is similar in appearance to the Currey shear mineralization, and five-foot-long chip channel samples taken along the new road and perpendicular to the strike of the shear returned an average grade of 2.5 grams per tonne (0.073 ounce per ton) over 25 feet, with the individual five-foot samples ranging from 1.3 to 6.4 grams per tonne (0.038 to 0.189 ounce per ton).
Alaska vein, with a known strike length of 140 feet
A narrow, high-grade quartz vein that varies from three to six inches in width. Five-foot channel samples assayed 47.3, 16.7 and 6.2 grams per tonne (1.38, 0.49 and 0.18 ounce per ton), while grab samples assayed from 31.9 to 59.2 grams per tonne (0.93 to 1.73 ounces per ton).
Red vein, with a known strike length of 80 feet
A three-inch-wide quartz vein with a five-foot chip channel discovery assay of 15.4 grams per tonne (0.45 ounce per ton) perpendicular to the strike of the vein. A five-foot chip channel in the face of the bulk sample trench assayed 21.3 grams per tonne (0.62 ounce per ton).
D8 vein, with a known strike length of 80 feet
A three-to-six-inch-wide quartz vein assaying three grams per tonne (0.088 ounce per ton) in a five-foot chip channel sample perpendicular to the strike of the vein. A grab sample from the vein assayed 32.6 grams per tonne (0.95 ounce per ton).
Colorado vein, with a known strike length of 580 feet
A three-to-12-inch-wide quartz vein, which has been traced over a strike length of 580 feet with five-foot chip channel samples in the separate trench and road-cut exposures assaying 4.3, 34.3 and 3.9 grams per tonne (0.13, one and 0.11 ounce per ton). Three grab samples in the trenches assayed 16.5, 22 and 173 grams per tonne (0.48, 0.64 and 5.04 ounces per ton).
Cleary Hill area drill program
The collection of 10,000 tons of bulk material from a number of veins and shear zones in the Cleary Hill area last fall, and the subsequent analysis and recovery of gold from the samples this spring, is an important step in helping assess average gold grades over larger volumes in an area where free milling and visible gold can often lead to variable results in small sample sizes. As this is a slow and costly process, the current close-spaced, shallow drill program is a cost-effective way to analyze the variability of gold grades and to determine optimal drilling patterns for future resource calculations. The holes, which will be limited to a depth of 51 feet, will also permit Freegold to identify new veins, structures and gold mineralization both close to known sample locations, and in new areas between previous trenches as well as along possible strike length extensions. Phase I will consist of 5,000 feet of drilling in approximately 100 shallow holes. These holes will test an area from the northern most mineralization of the Cleary Hill structure through to the final known veins structure in the southern vein swarm. Three lines of holes spaced 15 feet apart with the drill holes in each line of the fence spaced 20 feet apart should allow two intercepts to be obtained on a 65-degree south-dipping vein, such as the Cleary Hill, using 51-foot hole depths. Because the mineralization found at surface is known from mine workings and drill hole intercepts to persist to depths of at least 400 feet, Freegold management believes this shallow drilling will provide a snapshot of the mineralization that will be found deeper in the system. Drilling under this multiphase program may extend to 25,000 feet in 490 holes to test the mineralization with additional fences at various locations along its strike length. Drill hole spacing may be changed in subsequent phases following the evaluation of each phase in order to ultimately arrive at optimal drill hole spacing for future resource-oriented drilling. Drilling is being conducted with an Ingersol-Rand conventional percussion drill. Cuttings are returned up the drill hole with the use of an OEM vacuum drill cuttings collector, and are dropped from a cyclone directly into a sample bag. Samples are collected every three feet, with the drill bit being pulled off the bottom and the hole cleaned at the completion of each sample interval. Down-hole inspections following completion has shown holes to be straight sided with no evidence of ravelling or caving to the bottom of the holes. Clean drill hole bottoms are clearly visible with the aid of a flashlight. Freegold maintains a geologist and sampler at the drill rig for all drilling to take and log all samples to ensure that QA/QC is in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 requirements.
Alaska Assay Laboratories in Fairbanks, Alaska, and ALS Chemex Labs in North Vancouver, B.C., were used to analyse for gold via fire assay analysis plus multielement ICP-AES and ICP-MS analysis using four-acid digestion for the 2006 sampled material. Alaska Assay Labs will be used to analyse the drill cuttings for gold via fire assay from the 2007 drill program. Only samples from the centre line of each three-row drill fence will be submitted for multielement analysis.
The qualified person for this release is Michael Gross, MS, PGeo, vice-president of exploration, Freegold.
We seek Safe Harbor.
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Freegold Ventures
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Freegold Ventures
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Freegold Ventures
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Freegold Ventures
Hat der Bäcker ja (leider) auch auf seiner Liste und heute morgen(früh) nochmals
alle die bei SE/SG Geld verbrannt haben hoffen jetzt hier etwas zurückholen zu können..
Wie weit gehts noch?
Was meint Ihr wenn man schon etwas länger dabei ist soll man jetzt 40% Gewinn mitnehmen
und abwarten bis sichs wieder beruhigt??
Aber bitte, ich möchte keinesfalls das Dich mein Text irgendwie beim Handeln beeinflußt.
morgen geht es vielleicht nochmal bis 1,10(das hab ich im gefühl) würde aber jetzt auf news warten.
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Freegold Ventures
Ich sag nur potentieller .......
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Freegold Ventures
am Mittwoch kommt bestimmt eine RsR Studie zu Freegold!
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Freegold Ventures
sind auch kräftig mit dabei (zusammen mit zusätzlich 6,2 Mio. Can-$). Fühlt sich gut an.
June 18, 2007 (Vancouver, BC) -- Freegold Ventures Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce that, subject to regulatory approval, Rob McEwen and Sprott Asset Management have entered into subscription agreements with the Company for the private placement of 5.4 million units at a price of C$ 1.15 per unit for aggregate proceeds of C$ 6.2 million.
Mr. McEwen is subscribing for 4.5 million units for proceeds of C$ 5,175,000, and Sprott Asset Management, as portfolio manager for various Sprott funds has subscribed for 900,000 units for proceeds of C$ 1,035,000. Each unit is comprised of one common share of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share for C$ 1.60 for a term of two years from the date of closing.
In addition, the Company will be issuing an additional 100,000 units on a non-brokered basis bringing the total placement to 5.5 million units with total proceeds of C$ 6.325 million. No finder's fee or commissions are being paid in connection with any of these financings.
Upon completion of the placement, Mr. McEwen will own 8.2% of the Company's issued shares. Sprott Asset Management, currently the largest shareholder of the Company, will be increasing its stake in the Company after completion of the placement from 9.9% to 10.5%.
Rob McEwen is Chairman and CEO of US Gold (AMEX & TSX: UXG) and Lexam Explorations (TSX: LEX) and was the founder and former Chairman and CEO of Goldcorp, which is the world's lowest cost million ounce gold producer. He has been honored with such awards as the Northern Miner's Man of the Year Award, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada's Developer of the Year award, the Ernst & Young's Ontario Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Energy Category and was most recently recognized as Canada's most innovative C.E.O. by Canadian Business Magazine.
Proceeds of this financing will be used to continue to fund the on-going resource expansion drilling and economic evaluations at the Almaden Project in Idaho, to fund the ongoing shallow and subsequent deeper drilling programs at the Golden Summit project in Alaska, to commence new summer-fall exploration programs on the Vinasale and Rob projects in Alaska, to fund the continued investigation of acquisition opportunities, and for general working capital purposes.
About Freegold Ventures Limited
Freegold Ventures Limited is a North American exploration company with a new management team experienced in mine development and production that is actively exploring advanced-stage gold projects in Idaho and Alaska. Freegold holds a 100% lease interest in the Almaden gold project in Idaho. This large tonnage epithermal gold deposit was the subject of a feasibility study in 1997 calling for the development of a 95,000 oz/year open pit, heap leach mine. Freegold is currently finalizing a 34,000-foot drilling program aimed at further expanding the size of the resource prior to undertaking new economic evaluations in 2007. Drilling at depth and to the north and south of the known mineralization is continuing to identify new extensions to the deposit. Freegold is also discovering new high-grade veins and bulk tonnage shear zones in its 25,000-foot drill program at its Golden Summit project outside Fairbanks, Alaska. A 10,000-ton bulk sample collected in the fall of 2006 was successful in uncovered numerous zones of high-grade surface gold mineralization. Pending permit completion, on-site processing of this bulk sample material plus additional high-grade surface mineralization is expected to commence in late summer 2007. Freegold has also recently optioned the Vinasale Gold Deposit in Alaska, from Doyon, Limited. Geophysical, mapping and sampling programs will be carried out on the property in 2007.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Steve Manz"
Steve Manz
President and C.E.O.
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Freegold Ventures
VANCOUVER, Jul 11, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
TSX: ITF, OTC BB: FGOVF, Frankfurt: FR4
Freegold Ventures Limited (the "Company") is pleased to provide assay results from Fence 9 of the ongoing drill program underway at the Company's Golden Summit project outside Fairbanks, Alaska.
Holes in Fence 9 covered an area approximately 500 feet in length, testing for gold mineralization further into the hanging wall of the structures that were discovered during the bulk sampling of the material in the area of the old Beistline shaft. Approximately 6,000 tons of material was sampled and stockpiled from this area last fall. During the collection of this sample gold mineralization was noted for the first time to extend well away from the principal high-grade veins that were historically mined in this area, with mineralization extending up to 100 feet south of the main Cleary Hill/Beistline structure. The sample pit in this area was approximately 30 feet wide, with 3-foot long vertical channel samples taken in the walls of the pit returning 616.7 g/t, 4.6 g/t and 65.3 g/t on approximately 10 foot spacings. The shallow drilling in Fence 9 was designed to further test for gold mineralization in this bleed-zone up to 80 feet away from the main Beistline structure.
As with the previous fences in this program, holes in Fence 9 employed shallow, close-spaced drilling to better define the mineralization and structures in the system. All of the holes were drilled vertically, with an average hole depth of 68 feet (maximum 78 feet). Holes 338 to 363 were drilled vertically along an east-west direction with holes spaced 20 feet apart. A further 11 holes (407 to 417) were subsequently drilled in between holes 343 to 354 to tighten this spacing down to 10 feet. Significant higher-grade intervals from Fence 9 include:
<< -------------------------------------------------- From To Thickness Gold Grade Gold Grade Hole Number (foot) (foot) (feet) (g/tonne) (oz/ton) -------------------------------------------------- 342 0 78 78 1.13 0.033 -------------------------------------------------- including 33 45 12 4.81 0.140 -------------------------------------------------- 347 0 78 78 2.27 0.066 -------------------------------------------------- Including 0 3 3 33.95 0.990 -------------------------------------------------- including 0 15 15 8.23 0.240 -------------------------------------------------- including 33 78 45 1.13 0.033 -------------------------------------------------- 350 0 3 3 22.65 0.661 -------------------------------------------------- 48 66 18 1.50 0.044 -------------------------------------------------- 414 42 66 24 3.19 0.093 -------------------------------------------------- including 57 66 9 5.60 0.163 -------------------------------------------------- 351 48 72 24 2.95 0.086 -------------------------------------------------- Including 48 51 3 5.47 0.160 -------------------------------------------------- including 54 57 3 6.98 0.204 -------------------------------------------------- 360 0 18 18 1.00 0.029 -------------------------------------------------- >>
Mineralization within these holes continues to confirm what was seen within the bulk sample pit. The 33.95 g/t intersected in drilling corresponds very well with prior surface channel sampling in the same area that returned 22.3 g/t over 15 feet, oriented perpendicular to the strike of the Beistline structure, and sitting a further 50 feet away from the final walls of the sample pit. The 22.65 g/t intercept is a new discovery, as this was outside the area previously sampled at surface in the proximity to the pit.
Ongoing drilling continues to occur within this area, along with further fences and in-fill drilling back within the areas previously tested in Fences 4 and 5.
Drilling is being conducted with an Ingersol-Rand conventional percussion drill. Cuttings are returned up the drill hole with the use of an OEM vacuum drill cuttings collector, and are dropped from a cyclone directly into a sample bag. Samples are collected every three feet, with the drill bit being pulled off the bottom and the hole cleaned at the completion of each sample interval. Freegold maintains a geologist and sampler at the drill rig for all drilling to take and log all samples to insure that quality assurance and control procedures are in accordance with 43-101 requirements. One duplicate assay is being conducted in every drill hole and either a blank or a standard is inserted in the sample stream every 10 samples. Alaska Assay Laboratories in Fairbanks, Alaska is being used to analyze the drill cuttings for gold via fire assay analysis plus multi element ICP-AES and ICP-MS analysis using 4 acid digestion.
The Qualified Person for this release is Michael P. Gross, M.S., P. Geo., VP Exploration, Freegold Ventures Limited.
About Freegold Ventures Limited
Freegold Ventures Limited is a North American exploration company with a new management team experienced in mine development and production that is actively exploring advanced-stage gold projects in Idaho and Alaska. Freegold holds a 100% lease interest in the Almaden gold project in Idaho. This large tonnage epithermal gold deposit was the subject of a feasibility study in 1997 calling for the development of a 95,000 oz/year open pit, heap leach mine. Freegold is currently finalizing a 34,000-foot drilling program aimed at further expanding the size of the resource prior to undertaking new economic evaluations in 2007. Drilling at depth and to the north and south of the known mineralization is continuing to identify new extensions to the deposit. Freegold is also discovering new high-grade veins and bulk tonnage shear zones in its 25,000-foot drill program at its Golden Summit project outside Fairbanks, Alaska. A 10,000-ton bulk sample collected in the fall of 2006 was successful in uncovered numerous zones of high-grade surface gold mineralization. Pending permit completion, on-site processing of this bulk sample material plus additional high-grade surface mineralization is expected to commence in late summer 2007. Freegold has also optioned the Vinasale Gold Deposit in Alaska, from Doyon, Limited. Geophysical, mapping and sampling programs will be carried out on the property in 2007.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Steve Manz"
Steve Manz
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Freegold Ventures
18. Juli 2007 (Vancouver, BC) ? Freegold Ventures Limited (das "Unternehmen") freut sich, den Abschluss der Errichtung einer unabhängigen, modularen und mobilen Schwerkraftverarbeitungsanlage zur Verarbeitung von freien Golderzen bei einer Rate von bis zu 1.200 Tonnen pro Tag bekannt zu geben. Die Anlage wird zurzeit am unternehmenseigenen Projekt Golden Summit außerhalb von Fairbanks, Alaska, aufgestellt, wo von der Verarbeitung des erprobten Schüttguts ohne Verwendung von Chemikalien oder Laugen Goldgewinne von über 70% erwartet werden.
Die Planung der Anlage basierte auf den Ergebnissen der metallurgischen Tests der Goldmineralisierung in den 10.000 Tonnen des gelagerten Schüttguts, welches im Herbst 2006 vom Projekt Golden Summit entnommen wurde. McClelland Laboratories aus Sparks, Nevada, bereitete zunächst unterschiedliche repräsentative Mischungen an acht separaten Orten von Schüttgutproben auf und führte vorläufige Gravitätsuntersuchungen durch, um das Vorkommen von sichtbarem Gold zu bestätigen. Die Mischungen wurden in weiterer Folge an Knelson Gravity Solutions aus Langley, BC, zur Untersuchung mit einer standardisierten Gravity Recoverable Gold (GRG)-Methode geschickt. Diese Untersuchungen bestätigten das Vorkommen von freiem Gold in den Mischungen von Golden Summit mit Gewinnen von hochgradigen Proben von 70,7% (bei einem Durchlauf von 100% ¼") bis 79,6% (bei einem Durchlauf von 100% 100 Eingriffe).
Die Komponenten der Anlage von Freegold wurden von unterschiedlichen Quellen aus dem Westen der USA erworben und zu AEPS nach Yuma, AZ, geschickt, welches sich für die endgültige Konfiguration und Aufstellung der Anlage verantwortlich zeichnete. Dieser Kreislauf besteht aus einem primären Brecher und einem zweiten Kegelbrecher mit einer Untersuchungsanlage, die das Material in vier aneinandergereihten Knelson-Konzentratoren leitet. Das Konzentrat dieser Anlage wird anschließend an einen Diester-Sortiertisch transportiert, wo das endgültige Goldkonzentrat erzeugt wird. Die Anlage ist vollständig automatisiert und wird auf Basis eines geschlossenen Kreislaufs betrieben. Zusätzlich zur Anlage erwarb Freegold auch ein vollständiges metallurgisches Testlabor, das neben der Anlage aufgestellt wird. Dieses Labor besteht aus Brechern, Pulverisatoren, einer kleinen Kugelmühle, einem 4"-Knelson-Konzentrator sowie einem Flotationsequipment und wird zur Steuerung der Mühlenspeisung, zur Anlagenoptimierung und für laufende Explorationsarbeiten auf dem Grundstück verwendet werden.
Angesichts der für Alaska typischen sechsmonatigen Verarbeitungssaison für diese Art von Schwerkraftkreislauf wurde die Anlage von Freegold so konzipiert, dass der Transport und die Installation vereinfacht wird, um die Anlage während der Wintermonate auch an anderen Verarbeitungsorten verwenden zu können. Das Unternehmen begann bereits mit der Evaluierung anderer Projekte, die freies Gold enthalten, welches für eine saisonale Verarbeitung mit dieser Anlage zugänglich sein könnte.
Die qualifizierte Person für diese Pressemitteilung ist Michael P. Gross, M.S., P.Geo., VP Exploration, Freegold Ventures Limited
Informationen über Freegold Ventures Limited
Freegold Ventures Ltd. ist eine nordamerikanische Explorationsgesellschaft mit einem neuen Managementteam, das Erfahrungen bei der Erschließung von Bergwerken und der Förderung hat und aktiv Explorationsarbeiten bei fortgeschrittenen Goldprojekten in Idaho und Alaska ausführt. Freegold besitzt ein 100%iges Nutzungsrecht am Gold-Projekt Almaden in Idaho. Diese große epithermale Goldlagerstätte wurde 1997 im Rahmen einer Machbarkeitsstudie untersucht, in der die Erschließung eines Tagebaus zur Haufenlaugung mit einer Förderkapazität von 95.000 Unzen pro Jahr vorgeschlagen wurde. Freegold schließt zurzeit ein Bohrprogramm mit 10.000 Bohrmetern ab, um die Größe des Vorkommens zu erweitern, bevor die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Projekts 2007 neu bewertet wird. Die Bohrungen in größerer Tiefe sowie am nördlichen und südlichen Ende der bekannten Mineralisierung werden fortgesetzt, um das Vorkommen zu erweitern. Freegold entdeckt gerade auch neue reiche Erzgänge und Störungszonen für die Tagebauförderung im Rahmen seines 8.000 Bohrmeter umfassenden Bohrprogramms für das Projekt Golden Summit in der Nähe von Fairbanks in Alaska. Eine im Herbst 2006 genommene Massenprobe für 10.000 t war ein Erfolg. Es wurden zahlreiche Zonen einer reichen oberflächennahen Goldmineralisierung gefunden. Vorbehaltlich der Vorlage der Genehmigungen dürfte die Vor-Ort-Verarbeitung dieser Massenprobe sowie der reichen oberflächennahen Mineralisierung im Spätsommer 2007 beginnen. Außerdem erwarb Freegold kürzlich von Doyon, Ltd. Optionen auf die Goldlagerstätte von Vinasale in Alaska. Die geophysikalische Vermessung, die Kartierung und die Probenentnahme auf der Liegenschaft erfolgen im Jahr 2007.
Im Namen des Vorstands Kontakt für weitere Informationen:
Kristina Walcott ? VP Corporate Development ?Steve Manz?
Steve Manz
President and C.E.O.
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Betreffendes Unternehmen:
Name: Freegold Ventures Ltd.
ISIN: CA3564551057
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Freegold Ventures
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Freegold Ventures
Freegold Ventures Limited (ITF) As of July 30th, 2007
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -4,400 $1.580
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -3,200 $1.570
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -4,700 $1.550
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -3,000 $1.520
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -3,500 $1.500
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -4,700 $1.480
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -3,000 $1.470
Jul 20/07 Jul 11/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -3,500 $1.460
Jul 20/07 Jul 10/07 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -4,500 $1.460
Jul 12/07 Jun 06/03 Barr, Harry Indirect Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
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