Information gathered thru News in PR, conversation with CEO James Watson, Email response from GRDO customer service and Investor Relation from the Kendra Todd Group.
- Guard Dog Internal system/infrastructure work is finished as of 10/13/2009. The company is celebrating this greatly anticipated event with the launch of a new marketing blitz. ?A slew of upgrades ? enhancing everything from simple aesthetics to complex behind the scenes software, has fortified Guard Dog?s infrastructure with cutting edge technology and a new bold image.
-The company plans to release UPDATES in conjunction with its national marketing blitz, beginning mid NOVEMBER.
- Real Estate co. Agreement & marketing blitz will be given the green light once the system has been 100% completed & approved by the various vendor/parties. The way he spoke about the real estate company they are working on. He said that they are waiting for our completion of the technical upgrades so they can start their testing in order to roll it out to their employees. Sounds like a done deal. He also said that once the real estate deal is officially off the ground, they will use it as their advertising foundation in order to get their foot in the door with other companies.
- Kendra Todd will be featured / involved in most, if not all, of the major company initiatives/programs. "Kendra Todd will be in at least 90% if not 100% of our ads". She will be the face of the company. They will advertise on the internet, radio ads and tv ads on a national level.
- There will be several very strong co. announcements (PR?s) once the system is completed/validated/approved. They are lined up & none sound like fluff. Some sounded very high profile.
- GRDO going INTERNATIONAL ! GRDO Customer Service : Regarding services in Canada, your inquiry was reviewed by management yesterday, and I have received a response today. Our ID theft protection services will be offered for Canadian members in early 2010, as we EXPAND our market.
- Company funding is not publicly disclosed; however, Watson did emphasize that the company itself has a positive revenue flow.
- No plans to change the share structure. 650 million, maxed out, confirmed by TA 11/19/2009.
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The real estate agreement (and initial marketing campaigns) will be in effect once the upgrades are completed. The real estate company will verify it, which is the final step for approving the Agreement & launching Guard Dog into their employee benefits package.
Additionally, the completed upgrades will also signal the start of the marketing blitz. This blitz will be multi-faceted, and will expand over (a short period of) time to include:
- Web campaigns to drive internet traffic
- Customer awareness contests (as managed by a large 3rd party)
- ?Affiliate Summits,? at which Guard Dog will be physically present (booth, talks, etc.) to drive partnership & branding opportunities
- Online malls (BSP, NSD, etc.)
- Radio & TV/cable spots featuring Kendra Todd
- Watson: ?People will be able to see these various marketing campaigns & their effect should be somewhat self-evident to those paying attention.?
- Kendra Todd?s likeness will be on 90-100% of all marketing material.
Watson said Guard Dog will be continually adding features to their website. For example, they?re looking at doing an ?animated version? (video?) of a Kendra Todd testimony.
Per the request of many shareholders the company has added an Investor Relations Tab to the www.guarddogid.com consumer website. We plan to utilize this alternative method of direct communication to inform the public at large, of company announcements and frequent updates that are important for shareholder knowledge but may not warrant a Press Release.
Watson said he intends to start a shareholder newsletter or automated email, once some of the more immediate (priority) tasks are completed.
On the subject of releasing PR?s, Watson reiterated he will not release any fluff PR?s, but there has been a LOT going on behind the scenes that he will be able to announce soon, once the system upgrade process is concluded. Much of what will be PR?d will also be able to be authenticated through various channels, ie the general public will see Guard Dog?s (read Kendra?s) presence in a variety of places/settings.
E-mail from Kendra Todd :
Ms. Todd has legal limitations on what she can answer for you, however we will confirm that Kendra does have an existing agreement with Guard Dog and as a previous victim of Identity theft, spokesperson and shareholder, she strongly believes in the service and future success of Guard Dog.
Kendra is very excited to begin the "Marketing Blitz" once the technical upgrades are completed! She personally receives constant updates on the progress and has the understanding that we will be able to begin the marketing campaign in the near future. Because of the legal obligation to limit what correspondence regarding Guard Dog ID, please refer all of your future questions to Investor Relations (775) 544 7396
Hope this helps! Customer Relations Kendra Todd Companies
** GRDO Video Chart 11/06/09 ** by Claytrader
Bottomline: I think we'll be seeing some fantastic news being released soon.
This is just the beginning with all the expected news/PR's.
For the one's who are interested
Kendra Todd Media Links:
http://www.hgtv.com/real-estate/...use-worth-more/pictures/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKADNoW9Z8Q http://video.foxbusiness.com/8607900/...afdcf0b31500afefb92724c08f046
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y47O7L_CLRw&feature=related ----------- "Gemäß anerkannter flugmechanischer Gesetze kann eine Hummel aufgrund ihrer Gestalt und ihres Gewichtes im Vergleich zur Flügelfläche nicht fliegen. Die Hummel weiß es nicht und fliegt trotzdem."