Solarboom in Californien

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11.10.07 18:36

54 Postings, 6203 Tage HaierSolarboom in Californien

Das wird unsere Zukunft sein....    
Ich kaufe heute bestimmt noch nach...  

Solarboom in Kalifornien startet 2007
28.10.2006 - Quelle/Text: Europressedienst Bonn

In der kalifornischen Solarstrombranche stehen die Zeichen auf "Go". Nach Ansicht von J.P. Ross von dem amerikanischen Solarverband "Vote Solar" können bereits bis Ende dieses Jahres 120 Megawatt oder mehr Solarstromleistung neu in Kalifornien installiert werden. Das gab der Verbandsvertreter auf der Messe "Solar Power 2006" bekannt, die vom 16. bis 19. Oktober im kalifornischen San José stattfand.

Grund für die positive Prognose ist die Bereitstellung von Fördergeldern in Höhe von rund 300 Millionen US-Dollar sowie die Möglichkeit bereits in diesem Jahr Anträge für eine neue Einspeisevergütung zu stellen, die ab Januar 2007 gezahlt wird.

Zu der viertägigen Veranstaltung in San José waren 7.000 Teilnehmer gekommen, um sich über Strukturen, Marktteilnehmer und Perspektiven des Solarmarktes zu informieren.

Kalifornischer Solarmarkt startet durch

© Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit

Photovoltaikanlage zur Solarstromgewinnung

Die Ambitionen der USA im Bereich Solar sind groß. In der internationalen Solarstromriege rangieren die USA bisher noch auf Platz drei hinter Weltmarktführer Deutschland und dem Zweitplatzierten Japan. Ende 2005 waren insgesamt 105 Megawatt Solarstromleistung auf amerikanischen Dächern installiert, davon ca. 80 Megawatt in Kalifornien.

3.2 Mrd. Förderung bis 2017

Auf dem US-Photovoltaikmarkt gilt der westliche Bundesstaat als Zugpferd für die Entwicklung des Gesamtmarktes. Im Rahmen der "California Solar Initiative" (CSI) stellt die kalifornische Regierung bis 2017 insgesamt rund 3,2 Milliarden US-Dollar für die Installation von 3.000 Megawatt Solarstromleistung zur Verfügung. Das entspricht Solaranlagen auf rund einer Million Dächern.

Schwarzenegger setzt sich ein

Maßgeblich vorangetrieben wird die Entwicklung in Kalifornien von Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger. Auf der "Solar Power 2006" betonte er, dass mit Hilfe der Initiative in dem Bundesstaat drei Millionen Tonnen CO2 eingespart werden sollen. Gleichzeitig verspricht sich Schwarzenegger durch das mit dem Solarboom verbundene Wirtschaftswachstum neue Arbeitsplätze.

Noch einen Schritt weiter geht der kalifornische Senator Kevin Murray. Für die immer weiter steigende Nachfrage nach Energie sei Solar die perfekte Lösung, betonte Murray in San José. Wichtig sei es nun, das Thema Solarenergie in der Bevölkerung zu verankern, die nötigen Rahmenbedingungen seien ja bereits vorhanden.

Einspeisevergütung in Kalifornien ab 2007

Die Gelder, die im Rahmen der "California Solar Initiative" bereitgestellt werden, stammen von der "California Public Utilities Commission" (CPUC) und der "California Energy Commission" (CEC). Erstere allein ist für einen Fördertopf in Höhe von 2,5 Milliarden US-Dollar verantwortlich. Zielgruppen sind nach Aussage von CPUC-Vertreterin Jeanne Clinton Besitzer von Wohngebäuden sowie alle kommerziellen, industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Gebäude. Die "California Energy Commission" stellt 350 Millionen US-Dollar zur Verfügung. Die Kommission, so betonte ihr Vertreter Timothy Tutt auf der "Solar Power", hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, innerhalb der nächsten 13 Jahre jedes zweite in Kalifornien neu gebaute Haus mit Solarenergie auszurüsten.

Neben den Programmen der CPUC und der CEC sieht die "California Solar Initiative" ab 2007 auch die Zahlung einer Einspeisevergütung, "Performance-based Incentive" (PBI), vor. Für Anlagen, die größer als 100 kWp sind, wird demnach eine leistungsbezogene Vergütung von 0,39 US-Dollar pro kWh gezahlt. Die Besitzer von Solarstromanlagen mit einer Größe von bis zu 100 kWp erhalten eine einmalige Zahlung von maximal 2,50 US-Dollar pro installiertes Watt (kommerzielle und private Betreiber) bzw. maximal 3,25 US-Dollar pro installiertes Watt (nicht-kommerzielle Betreiber und Regierung). Die Höhe der Zahlung orientiert sich an der zu erwartenden Anlagenleistung im Vergleich zu einer Referenzanlage in Kalifornien. Außerdem wird die Zuschusshöhe an das Marktwachstum angepasst. Werden bestimmte Megawatt-Grenze erreicht, sinkt sie.

Positive Entwicklung des MArktes erwartet

Auch der Präsident der "Solar Energy Industries Association" (SEIA), Rhone Resch, schätzt die Entwicklung des kalifornischen Solarstrommarktes als sehr positiv ein. Der dortige Markt gelte als Vorreiter für die Etablierung der Solarenergie in weiteren Bundesstaaten und wirke sich positiv auf die nationale Energiepolitik aus. Handlungsbedarf bestehe allerdings bezüglich des "Investment Tax Credit" (ITC).

Danach bietet die Bundesregierung einen ITC für kommerzielle Photovoltaiksysteme in Höhe von 30 Prozent der Netto-Systemkosten an. Auch für Privatsysteme kann die Förderung in Anspruch genommen werden, jedoch nur bis zu einer Höhe von 2.000 US-Dollar. Das Programm gilt allerdings ausschließlich für Systeme, die zwischen Januar 2006 und Dezember 2007 installiert werden. Eine Verlängerung des von der Solarbranche als erfolgreich eingeschätzten Förderinstruments wurde bislang nicht beschlossen, sei aber erforderlich, so SEIA-Präsident Rhone Resch.

Die klimatischen, politischen und infrastrukturellen Voraussetzungen für die weitere Entwicklung des Solarmarktes in Kalifornien sind gegeben. Auch die einheimische Solarindustrie steht in den Startlöchern. Jetzt kommt es darauf an, die Inhalte der "California Solar Initiative" in die Bevölkerung zu tragen, um die ambitionierten Ziele zu erreichen. Oder mit Schwarzeneggers Worten: "Everybody who wants to go solar can go solar".

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94 Postings ausgeblendet.

16.10.07 15:28

1234 Postings, 6751 Tage kortedja, ich hatte gestern noch am Abend ne

limitierte Order reingegeben, was auch wichtig ist, und bin zum Zuge gekommen, ich lass mich mal überraschen, wie s hier abgeht, hatte in letzter Zeit oft ein glückliches Händchen ;-)  

16.10.07 15:28

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsEs baut sich im Ask ein 0,0030 Front auf. Es werde

Es baut sich im Ask ein 0,0030 Front auf. Es werden immer mehr.
Wenn heute noch die News von TSSP kommen, dann....


16.10.07 16:05

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsRakete Bitte auf die Startrampe

Countdown läuft, nis zum Start !!  
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16.10.07 16:20

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionseventuell wird es ja eine zweite solarworld !!

hört sich gut an,habe mir auch überlegt den mist einfach mal etwas länger liegen zu lassen,eventuell wird es ja eine zweite solarworld  

16.10.07 16:34

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsFusion zwischen TrendSetter Solar & Solarworld??

Fusion zwischen TrendSetter Solar & Solarworld??

Genauso sehe ich das auch...
Nur, dass Solarworld in Deutschland ist und TSSP in den USA und der Martk dort drüben noch viel grösser ist als in Deutschland...
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16.10.07 16:58

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsEnigma Code - Gheimsprache der MM

.Geheimsprache der MM's  - 3 mal das gleich Zeichen 100 - 911 a 3 mal

       Was sagt er?

100 - I need shares
200 - I need shares badly, but do not take the stock down
300 - Take the price down so I can load shares
400 - Keep trading it sideways
500 - Gap the stock.This Gap can be either up or down depending on the direktion of til 500 - signal
911 - Pending news.


PS: .Merkt euch dieses  
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36f16b3c41cf301e645fdbd2983053ed.jpg (verkleinert auf 97%) vergrößern

16.10.07 17:02

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsFängt jetzt die Diluting Phase an!!

Denke schon, und dann geht es Mächtig UP !!  

16.10.07 17:51

21589 Postings, 6813 Tage JorgosGehe zurück auf Los und


16.10.07 18:08

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsAmen

Gut für die Verdauung  
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16.10.07 18:14

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsNews News News !!

TrendSetter(R) Announces California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Signs Landmark Solar Energy Legislation

FAIRHAVEN, Calif., Oct 16, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. (Pink Sheets:TSSP), an alternative energy manufacturing company of state-of-the-art solar hot water systems, solar hot water heating and storage systems, announced today that on Friday, October 12, 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a package of legislation furthering his commitment to energy efficiency, conservation and pollution reduction. Included in the seven pieces of energy efficient legislation is a landmark piece of legislation creating the Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007, which provides incentives to attain the goal of installing 200,000 solar water heating systems in the state by 2017.

"California is a world leader in improving technologies and promoting conservation while protecting our environment," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "That is why I am pleased to sign this legislation that will protect our precious resources and continue to keep California at the forefront of energy and water efficiency." For further details on this energy efficient legislation, go to

Excited by this major legislative step taken by Governor Schwarzenegger, Dirk Atkinson, TrendSetter(R) CEO, stated, "The Governor's ambitious goals to achieve energy efficiency and to protect the environment are top priorities of his administration. Today, with the signing of this legislation, he has truly made California a world leader of energy and water efficiency."

TrendSetter(R) recently announced that it completed delivery of equipment and engineering for two of the homes in the Red Apple Ranch Project in Murphy, California. The Red Apple Ranch Project is located just outside the historical gold mining town of Murphy, California. These homes will serve as a retirement and vacation community principally for the San Francisco Bay Area population. Nova Designs + Builds designed and built these homes with comfort in mind. These first two modern designed houses were built using metal framing and roofing, while insulating materials and renewable energy systems were employed to make them highly energy efficient.

About TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc.

TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. is a quality manufacturer of solar hot water heating and storage systems in the United States. TrendSetter's solar hot water systems and storage tanks are uniquely positioned to serve the residential and commercial market. The Company offers a comprehensive range of solar water heating solutions, including solar radiant floor heating options, which are rated and qualify for the new federal energy tax credit program. A standard residential hot water heater emits approximately one and a half tons of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. TrendSetter's solar hot water heating and storage systems are emissions free. As global warming and alternate and renewable energies become more of a concern, TrendSetter's products are one of the answers.

TrendSetter(R) competes in financial markets for capital to support its operations. The financial markets are competitive, particularly for companies that are in their early growth stage. The financing terms have been and may be expected to continue to be dilutive. Additional information can be seen at the Company's website,

Disclaimer: The Company relies upon Safe Harbor Laws of 1933, 1934 and 1995 for all public news releases. Statements, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements. The company, through its management, makes forward-looking public statements concerning its expected future operations, performance and other developments. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the company's best judgment based upon current information and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and there can be no assurance that other factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. It is impossible to identify all such factors. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those estimated by the company include, but are not limited to, government regulation; managing and maintaining growth; the effect of adverse publicity; litigation; competition; and other factors which may be identified from time to time in the company's public announcements.

SOURCE: TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc.

TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. Dirk Atkinson, CEO or Investor Relations e-media Direct, Inc. 1-866-470-7084

Copyright Business Wire 2007


16.10.07 18:19

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsMan wird TSSP auf seinem Weg nach oben nicht aufha

Man wird TSSP auf seinem Weg nach oben nicht aufhalten können. TSSP ist im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Pinkis eine reale Firma die Produktiv arbeitet.  
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16.10.07 18:50

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisions

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16.10.07 19:11

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsDas diluten nervt ganz schön.....

Das diluten nervt ganz schön.....  

Aber auch ich bin der Meinung, dass wir heute ganz knapp im grünen Bereich schliessen werden.  

17.10.07 18:23

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisions

17.10.07 18:24

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsSolar Hot Water Set To Go Mainstream with Californ

17. Oktober 2007
Solar Hot Water Set To Go Mainstream with California's AB 1470
by Sara Parker, Staff Writer
Sacramento, California []
It's a technology that has been used in California in one form or another since the 1800s. But, like its photovoltaic counterpart, solar hot water heating in the state is about to ramp up production in a big way with the signing of bill AB 1470 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger last week.

"The goal of the program is to install 200,000 hot water systems on businesses and homes throughout state of California, see reduction in price and similar to the California Solar Initiative...the vision of this program is to create a mainstream market for solar water heating technologies as well."

-- Bernadette Del Chiaro, Clean Energy Advocate, Environment California

Known as The Solar Water and Heating Efficiency Act of 2007, the new legislation is designed to create a broad market for solar water heating technologies by offering $250 million in rebates for the state's consumers over the next ten years.

The rebate fund would come from a $0.13 per month surcharge on gas bills and be implemented by the California Public Utilities Commission and individual municipal utilities.

"The goal of the program is to install 200,000 hot water systems on businesses and homes throughout state of California, see reduction in price and similar to the California Solar Initiative that we passed last year?to support solar electric technologies?the vision of this program is to create a mainstream market for solar water heating technologies as well," said Bernadette Del Chiaro, Clean Energy Advocate for Environment California, during an interview with Inside Renewable Energy host Stephen Lacey.

Authored by California Assemblymember Jared Huffman (Marin) and sponsored by Environment California, AB 1470 was originally envisioned to be included as part of the Million Solar Roofs bill, SB 1, which was signed into law by Schwarzenegger in 2006.

Fast forward one year. In an effort to diversify California's solar market, supporters successfully pushed AB 1470 through the California legislature as a companion to the Million Solar roofs legislation.

"California can achieve greater energy independence, fight global warming, and save homeowners and businesses money by encouraging a mainstream market for solar water heating," said Assemblymember Huffman.

A report released in April by Environment California Research & Policy Center showed that a mainstream market for solar water heating could cut 6.8 million tons of global warming pollution per year, while cutting natural gas demand in each home by 50-75%.

"Launching a mainstream solar water heating program is really beneficial to consumers as well as the environment. The estimates show that if we were to take advantage of California's potential solar water heating market, we could see a 25 to 35% reduction in wholesale prices of natural gas and that is simply because demand for natural gas is going nowhere but up, and supplies worldwide are going nowhere but down," said Del Chiaro.

"By signing this bill into law, Gov. Schwarzenegger is placing yet another solar power technology in the spotlight, harnessing for it California's growing demand for renewable energy," added Del Chiaro.

But while normally the trendsetter when it comes to implementing solar policy legislation in the U.S., California is not the first to create a mass market for solar hot water heating. That title actually belongs to Hawaii.

"In the United States, Hawaii is actually out competing, out installing solar water heaters compared to California 4 to 1. So they're installing about 4,000 domestic solar water heaters in Hawaii every year where as California is installing about 1,000," said Del Chiaro, noting Hawaii has a rebate program for consumers.

"In this case we'll be following Hawaii's lead in some ways, but we want to basically show the rest of the country that solar water heating?just like solar electric?is a good technology to invest in and something that is ready for mainstream."

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18.10.07 17:00

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionshier noch was aus den USA. Vielleicht wird dises T

hier noch was aus den USA. Vielleicht wird dises Thema auch in diesem Gespräch angeschnitten.

New tubes that is product of Trendsetter and UK partner are being manufactured in China. This product is exclusive to Trendsetter and UK Partner. What has not been said yey is this going to completely replace the apricus tubes which currenty I believe must purchase through a third party manufacturer and is not a product developed by Trendsetter.


18.10.07 17:15

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsGeschäfte mit den Chinesen??

Geschäfte mit den Chinesen??  

18.10.07 17:23

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsDie Kurse werden generell in den USA gemacht

Die Kurse werden generell in den USA gemacht, denke das weiß jeder !!  
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18.10.07 17:43

105 Postings, 6206 Tage gruenbergan die mods und @all

merkt denn hier gar niemand, dass hier schon wieder mal der Profibasher/pusher masterguru alias HalloDeutschland, alias Techniker111, GigantischePerle, usw.usw. den thread vollmüllt!!!!!!  

18.10.07 18:36

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsTrendsetter Solar Products, Inc. CEO Dirk Atkinson

Trendsetter Solar Products, Inc. CEO Dirk Atkinson Featured in Audio Interview on

FAIRHAVEN, CA, Oct 18, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: TSSP), an alternative energy manufacturing company of state-of-the-art solar hot water systems, solar hot water heating and storage systems, today announced that CEO Dirk Atkinson is presently featured in an audio interview on

Mr. Atkinson discusses some details of recent company developments for the benefit of shareholders and the investment community alike. His focus is on two specific occurrences that are especially encouraging to the Company and the solar energy industry as a whole.

The CEO reports on TrendSetter's successful marketing and sales in home development segments that utilize solar thermal technology that can qualify homes for the ENERGY STAR(R) program. ENERGY STAR(R) is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping homeowners and businesses save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. "These kinds of homes are perfect examples of how solar thermal technology is utilized and how this will play a important part in helping the environment as well as be very cost effective," stated Dirk Atkinson.

The other topic he talks about in the audio interview is about the recent landmark piece of legislation (Bill AB1470) signed October 12, 2007, by California Governor Arnold Schwarznegger creating the Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007. This past August, the Company announced that it joined ten other companies in a Solar Water Heating Exhibit Event on the California State Capitol grounds in support of Bill AB 1740. Mr. Atkinson pointed out back then, "Bill AB 1470, will allocate $250 million of financial incentives for the installation of approximately 200,000 solar heating systems in California over the next ten years."

About differentiates itself from traditional IR firms, in that it strives to take a long-term approach of nurturing and supporting the expansion of emerging companies that aspire to grow and appreciate in value. Through exposure on the World Wide Web, the Company enables its clients to secure a place in their respective sector. Clients with limited financial means can utilize multimedia marketing to gain a competitive edge via the Internet. For additional information, visit

About TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc.

TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc. is a quality manufacturer of solar hot water heating and storage systems in the United States. TrendSetter's solar hot water systems and storage tanks are uniquely positioned to serve the residential and commercial market. The Company offers a comprehensive range of solar water heating solutions, including solar radiant floor heating options, which are rated and qualify for the new federal energy tax credit program. A standard residential hot water heater emits approximately one and a half tons of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. TrendSetter's solar hot water heating and storage systems are emissions free. As global warming and alternate and renewable energies become more of a concern, TrendSetter's products are one of the answers. Additional information can be seen at the Company's website

Disclaimer: The Company relies upon Safe Harbor Laws of 1933, 1934 and 1995 for all public news releases. Statements, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements. The company, through its management, makes forward-looking public statements concerning its expected future operations, performance and other developments. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the company's best judgment based upon current information and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and there can be no assurance that other factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. It is impossible to identify all such factors. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those estimated by the company include, but are not limited to, government regulation; managing and maintaining growth; the effect of adverse publicity; litigation; competition; and other factors which may be identified from time to time in the company's public announcements.

Contact Information: Dirk Atkinson CEO Trendsetter Solar Products, Inc. Email: Investor Relations e-media Direct, Inc. 1.866.470.7084

SOURCE: TrendSetter Solar Products, Inc.

Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

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18.10.07 18:54

105 Postings, 6200 Tage TomsVisionsTSSP - Strong Buy

TSSP - Strong Buy  

19.10.07 10:49

5 Postings, 6196 Tage TaipansTop SchlussTSSP wird immer bekannter.Presse u.u.u.

Top SchlussTSSP wird immer bekannter.Presse u.u.u.


Das zeigt deutlich, dass sich TSSP gefestigt hat. TSSP wird auch immer bekannter durch Presse und und und....

Der Weg nach Norden ist vorprogrammiert.  

19.10.07 19:50

106 Postings, 6195 Tage F16GeschwaderHier noch mal das Interview mit TSSP vom 18.10.07

hier noch mal das Interview mit TSSP vom 18.10.07


19.10.07 19:52

14542 Postings, 6655 Tage gogolwelcher ID ist ab Montag Tagespusher ??

auf unserem Planeten gibt es nur Propheten  

19.10.07 21:03

106 Postings, 6195 Tage F16GeschwaderTSSP - Great Thing to so much higher !!

TSSP - Great Thing to so much higher !!  

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