NUTRITION 21 Bioaktie?
gut analysiert
Frohe Ostern
PS: Bin mal gespannt, wieviele Leser es bis zur Entscheidung noch gibt, derzeit sind es 6579 hier bei Ariva!
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gesattelt, für den run nach oben.Kann mir eigentlich gar nicht vorstellen
das die FDA nicht zustimmen wird .Ich habe so viel positive Berichte schon gelesen , das es fast nicht daneben gehen kann .
Hier noch ein kleiner Bericht von einem anderen Forum was auch sehr
interresant zu lesen ist .
NXXI $20 + potential
I still think, as I have been saying for several years, that NXXI can be at least a $20 stock. Lack of capital, missteps in executing its business plan, lawsuits etc. could still stop the co, but an article in today's NY Times reinforces my belief that the potential is huge. The article, by Personal Health column writer, Jane Brody, is another of many articles about the current crisis of obesity and diabetes. What is particularly interesting is that she reviews a new book by Dr. Francine R. Kaufman, called "Diabesity: The Obesity-Diabetes Epidemic That Threatens America- and What We Must Do to Stop It." Dr. Kaufman is a past president of the American Diabetes Assn. and director of the diabetes clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Last month, NXXI announced a new study it was doing with her clinic involving type 1 diabetes in children.
Dr. Kaufman says diabetes in the US adult population increased from 4.9% to 8.7% from 1990 to 2002. She estimates that 18.2 Americans now have diabetes, 90% type 2. She says more and more children are developing it, or its precursor, prediabetes. She says that 41 million Americans have a higher-than normal blood sugar level that typically precedes the development of full-blown diabetes. She says that prior to 1993, she never saw children with type 2 diabetes. Now it is common. And she is seeing teenagers weighing as much as 300-400 pounds with "blood-sugar levels off the charts." She also says that there is an epidemic internationally.
With more than 16 million Americans with type 2 diabetes and 41 million with high blood sugar, and probably larger numbers than this in Europe, the market for cp and Diachrome is enormous. Diachrome alone could make stockholders wealthy- if the co. can make it happen.
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Boardmail an "hoelli7" |
Ich denke immer noch, wie schon seit mehreren Jahren erwähnt, dass NXXI eine 20 Dollar Aktie sein kann. Fehlendes Kapital, Fehltritte bei der Umsetzung des Business Plans, Klagen usw. haben die Firma aufgehalten. Aber ein Artikel in der heutigen NewYork Times hat meine Meinung über das große Potential bestärkt (Anmerkung von S1: Artikel vom 29.03.2005). Der Artikel von der Verfasserin der Gesundheitskolumne, Jane Brody, ist ein nur einer von vielen Artikel über die derzeitige Übergewichts- und Diabetes- Krise. Besonders interessant war ein Buch welches Jane gerade studiert namens "Diabesity: Die Blutzucker Epidemie bedroht Amerika - und was wir tun müssen um Sie zu stoppen" von der Autorin Dr. Francine R. Kaufman. Sie ist ehem. Präsidentin der Amerikanischen Diabetis Ass. und Direktor der Diabetes Klinik am Kinderspital von Los Angeles. Letztes Monat veröffentlichte NXXI eine Studie welche Sie an Ihrer Klinik durchgeführt haben, wo Kinder involviert waren, welche an Typ 1 Diabetes leiden.
Dr. Kaufman sagt Diabetes unter Erwachsenen US Bürgern stieg von 4,9% auf 8,7% ( 1990 bis 2002). Sie schätzt 18,2 Millionen Amerikaner haben Daibetes, 90% davon Typ 2. Immer mehr Kinder bekommen es oder den Vorläufer Pre-Diabetes. Sie sagt 41 Millionen Amerikaner haben einen höheren Blutzuckerwert was typischerweise Diabetes vorausgeht. Vor 1993 sind Ihr keine Kinder mit Typ 2 diabetes untergekommen. Nun ist es nichts ungeöhnliches mehr. Sie sieht teenager die 300-400 Pfund wiegen und Blutzuckerwerte "jenseits von Gut und Böse aufweisen". Sie sagt es ist auch schon eine internationale Seuche.
Mit mehr als 16 Millionen Amerikaner mit Typ 2 Diabetes und 41 Millionen mit hohem Blutzucker, und vermutlich noch mehr in Europa, ist der Markt für Chromium Picolinate and Diachrome enorm. Diachrome alleine könnte schon die Aktionäre reich machen - wenn es Nutrition 21 schafft.
Soviel zur ungekürzten Originalfassung und zum Englisch erhalten
Gruß S1
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Boardmail an "soyus1" |
PS: 20 Dollar ist ein starkes Wort; hätte nichts dagegen; aber im Moment Illussion.
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
@Mannemer: Die 20 sind sind nicht von mir; Ich habe meine eigenen Rechnungen; Aber über 2 sind die meisten ;-)
Gruß S1
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
Wenn nur eine Million Amerikaner (was z.B. nur 1/16stel der Diabetes Typ 2 Fälle bzw. 1/41stel der erhöhten Blutzuckerfälle in den USA wären) jährlich nur 30 Dollar für CP als Nahrungsergänzung ausgeben würden und davon nur 5 Dollar an NXXI an Gewinn gehen, dann hätten wir in den USA alleine 5Millionen Gewinn für NXXI und wenn es erst mal in den Köpfen der Leute wäre, dass CP das Risiko minimiert dann werden es mehr Leute....
Bei einem Gewinn von 5Mio.$ wäre bei einem KGV von 25 ein Kurs von 3,3$
(nur die auf USA bezogen ;-)
Zu Eurer Info es gibt nur 38,053,000 Aktien, d.h. die MK ist im Moment nur 48Mill. Dollar.
nicht vergessen die Petitionen an die FDA:
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of insulin resistance.
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when caused by insulin resistance.
Chromium picolinate may reduce abnormally elevated blood sugar levels.
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when caused by abnormally elevated blood sugar levels.
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when caused by type 2 diabetes.
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of retinopathy when caused by abnormally high blood sugar levels.
Chromium picolinate may reduce the risk of kidney disease when caused by abnormally high blood sugar levels.
Gruß S1
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Boardmail an "soyus1" |
Wäre gut wenn sich die 1,30 heute halten würde in NY, deutlich über 1,20 ist aber auch gut.
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
Angehängte Grafik:

PURCHASE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 1, 2005--Nutrition 21, Inc. (NASDAQ: NXXI), the leading developer and marketer of chromium-based nutritional supplements, today announced that it has privately placed 9,600 shares of preferred stock and 2,948,662 warrants for an aggregate purchase price of $9.6 million to investors including Midsummer Investment LTD, Cross Atlantic Partners, Uplift Equity Partners and Enable Capital Management LLC.
Paul Intlekofer, Chief Financial Officer of Nutrition 21, commented, "This financing provides us with a significantly improved balance sheet to help us capitalize on our successful research initiatives. Both the size of the financing and the quality of these new investors validates our excitement about the potential applications of our proprietary chromium products and the future prospects for our company. The long term orientation, sophistication and industry expertise of these investors should be valuable in attracting business opportunities and relationships to our company."
Each share of preferred stock has a stated value of $1,000 per share and is convertible into common stock at the option of the holder at $1.25 per share. Subject to certain conditions, the company can force conversion of the preferred stock if the volume weighted average price of the common stock is at least $3.76 for 20 consecutive trading days. The preferred stock pays cumulative dividends at the annual rate of 6%. Dividends are payable in cash, except that in certain circumstances dividends may be paid in shares of common stock valued at 90% of the then volume weighted average price. The company must on March 31, 2009 redeem the preferred stock at the stated value per share plus accrued dividends. The warrants are exercisable commencing October 1, 2005 and ending on March 31, 2010 at $1.31 per share. Both the preferred stock and the warrants have anti-dilution provisions. The company has agreed to register the common stock issuable as dividends and upon conversion of the preferred stock and exercise of the warrants.
Stuart Rudick, General Partner of Uplift Equity Partners, stated, "I have been monitoring Nutrition 21 over the past seven years and now Uplift Equity Partners is extremely excited to team up with Midsummer and Cross Atlantic Partners to support the Company's further progress. We believe the company has wisely invested the time, money and science to secure their proprietary products to offer safe and effective relief to millions of diabetes and cardiac patients."
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
New Study Shows Chromax Chromium Picolinate is Better Absorbed Than Other Forms of Nutritional Chromium
New Study Shows Chromax® Chromium Picolinate is Better Absorbed Then Other Forms of Nutritional Chromium
Data Presented Today at Experimental Biology (FASEB) Conference Support Chromax As Chromium of Choice for Nutritional Supplements and Foods
SAN DIEGO, APRIL 4, 2005 -- (Nutrition 21, Inc. NASDAQ: NXXI) ? A new study shows that Chromax® chromium picolinate is better absorbed by the body than other forms of chromium used as nutritional supplements and in foods. The results of the study, conducted by Ohio State University Department of Nutrition, were presented today at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) annual meeting.
The study compared absorption of four different types of nutritional chromium at a dose of 200 mcg, in the form of: Chromax chromium picolinate, chromium chloride, chromium niacin amino acid chelate and chromium nicotinate. The researchers found that women who consumed chromium supplements absorbed a significantly higher amount of chromium picolinate, as compared with the other three types of chromium, based on 24-hour urine content analysis. Absorption of chromium from chromium chloride was found to be very low and not much different than baseline. Chromium chloride is commonly used in multi-vitamin and mineral formulations for consumption as supplements and is also widely utilized in vitamin and mineral pre-mixes for food fortification.
?The results indicate that not all forms of chromium are the same,? said lead researcher Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Human Nutrition at Ohio State University in Columbus. ?Knowing which form of chromium is best absorbed by the body is important information for consumers who hope to achieve the optimal health benefits associated with chromium supplementation. The data is also significant for healthcare providers in determining which type of chromium supplement to recommend to patients. In addition, understanding which form and what dose of chromium to use in clinical studies is important to the advancement of chromium research.?
Chromium is an essential trace mineral critical to proper insulin function and necessary for carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Chromium, which is found naturally in foods in small amounts, is not well absorbed by the body. Research suggests that the typical American diet may not provide enough of this essential mineral. A large and growing body of clinical studies indicates that nutritional supplementation with chromium, especially in the form of chromium picolinate, can improve insulin function and blood sugar control in people with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
?This study is a significant milestone for Nutrition 21 because it further distinguishes Chromax from other forms of chromium. These data will help guide manufacturers in selecting a better absorbed form of chromium for use in their product formulations, so that they can meet the consumer expectation for delivering product benefits,? said Gail Montgomery, president and CEO, Nutrition 21. ?Chromax is the most-researched form of chromium. These new findings further support its position as the optimal delivery form for improved chromium nutrition, a category that is increasingly being recognized as important for maintaining metabolic health.?
Study Design
The study included 12 young adult women, each assigned to take a single dose of 200 mcg nutritional chromium. A crossover design was used with random order of administering different types of chromium supplements: Chromax chromium picolinate, chromium chloride, chromium niacin amino acid chelate and chromium nicotinate. Researchers tested the subjects? urine, collected over 24 hours after chromium supplementation, to determine how much chromium they had absorbed. After a washout period of up to two weeks, the women repeated the sequence three more times, each time with a different form of chromium. Chromium picolinate gave a considerably higher mean value than the two nicotinate-based preparations or chromium chloride. Chromium chloride produced a much lower mean urinary value than other preparations.
About Nutrition 21, Inc.
Nutrition 21 is a nutritional bioscience company and the maker of chromium-based supplements with health benefits substantiated by clinical research. The company markets Chromax® chromium picolinate, which is the most-studied form of the essential mineral chromium. Nutrition 21 also developed Diachrome®, which is available through diabetes educators or at Nutrition 21 holds 36 patents for nutrition products, 27 of which are for chromium compounds and their uses. More information is available at
Gruß S1
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Boardmail an "soyus1" |
Jetzt warten wir aber erstmal ab und machen das wie die Bayern beim Knödelessen:
Eins nach dem andern !
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
Wünsche allen viele $
Gruß S1
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Boardmail an "soyus1" |
Augen zu und durch !!!
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
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Boardmail an "Nukem" |
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Boardmail an "Nukem" |
Klär mich bitte mal auf.
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Boardmail an "Nukem" |
Die Kernaussage ist, das Chromax (das ist die Chromium Nahrungsergänzung gegen Blutzucker von Nutrition 21) besser als andere Chromium Präparate aufgenommen wird.... wie die Überschrift schon sagt, also nichts schlechtes... habe heute keine Zeit, aber ev. übersetze ich den Artikel mal (zum. teilweise) und stell in da rein.
Tja und ansonsten keep cool; heute kaufen ist ev. besser / günstiger; und SL-setzen größer gleich 1$ nicht empfehlenswert, wobei die engen SL-Orders ja nun weg sind.
Allen ein schönes Wochenende
Gruß S1
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Boardmail an "soyus1" |
Glaube aber eher, es wird nach der FDA einen Run rein geben. Irgendwie werde ich den Eindruck nicht los, hier versuchen sich Leute im Vor-FDA-Stadium noch unauffällig billig einzudecken.
Mein Tipp: 1,70 Dollar bis Juli/August.
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Boardmail an "Mannemer" |
Nutrition 21 Partners with Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation to Combat Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes Among Tribal Members
Thursday April 7, 1:51 pm ET
Diachrome(R) Adopted as Adjunct Nutritional Therapy in Physician Supervised Health Outcomes Initiative at Tribal Nation in North Dakota
PURCHASE, N.Y. & BISMARCK, N.D.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 7, 2005-- Nutrition 21, Inc. (Nasdaq: NXXI - News) and the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara (MHA) Nation today announced the initiation of their collaboration to conduct the first Diachrome® Physician Supervised Health Outcomes Initiative among Native Americans living with type 2 diabetes. The program will evaluate the health benefits and costs savings that can be achieved when Diachrome, a patented combination of Chromax® chromium picolinate and biotin specifically formulated for people with type 2 diabetes, is used in clinical practice. The program will include 600 MHA tribal members diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and it will be supervised by Corey Arcelay, MD a physician for the MHA Nation who practices at the Minne-Tohe Health Center in New Town, North Dakota.
"Diachrome supplementation will be added to our existing diabetes treatment program, which includes health education, diet, exercise and anti-diabetic medication," commented Dr. Arcelay. "Diachrome has an excellent safety profile, and the initial clinical results look very promising. A few of our patients have already responded favorably to Diachrome. If these results are confirmed in a broader cross section of our patients over the next four months, then Diachrome will be included in the Indian Health Services formulary stock."
"We are pleased to have Nutrition 21 join us in our declared 'War on Diabetes'," said Tex Hall, chairman of the MHA Nation and president of the National Congress of American Indians. "In an effort to combat the devastating effects of this disease on our people, we are always looking for new, cutting edge treatments to add to our existing arsenal of weapons against diabetes. We welcome Diachrome into our MHA diabetes treatment program and look forward to successful results."
In 2002 the National Institute of Health reported that approximately 15 percent of American Indians and Alaska Natives who receive care from the Indian Health Service have been diagnosed with diabetes; a total of 105,000 people. On average, American Indians and Alaska Natives are 2.6 times as likely to have diagnosed diabetes as non-Hispanic whites of a similar age and are at increased risk for heart disease, kidney disease, blindness and other diabetes-related complications. According to federal statistics, Native Americans are 420% more likely to die from diabetes than the rest of the United States population.
Nutrition 21 plans to expand the Diachrome Physician Supervised Health Outcomes Initiative to include tribal healthcare leaders serving an estimated 38,000 Native Americans on four Indian Reservations in North and South Dakota later this year. "Much like our alliance with XL Health, the MHA partnership allows us to move Diachrome into clinical practice in a public health setting using evidence-based medicine as a model for physician recommendation. Our ultimate business objective is to secure wide scale adoption of Diachrome as a treatment protocol in the management of type 2 diabetes, not just in minority populations in the US, but in affected populations across the globe," said Gail Montgomery, president and CEO of Nutrition 21.
Man beachte den letzten Absatz von Montgomery :-)
Schönen Gruß & beste Wünsche für eine vermutlich entscheidende Woche
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Diese Woche sollte sich was tun. Es hieß bis spätestens Mitte April wird die FDA Entscheidung erwartet.
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Boardmail an "Nukem" |
PURCHASE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 13, 2005--Nutrition 21, Inc. (Nasdaq:NXXI - News) announced today that the results of its Diachrome® clinical trial will be presented at three prestigious scientific conferences in Spring 2005. The study was conducted in collaboration with XL Health, a nationally recognized disease management firm. The 453 patient multi-center trial evaluated the effects of Diachrome, in conjunction with prescription anti-diabetics agents, on glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose, and cholesterol profiles in people with type 2 diabetes. The scientific conferences are: the American Heart Association's 6th Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; the Endocrine Society's 87th Annual Meeting; and the American Diabetes Association 65th Annual Scientific Sessions.
The Diachrome study is the largest U.S. clinical trail to demonstrate the health benefits of chromium-based intervention for diabetes. " This is a major clinical milestone for Diachrome and further confirms its safety and benefits in managing blood sugar and cholesterol levels as an adjunct to pharmaceutical treatments for people with type 2 diabetes," said Gail Montgomery, president and CEO, Nutrition 21. " We look forward to sharing the scientific data in an effort to gain adoption among the medical community of Diachrome for diabetes management."
Additionally, Nutrition 21 announces it has agreed to the FDA's request for an additional 60-day extension regarding the company's applications for Qualified Health Claims (QHCs) for chromium picolinate. The FDA's new decision date will be June 17, 2005. The Company applied for QHCs associating chromium picolinate with reduced risk of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and related conditions in December 2003.
" We understand the current resource constraints at the agency and will continue to cooperate with the FDA to move the process forward," said Montgomery. " The health claims, if approved, will facilitate the Company's marketing of chromium picolinate to healthcare professionals and consumers."
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