daß Calypte und Maxim Abkommensverträge vollendet und unterzeichnet haben ?? Was für eine Summe wird Calypte dafür bekommen??
Calypte Biomedical's Rockville, Maryland Facility Approved for the Manufacture of its HIV-1 Urine EIA Screening Test
"This favorable response to our application to manufacture the HIV-1 Urine EIA in Rockville is an important accomplishment for several reasons," stated Dr. Richard George, President and CEO. "First and foremost, it means that the Rockville facility is now in a position to continue the uninterrupted supply of this test to our customers in the US and abroad. Second, the proposed sale of our Rockville operations to Maxim Biomedical Corporation is contingent upon, among other things, securing the FDA's approval of Rockville as a manufacturing site for the EIA. This event brings us one step closer to concluding that arrangement and to fully implementing our corporate restructuring plan."
Nach dem Final Report (China) können wir davon ausgehen das Calypte eine beschleunigte Zulassung aus China bekommt..
Montag wird sehr aufregend sein ; )