hier ein Interwiew mit CEO Watson von 22 April diesen Jahres - die Visionen sind unglaublich, aber wenn nur 10% davon eintreffen kann sich jeder selbst ausrechnen wo wir dann stehen ;)
P.S. bullhead, hoffe doch bald sagen zu können "Willkommen im Club"
und hier das Interwiew:
April 22, 2009 09:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time Guard Dog Announces Revenue Projections on Eve of National Talk Radio Interview RENO, Nev.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Guard Dog, Inc. (Pink Sheets:GRDO) announced earlier today that company President and CEO James Watson has accepted an invitation to be interviewed on a national business talk radio show. Watson is a confirmed guest on the national radio show, ?Corporate Strategies with Tim Connolly? to be aired live on Friday May 1, 2009.
Renowned talk radio show host and financier for small business, Tim Connolly analyzes business strategies of unique public companies that he believes to have potential investment interest to his listeners. His radio show airs on over 400 affiliate radio stations across the country. While specific topics of discussion are not released prior to airing, they are most likely to include current market conditions for consumer services companies and their effects on consistent long term growth for the shareholders, as well as the importance of operating efficiencies and expansive revenue development through advertising.
In addition, Guard Dog ID, LLC announces its? three and five year forecasted revenue projections of $120,000,000 (one hundred twenty million dollars) and $240,000,000 (two hundred forty million dollars) respectively. Current marketing efforts coupled with a successful growth through acquisition campaign are believed to have significantly minimized the effects of the depressed consumer market resulting from the current historic economic downturn of the world economy.
?Based on what our major competitors have accomplished within a similar time frame, Guard Dog should conservatively grow its consumer subscription base to over 1 million subscribers within the next three years and 2 million subscribers in the next five years with an average projected revenue of $10 (ten dollars) per subscription,? stated Watson. Guard Dog?s progressive marketing initiatives, superior product and affiliated partnering program are all poised to significantly expand Guard Dog?s strong foundation of existing customers.
About Guard Dog, Inc.
Guard Dog Inc. is a Pink Sheet stock which trades under the symbol GRDO. To obtain additional information about Guard Dog, LLC, please visit the Company?s website, which may be found at: www.guarddogid.com.
This press release contains statements that are ?forward-looking,? and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Statements that are not historical facts are considered forward-looking statements, and are subject to Safe Harbor provisions as defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 Company results and performance may be materially different from future results, strategies, plans or goals expressed or implied by any forward looking statements made herein. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.
Quelle:http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/...05833&newsLang=en ----------- "Gemäß anerkannter flugmechanischer Gesetze kann eine Hummel aufgrund ihrer Gestalt und ihres Gewichtes im Vergleich zur Flügelfläche nicht fliegen. Die Hummel weiß es nicht und fliegt trotzdem."