Calypte Only Company with Full Menu of Tests.

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16.07.06 10:44

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikekann mir das einer erklären?

HIV  Last: 0.19 Change: 0.00(0.00%) Volume: 2.25 m Last Trade: 7/15/06

Price Size    Exch Time
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:44
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:43
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:38
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:34
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:30
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:26
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:24
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:22
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:20
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:10
0.19 5000    AMX 17:01:05
0.19 5000    AMX 12:53:07
0.19 5000    AMX 12:44:59
0.19 5000    AMX 12:36:06
0.19 5000    AMX 12:23:33
0.19 5000    AMX 12:11:35
0.19 5000    AMX 12:00:15
0.19 5000    AMX 11:49:29
0.19 5000    AMX 11:39:27
0.19 5000    AMX 11:30:00
0.19 5000    AMX 11:21:13
0.19 5000    AMX 11:13:05
0.19 5000    AMX 11:05:38
0.19 5000    AMX 10:58:48
0.19 5000    AMX 10:52:06
0.19 5000    AMX 10:45:26
0.19 7000    PAC 10:39:26
0.19 1200    PAC 10:38:17
0.19 3800    PAC 10:38:17
0.19 5000    AMX 10:38:09

16.07.06 10:46

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikewieviel Aktien sind gehandelt worden?

2,25 Mio oder 1 Mio?  

17.07.06 16:04

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikeWer ist den eigentlich noch hier ?hm o. T.

17.07.06 16:11

1544 Postings, 8061 Tage werweißIch bin noch da,

hi Lucky, da kommt bald was das ist gewiss, spätestens Ende Juli

Gruß werweiß  

17.07.06 17:43

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlHi Lucky & werweiß , bin immer da und beobachte


was meinst du denn, was kommen wird bis Ende Juli???  

17.07.06 18:59

227 Postings, 6831 Tage calyritter_die_Rattetu nicht so scheinheilig, brokersince:

das delisting wird bei den umsatz- und verlustzahlen sicher kommen!!! wenn ihr glück habt noch eine china-meldung. die wird aber gegned en abwärtsstrudel nicht viel ausrichten können. auch zulassungen in afrika bringen noch lange keine verkaufszahlen, wie ihr seht.

ich prophezeihe euch nochmal, so wie ich es schon anfang des jahres getan habe, es wird in 2006 keine großaufträge mehr geben.

amex-delisting, zunehmende aktienflut und RS werdne die folge sein. wie immer: wer es nicht glaubt, bleibt investiert. von euch dreien weiß ich aber, dass ihr euch das ganze schmerzprogramm in epischer länge reinzieht!!! da kann wohl keiner mehr helfen.

lucky, du wirst dir untreu, du wolltest eigentlich ende märz das handtuch werfen, wenn keien umsatzzahlen und endgültigen chinazulassungen da sind. nutze eien ev. letzten china-zock zum ausstieg!

Time & Sales most recent  next page
Rec. Time Action Price Volume
12:57:42 PM Ask 0.19  188000  
12:57:40 PM Ask 0.19  188200  
12:49:26 PM Ask 0.19  188000  
12:49:16 PM Ask 0.19  185000  
12:49:16 PM Ask 0.19  185200  
12:23:08 PM Bid 0.18  556500  
12:14:36 PM Ask 0.19  185000  
12:14:36 PM Ask 0.19  180100  
12:12:58 PM Ask 0.19  180000  
12:12:46 PM Trade 0.18  8000  
12:12:46 PM Bid 0.18  556500  
11:49:18 AM Bid 0.18  564500  
11:41:14 AM Ask 0.19  171000  
11:39:22 AM Ask 0.19  210000  
11:39:08 AM Ask 0.19  200000  
11:39:08 AM Ask 0.19  214000  
11:36:12 AM Trade 0.18  27000  
11:36:12 AM Trade 0.18  30000  
11:36:12 AM Trade 0.18  10000  
11:36:10 AM Trade 0.18  14000  
11:36:10 AM Trade 0.18  19000  
11:34:50 AM Ask 0.19  175000  
11:34:30 AM Ask 0.19  200000  
11:33:14 AM Ask 0.19  140000  
11:30:50 AM Ask 0.19  98800  
11:30:50 AM Bid 0.18  564500  
11:30:48 AM Trade 0.18  61100  
11:30:48 AM Trade 0.18  4000  
11:30:48 AM Trade 0.18  4000  
11:30:48 AM Trade 0.18  15000  
11:30:48 AM Trade 0.18  2300  
11:30:46 AM Trade 0.18  100  
11:30:46 AM Trade 0.18  13400  
11:19:50 AM Bid 0.18  578000  
11:12:14 AM Ask 0.19  98200  
11:12:10 AM Trade 0.18  5000  
10:39:16 AM Ask 0.19  82200  
10:26:20 AM Trade 0.19  1000  
10:23:58 AM Ask 0.19  75800  
10:23:56 AM Trade 0.19  600  
10:23:18 AM Bid 0.18  568000  
10:14:28 AM Ask 0.19  76500  
10:14:28 AM Trade 0.19  1300  
10:14:26 AM Trade 0.19  1300  
10:13:34 AM Bid 0.18  568000  
10:12:18 AM Ask 0.19  77800  
10:12:18 AM Ask 0.19  3700  
10:08:08 AM Bid 0.18  568000  
10:01:32 AM Bid 0.18  559000  
9:55:26 AM Bid 0.18  570500  


17.07.06 19:11

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlJoelü, ist das für dich kein Großauftrag???


20th June 2006


The Mineseeker Foundation has reached an agreement with Calypte, a US pharmaceutical company, to purchase a new aids test product called Aware?, that is based on a saliva swab that can be used in the field by non-medical personnel.

The Foundation will fund the purchase of 1 million swabs, with an option on a further 4 million units. The swabs, now approved by the South African Health Authorities, has been trialled in Kenya and has proved to be as effective as leading blood test products - but without the necessity of a costly, medically supervised support structure.

The Mineseeker Foundation is primarily involved with the removal of land mines, but the Foundations ?Sole of Africa?s? initiative, now being launched in Mozambique, includes returning mine free land back to agriculture and an educational and empowerment programme that trains local people to farm.  They also support vocational training for people unable to find work, including land mine and aids victims.

Mike Kendrick, Founder of Mineseeker said today. ?While the primary objective of Mineseeker is the eradication of land mines, we are also committed to the regeneration of the local communities. Without that the clearance of mines is only part of the answer. Land will be returned to the people to grow food and a foster management programme installed to help re-establish themselves. This will mean growing good quality crops that will lift the natural immunity system ? particularly helping aids sufferers. The introduction of the Aware product will help re-build the confidence of these communities.?

The Mineseeker Foundation Patrons include Nelson Mandela, Sir Richard Branson, Queen Noor of Jordon, Graca Machel, international businessman John Paul DeJoria and the actor Brad Pitt. The Foundation is supported by other leading NGOs including Feed the Children, The International Youth Foundation and The Salvation Army. The test packs will be donated to NGOs for distribution in the field or sold at cost.

Nelson Mandela said: ?As a patron of Mineseeker, I totally support the aids test initiative. The tests will remove the fear of many people who believe they may be infected and who are nervous about blood testing. Fear is a terrible affliction, whether it is the fear of treading on a mine or the fear not knowing if you are HIV positive.?

John Paul DeJoria added ?As a Patron of Mineseeker, it is my honour to be able to thank all the people and companies that are coming together in this initiative to help conquer AIDS in Africa?.

- Ends -

For further information, please contact:

Mineseeker Foundation

Lasyard House

WV16 4BB

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1746 767 000

Notes to editors:

Further details on CalypteÆ Aware?

  1. The CalypteÆ Aware? HIV-1/2 OMT test is a single use, qualitative, visually read, in vitro immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) and Type 2 (HIV-2) in human oral mucosal transudate specimens.  It is intended for use as a point-of-care aid in the clinical diagnosis of HIV infection. This test may be used as a component of a multi-test rapid algorithm in conjunction with other approved HIV antibody assays.

  1. A total of 1740 OMT specimens were tested using the CalypteÆ Aware? HIV-1/2 OMT assay and various reference assays. In these studies, specificity was 99.6% (258/259) and sensitivity was 99.9% (1480/1481).

Further details on the Mineseeker Foundation

The Mineseeker Foundation is a not for profit organisation established to:

  1. Promote landmine-removal action

  2. Improve technology in mine action

  3. Develop an effective landmine detection system, mounted on an airship

  4. Provide a significant tool in the humanitarian de-mining effort to provide fast, accurate minefield mapping, allowing conventional de-mining to be concentrated where it is needed

  5. Enable immediate release of the estimated 80% of land currently classified as mined, but which in fact contains no mines or other unexploded ordnance

  6. Release wrongly classified land through survey in order to encourage economic growth and stability

  7. Landmines are the scourge of the modern world. Whole populations are denied land for agriculture, access to water, health care and communications.

In more than 70 countries landmines still threaten life and limb, and promote fear. The economic cost and social costs are incalculable. The MINESEEKER Airship is fitted with unique ground penetrating radar able to detect landmines, both plastic and metal infinitely faster, more safely and more cost effectively than any other current detection method. The scanning capacity of MINESEEKER Airship is 100 square metres per second (compared with manual de-mining of 40 metres per day). The UN estimate that 80% of the area currently classified as mined contains no mines and could be released through technical survey.

__________ NOD32 1.1454 (20060321) Information __________


18.07.06 11:22

227 Postings, 6831 Tage calyritter_die_Rattenein brokersince. ist es nicht!

tu nicht so scheinheilig. diese ominöse meldung vom 20.06 war wieder schjön aufgeblasen. in der caly-meldung hört sich das schon wieder ganz anders an. ingesamt 1 mio-units. jetzt erst mal nur 35.500 units im 3-quartal! wo bleibt die umsatz-zahlen-meldung!!

bei jedem vernünftigen gro´ßauftrag steht sonst bei "im werte von 4.000.000$ produkte verkauft" etc...

hier scheinbar nur zum selbstkostenpreis????

trotz der meldung reger handel bei 0,18$. die ratten verlassen das s(t)inkende schiff, bevor das delisting kommt und die grottenschlechten q-2-zahlen

bei einem großauftrag müssen auf einen schlag wenigstens mal 2.000.000-$ umgesetzt werden. das will ich von caly mal lesen (und ihr nämlich auch). aber da kannst du bei caly lange drauf warten!

ich wiederhole: da wird sich in 2006 nichts mehr tun. so wie vorher schon nicht in 2003, 2004 und 2005.

ahnst du nicht, wo der hase langläuft? du weißt es schon lange, jedoch käme ein eingeständnis einer bankrotterklärung gleich!  

20.07.06 08:10

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrike31.07.06 also noch 8 Handelstage hat Caly noch

um etwas zu bewegen.
China dauert auch noch, ich denke Caly geht von der AMEX und danach erst kommt die Zulassung für China.
Egal wie es kommt, weitere Aufträge müssen her, am besten aus China.  

20.07.06 12:35

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikewas auffällt ist,

es wird relativ viel verkauft um die 0,18 hmmm warum?
na Jungs los, ich möchte Joelu hier wieder lesen auf gehts Joelu schreib deine Meinung los grins.  

20.07.06 13:55

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikenews Jungs super news jungs

Press Release Source: Calypte Biomedical Corporation

Calypte\'s Aware(TM) BSP HIV-1/2 Rapid Test Approved for Addition to USAID Waiver List
Thursday July 20, 7:30 am ET

LAKE OSWEGO, Ore., July 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Calypte Biomedical Corporation (Amex: HIV; the "Company"), medical diagnostic tests manufacturer for the professional point of care (PRO) and over the counter (OTC) segments of the market primarily for the detection of antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) announced today that its Aware(TM) BSP HIV-1/2 Rapid test is now approved for addition to the USAID waiver list, that is, the Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directive (AAPD 05-01) which permits this blood test to be used in USAID funded projects.

USAID provides assistance in four regions of the world: Sub-Saharan Africa; Asia and the Near East; Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe and Eurasia and has funded almost $6 billion since the inception of its HIV/AIDS program in 1986, more than any other public or private organization. USAID currently has HIV/AIDS programs in nearly 100 countries worldwide. USAID has delegated the task of evaluating HIV tests and deciding if data generated by that evaluation is sufficient to support that test being added to the waiver list to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC"). The CDC GAP Laboratory Support Team completed the interim validation of the Aware(TM) BSP HIV-1/2 Rapid test. The test met the requirements specific for USAID Waiver and CDC recommended it for inclusion in the waiver list. USAID has confirmed that the kit is so approved.

Roger I. Gale, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Calypte noted, "Only those assays meeting stringent performance criteria are placed on the USAID waiver list. This approval for the waiver list means that our product can now be used by USAID, the largest potential customer in the world. It is an additional validation of our rapid products as we expand our reach worldwide. As we continue to focus on humanitarian efforts, such as the announced roll out of MineSeeker\'s African HIV/AIDS testing initiative, being on the USAID waiver list is expected to enhance our credibility and facilitate our involvement in further humanitarian programs."

Mr. Gale continued, "At the same time, we have authorized an evaluation of our Aware(TM) OMT HIV-1/2 Rapid test for the USAID waiver list. Specimens are being collected over the summer and I estimate that the process can be completed towards the end of the year. The Aware(TM) OMT HIV-1/2 Rapid test is our single use, point-of-care aid in the clinical diagnosis of HIV infection that uses human oral fluid specimens to give results in less than 20 minutes. This test may also be used as a component of a multi-test rapid algorithm in conjunction with other approved HIV antibody assays."

About USAID:

USAID ( is a United States government agency that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. USAID provides assistance in four regions of the world: Sub-Saharan Africa; Asia and the Near East; Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe and Eurasia. USAID initiatives include global health and humanitarian assistance. USAID has funded almost $6 billion since the inception of its HIV/AIDS program in 1986, more than any other public or private organization. USAID currently has HIV/AIDS programs in nearly 100 countries worldwide.

About Calypte Biomedical:

Calypte Biomedical Corporation ( is a U.S.-based healthcare company focused on the development and commercialization of diagnostic testing products for the detection of sexually transmitted diseases such as the HIV-1 BED Incidence EIA and new diagnostic test products for the rapid detection of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, several of which do not require blood samples. Calypte believes there is a significant need for rapid detection of such diseases globally to control their proliferation, particularly in developing countries, which lack the medical infrastructure to support laboratory-based testing. Calypte believes that testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infectious diseases may make important contributions to public health, and could increase the likelihood of treating those with undetected HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Such statements reflect management\'s current views, are based on certain assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results, events, or performance may differ materially from the above forward-looking statements due to a number of important factors, and will be dependent upon a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, the Company\'s ability to obtain additional financing, if and as needed, and access funds from its existing financing arrangements that will allow it to continue its current and future operations and whether demand for its test products in domestic and international markets will generate sufficient revenues to achieve positive cash flow and profitability. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof or to reflect any change in the Company\'s expectations with regard to these forward-looking statements or the occurrence of unanticipated events. Factors that may impact the Company\'s success are more fully disclosed in the Company\'s most recent public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including its annual report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2005 and its subsequent filings with the SEC.

Company Contact:
Theodore R Gwin, Chief Financial Officer
(971) 204-0282

Investor Relations Contact:
Tim Clemensen,
Rubenstein Investor Relations
Phone: (212) 843-9337


20.07.06 14:02

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikeund das für den Bluttest!!

Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy


20.07.06 14:29

5573 Postings, 7328 Tage gindantshey Lucky! hoffe dass mal was geht.

diese news könnten die leiche mal in bewegung bringen...

20.07.06 14:32

227 Postings, 6831 Tage calyritter_die_Rattelucky, typische caly-hup-und-bläh-meldung

von denen haben wir schon tonnenweise gesehen. wo nicht überall zugelassen und ach wie toll die vertriebspartner sind und wie sehr alle auf die test stehen...

junge, junge:  U M S Ä T Z E!!!!!!!!!! unsaätze wollen wir sehen...nicht so ne warmduschermeldung.

aber immerhin, sie wird verhindern, dass die 0,18$ heuite brechen. also das hat caly wirklich drauf, charttechnik ist nämlich bedrohlich.

lucky, heute kannst du mal wieder zu 0,20/0,21$ aussteigen, wäre das nichts für dich???

denke an das drohende immer näher kommende amex-delisting!  

20.07.06 15:43

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikeJoelu geil,geil, ich

gehe jetzt zum baden grins (mit Caly grins lach )
nimms mit Humor, Grüße Lucky  

20.07.06 15:57

227 Postings, 6831 Tage calyritter_die_Rattedu gehst also mit caly baden?

eine wahre aussage. ich nehme es mit humor, ich bin ja außen vor...grins  

20.07.06 16:56

5417 Postings, 8980 Tage Biomedi300 k in USA bei 11%Plus? o. T.

20.07.06 20:25

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlInformativ


12 minutes ago

Cato, I believe if you review this link, you will see why I and many others believe it will not occur.
hp%5F1%5F1%5F10%5F2%5F1&CiRestriction=delisting&manual =%2Famex%2Fcompanyguide%2F

First, Calypte has acquired three million dollars in assets, which increases the equity of the company. Secondly, they have acquired a major purchase agreement for one million tests and an option for four million more. Third, we don't know what the sales for the second quarter are as of yet or what sales there have been, to date.

We don't know the plan which was revealed to the AMEX, but it does state if they have met goals in the plan, that would be considered. If the plan included sales targets for the second and third quarters, they most likely have met those targets with the purchase agreement. We don't know the amount of other sales. If it included acquiring approvals such as UNAIDS, they acheived that. If it included involement in clinical trials in India, they are doing that. If it included submission of application for approval to Russia, that has occurred.

I don't believe it will occur, in light of the events which have transpired the past month if they are meeting the goals, especially with the need for HIV low cost, effective testing, worldwide.

But then again, if it does happen, its really not a big issue, because of the low cost of the share price, which will do nothing but rise with sales from the approvals worldwide, especially using Orasure (the only competitor for the HIV 1/2 Aware oral rapid test) as a comparison and how they have done domestically.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rate it:





24.07.06 08:31

1963 Postings, 7782 Tage LuckyStrikeEs wird mit Sicherheit eine spannende Woche

oder Joelu China-Amexverbleib-Nichtamexverbleib-Zahlen-Nichtzahlen-Umsätze-N­ichtumsätze-Zulassungen-Nichtzulassungen.
In diesen Sinne Lucly  

25.07.06 12:19

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlHeute News? oder doch Donnerstag?? o. T.

25.07.06 17:03

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlIntressanter Volumen Heute o. T.

25.07.06 21:40

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlMaking HIV Tests Routine

Ist Calypte`s Rapid Reihe etwa damit gemeint ???

Was meint Ihr?? Hört sich sehr , sehr danach an...


Screening for the virus in annual physicals may be the best way to fight AIDS.

July 23, 2006


EVEN WITH ALL THAT IS KNOWN about HIV, there are still 40,000 new infections a year in the United States. One of the main reasons is that a quarter of those infected today don't know it; research shows those people are behind half of all new transmissions. Hoping to change that, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to recommend in the next few weeks that everyone between 13 and 64 should be routinely tested for HIV, just as healthy people get regular checks of their blood pressure and cholesterol.

Though the recommendation is voluntary, doctors usually heed such federal health guidelines when suggesting preventive screenings for their patients, and insurance companies usually pay for the ensuing tests. The goal is to make HIV testing part of the typical annual physical. Since testing is now so easy ? it takes as little as 20 minutes ? this is doable, cheap and could do more to stem new transmissions than almost any other available option.
 < script language=JavaScript src=";ptype=s;rg=ur;ref=financeyahoocom;sz=300x250;tile=3;ord=57967968" type=text/javascript>< /script>More than 1 million people in the U.S. live with HIV. The disease's stigma has fallen dramatically from even a decade ago, and antiviral medications have transformed what once was a death sentence into a condition that is often manageable. Because only 10% of Americans get tested each year, most of those unaware they are infected continue passing the virus along. According to federal research, people who know they are HIV-positive reduce risky behavior, such as having unprotected sex or sharing needles, by as much as two-thirds. Getting carriers into treatment earlier helps keep the virus in check.

Federal authorities are growing frustrated at their recent inability to curb HIV transmissions. New infections fell for much of the 1990s but have held constant for most of this decade. Lately, there have been troubling signs that rates are increasing among young gay men and minorities. Some health officials believe that unless the government significantly steps up prevention efforts, rates could climb rapidly.

One concern with broader testing is that it inevitably will lead to a higher rate of false positives. Though possible, it probably won't happen any more than it does with screening tests for colon cancer or breast tumors. Hopefully, doctors will be able to persuade patients to look beyond their fear and get tested more regularly.


25.07.06 21:53

730 Postings, 6985 Tage OttomanRosendahlDas wäre der durchbruch

Hoping to change that, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to recommend in the next few weeks that everyone between 13 and 64 should be routinely tested for HIV, just as healthy people get regular checks of their blood pressure and cholesterol.  

25.07.06 21:55



Since testing is now so easy ? it takes as little as 20 minutes ? this is doable, cheap and could do more to stem new transmissions than almost any other available option.



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