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Sub-Sahara´s Partner Sunridge Gold meldet wieder beste Ergebnisse in Eritrea
January 10, 2006 08:00 AM US Eastern Timezone Sunridge Gold Corp.: Drilling Increases Adi Nefas VMS Project Strike Length by 160 Metres VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 10, 2006-- Four Rigs to Continue Operating at Asmara Project
Sunridge Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:SGC) reports assay results from an additional twenty-six holes, NG-023-D to NG-048-D, received to date from the Adi Nefas Gossan zinc-gold-copper volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) project, part of the Asmara Project, Eritrea. These results have extended the strike length of high-grade zinc, gold and copper mineralization to the south by 160 metres, for a total strike length to date of 400 metres, and the depth to 250 metres vertical depth from surface. A total of 63 holes have now been completed at Adi Nefas and further assay results will be reported as available. Surface geological features defined by mapping and results of geophysical studies indicate that other potential zones of mineralization exist to the north, south and at depth. One drill will continue to operate at Adi Nefas to test these potential extensions.
NG-024-D - 7.85 metres grading 3.9 g/t Au, 147.52 g/t Ag, 5.5% Cu and 10.05% Zn
NG-025-D - 10.6 metres grading 3.16g/t Au, 96.08 g/t Ag, 2.23% Cu and 10.68% Zn
NG-026-D - 9.0 metres grading 11.91 g/t Au, 285 g/t Ag, 3.18% Cu and 11.05% Zn
NG-043-D - 5.25 metres grading 10.81 g/t Au, 239.8 g/t Ag, 6.77% Cu and 6.77% Zn
NG-046-D - 7.80 metres grading 4.0 g/t Au, 135.44 g/t Ag, 1.12% Cu and 5.62% Zn
-------------------------------------------------- Au Equiv- alent g/t Len- Gold Silver Copper Zinc (see Drill From To gth (Au) (Ag) (Cu) (Zn) Note 1 hole # metres metres metres g/t g/t % % below) Zone -------------------------------------------------- NG-023-D 283.35 288.35 5.00 0.33 11.00 0.17 2.93 4.55 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-024-D 61.7 69.55 7.85 3.9 147.52 5.5 10.05 34.74 SG/P -------------------------------------------------- NG-025-D 175.2 185.8 10.6 3.16 96.08 2.23 10.68 24.17 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-026-D 60.45 69.45 9.00 11.91 285 3.18 11.05 38.88 SG/P -------------------------------------------------- NG-027-D 204.05 222.65 13.62 3.11 40.69 0.34 5.13 10.92 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-029-D 83.8 94.35 10.55 1.41 41.74 0.56 3.28 7.64 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-030-D 175.3 180.8 5.5 3.87 58.91 0.76 1.86 9.23 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-031-D 83 96.45 13.45 0.37 8.33 0.1 3.43 4.96 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-043-D 75.9 81.15 5.25 10.81 239.8 6.77 6.77 42.82 SG/P -------------------------------------------------- NG-044-D 133.75 148.30 14.55 0.68 27.16 0.38 2.31 4.99 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-046-D 214.15 221.95 7.80 4.00 135.44 1.12 5.62 16.09 P -------------------------------------------------- NG-047-D 155.95 158.95 3.00 0.59 43.23 0.20 2.60 4.95 P --------------------------------------------------
Drill holes NG-023-D to NG-027, NG-029 to NG-031-D and NG-043, NG-44, NG-46 and NG-47-D verify the continuation of the high-grade gold-copper-zinc over a 400 metre strike length. Drill hole NG-028-D intercepted only narrow intervals of zinc and gold mineralization. Drill hole NG-045-D tested a gravity anomaly located 600 metres northeast of the mineralized zone with no massive sulphides intersected in this hole. Drill holes NG-032-D to NG-042-D and NG-048-D returned no significant assays where the gossan appears to pinch out over a strike length of approximately 200 metres and gives way to more disseminated sulphides - see the attached map. However, further to the north along strike of this area, geological mapping has shown the surface gossans become stronger again, perhaps indicative of more massive sulphides at depth. This area will be drill tested in the near future subsequent to detailed mapping and a ground IP survey which will commence in early 2006.
Four drill rigs will continue to operate at the Asmara Project during the first quarter of 2006 to complete the current 24,000 metre exploration and development drill program. Dependent upon ongoing results, this program may be extended.
One rig will continue to operate at Adi Nefas to test potential extensions of the known mineralized zone as well to test a newly identified VMS gossan structure that extends for at least 500 metres and is located approximately one kilometre to the south of the current mineralized zone.
Two rigs are continuing to complete 9,000 metres of reverse circulation and diamond drilling at Debarwa. The purpose of this drill program is to test the potential strike extensions of the main zone to the south for at least 500 metres and to depth. This 500 metres of potential additional strike length is between 2 mineralized zones, Debarwa Main and Debarwa South, where the gossan zone outcrops are underlain by a strong gravity anomaly. In addition, part of this program will further define certain zones, particularly the high-grade gold gossan zone of Debarwa Main as part of the ongoing Conceptual Mine Plan. In 2004, 14,000 metres of drilling was completed at Debarwa with a focus on the high-grade copper-gold-zinc main zone over a strike length of 250 metres and to a depth of 100 metres.
Eleven diamond drill holes have been completed at the Emba Derho VMS prospect. Management believes that Emba Derho has strong potential for a new discovery based on the significant gossan exposure at surface, over 700 metres in length, promising past results from trenching and the existence of coincident gravity and EM anomalies. Continued drilling will be dependent upon assay results which will be reported when received.
Drilling by a previous operator has outlined a gold resource at Gupo as follows:
-------------------------------------------------- Resource Tonnes Average Grade - g/t gold Ounces of Gold -------------------------------------------------- Inferred 1,965,000 2.99 189,200 --------------------------------------------------
Note: The above resource estimates are filed on Sedar as an independent consultant's geological report according to the CIM and JORC codes, dated May 6, 2004. Sunridge is planning 2,000 metres of diamond and reverse circulation drilling on the Gupo property in the first quarter of 2006 to verify previous drilling and to test extensions to the north, south and the depth.
1. All assays have been converted to a gold equivalent grade in grams per tonne in order to better clarify the value of these poly-metallic results. Gold equivalent values are calculated on gross metal values not adjusted for metallurgical recoveries, refinery costs and all other relevant conversion factors and based on the following metal values: gold equals US$500 per ounce, silver equals US$7 per ounce, copper equals US$2.00 per pound and zinc equals US$0.80 per pound.
2. Drill intercept lengths only are reported in the tabulations; it is estimated that true width will be approximately 80% of the reported drill intercept length. Drill sample results are from core drilling using HQ and NQ size.
3. Zones of mineralization in the tabulations are as follows: SG equals Supergene, P equals Primary zones of mineralization
4. A Quality Assurance/Quality Control program is part of the drilling program on the Asmara Project. This program includes chain of custody protocol as well as systematic submittals of standards, duplicates and blank samples into the flow of samples produced by the drilling.
5. A description of the geology, sampling procedures, and the Company's laboratory Quality Assurance / Quality Control procedures are as described in the Company's National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report filed on February 17, 2004 and amended by the Amended Technical Report filed dated April 27, 2004. This report is available at www.sedar.com.
6. Samples are prepared at African Horn Testing Services (Eritrea) and analyzed at Genalysis Laboratories (a NATA registered laboratory) in Perth, Western Australia. Analytical methods used in these results are as follows: Gold - fire assay, 50 gm charge with AA finish. Silver, Copper and Zinc - Multi-acid digestion with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical (Atomic) Emission Spectrometry (ICP) finish.
7. The Qualified Person for the release of this exploration information is Michael Hopley, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sunridge Gold Corp.
Sunridge Gold Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, discovery and development of precious and base metal projects. The Company is currently conducting exploration on the Asmara Joint Venture Project in Eritrea. The Company is continuing to be the sole financial contributor to the JV to earn a 70% interest. The Company has 28.4 million shares outstanding and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol SGC. For additional information on the Company and its projects please view the slide show on our website at www.sunridgegold.com or call Don Halliday at the number listed below.