für nächste woche... aus einem us-board:
Yes this is the #1 hurricane play out there, chack out the float. 13,000,000 shares so this will run fast on light volume. Expect a nice news release this week.
We are putting out a press release early next week, once you review let me know if there is further clarification required.
We appreciate your interest.
Mark V. Noffke
Chief Financial Officer
National Storm Management, Inc
630.446-4400 fax
From: GOVERNMENTSUPPLYLINE [mailto:governmentsupplyline*earthlink.net] Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 2:34 PM To: Mark V. Noffke Subject: Re: PR's
Very nice, would it be possible to put something like that in a press release? Investors never take email postings for factual as there are so many pumpers out there. We would all be greatful.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark V. Noffke
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: PR's
Mr. Gambuzza
National Storm Management, Inc. results for the calendar year present a lost for the first time in the Company?s history. This is mainly attributed to the infrastructure development that the Company undertook during 2005. The five new offices opened include three (3) in Florida, one (1) in Mississippi, and one (1) in Minnesota. The development costs associated with these facilities was $1.1 million that was absorbed in administrative costs. Just as significant as these infrastructure costs was the sales deficiency from Mississippi and Minnesota whose operation will operating at capacity during 2006 without any significant amount of added investment. The Company reported approximately $500,000 of sales from these two entities in 2005 with the anticipation of $26 million in sales for the coming year. The lost sales from operations in 2005 equates to approximately $4.0 million.
National Storm Management, Inc. targets restoration markets positioning itself to be 50 ? 100 miles outside of the eye of the hurricane. The restoration work focuses on the exterior repair of commercial and residential buildings. Prior, to initiating any work the Company requires that the estimated costs of repair are in agreement with the various insurance carriers. Due to the tremendous damage incurred by Hurricane Katrina, these carriers have focused their attention, rightly so, to claims where there is total devastation and have only recently migrated into the areas where the Company has established operations.
Mark V. Noffke
Chief Financial Officer
National Storm Management, Inc
630.446-4400 fax
From: GOVERNMENTSUPPLYLINE [mailto:governmentsupplyline*earthlink.net] Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 12:58 PM To: m_noffke*abcexteriors.net Subject: PR's
Hello Mr Noffke,
I am a mmember on one of the more popular forums for pink sheets, we have quite a few NLST shareholders on our forum (holding nearly 3 million shares) and I was checking to see if your company plans to release any PR's in the coming weeks, we would all like to hear forcasted financials. There have been bashers on the boards as of late who point to your most recent financials showing the losses of over 1,500,000.00, In my opionion people who read the news correctly will understand that the news is actually good, and that net loss is in general due to growth... I have told some investors on our forums that your company would likely begin posting info on your profits from Katrina work that is just starting to come in, please let me know if this is the case.