$ $ GS CleanTech Corporation will neuen Kurs $ $

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22.03.07 11:23

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzybush meldet sich wieder

GS cleantech hat die technology - daher sind die aussichten für uns gut

Bush beruft Gipfel mit Autokonzernchefs zu Biosprit ein
US-Präsident George W. Bush hat für die nächste Woche ein Treffen mit den Chefs der großen US-Autokonzerne einberufen. Wie sein Amt am Mittwoch mitteilte, soll bei dem Autogipfel mit den Konzernlenkern von General Motors, Ford und DaimlerChrysler am Montag insbesondere über alternative Treibstoffe gesprochen werden.

Bush hatte diese Woche bei Werksbesichtigungen in der Region um Kansas City im Mittleren Westen für seine Energie-Agenda geworben, die eine Förderung von spritsparenden Autos und Fahrzeugen mit alternativen Antrieben vorsieht.

Bush hat als Ziel ausgegeben, den Spritverbrauch in den USA binnen zehn Jahren um ein Fünftel zu senken. Die US-Autokonzerne sind in den vergangenen Jahren in die Krise geschlittert. Sie haben mit PS-starken und spritschluckenden Fahrzeugen in Zeiten gestiegener Ölpreise am Markt vorbei produziert, auf dem die japanische Konkurrenz immer stärker punktet.

Als Folge des Niedergangs der US-Autobranche häufen sich Milliardenverluste auf, die die Konzerne zu einem massiven Arbeitsplatzabbau zwingen. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte Bush einen Autogipfel mehrfach verschoben und sich schließlich erst zu einem Treffen im Weißen Haus nach den Kongresswahlen im November bereit gefunden.

Donnerstag, 22. März 2007

29.03.07 23:29

2148 Postings, 6947 Tage Gadric+0,01 +31,03% ein kleiner Rebound!

endlich geht es auch wieder ein wenig nach oben. Ich bin sehr gespannt auf morgen. Aktie hat auf Höchstkurs geschlossen...  

05.04.07 22:28

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzywas heisst dies fuer uns

April 5, 2007 - 10:48 AM EDT          

GreenShift to Merge With GS CleanTech and GS Carbon
GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) today announced its execution of an agreement to merge with GS CleanTech Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSCT) and GS Carbon Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSCR).

Under the terms of the merger agreement, holders of GS CleanTech common stock will receive 1 share of GreenShift common stock for each 3 shares owned in GS CleanTech, and holders of GS Carbon common stock will receive 1 share of GreenShift common stock for each 3 shares owned in GS Carbon. This corresponds to a total of about 110,000,000 new shares of GreenShift common stock that will be issued to the holders of GS CleanTech and 30,000,000 shares to the holders of GS Carbon. The exchange ratios were set in an attempt to maintain the dollar value of the respective shareholder holdings based on current market prices. The merger is subject to the approval of GS CleanTech?s and GS Carbon?s shareholders. GreenShift expects the filings for the merger to be made during the second quarter 2007 and expects the merger to be completed during 2007.

After the completion of this merger, and the pending merger transaction between GreenShift?s majority owned GS AgriFuels Corporation and GS Energy Corporation subsidiaries, GreenShift will have two majority-owned public subsidiaries, GS AgriFuels Corporation and GS EnviroServices Corporation (f/k/a TDS (Telemedicine), Inc.), a wholly-owned process engineering and technology transfer subsidiary (GS CleanTech), a wholly-owned clean technology research and development subsidiary (GS Carbon), and a number of minority held investments.

GreenShift?s majority-held companies are currently generating in excess of $30 million in sales and hold over 30 patents and pending patents for clean technologies that have wide and potentially disruptive application potential, including GS CleanTech?s patent-pending corn oil extraction technology and GS Carbon?s patent-pending ultrasonic reformation technology.

GS CleanTech recently executed several agreements to deploy a number of its corn oil extraction systems on-site at ethanol facilities to extract corn oil from an ethanol co-product for conversion into biodiesel. In total, GS CleanTech?s current executed contracts will produce more than 25 million gallons of corn oil for conversion into biodiesel fuel as the relevant systems are fully installed during 2007 and 2008. GS CleanTech is currently deploying several of these extraction systems and expects to commission the first of these systems this month. GS CleanTech also expects to enter into additional agreements this year corresponding to significantly more production of corn oil.

GreenShift believes that the merger with GS CleanTech and GS Carbon will be strategic for several reasons, including: (a) the reduction of operational sub-optimization, (b) the reduction of confusion amongst each company?s employees, customers, vendors, creditors, shareholders and other stakeholders, (c) the reduction of the resources and focus required to administer multiple public entities, and (d) merging can be expected to enhance liquidity, which can be material to future development activities.

About GreenShift Corporation

GreenShift Corporation develops and supports clean technologies and companies that facilitate the efficient use of natural resources. GreenShift?s ambition is to catalyze the rapid realization of disruptive environmental gains by creating valuable opportunities for a great many people and companies to use resources more efficiently and to be more profitable.

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of GreenShift Corporation, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.

GreenShift Corporation
Fax: 646-572-6336
Investor Relations:
CEOcast, Inc.
Andrew Hellman, 212-732-4300
Public Relations:
Walek & Associates
Deborah McCandless, 212-590-0523
Fax: 212-889-7174

Source: Business Wire (April 5, 2007 - 10:48 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia

06.04.07 13:23

8524 Postings, 7187 Tage sts091280Das wir dann noch mehr Greenshift-Aktien im Depot

haben ;-)

Und dafür keine Veridium bzw. GS CleanTech mehr im Depot haben.
Ansonsten zur Zeit kein Unterschied .
Tausch 3 gegen 1
Kurs aktuell 0,09 zu 0,03

greets sts  

09.04.07 15:56

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzyein paar Fragen

GSCT steht bei www.americanbulls.com auf "Sell"
GSHF steht bei "BUY"

was passiert eigentlich wenn ich nun GSCT aktien kaufe. hiedurch kann ich doch billig an GSHF aktien kommen, oder sehe ich dies falsch.

ist dies zu "empfehlen" heute aktien von GSCT zu kaufen. ich koennte hierdurch meine durchschnitt wesentlich reduzieren.

kann hier jemand eine "aktienkaufstrategie" empfehlen.  

10.04.07 11:13

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzygruss gott depotleiche

hier können wir dann definitiv gesamtverlust einkalkulieren


13.04.07 00:45

1334 Postings, 7593 Tage tradixaus welchem Grund?

nur weil die Ihre struktur vereinfachen? Ist doch positiv. Zukunft hat das Papier auch. Es ahndelt sich lediglich um einen quasi Aktientausch, da die Töchter ja sowieso GSHFT gehören. Am Wert ändert sich da nichts, allerdings hat das der markt noch nicht kappiert, und lieber mal das zittern begonnen. Der Chart ist zwar einTrauerspiel, aber wo es bergab geht gehts auch bald mal bergauf.  

13.04.07 16:50

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzy@all GSCTer

ich kann GSCT heute nicht traden.

weiss jemand was passiert ist ? oder liegt dieses problem bei meinem broker ?  

23.04.07 19:11

1610 Postings, 6932 Tage SolarBullfrische newss!

23.04.07 22:18

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzy... und wo sind die news

bitte einkopieren / darstellen  

24.04.07 15:35

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzyyupee - nun sind wir endlich

penny stock  

02.05.07 13:56

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzyin dem bereich ist unsere firma tätig

UN-Klimarat wartet mit Optimismus auf - "aber es ist fünf vor zwölf"
Nach den Hiobsbotschaften und Horrorszenarien über den Klimawandel und die katastrophalen Folgen ist der dritte Teil des UN-Klimaberichts eigentlich ein goldenes Licht am Ende des Tunnels. ?Es ist noch nicht zu spät?, ist die zentrale Aussage der Entwurfsfassung des Papiers. ?Es ist technisch und wirtschaftlich möglich, die Treibhausgaskonzentration in der Atmosphäre zu stabilisieren.?

Es geht also, die Technologien sind nach Überzeugung der Wissenschaftler vorhanden, der Klimawandel mit schmelzendem Eis, Anstieg des Meeresspiegels, Stürmen, Dürren und Epidemien ist zu bremsen. Die frohe Botschaft kommt jedoch mit einem bedrohlich erhobenen Zeigefinger: es ist fünf vor zwölf. Ohne eine sofortige, breite, beispiellose internationale Kraftanstrengung ist die Chance innerhalb von wenigen Jahren verpasst. Die Anhaltspunkte für eine Bereitschaft dazu sind aber dünn gesät. Die Wege aus der Klimakatastrophe sind nach den Entwürfen des Berichts, den die Experten an diesem Freitag präsentieren wollen, höchst kontrovers.
Emissionsobergrenzen: Die USA als absolut größter CO2- Verschmutzer und Australien als einer der größten Pro-Kopf-Verschmutzer weigern sich, dem Kyoto-Protokoll zur Eindämmung der Treibhausgase beizutreten. Das könnte das Wirtschaftswachstum bremsen, argumentieren sie. Auf diesen Zug ist in Bangkok auch China aufgesprungen.

Atomenergie: Die UN-Klimaforscher stellen fest, dass Atomenergie im©Gegensatz zu fossilen Brennstoffen kaum einen Treibhauseffekt verursacht. Da sind vor allem die Deutschen und andere Europäer skeptisch. Sie wollen am Ausstieg aus der Atomtechnologie festhalten.

Gen-Pflanzen: Nach den bisherigen Entwürfen finden UN-Forscher den Ansatz vielversprechend, Pflanzen genetisch zu verändern, damit sie als nachwachsende Rohstoffe etwa für Bio-Treibstoff auf weniger Fläche höhere Erträge erzielen. Viele Verbraucher in Europa und Umweltschützer sind aber strikte Gegner der gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen.

Kohlekraftwerke mit CO2-Speichern - Indien und China bauen zahlreiche neue Kraftwerke, die keine Speicher vorsehen. Die Technologie ist noch umstritten, der Einsatz kostspielig.

Das ist viel Zündstoff für die Regierungen, die nach Meinung der Wissenschaftler nur noch 10, 15 Jahre Zeit haben, um die richtigen Weichen für die Zukunft zu stellen. Und nicht zu vergessen, dass der Klimawandel schon real ist und die Folgen vergangener Sünden, der ungebremsten Verpestung der Luft, ausgebadet werden müssen. Der IPCC- Vorsitzende Rajendra Pachauri machte in Bangkok keinem Illusionen: ?Die Trägheit des Systems bedingt, dass der Klimawandel noch Jahrzehnte voranschreitet, etwa der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels?, sagte er. Auch darauf muss die Welt sich einstellen. Wenn aber der Temperaturanstieg mit rigoroser Begrenzung des Treibhausgas-Ausstoßes unter der magischen Grenze von zwei Grad gehalten werden kann, meinen die Wissenschaftler, kann das schlimmste verhindert werden.

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007


10.05.07 13:21

6409 Postings, 6675 Tage Ohioich habe mal

auf die watchliste gelegt
seht euch auch mal das volumen in den USA an
es steigt ..
und so ein kurssprung könnte 2 stellig werden  

10.05.07 17:53

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzynachrichten

Es handelt sich hier um letters on intent. Falls diese wirklich umgesetzt werden, dann können wir auch mit kursverbesserungen rechnen. Immerhin handelt es sich um 80 Million USD.

05/09/2007 15:36:59 - PRESS RELEASE: GreenShift Executes Letters of Intent for Corn Oil Biodiesel Facilities

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 09, 2007--
GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF) today announced the execution of letters of intent that provide for the design, construction and operation of integrated corn oil extraction and biodiesel production facilities on-site at selected ethanol facilities.

The letters of intent call for GreenShift's majority-owned process engineering company, GS CleanTech Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSCT), to design, build and integrate a total of twelve corn oil extraction systems based on its patent-pending technology with four biodiesel production systems at four separate ethanol production facilities in the Mid-Western U.S. The biodiesel production systems are based on GS AgriFuels Corporation's (OTC Bulletin Board: GSGF) patent-pending NextGen Fuel biodiesel process technology, and correspond to about 30 million gallons per year of corn-oil derived biodiesel production. GS AgriFuels is GreenShift's majority-owned clean fuel production company.

If these letters of intent are successfully converted into executed contracts, this would result in a total of about $80 million in process engineering and equipment sales and certain ongoing royalties for GS CleanTech, and about $12 million in one-time equipment sales and about $30 million per year in ongoing biodiesel sales for GS AgriFuels.

Kevin Kreisler, GreenShift's chairman and chief executive officer, stated that "These letters of intent are a long-awaited validation of the technologies and business model we have introduced to the marketplace. GreenShift's model is to acquire, develop and commercialize clean technologies that facilitate the more efficient use of natural resources while maximizing economic gains for our clients, partners and sareholders. Our go-to-market strategy for our corn oil extraction and biodiesel production technologies is to use technology to acquire feedstock and then to build and own integrated fuel production assets that help to increase the profitability of our host ethanol facilities. While this plan has taken longer to implement as compared to a simple equipment sales model, we are confident that our model, which incorporates engineering service sales, equipment sales and recurring fuel production sales, will prove to be superior over the long term. We are very excited by these term sheets and look forward to moving through technical due diligence, execution of definitive agreements and into deployment in each case."

  About GS CleanTech Corporation
GS CleanTech Corporation provides applied engineering and technology transfer services based on clean technologies and process innovations that make it cost-effective and easy to recycle and reuse resources. Additional information on GS CleanTech's Corn Oil Extraction System and GS CleanTech's ethanol efficiency program is available online at www.gs-cleantech.com.

  About GS AgriFuels Corporation
GS AgriFuels (www.gs-agrifuels.com) was founded to produce and sell clean fuels from agriproducts in innovative ways. GS AgriFuels' business model is based on the manufacturing and sales of proprietary biodiesel equipment and the use of new technologies to produce biodiesel and ethanol from non-traditional feedstocks such as corn oil and cellulosic biomass through the utilization of several new proprietary technologies, including innovative desiccation, process intensification, gasification, and catalytic technologies, synergistically at small-scales to enable the refining of many forms of biomass into clean fuels at Integrated Multi-Fuel ("IMF") production facilities. Additional information on GS AgriFuels is available online at www.gs-agrifuels.com.

  About GreenShift Corporation
GreenShift Corporation develops and supports clean technologies and companies that facilitate the efficient use of natural resources. GreenShift's ambition is to catalyze the rapid realization of disruptive environmental gains by creating valuable opportunities for a great many people and companies to use resources more efficiently and to be more profitable. Additional information on GreenShift is available online at www.greensift.com.

  Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of GreenShift Corporation, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.

   CONTACT: GreenShift Corporation
            Phone: 212-994-5374
            Fax: 646-572-6336
            Investor Relations:
            CEOcast, Inc.
            Andrew Hellman, 212-732-4300
            Public Relations:
            Walek & Associates
            Deborah McCandless
            Direct: 212-590-0523
            Fax: 212-889-7174

   SOURCE: GreenShift Corporation
Copyright Business Wire 2007
(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 09, 2007 09:36 ET (13:36 GMT)


16.05.07 12:09

6409 Postings, 6675 Tage OhioGS Cleantech

nur gefallen
.. diese aktier könnte aber auch mal wieder kurzfristig zweistellig ausbrechen
so wie immer
trading chance  

16.05.07 12:12

17202 Postings, 6480 Tage MinespecBiofuels verseuchen die Umwelt

mehr als allgemein bekannt. Schon mal was darüber gelesen ?
Die einzig saubere Energie kommt aus Wind Solar und Hydrogen.
Hydrogen ( hydrogenics Ballard Power etc. usw. ) werden zudem steuerlich gefördert in USA.  

18.06.07 19:54

1861 Postings, 9037 Tage karibikirgendetwas ist im busch

alle greenshift incl. greenshift steigen die letzten minuten, speziell gs clean tech, kommt da eine neue welle auf uns zu ?  

20.06.07 08:25

465 Postings, 6821 Tage izzy@karibik - es gibt nachrichten deshalb

was wird dies wohl für uns heissen ?

06/19/2007 18:55:03 - PRESS RELEASE: GS CleanTech Executes Agreement with Ethanol Producer

 Company's Technologies Enhance Ethanol Production Efficiencies and
Convert Ethanol Co-products into Additional Fuel

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 19, 2007--
GS CleanTech Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSCT) today announced its execution of an agreement to extract about 7 million gallons per year of crude corn oil from the distillers grain co-product from a new 110 million gallon per year dry mill ethanol plant scheduled to commence operations later this year.

GS CleanTech's patent-pending Corn Oil Extraction Systems(TM) have been engineered to help ethanol producers increase cash flows through the introduction of a third and novel revenue stream - corn oil. GS CleanTech provides turn-key extraction systems to participating ethanol producers at no cost to the ethanol producers in return for the long-term right to purchase the extracted corn oil at a per pound premium to its value when trapped in the distiller's grains. GS CleanTech's extraction technology also reduces overall plant emissions and utility costs by upwards of $1 million per year for a 100 million gallon per year ethanol plant that dries 100% of its distiller's grains.

GS CleanTech's affiliated fuel production company, GS AgriFuels Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSGF) will finance, build and operate a 10 million gallon per year biodiesel facility proximate to the ethanol producer where it will be integrated with GS CleanTech's extraction system to convert the extracted corn oil into biodiesel fuel. This facility, which is scheduled be brought online next year, is expected to be GS AgriFuels' second co-located biodiesel facility. The first is a planned 5 million gallon per year facility that will be located at an ethanol producer in the Midwestern U.S. that has executed an extraction agreement with GS CleanTech and a term sheet with GS AgriFuels for the deployment of GS AgriFuels' co-located biodiesel facility. Both facilities will sare utilities with and be managed by their host ethanol producers in return for a management fee.

GS AgriFuels is also in the final stages of contract negotiations to co-locate a third planned facility at an existing 50 million gallon per year ethanol facility in the Midwestern U.S., and is working through a pipeline of several similar agreements. GS AgriFuels expects to have more than 20 million gallons of co-located biodiesel production assets contracted in 2007.

GS CleanTech's publicly announced corn oil contracts will produce about 30 million gallons per year of crude corn oil for conversion into biodiesel fuel as GS CleanTech successfully deploys the relevant corn oil extraction systems during 2007 and 2008.

David Winsness, GS CleanTech's president and chief executive officer said that "Corn-derived ethanol producers clearly recognize the need to improve their energy balance. The surest and quickest way to do this is to implement "plug and play" technologies that enhance the yields and operating efficiencies of traditional production processes. Our corn oil extraction technology is the first of several technologies that we are bringing to market to meet those objectives, including integral biodiesel production, biomass gasification and carbon dioxide capture and conversion technologies."

Tom Scozzafava, GS AgriFuels' president and chief executive officer added "GS AgriFuels' model is to provide 100% of the capital to build both (i) the corn oil extraction and (ii) biodiesel fuel and energy production assets co-located at the ethanol plant. We are seeing a growing acceptance by management teams of these non-intrusive, value-added technologies that bring added cash flows to the ethanol plants without any of the financial risks typically associated with such programs."

GS CleanTech and GS AgriFuels are affiliated companies that have partnered in the full scale commercialization of their technologies. GS CleanTech provides technology-centric services in return for process engineering and plant construction sales, ongoing technology royalties and selected feedstock sales. GS AgriFuels provides all of the capital for the construction of the extraction and production facilities and generates revenues through its ownersip of the fuel production assets.

A single 10 million gallon per year corn oil extraction and biodiesel production facility can be expected to result in $24 million in one-time sales and about $1 million per year in royalties for GS CleanTech and, at current market rates, about $28.5 million in annualized biodiesel sales for GS AgriFuels.

  Focus on Ethanol Production
GS CleanTech is focused on delivering technologies and process innovations to the ethanol production industry with a view towards maximizing the yield of corn-based ethanol production. GS CleanTech's currently available offerings in its ethanol program include its:

  --  Corn oil extraction systems;

  --  Small-scale modular biodiesel production systems; and,

  --  Biomass gasification for combined heat and power solutions.
GS CleanTech is also developing new technologies, such as its carbon dioxide algal bioreactor technology, for application at ethanol facilities.

Traditional ethanol processing converts each bushel of corn, which weighs about 54 pounds, into about 18 pounds of ethanol, 18 pounds of carbon dioxide, and 18 pounds of distillers dried grains, which contain about 2 pounds of fat. This corresponds to about 2.8 gallons of fuel production per bushel of corn. GS CleanTech's ambition is to increase this efficiency as much as possible by converting as co-products such as DDG and carbon dioxide into additional renewable fuels.

Pictures of a recent GS CleanTech corn oil extraction system installation can be found at http://www.gs-cleantech.com in the Multimedia & Downloads section of the Products & Services section for GS CleanTech's Corn Oil Extraction Systems (http://www.gs-cleantech.com/product_desc.php?mode=1&media=true).

  About GS CleanTech Corporation
GS CleanTech Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSCT) provides applied engineering and technology transfer services based on clean technologies and process innovations that make it cost-effective and easy to recycle and reuse resources. Additional information on GS CleanTech's Corn Oil Extraction System and GS CleanTech's ethanol efficiency program is available online at www.gs-cleantech.com.

  About GS AgriFuels Corporation
GS AgriFuels (www.gs-agrifuels.com) was founded to produce and sell clean fuels from agriproducts in innovative ways. GS AgriFuels' business model is based on the manufacturing and sales of proprietary biodiesel equipment and the use of new technologies to produce biodiesel and ethanol from non-traditional feedstocks such as corn oil and cellulosic biomass through the utilization of several new proprietary technologies, including innovative desiccation, process intensification, gasification, and catalytic technologies, synergistically at small-scales to enable the refining of many forms of biomass into clean fuels at Integrated Multi-Fuel ("IMF") production facilities.

GS CleanTech and GS AgriFuels are both majority owned by GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF), a company devoted to facilitating the efficient use of natural resources.

  Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of GS CleanTech Corporation, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.

   CONTACT: GS CleanTech Corporation
            Fax: 646-572-6336
            Investor Relations:
            CEOcast, Inc.
            Andrew Hellman, 212-732-4300
            Public Relations:
            Walek & Associates
            Deborah McCandless, 212-590-0523
            Fax: 212-889-7174

   SOURCE: GS CleanTech Corporation
Copyright Business Wire 2007
(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 19, 2007 12:55 ET (16:55 GMT)

Supplier : DJN  

25.06.07 09:45

1861 Postings, 9037 Tage karibikws geht los in D

in Frankfurt,
große orders nach shareholder-letter am freitag von greenshift steigen alle beteiligungen weiter.  

25.06.07 11:13

1861 Postings, 9037 Tage karibik100 % sind bereits gemacht

kurs bei 0,01 bereits über parikurs gehandelt, hier kommt was großes
wkn A0J4E5  

25.06.07 11:42

1861 Postings, 9037 Tage karibik140 % plus in frankfurt

25.06.07 14:18

27 Postings, 6331 Tage ognirkommt heute noch was?

was schätzt ihr denn wie weit der Kurs heute hoch geht?  

25.06.07 18:46

6409 Postings, 6675 Tage OhioGS Cleantech ... 140 %

nicht schlecht  

25.06.07 20:46

1911 Postings, 6683 Tage biker000111bin zumindest in berlin pari-

mal sehen,was wird...

gruß biker  

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