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Mustang Provides Update on Maskwa Nickel Project Feasibility Study
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 22, 2009) - Mustang Minerals Corp., (TSX VENTURE:MUM)(FRANKFURT:NJF) today announced an update to its corporate and project activities. The Company continues to make progress at its Maskwa Nickel Project towards expanding the resource and improving metallurgical response. The Company is commencing a 2,000 meter drill program at the Maskwa Nickel Project targeting new areas proximal to the nickel-copper-pgm-cobalt resource. The project is located near Lac du Bonnet in southeast Manitoba.
Minesite Exploration - Geophysical Program and Drilling
Mustang recently completed a TDIP\Resistivity survey (Time Domain Induced Polarization) survey and magnetic survey over the Bird River Sill in the Maskwa Project area. Quantitative sections were generated over areas of interest from that above mentioned survey to enhance the interpretation of the areas that are being drilled. The geophysical survey outlined several high priority targets warranting drill investigation. Priority targets are associated with the known ultramafic host unit at Maskwa but are external to the known main deposit. Drilling is expected to start during this month and comprises a minimum of 2,000 meters. A second phase of IP geophysics has begun to examine the area to the west of the Maskwa Deposit.
Metallurgical Test Program
The Company has continued additional metallurgical testwork aimed at improving metallurgical recoveries and concentrate grades for the project. Testwork has been completed both on high grade samples from the basal zone and lower grade samples from the hangingwall zone, aimed at establishing a grade-recovery relationship for optimum mine design. Samples tested to date range from 0.18%Ni to 1.40%Ni. Open circuit batch testing has yielded nickel recovery, to a 10%Ni concentrate, of 85% for the 1.40% material. For the lowest grade 0.18%Ni samples associated with the hanging wall mineralisation, nickel recovery ranged from 25-52% to the final concentrate. The tests also showed that concentrate grades up to 12% nickel at acceptable recovery were reproducible. The Company anticipates that these results may allow much of the low grade hanging wall mineralisation which is within the design pit limits to enhance project economics. Testwork is continuing to define the response of a blend of materials and to obtain final metallurgical data for the feasibility study design.
Resource Update
Additional assaying of existing but previously unsampled drill core from the western portion of the Maskwa pit area is underway and will be completed within the next month. The objective of this program is to further define a hangingwall zone across the western section of the deposit where no previous work on this style of mineralization has been conducted. As was the case with the previous two phases of the reassay program, the analysis will focus on areas of interest within the pit shell defined by the prefeasibility study. Results highlighting the potential of the hangingwall zone were announced on December 1, 2008.
Grant of Incentive Options
The Board of Directors has approved the issuance of incentive stock options under the stock option plan approved by shareholders at the last shareholder meeting. A total of 2,230,000 five year options will be granted to employees, directors and officers of the Company. A total of 2,000,000 options will be subject to a two year escrow period restricting their exercise at $0.20 including options granted to officers and directors.
The Company continues to focus on enhancing project economics for the Maskwa Nickel Project including developing a longer mine life. As outlined in the 2008 prefeasibility study, the project will utilize well established processing methods and entail a modest project capital cost. Continued project improvement is the corporate focus for 2009.
Carey Galeschuk P. Geo and Ian Ward P. Eng., are the Qualified Persons for Mustang Minerals Corp. for purposes of National Instrument 43-101.
To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: MUM) visit our website at
We seek safe harbour.
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the period ended December 31, 2007 and thereafter and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at
Shares Outstanding: 81,228,239
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this press release.
For more information, please contact
Mustang Minerals Corp.
David Black
Investor Relations
(416) 955-4773
Click here to see all recent news from this company
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Mustang Minerals
Mon Mar 2, 8:01 AM
* Email Story
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TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 1, 2009) - Mustang Minerals Corp., (TSX VENTURE: MUM.V)(FRANKFURT: NJF.F) today announced an update to its exploration and drilling program at the Maskwa Nickel Project. Mustang completed and announced the results of an NI 43-101 compliant prefeasibility study for the Maskwa project in May 2008. ( see press release dated May 8, 2008 ) Part of the ongoing project development is a near-mine exploration drilling program focused on increasing the existing resource and identifying new nickel-copper-PGM resources. The Maskwa project is located near Lac du Bonnet in southeast Manitoba.
Maskwa Exploration - Drilling
Following completion of a TDIP\Resistivity survey (Time Domain Induced Polarization) and magnetic survey over the Bird River Sill in the Maskwa Project area in January 2009, Mustang commenced exploration drilling to follow up on interesting targets in the project area. A total of 9 drill holes are planned totalling approximately 2,500 meters. Drilling is expected to be completed by early March.
The primary focus of drilling is in an area to the east of the proposed Maskwa open pit mine. Seven of the holes are being drilled over a strike length of approximately 300 meters with two drill holes on section 10-400; three drill holes on section 10-600 ( two hundred meters east of section 10-400 ) and two on section 10-700. The drilling on section 10-700 is near where previous hole MM08-128 intersected elevated nickel values including 0.82 meters which averaged 3.88% nickel.
A map showing the planned location of drilling is now posted on the Mustang website. Mustang anticipates that assay results from the drill program will be received and announced sometime during March.
Mustang is attempting to build on the existing nickel resource and defined project economics outlined to date at Maskwa. Although nickel prices are now lower that those used in the prefeasibility study in early 2008, the global shortage of quality nickel sulphide projects with manageable capital costs in OECD jurisdictions presents an opportunity for Mustang. Mustang intends to progress the project through final feasibility at a pace commensurate with global economic conditions and funding availability.
Mustang at PDAC
Mustang is an exhibitor at the PDAC in Toronto March 1 to March 4 at Booth 2147 in the Investors Exchange and the Company is looking forward to meeting with its shareholders and industry participants during that period.
Carey Galeschuk P. Geo and Ian Ward P. Eng., are the Qualified Persons for Mustang Minerals Corp. for purposes of National Instrument 43-101.
To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE: MUM.V) visit our website at
We seek safe harbour.
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the period ended December 31, 2007 and thereafter and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at
Shares Outstanding: 81,228,239
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this press release.
David Black
Mustang Minerals Corp.
Investor Relations
(416) 955-4773
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Mustang Minerals
Die Produzenten von Industriemetallen
leiden aktuell unter den niedrigen Preisen.
Durch die fast globale Rezession ist
beispielsweise der Preis für Nickel von
annähernd 24 USD pro Pfund auf aktuell
unter 5 USD pro Pfund abgesunken.
Nur zur Verdeutlichung: Derzeit liegen
viele Produktionsanlagen stil, weil die
Kosten der Förderung höher liegen als
der Weltmarktpreis. Mustang Minerals
hingegen arbeitet an einem Projekt in
der kanadischen Provinz Manitoba, wo
die Produktionskosten pro Pfund Nickel
laut Angaben der Pre-Feasibility-Studie
bei 2,77 USD liegen. Also selbst bei
deutlich niedrigeren Preisen als aktuell
könnte Mustang Minerals profitabel
Bei der zu erwartenden Erholung
des Nickelpreises werden also Produzenten
mit niedrigen Kosten oder
aussichtsreiche Explorer mit ebenfalls
prognostizierten niedrigen Kosten überproportional
gewinnen. Wie die meisten
Rohstoff-Explorer ist auch die Aktie von
Mustang Minerals in den vergangenen
12 Monaten schwer unter die Räder
gekommen. So liegt das 52-Wochen-
Hoch von Mustang Minerals immerhin
bei 0,66 CAD. Das 52-Wochen Tief
jedoch nur bei 0,05 USD.
Das wichtigste Projekt im Portfolio von
Mustang Minerals ist ohne Frage das
Maskwa Nickel Projekt in der kanadischen
Provinz Manitoba. Das Unternehmen
ist aktuell dabei, dieses Projekt durch
die Machbarkeitsstudie zu führen. Klar
ist schon jetzt der große Standortvorteil
bei diesem Projekt. So gibt es bereit
jetzt eine gute Mineninfrastruktur in
der Region. Zusätzlich liegt Winnipeg,
die Hauptstadt der Provinz Manitoba
nur 150km entfernt. In kanadischen
Maßstäben ist das direkt um die Ecke.
Manitoba hat vom renommierten Fraser
Institute die Auszeichnung als Ort mit
der minenfreundlichsten Gesetzgebung
äusserst Effiziente Bürokrat ie
in Manito ba
Die Provinzregierung unterstützt das
Projekt durch schnelle Genehmigungsverfahren
? ein sehr wichtiger Punkt,
denn in vielen anderen kanadischen
Provinzen steht gerade der langsame
Regierungsapparat einer schnellen Entwicklung
vieler Regierungsprojekte im
Weg. Als Beispiel sei an dieser Stelle
nur Osisko Mining in der kanadischen
Provinz Quebec genannt. Dort waren
bis zur endgültigen Erteilung der
Minenlizenz mehr als 100 verschiedene
Genehmigungen nötig. Das geht in
Manitoba deutlich einfacher.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt sind
die extrem niedrigen Stromkosten in
Manitoba. Laut aktueller Vergleiche ist
der Strom nirgendwo in Nordamerika so
günstig wie in der Provinz Manitoba. In
Zeiten ständig steigender Strompreise
ist das ein ganz wichtiger Faktor.
günstige prod uktionskoste n
Die schon vorliegende Pre-Feasibility-
Studie hat erfreuliche Ergebnisse
für das Maskwa Projekt geliefert.
So ist es dort möglich bis zu 9,2
Mio. Pfund Nickelkonzentrat pro
Jahr zu produzieren. Dafür ist eine
Verarbeitungsanlage von 2.750 t/
Tag nötig. Die Kapitalkosten für die
komplette Anlage liegen bei rund 125
Mio. USD. Wie schon erwähnt, liegen
die kalkulierten Produktionskosten
mit 2,77 USD pro Pfund deutlich
unterhalb des aktuell schon niedrigen
Doch ist bei einem erneuten Anspringen
der Weltkonjunktur auch wieder mit
deutlich höheren Nickelpreisen zu
rechnen, denn das Angebot konnte
in den vergangenen Jahren kaum mit
der Nachfrage Schritt halten. Für die
Zukunft heißt das: Neue Projekte mit
günstigen Produktionskosten, so wie
beim Maskwa Projekt von Mustang
Minerals, werden auf viel Interesse
Positiv ist auch zu bewerten, dass
es sich beim Maskwa Projekt um
ein Nickelsulfid Vorkommen handelt.
Diese Vorkommen sind zwar in der
Regel deutlich kleiner als die riesigen
Nickellaterit Vorkommen. Aber dafür
sind die Projekte bei Nickelgehalten von
10,2% im Konzentrat auch deutlich
wirtschaftlicher. Da eben viel weniger
Gestein abgebaut werden muss, sind
auch die Kapitalkosten bei Nickelsulfid-
Vorkommen deutlich niedriger.
Neben dem Maskwa Projekt verfügt
Mustang Minerals noch über zwei
weitere Nickelprojekte in Kanada, die
ebenfalls schon vielversprechende
Daten geliefert haben. Doch der Fokus
des Unternehmens liegt klar beim
Maskwa Projekt, das zudem auch noch
im Tagebau erschlossen werden kann.
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
Current 0.18 Open 0.11
Change 0.050 Prev. Close 0.13
% Change 38.46% Tick Type N/A
Volume 525634 Shares (last trade) 1,000.00
Day High 0.20 52 Week High 0.66
Day Low 0.11 52 Week Low 0.05
Bid 0.15 Ask 0.17
Bid Size 10000 Ask Size 25000
# Trades N/A Industry Industrial Metals & Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
Jeder muss seine eigenen Entscheidungen treffen !
Letzter Vortag Umsatz Veränderung
0,501 ? 0,002 ? 24.121 ? +24.950,00%
Jeder muss seine eigenen Entscheidungen treffen !
Letzter Vortag Umsatz Veränderung
0,501 ? 0,002 ? 24.121 ? +24.950,00%
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
The Maskwa deposit hosts a mineral resource currently estimated at 10.1 million tonnes (Mt) at 0.60% nickel in the measured plus indicated category. The current open pit proven and probable mineral reserve is estimated at 7.1Mt containing 0.64% Ni, 0.13% Cu and 0.47g/t PGM (Wardrop Engineering Inc. - see Mustang press release dated May 8, 2008). The current reserve is sufficient to predict a mine life of 7 years at a proposed annual production rate of 1Mt, and yielding target production of 9.2 million pounds of nickel in concentrate per annum. Mustang's objective for the project is to increase the in pit reserve, to attain a mine life of 10 years at the 1 Mt per annum production level. The drill results announced in this press release are part of an ongoing exploration for new areas of mineralization outside the proposed pit shell.
Minesite Exploration - Geophysical Program and Drilling
Mustang recently completed a TDIP\Resistivity survey (Time Domain Induced Polarization) survey and magnetic survey over part of the Maskwa property along the Bird River Sill. A total of nine widely spaced drill holes were drilled in the area approximately one kilometre to the east of the main deposit and the planned Maskwa open pit mine. A plan view map with drill hole locations is on the Mustang website at
Drill hole MM09-140 was drilled north at a 45 degree angle and intercepted 42 meters averaging 0.32% nickel starting from 15 meters depth. The highest 1.5 meter (m) interval in the 42m assayed 0.75% nickel. MM00-140 was drilled north from the same collar location as the previously reported MM08-128, which was drilled in 2008 to the south at a 50 degree angle. MM08-128 intercepted 29.7m, from 17.8m to 47.5m depth, averaging 0.30% Ni. The mineralization encountered in these drill holes is open in all directions. MM09-139 was drilled 100 meters to the east and intercepted 3 meters at 0.85% nickel and 3.2 g/t Pt-Pd-Au. Further drilling is required to test the extent of the nickel mineralization in this area and to test for higher grade material. The exploration target is a near surface zone of open pittable mineralization.
Drill hole From To Interval Ni Cu Co Au+Pt+
(m) (m) (m) % % % g/t
MM08-139 141.7 144.7 3.0 0.85 0.23 0.04 3.2
Including 143.7 144.7 1.0 1.10 0.18 0.05 6.9
MM08-140 15.0 57.5 42.5 0.32 0.05 0.01 0.23
MM08-144 11.7 21.7 10.0 0.01 0.42 0.01 NA(i)
And 51.5 54.9 3.4 0.01 0.56 0.01 NA(i)
And 145.2 150.5 5.3 0.01 1.47 0.02 NA(i)
including 145.9 146.9 1.0 0.02 4.70 0.05 NA(i)
Above widths are apparent widths. NA(i) -not assayed.
A cross section of the above noted holes MM09-140 and MM09-128 are posted on the Mustang website at the following link:
Hole MM09-144 was drilled to test a shallow conductive anomaly (located immediately north of Dumbarton mineralized zone). The anomaly drilled in MM09-144 has significant untested east west strike extent. The mineralization in MM09-144 is predominantly hydrothermal copper mineralization with minor precious metal enrichment.
Assays in 2009 were completed at Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay Ontario. For nickel, copper and cobalt, Aqua Regia digestion followed by AA determination was used. For gold, platinum and palladium, fire assay of 30g aliquots followed by AA finish was employed. Assays for hole MM-08-128 noted above were completed by TSL Laboratories in Saskatoon, using Multi-acid digestion and ICP to report nickel as Total nickel. Drill core is logged and split on site at Maskwa with half core sent to the laboratory. Mustang conducts an ongoing QA/QC program on the drill core including inserting blanks, duplicates and standards with the samples.
Feasibility Study Work
Resource Update
The program of additional assaying of existing but previously unsampled drill core from the western portion of the Maskwa pit area is continuing and will include relogging, sampling and assaying of all historical drill holes potentially within the proposed Maskwa open pit mine envelope. This year core from up to 44 historic drill holes will be examined to infill and expand on the results from previous resampling. Results from these drill core samples will be added to the data base and used in a revised open pit resource and mine design. Target date for completion of the program and receipt of assays is by the end of July 2009.
An increase in the mine life and profitability of the proposed Maskwa open pit mine, compared to the result reported in the National Instrument 43-101 prefeasibility study of May 2008, is the objective of this program.
Metallurgical Program
The Company is completing exhaustive metallurgical tests to determine the economics of processing the lower grade "hanging wall zone" material which is located within the economic pit shell. Results to date are extremely positive and will be incorporated in the next update of the resource model.
Geotechnical Program
The Company has completed geotechnical drilling and test pit sampling, and will shortly follow with laboratory testing of these samples, required to allow definitive design for the proposed tailings management structures, plant buildings and waste rock storage. Feasibility level geotechnical work to determine optimal pit slope angles is now commencing and completion will be tied to coincide with a new mine design incorporating all new assay data.
East Bull Lake Drilling
Mustang is in a joint venture with Western Areas NL on the East Bull Lake project located west of Sudbury Ontario. Recent work on the project has included a ground electromagnetic EM survey. This survey was successful in identifying a large, moderately deep EM target located in a favourable geological setting. The strike length of the conductive anomaly is approximately 600 meters. Further information including a timeline for drilling at East Bull will be provided as soon as possible.
Ian Ward P. Eng., and John Smolen P. Geo. are the Qualified Persons for Mustang Minerals Corp. for purposes of National Instrument 43-101.
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Mustang Minerals
Man wird nicht reich, durch das, was man verdient, sondern durch das, was man nicht ausgibt
Man wird nicht reich, durch das, was man verdient, sondern durch das, was man nicht ausgibt
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Mustang Minerals
Für sofortige Veröffentlichung Toronto Ontario
Börse: TSX Venture Symbol: MUM
12. Mai 2009 Aktien im Umlauf: 81.228.239
Mustang gibt Aktuelles zur Nickelprojekt-Machbarkeitsstudie bei Maskwa und zu Explorationsergebnissen bekannt
Mustang Minerals Corp., (TSXV: MUM, Frankfurt: NJF) gab heute Aktuelles zum Projektstand sowie zu Ergebnissen aus Explorationsbohrungen bei dem in der Nähe von Lac du Bonnet in Manitoba gelegenen Maskwa-Nickelprojekt bekannt. Das Unternehmen äußerte sich zudem zum neuesten Stand bzgl. Fortschritt der für das Projekt im Gange befindlichen Machbarkeitsstudie, sowie zum Stand des Joint Ventures mit Western Areas NL bzgl. East Bull Lake.
Die Maskwa-Lagerstätte birgt eine Mineralienressource, die gegenwärtig im Sinne der gemessenen und abgeleiteten Kategorie auf 10,1 Millionen Tonnen (Mt) mit 0,60% Nickel geschätzt wird. Die gegenwärtig für die Tagebau-Mine nachgewiesenen und wahrscheinlichen Reserven werden auf 7,1Mt mit 0,64% Ni, 0,13% Cu und 0,47 g/t PGM geschätzt (Wardrop Engineering Inc. ? siehe Mustangs öffentliche Mitteilung vom 8. Mai 2008). Bei einer vorgeschlagenen jährlichen Produktion à 1Mt und einem Produktionszielertrag von jährlich 9,2 Millionen engl. Pfund1 Nickelkonzentrat reichen die gegenwärtigen Reserven dazu aus, die Minendauer auf 7 Jahre anzusetzen. Mustang zielt darauf ab, die grubeneigenen Reserven so zu mehren, dass die Minendauer bei einer jährlichen Produktionsstufe à 1 Mt auf 10 Jahre ausgedehnt werden kann. Die in der vorliegenden öffentlichen Mitteilung angegebenen Bohrergebnisse sind Teil einer im Gange befindlichen Exploration von neuen mineralisierten Stellen außerhalb des Grubenschelfs.
Exploration vor Minenort - geophysikalisches Programm und Bohrungen
Mustang brachte unlängst geoelektrische Vermessungen (mittels induzierter Polarisation oder IP im Zeitbereich/Widerstandsmessungen) und magnetische Vermessungen über dem Bird-River-Lagergang in einem Abschnitt der Maskwa-Liegenschaft zum Abschluss. Dazu wurden rund einen Kilometer östlich von der Haupt-Lagerstätte und der geplanten Tagebau-Mine bei Maskwa in großzügigen Abständen neun Bohrlöcher angelegt. Eine Karte mit den Bohrlochstellen kann auf Mustangs Website unter eingesehen werden.
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Mustang Minerals
Man wird nicht reich, durch das, was man verdient, sondern durch das, was man nicht ausgibt
Man wird nicht reich, durch das, was man verdient, sondern durch das, was man nicht ausgibt
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Mustang Minerals
Für 0,13 EUR ist diese Perle aktuell zu haben und ich bin mir absolut sicher, wenn es insgesamt am Markt wieder bergauf geht wird Crowflight einer der Gewinner sein.
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Mustang Minerals
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Mustang Minerals
Western Areas-Mustang JV Commences Drilling at East Bull Lake
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 22, 2009) - Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:MUM)(FRANKFURT:NJF) today announced that a drill program at the East Bull Lake Project located 80 km west of Sudbury is commencing. The East Bull Lake Project is a joint venture with Western Areas NL, designed to investigate nickel-copper-platinum group metal (PGM) targets identified in the geophysical program. It is expected that three targets will be drilled in the current program.
At East Bull Lake an apparent 20 km long mafic intrusive complex consists of two separate zoned intrusions joined by a 5 km long feeder dyke. The intrusion evidences widespread base metal and PGM mineralization. Recent drilling at East Bull Lake (refer to Mustang Minerals news release July 3, 2008) intersected 1.1m @ 9.3% copper and 12.5 g/t PGM from 89 m down hole depth.
Recent exploration work completed at the project by the joint venture included a ground electromagnetic (EM) survey which was successful in identifying a large, moderately deep, EM target located in a favourable geological setting. The EM target is coincident with an anomaly identified with a Geotech heliborne VTEM survey flown in 2007 by Mustang.
Two other targets which were identified by the VTEM survey are planned to be tested in the current drill program.
East Bull Lake is part of Mustang's prospective Ontario property package which includes a significant property position in the River Valley intrusion and the Bannockburn Nickel Project near Matachewan.
Mustang is primarily focused on its Maskwa Nickel Project in southeast Manitoba where a feasibility study is underway. A revised resource and mine plan is anticipated to be completed at Maskwa in the third quarter of 2009. Recent activities conducted towards completion of the feasibility study include the geotechnical work for site infrastructure, tailings and pit design and in-depth metallurgical testing.
Ian Ward P. Eng., and John Smolen P. Geo. are the Qualified Persons for Mustang Minerals Corp. for purposes of National Instrument 43-101.
To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: MUM) visit our website at
We seek safe harbour.
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the period ended December 31, 2008 and thereafter and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at
Shares Outstanding: 81,228,239
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the contents of this press release.
Mustang Minerals Corp.
David Black
Investor Relations
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Mustang Minerals
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Kursinformationen von SIX Financial Information Deutschland GmbH. Verzögerung 15 Min. (Nasdaq, NYSE: 20 Min.).
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*Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ist nicht als ihre Befürwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgültigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich möglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere über die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann.
5Hinweis zu Plus500: 82% der Kleinanlegerkonten verlieren Geld beim CFD-Handel mit diesem Anbieter. Sie sollten überlegen, ob Sie es sich leisten können, das hohe Risiko einzugehen, Ihr Geld zu verlieren. Plus500UK Ltd ist zugelassen und reguliert durch Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 509909). Plus500CY Ltd authorized & regulated by CySEC (#250/14).