Auf diese Aktie sollte man in nächster Zeit ein Auge drauf werfen. Absoluter Tiefstand in Deutschland: ? 0,001. In USA gestern dann 80% plus!! (Aber immer noch billiger als in Deutschland) Sollte sich der Anstieg gestern als reiner Zock erweisen, sollte man lieber nicht kaufen. Auf alle Fälle mal auf die WL legen...
habe versucht zu verkaufen, gar nicht so einfach wie ich dachte... die mk scheint mir bei , 30 mit 18 mio zu hoch- hier wird nur gezockt- wohl ne nummer zu hoch für mich- scheiss mm. gruss juto.
habe gerade bei .20 alles verkauft. jetzt stehen sie bei .27....... schicksal vielleicht gibt es bald gute news- ich wünsche es euch- ich dagegen bin halt raus. für mich ist die aktie purer zock, den ich mit minus 200 ? verloren habe- auch schicksal. falls sie nochmal runterkommt auf ,07 , dann überlege ich nochmals... so wie mein glück ist , geht es jetzt jedoch weiter aufwärts- ich gönn es euch. vielleicht bis dann mal, gruss, juto.
February 20, 2007 - 4:46 PM EST Print Email Article Font Down Font Up Charts close Email this News Article Your Name Your Email Friend's Name Friend's Email Receive Copy: yes
BTOD 0.57 0.09 Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y
B2Digital, Inc. Announces the Release of an Independent Investment Analysis Report by Investor Insight
PHOENIX, Feb. 20, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- B2Digital, Inc. (OTCBB:BTOD) is pleased to announce the release of the latest Independent Investment Analysis report by Investor Insight. The report, prepared by Investor Insight's senior research analyst Phil Scott, CFA, provides an in-depth review of the company's strengths and weaknesses, current operations and financial condition.
The report highlights B2Digital's focus on new market expansion, specifically their move into the burgeoning Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) market. The company intends to convert standard cable television networks into streaming digital network television systems and add internet services through the use of digital compression technology. Under this concept, the company will provide subscribers total DVD quality video services along with HD and internet services. The company has already commenced testing of its innovative digital compression technology.
"We are extremely excited about our new business focus," stated Robert Russell, Chairman of B2Digital. "We have commenced a strategic expansion by restructuring the company for a move into the IPTV market. This will provide the company with the ability to offer streaming networks and internet services with HD/DVD quality while generating both higher revenue potential and recurring revenue streams."
B2Digital, Inc. is a provider of secure and reliable Pay-per-View, video-on-demand, and digital services to the hospitality industry. The company is currently operating Pay-per-View, Broadcast-free-to-guest TV and broadband digital services in hotel rooms in North America.
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
CONTACT: B2Digital, Inc. Robert Russell (310) 281-2571
könnte es sein dass du im falschen bord bist denn das hier ist nicht btod. btod findest du unter b2digital inc.newd us11777j1060 aber mir ist es egal du kannst auch hier für btod posten
Beide sind B2Digital Inc. Jedoch wurde diese nur in Deutschland gelistet. Steht auch in einem älteren Filing drin. Diese sei jedoch schon aus Kursgründen die bessere Wahl.
WKN: A0KE5F ISIN: USU056351120 Hauptumsätze BERLIN
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In the report, the analyst writes, "B2Digital provides in-room, on-demand video entertainment and satellite services to the lodging industry. In addition to offering video entertainment, B2Digital also provides Internet access with greater bandwidth that further enhances in-room services. Customers can make airline reservations, order pizza, purchase event tickets and arrange transportation using the same network that delivers in-room entertainment such as Hollywood movies, sports events and concerts. In 2003, B2Digital purchased Hotel Movie Networks and acquired a base of 8,000 installed rooms and Pay-per-View and cable/satellite access through contract rights. The Company has also signed contracts with major studios to gain access to recently released movies. B2Digital installs and operates the audio-visual systems for their customers."
Other companies in the video entertainment space include LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation (NASDAQ:LNET), SeaChange International (NASDAQ:SEAC), i-Cable Communications (NASDAQ: ICAB) and Crown Media (NASDAQ: CRWN).
Beacon Equity Research Disclosure
The analysts contributing to this report do not hold any shares of B2Digital, Inc. (BTOD). Additionally, the analysts contributing to this report certify that the views expressed herein accurately reflect the analysts\' personal views as to the subject securities and issuers. The analyst(s) writing this report recognize and aspire to all of the CFA Institute Guidelines for Independent Research. Beacon Equity Research ("Beacon") certifies that no part of the analysts\' compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendation or views expressed by the analysts in the report. Beacon has directly been compensated seven thousand five hundred dollars by BZCOM Marketing for a limited enrollment of B2Digital in its research program. This report is based on data obtained from sources we believe to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy and does not purport to be complete. As such, the report should not be construed as advice designed to meet the particular investment needs of any investor. Any opinions expressed herein are subject to change.