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15.09.12 10:29

554 Postings, 5545 Tage leilei3News

Advanced Explorations Inc. Announces Closing of Non-Brokered Financing
Advanced Explorations Inc. AXI
9/14/2012 10:14:35 PM
Advanced Explorations Inc. Announces Closing of Non-Brokered Financing
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 14, 2012) -
Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) (the "Company") is pleased to announce today that it has completed a closing for a first tranche of its previously announced non-brokered private placement through the issuance of 4,356,999 "flow-through" units ("FT Units") at a price of $0.24 per FT Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,045,680 (the "Offering").
Each FT Unit consisted of one "flow-through" common share in the capital of the Company and one-half of one non-transferrable common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a "FT Unit Warrant"), with each FT Unit Warrant being exercisable to acquire one common share of the Company at a price of $0.40 until September 14, 2014. The expiry date of the FT Unit Warrants may be accelerated in certain circumstances.
The proceeds from the sale of FT Units will be used for Canadian Exploration Expenses (within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada)) and will be renounced for the current taxation year.
All of the securities issuable in connection with the Offering will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day after date of issuance.
In connection with the Offering, certain registered dealers were paid a finder's fee in the aggregate amount of $63,672 and issued compensation options exercisable to acquire 265,299 common shares of the Company at an exercise price of $0.24 per share, until September 14, 2014.
Additional closings may occur on or prior to September 21, 2012.
The securities offered have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer for sale of securities in the United States.
John Gingerich, President & Chief Executive Officer
ABOUT Advanced Explorations Inc.
Advanced Explorations Inc., based in Toronto, Ontario, is a resource development company focused on developing its Roche Bay and Tuktu Iron Ore Projects in one of the world's largest developing iron ore districts, the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut. The Ocean-based Roche Bay Project boasts an NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate of over 500 million tonnes outlined within a small portion of the potential 140 km of banded iron formation. A positive feasibility study for the project's C Zone revealed a net present value of $642M on a base case 5.5 Mtpa start-up concentrate operation and substantial upside potential including becoming a low quartile cost producer. To date, the Company has delineated over 1 billion tonnes of iron under NI 43-101 among its Roche Bay and Tuktu deposits and continues to explore other targeted deposits in areas to the north, south and west of Roche Bay. The management team has extensive technical, exploration and Canadian Arctic mining expertise to effectively develop the high quality iron ore opportunities on the Melville Peninsula.
This news release also includes forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The information reflects numerous assumptions as to industry performance, general business and economic conditions, regulatory and legal requirements, taxes and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of the company. Similarly, this information assumes certain future business decisions that are subject to change. There can be no assurance that the results predicted here will be realized. Actual results may vary from those represented, and those variations may be material.
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.


17.09.12 18:54

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12NEWS: Around the Arctic September 14, 2012

Nunavut board says yes to Mary River, with conditions
“Many Nunavummiut feel caught between two worlds”

The Mary River iron project, proposed by the Baffinland Iron Mines Corp., a subsidiary of Arcelor Mittal, would involve a railway, a port at Steensby Inlet and numerous transits each year made by huge ore-carrying vessels from Steensby Port to ports in western Europe.

The Nunavut Impact Review Board said yes to the massive Mary River iron mine project, subject to 184 terms and conditions set out in a 356-page final hearing report made public at around 7:45 p.m. eastern time Sept. 14.

That report, with its recommendations, will now go to the minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, John Duncan, for approval.

In the NIRB hearing report’s executive summary, the acting chair of the board, Elizabeth Copeland, said that in the face of the massive Mary River project, “many Nunavummiut feel caught between two worlds…”

She described that as a conflict between hopes for lasting economic benefits, and fears for the mine’s effects on air, land, water, fish, wildlife, marine mammals, traditional areas, traditional ways and communities.

The Mary River project’s proponent is Baffinland Iron Mines Corp., a subsidiary of the global steel giant Arcelor Mittal. Baffinland proposes the extraction of 21 million tonnes of iron ore a year over 21 years from the Mary River site.

The multi-billion-dollar project would see huge quantities of iron shipped to a port at Steensby Inlet along the first railway ever built north of the treeline in the Canadian Arctic.

From Steensby Inlet, massive 320-metre icebreaking ore vessels would move 12 months of the year through Foxe Basin and Hudson Strait to ports in Europe. Baffinland hopes to begin construction some time in 2013.

In a news release, the board said its key recommendations for the Mary River iron mine project include:

• the establishment of working groups to help monitor the marine environment, the terrestrial environment, and the creation of new duties for the existing Qikiqtaaluk Socio-Economic Monitoring Committee;

• ensuring communities affected by the project are consulted continuously through the life of the project on the best ways of preventing or limiting negative effects from the mine;

• a requirement that access to project information be centralized, including monitoring and regulatory information; and,

• imposing limits on the total number of ships travelling the shipping route during the open water season: no more than 20 ore carrier transits to Steensby Port per month during the open water season and 242 transits per year in total.

The board said there is still much uncertainty over the adverse affects that the Mary River project could inflict on the environment, but they said they applied the cautionary principle whenever possible.

To that end the board recommended the continued gathering of baseline data and the continued use of adaptive measures.

The NIRB also acknowledged submissions from numerous proponents who said they are worried about the capacity of government to enforce environmental regulations.

“Through the course of the hearing thus far, parties have raised concerns rather consistently about the extent to which this project, should it proceed, might result in challenges to regulatory capacities,” the board said.

The Government of Nunavut issued a statement Sept. 14 shortly after the NIRB’s news release.

“The GN will be diligent in completing a review of the recommendations made by NIRB to the Government of Canada and will be able to comment in more detail once that is complete,” Premier Eva Aariak said. “We look forward to a timely decision from the Federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.”

As for Baffinland, Greg Missal, the company’s vice-president of corporate affairs, told Nunatsiaq News late Sept. 14 that the company is pleased with the NIRB’s decision.

But he said Baffinland looks at the NIRB recommendations as “a step in the process,” because even if the project gets a go-ahead from the federal minister, the company will, among other things, seek water licenses for the project.

“We still have lots of work to do,” said Missal, adding that it will take several days for Baffinland to fully evaluate the many conditions set out by the NIRB.

20.09.12 12:46

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12Ringen um Rohstoffe

China greift sich Grönlands Bodenschätze
Der grönländische Premierminister Kleist bemängelt Europas Anstrengungen beim Erschließen der Rohstoffvorkommen auf der Arktisinsel. Während China investiert, gerät Europa ins Hintertreffen.

Grönlands Premierminister Kuupik Kleist fordert von Europa mehr Engagement bei der Erschließung der riesigen Rohstoffvorkommen seiner Arktisinsel. "Wir wissen, dass viele westliche Staaten Zugang zu unseren seltenen Erden suchen", sagte Kleist im Interview mit dem FTD-Schwestermagazin Capital. "Aber wenn es um tatsächliche Investitionen von EU-Unternehmen bei uns geht, sehen wir noch immer nicht viel Aktivität." Die Volksrepublik China hingegen sei bereits kurz davor, "in Grönland einen Fuß in die Tür" zu bekommen. Kommendes Jahr soll die Erschließung eines großen Seltene-Erden-Vorkommens an der Südküste starten - mutmaßlich mit chinesischen Finanziers.
Damit droht der Westen das Wettrennen um Grönlands seltene Erden zu verlieren. Diese Spezialmetalle sind unentbehrlich für die Produktion von Smartphones, Hybridautos oder Windkraftwerken. Laut der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) verfügt Grönland über größere Vorräte dieser Spezialmetalle als ganz Europa und die USA zusammen. Die Arktisinsel, die ihre Rohstoffe seit 2010 unabhängig von der Ex-Kolonialmacht Dänemark verwaltet, könnte das Monopol der Chinesen brechen. Die Volksrepublik beherrscht 95 Prozent des Marktes und hat in den vergangenen Jahren ihre Exporte sukzessiv zurückgefahren. EU und USA haben Peking daher im Frühjahr vor der Welthandelsorganisation WTO verklagt.
"Krieg gegen die Chinesen"
EU-Industriekommissar Antonio Tajani war im Juni nach Grönland gereist, um eine Absichtserklärung zur gemeinsamen Gewinnung von Rohstoffen auszuhandeln. In Kommissionskreisen ist von einem "Krieg gegen die Chinesen" die Rede. "Die EU-Kommission ist erpicht darauf, die Zusammenarbeit mit uns zu intensivieren", sagte Premierminister Kleist im Capital-Interview. Doch die Europäer seien "spät dran" und müssten sich beeilen. In den Jahrzehnten seit Grönlands EU-Austritt 1985 hätten viele europäische Staaten und Unternehmen ihre Investitionen vor Ort heruntergefahren, kritisierte Kleist: "Europa hat Grönland vernachlässigt." Die Chinesen hingegen hätten "eine langfristige Perspektive".
In den nächsten Wochen dürfte die Regierung eine Eisenerzmine genehmigen, die von chinesischen Investoren finanziert und von der China Communications Construction Company gebaut werden soll. Hierzu sollen mehr als 2000 chinesische Arbeiter nach Grönland kommen. Die Mine gilt als Pilotprojekt der Asiaten vor Ort.


25.09.12 08:11

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12FS-Report

Advanced Explorations Inc. Announces Filing of Feasibility Report for Roche Bay Iron Project
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 24, 2012) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (the "Company" or "AEI") (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) today announced the SEDAR filing of its Roche Bay Iron Project feasibility study. The full report is also available for download on the Company's website at www.advanced-exploration.com. On August 10th, 2012, AEI announced the positive outcome of a feasibility study conducted for the C Zone of its Ocean-based Roche Bay Iron Project located on the east coast of the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, Canada that targeted a start-up production rate of 5.5 million tonnes per year and start-up production of a 66% iron concentrate.

The company believes the conservative nature of the report provides a robust base case upon which to create further value going forward. Utilizing the results of the feasibility study as a base case scenario for the project, the Company is now concentrating its efforts on realizing the substantial opportunities identified by the report that may positively impact the base case NPV and IRR estimates and further lower operating costs. Such value adding opportunities include, but are not limited to:

Resource expansion to support a target mine life of a minimum 20 years.
Project optimization on production volume (>8 million tonnes per year production) and grade increase through further resource definition.
Value realization on the higher grade iron content and concentrate quality based on metallurgical evaluation resulting in a 69% iron concentrate to be produced at the future Roche Bay Mine.
Energy source shifting from Arctic Diesel to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with an internally projected decrease in operating costs estimated at $8/tonne concentrate.
Evaluate the potential contributions from a resource expansion at the C Zone and A/B Zone and including Tuktu into the Project development.
It should also be noted that the FS does not include salvage or residual value for the assets following the 15 year mine life. Considering the regional interests and the considerable infrastructure value in the North, AEI believes these assets will have productive life well beyond the current FS. This will be further assessed through AEIs evolving programs and studies.

John Gingerich, president & CEO commented:

"The completion of the feasibility report marks a significant milestone for the Company and the advancement of its flagship asset. We have demonstrated we have a solid project with immense upside potential that ranks as one of the most advanced iron ore projects in Canada."  

01.10.12 11:30

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12Dank an opla aus WO

Advanced Explorations Inc.


As a mining exploration company, Advanced Explorations Inc. focuses on developing high quality iron ore opportunities. Currently, the company holds the option to earn a 100% ownership interest in the Roche Bay Magnetite Project located on the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, Canada. Located proximal to a natural deep water harbour the Roche Bay deposit benefits from transportation efficiencies possibly making it one of the world’s premium iron ore prospects.

The company’s key asset is its experienced senior team. Over 200 years of combined experience equipped the AEI management with a unique mixture of technical, exploration and mining expertise to rapidly advance the Roche Bay Project and explore other local and global opportunities.

18.10.12 17:41

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12News AXI

Advanced Explorations Inc. Completes Exploration Program at Tuktu 2 Iron Project

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 18, 2012) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) (the "Company or "AEI") is pleased to announce that it has completed an exploration program to further evaluate the direct ship ore ("DSO") potential within the area of the Tuktu 2 magnetic anomaly, approximately 5km east of AEI's Tuktu 1 Magnetite Iron Deposit (Inferred Resource - 465MT @ 31.1% Total Iron; see press release November 28, 2011).

The exploration program, which commenced late August and was completed this week, was comprised of detailed surface geological mapping and prospecting, closely spaced infill ground magnetometer and gravity geophysical surveying and completion of 1,536m of diamond drilling in 11 drill holes.

In July 2012, the Company completed a limited prospecting and sampling program of a 2,100m long magnetic anomaly, the Tuktu 2-A Anomaly, where high grade samples assaying 63.85% Fe and 62.26 % Fe were previously located in 2011 (see press release October 26, 2011). Abundant specular hematite, a form of iron oxide not previously seen on the Tuktu Iron Project, located in outcrop, returned grab samples up to 69.30% Fe and channel sampling included an average of 63.24% Fe over a length of 7.9m (see press release July 11, 2012).

Utilizing a field-portable XRF analyzer, geologists were successful early in the current program to locate a second DSO target area, Tuktu 2-H, of apparent high grade hematite mineralization within a discontinuously outcropping 3km long zone of both magnetite and hematite iron mineralization. This is located approximately 1800m southeast of the Tuktu 2-A Anomaly in a north-south trending linear magnetic feature, parallel to and about 400m east of the Tuktu 2-A magnetic anomaly. Based on visual geological and field-portable XRF analyzer results, field geologists concluded that the Tuktu 2-H Anomaly had the potential for multiple lenses of high grade iron mineralization of the style referred to as "Direct Ship Ore" ("DSO") (see press release - Sept 13, 2012).

Although subsequent field work was centered around the Tuktu 2-A and Tuktu 2-H anomalies, the geological mapping and prospecting and ground geophysical surveys (magnetometer and gravity) focused on identified airborne magnetic anomalies within an area of approximately 16 square kilometers. Results of surface sampling are pending.

The drill program was focused on the two identified anomalous areas, with 4 drill holes completed at the Tuktu 2-A anomaly and 7 drill holes completed at the Tuktu 2-H; assay results are also pending.

John Gingerich, President & CEO, commented:

"Our recent field work, particularly the discovery of at least two high grade DSO targets, is further evidence of the potential to define direct ship ore at Tuktu. It has also highlighted the potential to expand existing magnetite-rich resources within the Tuktu project area. We are excited to consider the opportunities these new discoveries will bring."

Work was completed under the supervision of Mr. Gary Williams, V.P. of Advanced Explorations Inc. and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Williams has reviewed and verified the technical information contained in this news release.


John Gingerich, President & Chief Executive Officer  

26.10.12 08:53

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12October 26, 2012 02:00 ET

Quelle: http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/advanced-exploration…

Advanced Explorations Inc. Releases Results of 2012 Surface Sampling Program at Tuktu Iron Project

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2012) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) (the "Company or "AEI") is pleased to announce the results of a general surface sampling and prospecting program recently completed on its Tuktu project area. The 2012 Tuktu East prospecting and mapping program was initiated to continue the evaluation of the direct ship ore potential of the Tuktu 2 area ("T2-A Prospect") as discussed in previous press releases (July 11, 2012) and to further examine the overall potential quality and extent of the Tuktu project. It has resulted in the discovery of a new zone of high-grade specular hematite ("T2-H Prospect"), with surface samples returning values up to 65.67% Fe. The T2 - A and T2 - H Prospects were the focus of drilling conducted by the Company last month, and the drill results will be reported as they become available.

John Gingerich, President & CEO, commented:

"We are very pleased that our sampling program led to the discovery of a second zone of specular hematite material in addition to the first discovery earlier in the summer. The existence of this different type of rock formation, which is characterized by the exceptionally high iron grades that define DSO-type material, in two zones at Tuktu 2 demonstrates that there is significant discovery potential in this area. Furthermore, there is substantial exploration upside for this type of material in the entire 140 km strike of banded iron formation from Roche Bay to Tuktu as we have only explored approximately 10% of the entire magnetic anomaly to date".

A total of 204 rock grab samples have been collected at the Tuktu East area (28 in 2011 and a further 176 in 2012) and are reported in Table 1. The sampling targeted outcrops within aeromagnetic and ground magnetic anomalies considered prospective for Tuktu-style banded iron formation (BIF) to the east of the Tuktu deposit.
Table 1
2011-2012 Surface Sample Assays
Number of Samples % Fe Range
3 60.0-65.67
2 50.0-59.9
34 40.0-49.9
135 30.0-39.9
30 0-29.9

The majority of the surface samples (81.8 %) have reported Fe values greater than 30%, and are well distributed along the major magnetic anomalies to the east of the Tuktu deposit, confirming the extent of potential resource grade iron formations. A surface sample from 2011, containing 63.85% Fe, led to the discovery of the T2-A Prospect in July of 2012 (see press release - July 11, 2012). A second sample from the 2011 field season, grading 62.26% Fe, and 1.6 km to the south of T2-A, remains anomalous. The Company plans to investigate this anomaly further in 2013. Furthermore, the new T2-H discovery is located at the north end of a large positive magnetic anomaly that is approximately 1.5km in length, but is not well exposed, and so the continued evaluation of this area remains a priority for the Company going forward.

The surface sampling results reported in this press release were prepared by Andrew Turner, P. Geol. of APEX Geoscience Ltd. who has reviewed and verified the contents of this release. Andrew Turner, P.Geol. is a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

All samples were catalogued in the field with GPS coordinates and were sent to the Activation Laboratories ("Actlabs") sample preparation facility in Hall Beach, NU with final analysis being conducted at their main facility in Ancaster, ON. The results for the 2011 and 2012 sample analyses are summarized in Table 1, where the % Fe was calculated from the % Fe2O3 values reported by the laboratory. A map of the sample locations is available on the Company's website at www.advanced-exploration.com.

The Company is also pleased to announce that it will present at today's World Iron Ore Forum held at the Park Hyatt Toronto. Additional details about the event can be found on the Company's website under Events at www.advanced-exploration.com.  

01.11.12 17:34

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12News 1.11.2012

Advanced Explorations Inc. Moving Forward with LNG Power Solution for Roche Bay Iron Project
TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 11/01/12 -- Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) (the "Company or "AEI") is pleased to announce that it has received unanimous Board approval to advance further engineering studies on its LNG Power solution for the Roche Bay Iron Project. The objective of this further engineering work is to determine the full extent of the advantages derived from a start-up scenario that would include LNG Power. This opportunity was identified by the recently released Roche Bay Feasibility Study which indicated the potential to reduce the project's FOB operating cost ("Opex") by approximately $8/t to $42/t for the base case 5.5 mtpa operation. These potential operating savings, which could be generated by an LNG Power option, support the Roche Bay Project OPEX objectives of becoming a lower quartile FOB cost producer.

AEI has investigated the LNG power option for over 18 months and, in its research, was also advised by some of the world's industry leaders. The Company is confident that an LNG power option is an affordable and viable option for power generation at Roche Bay. AEI's partner for the Roche Bay Project, XinXing Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. ("XDIP"), who has expertise in LNG, has also committed to work with the Company to better understand the economics of this power solution and whether or not the engineering can be accelerated to align with the project's start-up option schedule. Encouraged by AEI's Board of Directors and XDIP, the Company is currently finalizing plans to initiate a pre-feasibility study on the LNG power option that will provide insight on the viability of a turnkey power plant solution at Roche Bay.

The final report of the Alternative Power Concept Study, which was initiated on collaboration between AEI and the Government of Nunavut (see press release April 3, 2012), is also expected to be completed shortly, and the Company is looking forward to being able to extend its collaboration with Nunavut.  

02.11.12 12:12

387 Postings, 4509 Tage fogs??

wieso fällt die Aktie so kräftig?  

02.11.12 16:20

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12von Tepin aus wo

Zitat Tepin
Das Board verliert zur Zeit jede Art von Rationalität und erhält grossen Zulauf von Polemik. Ich schreibe eine kurze Einschätzung, da ich darum gebeten wurde. Danach ziehe ich mich wieder zurück, bis es weitere Entwicklungen gibt.

Die Frage, die anscheinend die Hauptfrage für viele hier ist: Wird XXP weiterhin mit der Unterzeichnung des JV und den ersten 50 Mio warten, bis z.Bsp. Tuktu 2 oder LNG besser erforscht ist ?

Als erstes frage ich mich, ist XXP weiterhin an RB interessiert ? Definitiv ja, ansonsten hätte das AXI Board (in dem auch XXP sitzt) nicht den Plänen einer PFS für LNG in RB zugestimmt. Wenn XXP nicht interessiert ist, hätten sie schon lange Adieu gesagt. Das ist meine Meinung.

Nun zur Frage, ob XXP ein JV zügig unterschreiben wird oder lieber noch auf weitere Infos zu Tuktu 2/LNG wartet. Bisher hat XXP wenig Geld für AXI in die Hand genommen und somit das Risiko gering gehalten. Ich gehe jetzt mal nicht auf den chines. Genehmigungsprozess ein, das führt zu weit.
Schauen wir uns mal die Möglichkeiten von XXP und AXI an.

XXP: Eine FS liegt vor, die jedoch nicht optimiert ist. Optimierung erfolgt durch LNG, potentielle DSO Produktion aus Tuktu 2, Erhöhung der Produktionsmenge auf 8 MTPA, Erhöhung des Endproduktes auf 69% FE. XXP könnte nun warten, bis alle Fragezeichen zur Optimierung abgearbeitet wurden und dann erst ein JV unterschreiben. Wir reden hier von 1-2 Jahren Wartezeit. Das oft genannte "am langen Arm verhungern lassen" nenne ich das. Nachteil für XXP ist der somit stark nach hinten geschobene Produktionsbeginn bzw. das mögliche Verlieren des Projektes, also die Beendigung der Partnerschaft durch AXI.

AXI: Eine FS liegt vor, die jedoch nicht optimiert ist. AXI braucht Geld und muss heute, nicht in 1-2 Jahren, eine Entscheidung zu RB erhalten. AXI hat heute im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Eisenerzprojekten eine positive (wenn auch noch stark optimierbare) FS mit einem sehr guten OPEX Wert in Händen.
Ich mache es nochmals sehr deutlich, wenn in 2012 (ggf. noch Januar 2013) keine Entscheidung von XXP getroffen wird, hat AXI nur eine Chance - Der Deal ist hinfällig und man muss sich einen neuen Partner suchen. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit für AXI noch länger auf XXP zu warten. Das ist in meinen Augen auch XXP bewusst. Es gibt zur Zeit wenig Projekte mit den Vorzügen von RB weltweit, die "frei" sind. Dieser Weg wäre zwar "mein persönlicher Worst Case", aber er ist eine realistische Möglichkeit, wenn XXP keine Entscheidung trifft.

Mir ist bewusst, dass das AXI MM viel Verunsicherung mit seinen News gebracht hat in Bezug auf weitere mögliche Verzögerungen des JV auf Grund von LNG, Tuktu 2 DSO usw. !

Jeder sollte sich jedoch fragen, hat XXP die freie Auswahl AXI nach Belieben warten zu lassen ? Wie gross ist die Chance für XXP, dass z.Bsp. AcelorMittal Steel (Mary River Projekt auf Baffin Island) das Projekt übernimmt. Hiermit wären tolle Skaleneffekte möglich, RB und Mary River, ein Traumpaar. Das ist natürlich nur eine Hypothese.

Mein Fazit: Wenn XXP kein JV zeitnah unterschreibt, werden sie RB verlieren. AXI kann nicht länger warten. Ich sehe das Ausscheiden von XXP mit einer Chance von 10-20%, mehr nicht.

Wie immer, das ist meine Meinung.


03.11.12 09:48

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12Marketwire - Canada

Advanced Explorations Inc. Completes $5,000,000 Private Placement

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 2, 2012) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6)(the "Company") announced today that it has completed its previously announced $5,000,000 convertible debenture private placement with XinXing Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. ("XDIP"). In connection with the Framework Agreement entered into between the Company and XDIP, as described in the Company's August 21, 2012 press release, the Company has issued to XDIP a $5,000,000 principal amount convertible debenture (the "Debenture"). The Debenture is non-interest bearing and matures on November 5, 2014 (the "Maturity Date").

Subject to the terms and conditions of the Debenture, XDIP shall have the right, at its option, upon the earlier of: (a) the completion of a feasibility study (within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) with respect to Tuktu Project (Zone 2); and (b) the Maturity Date, to convert all, but not less than all, of the principal amount of the Debenture into fully paid and non-assessable common shares of the Company. The conversion price per common share shall be an amount equal to the greater of: (i) the volume weighted average trading price of the common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange during the 10 trading days prior to the date of conversion multiplied by 90%; or (ii) $0.25.

Alternatively, subject to the provisions of the Framework Agreement (including the requirement that the XDIP make investments in the Company in the aggregate amount of not less than $20,000,000), XDIP shall have the option to convert the principal amount of the Debenture into an equity interest in a joint venture to be created between XDIP and the Company for the development of the Tuktu Project (Zone 2) (the "Tuktu Zone 2 JV"). The conversion of the principal amount of the Debenture into an equity interest in the Tuktu Zone 2 JV will be subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval and also disinterested shareholder approval.

As the Company's primary strategic partner, XDIP currently holds approximately 13% of the outstanding common shares of the Company. Unless disinterested shareholder approval is obtained in accordance with the applicable policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, XDIP shall only be permitted to convert that portion of the principal amount of the Debenture into common shares such that, immediately following such conversion, XDIP will not hold greater than 19.9% of the then outstanding common shares of the Corporation (on a non-diluted basis).

All of the securities issuable in connection with the Offering will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day after the date of issuance of the Debenture.

The Company also wishes to inform its shareholders that it received notice this week that a Statement of Claim has been filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The claim arises out of an alleged finder's fee agreement with Storm Capital Corp. ("Storm"). Storm is seeking to have the matter subjected to arbitration. The Company has retained legal counsel and believes that it has meritorious defenses to this action and intends to vigorously defend such action.


John Gingerich, President & Chief Executive Officer

18.11.12 14:07

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus1218.11.2012 :) Dank an Opla aus WO

Vom 18.11.2012 (heute) schaut euch das mal an, vor allem die prozentuale Verteilung:

Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes (000778) 29 notice, the company, China Huaxin International Trade Co., Ltd. and the Canadian Advanced Explorations Inc (AEI Company) on equity investment and the procurement of mineral products and other matters of priority signed the "Framework Agreement" aspects of the purchase of AEI Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes newly issued shares of the company, and the right to buy at an agreed price AEI's Roche Bay Mining Company ore products produced by 50%.
The right of priority purchase
AEI is a company organized under the laws of Canada and the survival and the Toronto Stock Exchange and Frankfurt Stock Exchange GEM limited liability company, the parties on September 26 in Beijing on the equity investment and procurement of priority and other mineral products Matters signed a "framework agreement."
Main content of the agreement: Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes, Huaxin International, a subsidiary of a joint venture set up new - Huaxin Company to purchase newly issued shares AEI, while the parties agreed pursuant to this agreement gives Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes, Huaxin International, Ore product procurement priority, and to give Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Company stock or options holdings AEI AEI joint venture company with the project company's rights.
Notice introduced, Roche Bay Melville Peninsula, where the region has found that 30 billion tons of magnetite banded potential, according to an international consulting firm up to the Group reserves report, Roche Bay Mining Area C project designated resource of 500 million tons of iron ore.
Since 1 January 2007 onwards, AEI company Roche Bay project a total of about 41.5 million Canadian dollars of investment. AEI company also has Tuktu all relevant mining rights project, Alaska's choice of iron sands. In addition to these mining projects outside, AEI Company has no other significant assets.
As of September 8, 2010, AEI Corporation common stock for all outstanding shares for the 9052. Under the agreement, AEI companies to emerging - Huaxin issue 2123 shares of common stock at an issue price of 0.25 Canadian dollars per share, and the new - Huaxin addition to the above without warrants in addition to stock options shall bear other expenses.
In emerging - Huaxin based AEI shareholders agreement as an appropriate time after, Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes have the right to AEI stock holdings, the holdings, the new - and newly cast pipe Huaxin AEI together hold 40% of the company's stock . Holdings, the Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes and emerging - Huaxin a 50% power to recommend a director of AEI.
In emerging - Huaxin AEI pursuant to this agreement to become a shareholder after the appropriate time, the right to start with the AEI Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Roche Bay Mining Company set up the project company's operations. Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes decided to start projects such as the formation of the company, Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes by two million Canadian dollars invested, AEI Roche Bay Mining Company in its projects on all the rights and interests of investors in the project company, Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes holds a 28.572 percent stake in , AEI holds a 71.428 percent stake. Mine to mine development bank lending conditions, by the replenishment of the project company Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes into thirty million Canadian dollars, Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes shareholding ratio increased to 50%, AEI holds 50% stake in the company.
Extend the industrial chain
Stipulated in the agreement to subscribe for shares issued and the date of completion, new - Huaxin Roche Bay project has 19% of all mineral products of first refusal. Was completed by the project company, and received the full 50 million Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Canadian dollars of capital investment, Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes have the right to purchase the project at the agreed price of mineral products produced by 50%.
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes said, after entry into force of the Framework Agreement to the upstream industry to achieve an extension of our business is conducive to business expansion and formation of new economic growth. In addition, Canada is rich in mineral resources, and is the center of the global mining capital markets. AEI's successful operation of the company and the project, can also be used as a platform to stabilize the upstream supply of raw materials, improve the steel industry chain, and enhance the company's steel industry chain, the core competitiveness.


20.11.12 14:43

4186 Postings, 4611 Tage carpe_diem# Iron Ore, Big 3

Eisenerz – Vale plant Erweiterung von Megaprojekt

Während die globale Eisenerzbranche schweres Fahrwasser durchläuft, halten die drei großen Minengiganten Vale, BHP und Rio Tinto an weiteren Milliardeninvestitionen fest. Aufgrund der Economies of Scale haben die Seniors mit geringeren Kostenproblem zu kämpfen.. 




26.11.12 17:25

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12News vom 26.11.12

Advanced Explorations' Tuktu 2 Iron Project Drill Results Confirm Potential for High Grade Iron

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2012) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) (the "Company" or "AEI") today announced encouraging results from the recently completed 2012 drill campaign at its Tuktu 2 Iron Project located 60 km north of the Roche Bay Iron Project on the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, Canada.

This drill program was launched to validate the existence of very high grade iron mineralization typical of deposits containing Direct Ship Ore ("DSO") type material. As presented in the summary table, the drill results indicate a consistent existence of DSO material in drill core over several intersections, and the Company believes that an intensive follow-up drill program of approximately 5,000 metres is required, along with metallurgical studies, to define a DSO resource that would support more advanced studies as to the potential of an economic DSO mining operation at Tuktu.

John Gingerich, President & CEO, commented:

"We are very encouraged by the results of this validation drill program as the assays clearly indicate the consistent presence of very high grade iron within the Tuktu 2 deposit. After the sampling program, this drilling confirms the existence of DSO-type material at Tuktu 2, which bodes well for discovering similar lenses not only at the overall Tuktu Project but also along the 140 km of banded iron formation extending across Roche Bay.

A narrow intersection of 63% iron reported from the 2007 drill campaign at Roche Bay has a more significant meaning now given our enhanced understanding of the area's DSO potential. While development on Roche Bay will focus on the traditional BIF asset, work will be needed to fully assess the DSO potential of the C-Zone area."

The Company's 2012 exploration program at the Tuktu 2 Project, which commenced late August and was completed mid-October, was comprised of surface sampling and prospecting, ground magnetometer and gravity surveys and 1,536 metres of diamond drilling in eleven drill holes, four holes (12TK001-004, 413 metres) at the T2-A Prospect and seven holes (12TK005-011, 1,123 metres) at the T2-H Prospect.

Tuktu 2-H (T2-H) Results:

The most significant drill results (Table 1) were obtained from the Tuktu 2-H occurrence that was discovered during this summer's prospecting and mapping program. High grade pods of iron mineralization occur within an alteration zone ranging from 50 to 150 metres in width. From mapping and geophysics, the inferred strike length of the BIF which hosts the mineralization is approximately 1,500 metres. Orientation drilling tested only 300 metres of the apparent strike. All holes intersected high grade sections of +50% Fe with the best intersections in hole 12TK007 with approximately 59% iron content over 64 metres and hole 12TK007 with over 37.5 metres of 66.3% iron.

Summary Table 1

Significant Drill Intersections -TUKTU 2-H Zone

September-October 2012

weiter geht es hier....

05.12.12 07:34

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12Nunavut



Vale-CEO erwartet 2013 Eisenerzpreis von 110 bis 140 USD je Tonne
Murilo Ferreira, CEO des brasilianischen Eisenerzgiganten Vale (WKN 897136), geht davon aus, dass der Eisenerzpreis im kommenden Jahr zwischen 110 und 140 USD pro Tonne liegen wird.

Letzte Woche notierte der Spotpreis für Eisenerz bei 116,90 USD pro Tonne. Das war das niedrigste Niveau seit Mitte Oktober, aber immer noch erheblich höher als die Dreijahrestiefs unter 90 USD pro Tonne, die der Eisenerzpreis im September auf Grund der schwächelnden Nachfrage aus China verzeichnete.

Ferreira erklärte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass man abwarten müsse, die sich Angebot und Nachfrage entwickeln, er aber damit rechne, dass der Preis in einer Spanne von 110 bis 140 USD pro Tonne bleiben werde.


07.12.12 10:46

4186 Postings, 4611 Tage carpe_diemVale, Prognose für 2013

Vale erwartet 2013 stabilere Eisenerzpreise 

Für Vale's Aussichten und Erwartungen interessiert sich immer die gesamte Eisenerzbranche. Für 2013 prognostiziert der Rohstoffriese aufgrund geringerer Preisschwankungen leichtere Bedingungen für Produzenten als dieses Jahr..




17.12.12 18:04

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12News 17.12.12

Advanced Explorations Inc. Completes Initial Stage of Tuktu 2 Framework Agreement'ilder/minen/logos/1007.jpg


... (automatisch gekürzt) ...

Zeitpunkt: 18.12.12 14:10
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
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18.12.12 16:01

4186 Postings, 4611 Tage carpe_diem# Eisenerzpreise

Chinesische Daten stützen: Eisenerzpreis weiter auf dem Vormarsch

Der Preis für Eisenerz mit einem Eisengehalt von 62% im chinesischen Hafen Tianjin ist am gestrigen Montag um 2,2% auf 132,20 USD pro Tonne gestiegen. Das ist der höchste Stand seit Juli und allein im Dezember ein Plus von 8,3%. Der Anstieg des Eisenerzpreises ist vor allem auf neue Daten des chinesischen Statistikbüros zurückzuführen, die besagen, dass die Lagerbestände in den 30 größten Häfen der Volksrepublik auf 73,7 Mio. Tonnen fielen. Das ist der niedrigste Wert seit mehr als zwei Jahren und der siebte Rückgang auf Wochensicht in Folge. Im Februar hatten die Eisenerzlagerbestände mit mehr als 100 Mio. Tonnen ihr Hoch erreicht und waren bis September auf diesem Niveau geblieben..




21.12.12 17:29

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12News vom 21.12.12

Advanced Explorations Inc. Moves Forward With Restructuring of Its Iron Ore Holdings

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 21, 2012) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (the "Company" or "AEI") (TSX VENTURE:AXI)(FRANKFURT:AE6) today announced that in furtherance to its press release of February 18, 2012 and following recent discussions with its Board and XinXing Ductile Iron Pipes Group Co. Ltd. ("XDIP") that it plans to transfer its Roche Bay iron ore assets into a holding company that will be 100% held by Advanced Explorations Inc. The Company has reserved the name "Savik Iron Mines Limited" ("Savik") as the name for the holding company which will act as the operating and funding vehicle for Roche Bay. "Savik" is the Inuktitut word for "knife" derived from "savirajak", the word for metal. The Company anticipates utilizing Savik and/or similar structures for the management of its other iron ore assets, and further believes this restructuring will provide added corporate flexibility in the management and direct funding of its various iron ore projects. The intent is to form an independent management team with the appropriate skills sets and experience related to the go forward requirements (construction/operation) of the Roche Bay Project. The Company awaits final direction from its partner XDIP as to how its potential interest in Savik is to be structured.

John Gingerich, President & CEO, commented:

"We have had ongoing discussions with XDIP and a leading Chinese Bank as to the development and structural requirements for the Roche Bay Project. We have determined that the most effective and flexible structure for the future financing and management of the Project is the transfer of AEI's interest into a wholly-owned holding company. In line with our continued commitment to the Roche Bay Framework Agreement with XDIP, the formation of Savik is an important first step towards the progression and essential financing of the Roche Bay Project".

The Company wishes to also announce that it has been assessing new partnering opportunities that were not reviewed as part of the Feasibility Study related to high quality concentrate supply to advanced iron processing facilities (pellet and/or iron reduction plants) located within short shipping distance of Roche Bay. The Company has focused on the mutual benefits that can be derived with a strategic partner willing to establish advanced processing facilities located at sites with access to low cost energy, year-round ice-free shipping and within short haul shipping from Roche Bay. Preliminary review has identified important operational advantages to Roche Bay should a strategic arrangement be completed. Increasing the amount of iron concentrate delivered on short haul routes will result in a corresponding increase of the average netback to the project. In addition, short haul routes provide an opportunity for an optimized shipping solution from Roche Bay. Both these potential factors would positively affect project economics.


John Gingerich, President & Chief Executive Officer

09.02.13 15:46

4186 Postings, 4611 Tage carpe_diem# Ausblick Nachfrage

Global iron-ore demand expected to reach 2.6-billion tons

Wednesday, 06 February 2013 | 00:00 

Global demand for iron ore is expected to reach 2.6-billion tons in the next seven years, with China poised to remain the biggest consumer of the steel-making ingredient, Diedrik Tas, partner at commodities search firm McKinsey & Co, told attendees at the Mining Indaba in Cape Town.
Prices were also to remain high, Mr Tas said, but he warned that this would not be due to increased demand, but rather a function of rising operating costs.

Iron-ore prices are closely linked to growth in the steel markets. Over the past year, prices have wavered as the slowdown in China’s economic growth led to lower demand for the metal.
 In Europe, steel makers were also suffering from a margin squeeze as a result of the higher prices, Mr Tas said..



19.02.13 09:51

318 Postings, 4591 Tage zaubermaus12TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 02/18/13

Advanced Explorations Signs MOU with Logistec Stevedoring Inc


 Advanced Explorations Inc. (TSX VENTURE: AXI)(FRANKFURT: AE6) (the "Company" or "AEI") today announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Logistec Stevedoring Inc. ("Logistec") for the further development of AEI's shipping concept, terminal, and marine services. Logistec and AEI will work jointly on the development and operation of the terminal facility with its related infrastructure servicing the Roche Bay Project.

Logistec provides over 6 decades of stevedoring and terminal operations at its facilities located in 24 ports in North America. In addition to several other successful projects, Logistec provided marine and shipping support to Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation during the bulk sampling program in 2008. The direct Arctic experience and proven operational expertise in the region make Logistec the partner of choice for AEI as it relates to formulating a proper solution for the Roche Bay port facility and putting in place cost efficient operations.

http://www.minenportal.de/artikel.php?sid=78661&lang=en#Advanced-Explorations-Signs-MOU-with-Logistec-Stevedoring-Inc. target=



01.03.13 16:56

44 Postings, 6258 Tage CanjexGood News !


Advanced negotiating partnerships for alternative power

2013-03-01 10:42 ET - News Release


Mr. John Gingerich reports


Advanced  Explorations Inc. has provided an update on its plans to implement  alternative power solutions as part of its Roche Bay development plan.  The unique coastal location of the Roche Bay project affords the Company  the opportunity to utilize a turnkey, modular LNG power and  distribution solution with the potential to reduce both AEI's associated  capital requirements while still capturing significant operational  savings. These solutions have substantial benefits for the Roche Bay  economics, and likewise can be applied to meet the challenges of  Canada's northern resource developments and remote communities. As such,  the companies that have been engaged in developing these solutions are  anticipated to leverage their knowledge and experience across the North  to encourage economic growth and competitiveness for other remote mines  and Northern communities.

Studies to date indicate that the  significant operational benefits both in environmental impact (approx.  40% reduction in CO2 emissions) and operating cost for LNG based power  (technical studies indicated potential $8/t savings reducing the total  FOB cost to approximately $42/t). These operating cost savings afford  the company the opportunity to tradeoff a turnkey power solution for  long-term operating cost while still retaining a net benefit to  operating margins. Other resource companies are now evaluating LNG based  power as there are both advanced turnkey power production and supply  and storage models being developed. As currently contemplated, AEI plans  to conclude partnership agreements that will include joint LNG  feasibility studies (power and LNG supply) based on delivery of a  turnkey power solution.

There are two independent partnerships  being negotiated. The first partner would be granted the exclusive right  to build and operate the LNG power facility should turnkey trade-off  studies justify the benefits to AEI. The second, would provide an LNG  supply and storage concept as a turnkey solution to complement the LNG  power plant. Given there are business sensitive details associated with  these negotiations, details will be released as permitted once  agreements have been finalized. Additional news is expected in the near  future.

Supplemental Wind Power

Studies provided by ArcStar  Energy ("ArcStar") have demonstrated that the wind regime at the site is  one of the best it has seen anywhere in the world. The initial economic  evaluation for Roche Bay was done on a turnkey wind power solution  whereby ArcStar Energy would capitalize the wind power facilities on a  long term power purchase agreement at an approximate 40% discount to  diesel power. Since completing its initial report, ArcStar has further  evaluated technical and operational challenges and satisfied themselves  that a turnkey solution can be delivered upon verification of the wind  regime which is needed for ArcStar's financing requirements. Wind energy  can only be viewed as a means of delivering supplemental power, and in  the initial study the business case was done as a diesel displacement  benefit estimated to reduce consumption by 30%. This plan can also be  incorporated into the LNG option as wind delivered power will reduce  consumption of non-renewable LNG, offering a possible hedge against  rising future LNG prices. The results from Arcstar's work may provide an  updated perspective on the use of supplemental wind power as a broader  solution for northern development.

The company is extremely proud  being an industry leader in moving resource development towards  executable, sustainable power solutions which provide a broad range of  social economic benefits to the north. AEI believes these alternative  power initiatives are both economic solutions for remote resource  projects and communities and have the opportunity to contribute economic  competitiveness and improved environmental stewardship to remote  Northern mines.

John Gingerich, President & CEO, commented:

"We  are confident that AEI and its stakeholders are at the forefront of the  inevitable conversion from Arctic Diesel towards LNG and supplemental  wind power for resource projects in the Far North. By working with  developers on turnkey delivery models, this will provide additional  options for communities and developers wishing to avoid the onerous  infrastructure burdens when affordable power is the only real objective.  AEI believes it will be able to capture the first mover benefits  generated by having motivated partners with a long-term regional focus  in mind. We are convinced that the success of our alternative power  initiatives will provide a long term sustainable advantage for all  stakeholders."

We seek Safe Harbor.



01.03.13 17:45

44 Postings, 6258 Tage CanjexRebound

wird auch Zeit ! Kann nun mal bis 0,20 € ziehen!



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