Enwave Corporation - ENWAVE CORP. -AOJMAO --

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27.01.11 08:44

24 Postings, 5014 Tage Wühlmausvielleicht

sind aber schon fast alle Interessenten investiert und deshalb kauft keiner nach ;-( und jeder wartet jetzt verzweifelt auf neue Hammernews. Und wenns keine Hammernews werden, sondern nur "ganz normale news" tut sich vielleicht im Kurs immer noch nichts, im Gegenteil, vielleicht wird sogar die Enttäuschung größer. Wie weiter oben schon irgendwo gelesen finde ich auch, dass die Zeit der Vorschußlorbeeren eher vorbei ist. Aber gut ist ja, dass an der Börse gerne die Zukunft gehandelt wird, und die beginnt beim einen morgen und beim anderen in 2 Jahren...und so bleibt dann auch Zeit wieder neu zu Investieren.


27.01.11 09:11

3845 Postings, 5140 Tage DeRoje@wühlmaus

es wird der Kurs bis zum Februar noch um die 1,80 rumpendeln!

Dann ist das PP vorbei. Dann wirds wieder up gehen.  

27.01.11 09:40

24 Postings, 5014 Tage Wühlmaus@DeRoje

tja, hoffen tu ich das auch ...  


27.01.11 20:30

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyVergleichsunternehmen "Dr.Suwelack"

allerdings auch hier, nur ein Marktsegment! Mit Kaffe-Gefriertrocknung, seit 35 Jahren am Markt präsent. Vom Ansatz her nahezu gleich, aber nicht börsennotiert, bzw. war es einmal > offensichtlich geriet das Unternehmen in Verruf.

Quelle: Ruhrnachrichten:http://www.ruhrnachrichten.de/nachrichten/...ueberblick/art318,756413 )


31.01.11 13:59

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyBullish Engulfing - ENWAVE Corp. - Einsteigen...

....der Zug setzt sich langsam wieder in Fahrt! Meiner Einschätzung nach hat es mit dem letzten Kurszuwachs bei geringen Umsätzen vom Freitag ein positives Chartsignal gegeben und es könnten sich heute letztmalig güstige Kurse bieten um sich in Enwave zu positionieren. (siehe auch Posting vom 28.01. im Sentiment-Thread)
Dies ist eine rein subjektive Einschätzung eines bereits inverstierten Enwave-Fans :-)

Definition  & Voraussetzung "Bullish Engulfing"

Die Formation besteht aus einer schwarzen und einer weißen Kerze. Hierbei hüllt letztere die schwarze Kerze ein - d.h., dass der weiße Kerzenkörper die komplette schwarze Kerze "umschließt". Das positive engulfing pattern kommt am Ende einer Abwärtsbewegung vor.

Nach anhaltend fallenden Kursen eröffnet der Markt am zweiten Tag noch schwächer. Im Tagesverlauf schwindet das Verkaufinteresse und Käufer heben die Kurse an. Der Verkaufsdruck ist vorerst passe.

Trendwende möglich! Leichtes Kaufsignal.  

01.02.11 17:34

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyKurssprung-Nachricht von Enwave CEO John McNicol

John Mc Nicol sagt im Interview: "......wir werden uns weiter anstrengen, damit das, was uns BNN vor Kurzem genannt hat, “eine glühendheisse Small-Cap-Aktie“, weiterhin gültig ist."  


Quelle:  http://www.goldinvest.de/index.php/...nd-aktivitaeten-fuer-2011-19710


14.02.11 20:18

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinasky"....the most imporant of the World" ENWAVE Corp.

INTERVIEW @the "Cantech Letter" mit John McNicol


Nur für registierte User, daher anbei der Text als Copy & Paste:

Everywhere you look, food is news. From the government of Algeria increasing wheat supplies after food riots, to food price inflation in India deterring foreign investors to the suicide of a Tunisian fruit seller sparking a revolution. When you can offer tangible improvements to a business that might be the most important on the planet, people take notice. Shares of Vancouver's EnWave, which is developing commercial applications for food dehydration technologies developed at The University of British Columbia, have gone from mere pennies in 2009 to a high of $2 on January 14th of this year. EnWave has yet to show much in the way of revenue, but has nabbed key relationships with giants Nestlè SA and Danisco AS. With a full scale pilot facility to demonstrate its Radiant Energy Vacuum (?REV?) dehydration technologies already up and running, 2011 looks to be an interesting year for EnWave. Recently, Cantech Letter talked to EnWave President and CEO John McNicol about what lies ahead.

John, can you tell the readers of Cantech Letter a little about your Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV) dehydration technology?

EnWave?s Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV) dehydration technology combines microwave energy with vacuum pressure to control the temperature at which liquids boil and subsequently evaporates. This is a major advancement in the dehydration of food and biomaterials because it provides a high-speed, cost efficient method of drying at lower more gentle temperatures allowing forthe retention of beneficial product characteristics such as flavour, texture, colour and biomaterial activity.

EnWave has developed five distinct REV technologies; nutraREV? for use in the food industry to dry fruits, vegetables and other products more quickly and less expensively than conventional methods, powderREV? for the bulk dehydration of food cultures, probiotics and fine biochemicals such as enzymes, quantaREV? for high-volume continuous, low-temperature dehydration of solids, liquids, granular or encapsulated products, and bioREV?  & freezeREV? technologies are designed to dry biomaterials in vials such as vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals, scientific reagents, and medical diagnostic materials, although at different temperatures depending on the heat sensitivity of the live or active organisms in the contents.

Each technology is being designed to offer competitive advantages over one of the current industry standard technologies which are spray drying, air drying or freeze drying. Some of the advantages of each of the technologies may include including significant cost savings, increased product quality, and reductions in process time to minutes or hours rather than days.

How much intellectual property does EnWave own is this area?

EnWave possesses a strong growing patent portfolio that protects our key intellectual property. In total, we hold 14 food and biotechnology issued or pending patents pertaining to the REV technology.  Eight of those 14 patents are exclusively licensed from the University of British Columbia (these technologies were invented by Co-CEO, Dr. Tim Durance, in his laboratory at UBC?s Department of Food, Nutrition and Health).  The 6 other patents are in EnWave?s own name.

What is the landscape like, competitively?

For many years the global dehydration industry has relied on three primary methods. Spray drying and air drying are high speed continuous technologies which use heat as the primary method to dry materials. Under these methods exposure to high heat and oxygen tend to damage key attributes such as nutritional retention, flavors, colors, texture and bioactivity. More than 50 years ago freeze drying was established as a method to dry more sensitive high quality materials where retaining these key attributes are important. Under freeze drying materials are frozen and through sublimation the materials are gradually dehydrated in several hours or multiple days (depending on the product). The freeze dried process typically uses large batch systems, is slow and requires extremely high capital and energy costs.

EnWave?s REV technology  is uniquely positioned to offer high speed low temperature continuous processing  above or below freezing  and is being positioned to be faster and cheaper than freeze drying with better quality than spray or air drying. This provides EnWave with a chance to introduce a major disruptive technology capable of creating a new global standard in the dehydration industry.

In terms of vacuum microwave competition there are very few  competitive vacuum-microwave technology companies in the global market offering  diverse platforms focused on the food and/or biological markets. The only company we have seen with an interesting vacuum microwave tray technology called MIVAP is a German group called Hans Binder Gmbh.

In order to enhance our market leadership position, EnWave recently acquired MIVAP patents in the U.S. and entered a long term strategic supply relationship with Hans Binder. Under the agreement EnWave also secured global marketing rights for their MIVAP technology. At this stage I am not aware of any other specific vacuum microwave companies selling viable commercial technology for food and/or biological applications.

Why is dehydration technology important? What are the potential uses?

Dehydration technology is tremendously important because it provides shelf-stable consumer products, reduces shipping weights and costs, and eliminates the need for refrigeration in areas where this facility is not readily or constantly available.  Dehydration is used for an extremely wide variety of products: Pretty well everything Humans and animals eat or drink today or medication we are using is either in a dehydrated form or has some dried material or additive like, proteins, probiotics or cultures included too enhance its flavor or health benefits. Other active ingredients such as enzymes for detergents, biofuels, rubbers etc, or materials used in the discovery of new pharmaceutical drugs require significant levels of drying for simplifying the delivery or extending the shelf life and testing periods.   .  The potential uses for drying are likely only limited by the market demand for fresh products versus dried ones. In the food sector alone there are over 400 different freeze dried ingredients on the market, covering major markets such as soups, pets foods, packaged foods, baby foods , beverages , low fat snacks, nutraceuticals, ingredients, concentrates etc,.

What are the immediate markets EnWave is addressing?

Overall, EnWave is working towards the introduction of a fourth dehydration technology,  one that is cheaper and faster than and freeze drying, and retains more nutritional value and desirable product characteristics than air drying or spray drying. Currently, we are targeting three major markets that use freeze drying as a standard technology: food, bulk liquids and pharmaceuticals. Presently, most of our commercialization efforts are focused on the delivery of technology to the food and bulk liquids markets, however, we do have prototype technology that has been successfully used to dehydrate pharmaceuticals and biomaterials. The current accessible market for REV dehydration technology in the freeze drying market is estimated at approximately USD$133Bn with around USD$1.8Bn in equipment sold each year around the world. With the recent introduction of our quantaREV development program, we are now working to obtain figures for the spray and air drying markets which we will be targeting with this new technology.

Can you tell us about your business model and the products you have in the prototype stage?

By offering a proprietary, patented technology positioned to offer significant cost savings and/or product improvements, EnWave?s business model is to work with a selective group of world class multinational collaboration partners to test and commercialize the technology for a wide and diverse group of market applications. Our goal is to focus on licensing and generating royalties on the use of the REV technology. This offers our shareholders with the potential of generating a very high margin revenue stream if we are successful at building a broad customer and royalty base. To date we have established research and testing relationships for a variety of REV platforms with some of the world?s largest companies.

EnWave?s technology development pipeline currently runs the gamut from proof-of-concept to commercial-scale: our nutraREV? technology has been used successfully on a commercial level, dehydrating up to 100 kg of berry applications per hour.  We are currently working with Nestle SA, the largest global food company, and Grupo Bimbo, the largest global producer of baked goods, to develop further applications for this technology, our powderREV? technology is currently in prototype stage, and is being developed in collaboration with Danisco AS, the world`s largest producer of probiotics and food cultures. We expect to begin testing a continuous pilot-scale machine in the first quarter of this year with the goal of providing it to Danisco to test at their U.S.-based pilot-plant in the second quarter.

Our newest technology platform, quantaREV?, is currently in the early-prototype stage and we will soon begin testing it with our collaboration partner, Grimmway Farms the world?s largest supplier of organic carrots and vegetables  , on a number of their products. quantaREV? is being designed to provide high-volume continuous belt drying with the goal of several tonnes per hour of output. EnWave has two other technologies currently in the prototype stage:  bioREV? and freezeREV?.  The former is currently being tested at our biotechnology facility in a single-vial format, and the latter is now being used in both a single-vial and multi-vial format on biomaterials such as bacteria, enzymes and antibodies.  In 2011, we hope to complete a new version of the multi-vial freezeREV? machine for testing by our partner, the Saskatchewan Research Council, on their proprietary E.coli animal vaccine.

You recently completed a $10 million private placement. Will EnWave need further dilutive financings or do you see this money taking you to profitability?

This latest financing will put us in a very comfortable financial position. We do not anticipate the need to raise further equity at this time unless there is a substantial change to our current business model

* peaceful Chinasky  

14.02.11 20:23

3845 Postings, 5140 Tage DeRojeVielen Dank!

14.02.11 20:26

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyMart für REV Technologie ca. $133Bn Enwave Corp.

Die aktuelle Internet-Markt für REV-Technologie in der Dehydratisierung Gefriertrocknung Markt wird auf rund USD $ 133Bn mit rund USD 1,8 Milliarden in Anlagen geschätzt jedes Jahr verkauft der ganzen Welt.

(Übersetzung gem. Google - auszugsweise aus o.g. Text)  

14.02.11 20:31

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyPowderREV - Technologie Enwave Corp. mit Ziel 2.Q

unsere powderREV ?-Technologie befindet sich derzeit in Prototyp-Stadium und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Danisco AS entwickelt, der weltweit größte Produzent von Probiotika und Esskulturen. Wir erwarten, dass mit den Tests beginnen einen kontinuierlichen Pilot-Maschine im ersten Quartal dieses Jahres mit dem Ziel, es zu Danisco an ihren US-Pilotanlage im zweiten Quartal zu testen.

(Übersetzung gem. Google - auszugsweise aus o.g. Text)#32))  

14.02.11 21:26

5876 Postings, 5285 Tage lamaroich hoffe, das sich

das auch im Kurs auswirkt  die guten Nachrichten


15.02.11 08:58

5876 Postings, 5285 Tage lamarowenn

sie ein Pilotprojekt mit Danisco machen  ist Ihnen dieser Deal doch schon mal sicher..

und dann übernimmt noch Du Pont Danisco  und dann ist die Sache absolut perfect


15.02.11 16:40

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinasky** Enwave - auf Platz 8 der TSX Venture Top 50 **

EnWave Named to TSX Venture Top 50 for Second Straight Year

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb. 15, 2011 (Marketwire) --

EnWave Corporation (TSX VENTURE:ENW)(FRANKFURT:E4U) ("EnWave", or the "Company") was today named as one of the TSX Venture Top 50 companies for 2011, an annual ranking of Canada's top 50 emerging publicly traded companies. The TSX Venture 50 includes the top 10 companies in 5 major industry sectors that have been identified as leaders in providing shareholder value on Canada's junior stock exchange. EnWave was ranked eighth in the list of ten leading Canadian Technology and Life Sciences companies for the year.

"This award reflects the viewpoint shared by our investors around the world in the sheer potential of EnWave's dehydration technology," said John McNicol, EnWave's President and Co-CEO. "With six technology platforms, and collaboration agreements with four multinational corporations, we are on the verge of delivering a new standard in industrial processing to the global market."

The 2011 TSX Venture 50 companies were selected based on four equally-weighted criteria that include share price appreciation, trading volume, market capitalization growth and analyst coverage growth in the Clean Technology, Mining, Oil & Gas, Diversified Industries, and Technology & Life Sciences sectors. The results were obtained from data to December 31, 2010.


16.02.11 13:58

3845 Postings, 5140 Tage DeRojeHier von heute auf deutsch

Wirtschaftsnews -  & Rohstoffe-Go Exklusiv - von heute 09:49

EnWave zum zweiten Mal in Folge unter die Top 50 der TSX Venture gewählt

Stuttgart (www.rohstoffe-go.de) Zum zweiten Mal nacheinander wurde das kanadische Technologieunternehmen EnWave Corp. (WKN A0JMA0) unter die 50 aussichtsreichsten Unternehmen der TSX Venture an der Börse Toronto gewählt ? dieses Mal für 2011. Damit bescheinigt die Börse dem Unternehmen von Co-CEO John McNicol auch für dieses Jahr herausragendes Potenzial.

Jedes Jahr erstellt die TSX Venture eine jährliche Rangliste der 50 aussichtsreichsten, erstklassigen aufsteigenden Aktiengesellschaften. Diese Rangliste beinhaltet jeweils 10 Spitzenunternehmen in fünf großen Industriebereichen, die als die führenden Wachstumsgesellschaften an Kanadas Junior-Börse angesehen werden. EnWave wurde für das laufende Jahr auf den achten Platz in der Liste der zehn führenden kanadischen Technologie- und Biowissenschaftsunternehmen gewählt.

McNicol zeigt sich zufrieden. Seiner Ansicht nach spiegelt diese Auszeichnung den Standpunkt wieder, dass Enwaves Dehydratisierungstechnologie über riesiges Potenzial verfügt. Mit sechs Technologieplattformen und Kooperationsabkommen mit vier multinationalen Unternehmen stehe man kurz davor, einen industriellen Verarbeitungsstandard auf dem Weltmarkt zu etablieren.

Die Wahl der Unternehmen in die TSX Venture 50 basiert auf vier gleichwertig gewichteten Kriterien: Kurssteigerung, Handelsvolumen, Wachstum der Börsenkapitalisierung und Berichterstattung von Analysten in den Sektoren Umwelttechnik, Bergbau, Öl und Gas, diversifizierte Branchen sowie Technologie und Biowissenschaften.  

19.02.11 16:10

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyEnwave Corp. - Bullish mit möglicher Tradingchance

nachfolgendes Szenario wurde in einem "Nachbar-Forum" auf W:O gepostet:

Zitat: "....Der Chart ist noch nicht ganz an der Trendoberkante - mal abwarten ob da oben überhaupt rote Dochte kommen. bei 2,30 / 2,40 Can.$ -charttechnisch - optimal wäre es: hochlaufen auf 2,40 - Rücklauf zum GAP schließen - und am Alten Hoch nach oben durchstarten."  

Quelle:http://www.wallstreet-online.de/diskussion/1146099-931-940/enwave-corporation-mit-grosser-zukunft#1146099_41070470    // vielen Dank dem User "Urpferdchen" @W:O  

Mir gefällt diese Theorie sehr gut, denn ich bin der Überzeugung wir haben viel Goodwill und ein Up-Gap *da sind sie wieder  aber die kennt Ihr ja schon* bei CAN$2,07!

Daraus ergäbe sich eine Tradingchance von ca. 10 % nach meiner Auffassung!  

21.02.11 11:00

5876 Postings, 5285 Tage lamaroups

was ist heute los?


23.02.11 11:24

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyLink zur Präsentation "AGM-2011" Enwave Corp

23.02.11 13:44

5876 Postings, 5285 Tage lamaroich denke

die marktkapitalisierung drückt den kurs


04.04.11 08:31

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyVERKÄUFE durch Dr.DURANCE ! ALERT ?

Nachfolgende Verkauf von DR.TIMOTHY DURANCE

Apr 01/11 Mar 31/11 Durance, Timothy Douglas Direct Ownership Common Shares 45 - Compensation for property 216,944 $2.070

geben mir zu denken!

Die Frage ist nur:
"wenn alles nach Plan verläuft mit dem Test und alsbald der große Durchbruch kommt WARUM ausgerechnet jetzt?? Und das noch vom Founder und Co-CEO!!!????"
(die Test sollten die nächsten Tage >intern< zu aller Zufriendheit ja abgeschlossen werden können)

Ausschluss von jegwelcher Haftung, dies ist ein rein subjektiver/s Eintrag/Posting  

04.04.11 09:53

12 Postings, 4973 Tage spike01@chinasky

hi, was bedeutet das rote -  bzw grün+  ?? Kannst du mich da bitte aufklären



04.04.11 11:28

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyGUT AUFGEPASST - DANKE Spike01 ! SORRY @ ALL

Muss mich hiermit in aller Höflichkeit entschuldigen!!  STRONG BUY von Co-CEO !!!

Dr.Timothy Durance hat 216944 Stück zum Kurs von CAN$ 2,07GEKAUFT!!!!!

Das erklärt auch die ungerade Stückzahl!


Wer rein will, sollte sich vor den News evlt. plazieren!


04.04.11 11:33

4140 Postings, 5009 Tage chinaskyPick of the Street - gewählt von 200 Analysten

April 1 , 2011

Dear Investor,

EnWave was voted ?Pick of the Street? in the Technology/Life Sciences sector at the TSX Venture Top 50 Awards held at the Toronto Stock Exchange last night. In February, EnWave was named to the Top 50 for the second year in a row, and yesterday the Company was again selected by over 200 Canadian analysts, brokers and portfolio managers from across the country as their "Pick of the Street" in our sector. EnWave is the only company to have achieved this recognition twice in the six year history of the award.

This award is a testament to the skills, innovative attitude, and strong work ethic at EnWave. I was pleased to attend the ceremony on behalf of our growing team of engineers, scientists and management who have each contributed in a significant way to EnWave's success over the past year.

The TSX Venture 50 list is comprised of the top ten companies identified as leaders in Canada?s public venture market in five major industry sectors. The 2011 TSX Venture 50 companies were selected based on four equally-weighted criteria that included share price appreciation, trading volume, market capitalization growth, and analyst coverage growth in the Clean Technology, Mining, Oil & Gas, Diversified Industries, and Technology & Life Sciences sectors. The results were obtained from data to December 31, 2010. 2154 companies are listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange, with over 200 of those in the Technology/Life Science category.

For more information on the 2011 Top 50 companies please click here.

We very much appreciate your ongoing support of EnWave. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your questions at jthompson@enwave.net or 604-603-6549.

Kind regards,

Jennifer Thompson Signature

Jennifer Thompson
V.P. Corporate Development
EnWave Corporation  

04.04.11 11:34

12 Postings, 4973 Tage spike01@chinasky

Hallo , da bin ich aber beruhigt, du hast mich ganz schön nervös gemacht, zumal ich deine Analysen wirklich zu schätzen weiß

und gerdae am grübeln war ob ich nicht doch aussteigen sollte


04.04.11 11:37

12 Postings, 4973 Tage spike01@chinasky

Hi ich nochmal wie du Info von enwave entnehmen kannst fordern die dazu auf bei fragen gerne zu mailen-- ich bin damals einfach mal dieser aufforderung nachgekommen mit Erfolg


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