Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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25.05.08 20:59

382 Postings, 6508 Tage centwatchWiWo Artikel

Ein wenig schade ist, dass das Fazit so enttäuschend ausfällt: Dass weder der Bezug von den potentiellen USD 1,5 Mrd. Umsatz zu einem möglichen KGV auf Basis der aktuellen hergestellt wird, noch erwähnt wird, dass bei den historischen Höchstständen die Preise für Kupfer und Gold wesentlich niedriger waren. Nichtsdestotrotz sollte durch den Artikel BOC einmal mehr auf dem Radarschirm weiterer Investoren erscheinen. Wenn nur einer einen wirklichen Stake erwerben will, dann sollte es mit dem Kurs deutlich Richtung Norden gehen.

Was mich interessieren würde ist der Anteil von PNG an BOC, die 19,06%. Wann wurde dieser Anteil denn letztes Mal bestätigt? Auf der BOC-HV waren die Anteile nicht präsent. Wer schließt denn aus, dass die PNGler nicht ein paar Anteile verticken und in die eigenen Hostentaschen wirtschaften? Oder sind diese Aktien gesperrt?  

26.05.08 06:09

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroKabui sacks adviser

Kabui gerät auch im ABG wegen dem Invincible Deal immer weiter unter Druck.Wenn jeder Kritiker hinausgeworfen wird ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis das ABG wegen Personalmangels abdanken muss ;-)))))))))))))))))

Kabui sacks adviser


AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government president Joseph Kabui has sacked his economic and investment adviser.
Anthony Luwong was given his marching orders at the weekend.
The sacking comes at a time when Mr Kabui is under pressure over the Bougainville Resource Development Corporation issue, and its relationship with Invincible Resources Corporation.
Reports said Mr Luwong had disagreed with the president on the BRDC issue.
?I disagreed with the president and his cabinet for striking a deal with BRDC because I believe they had made the wrong decision,? Mr Luwong said, citing a breach of the Bougainville constitution.  

26.05.08 07:34

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroB ville to reconcile with Australia

B?ville to reconcile with Aust

BOUGAINVILLE leaders and their people are planning to reconcile with Australia over what happened more than 20 years ago.
This is from the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) President Joseph Kabui, who is optimistic one of these days the region will reconcile with Australia over the Bougainville war that sparked the world and killed more than 20,000 people.
Included in the reconciliation list is former Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) commander Sam Kauona with army commanders, leaders of the security forces and those involved in his days of fighting.
Mr Kabui told the Post-Courier the reconciliations were being planned and would be announced when completed.
?That is something that I have advocated all along. A time is going to come when this is going to happen,? he said.
?If you look at it carefully, this was a proxy war for Australia. It wasn?t a war for the people of Bougainville ? this was a war for the sake of keeping the Australian interest.
?We have to clean our home first, and then we will go towards reconciling with Papua New Guinea leaders responsible and eventually we will come to Australia. It will take time but I say it must happen and it will happen.
?Sam Kauona is also planning to reconcile with army commanders, leaders of the security forces and those that were involved in his days.
?It will happen and I am optimistic that we will achieve this, not now but in the near future.?
Mr Kabui said his reconciliation with the country?s former prime minister Sir Julius Chan was a success and he was looking forward to a good relationship and more reconciliations with leaders involved.


27.05.08 08:05

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroStarker Anstieg +8% in AU auf 1,35 AUD 0,8225 ?

1,30 USD VOL  66450 St

RT Orderbuch


Price    Quantity  

1.350   9,255   1  
1.390   5,000   1  
1.400   5,000   2  
1.430   10,226   2  
1.450   11,300   3  
1.460   5,000   1  
1.470   3,000   1  
1.475   4,000   1  
1.480   75,000   1  
1.900   10,000   1  
2.340   110,000   1  

27.05.08 08:33

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroWhy Kabui sacked aides

Why Kabui sacked aides

BOUGAINVILLE President Joseph Kabui yesterday said he sacked two senior officials because they were working against his government and were involved in deals ?Down Under?.
Mr Kabui described his former economic adviser Tony Luwong and trade representative Alex Davia as members of a group working against his government.
Mr Davia owns shares in Winchelsea company which operates out of Buka Luman Soho where Mr Luwong lives on Sohano Island.
He said Winchelsea owns 2 per cent shareholding in New Bougainville Exploration while Independent Gold of Western Australia owns 98 per cent.
?I suspect that the recent trip by the Speaker of the House of Representatives with his delegation to Australia last month involved deals being conducted down there,? Mr Kabui said.
Meanwhile, the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nick Peniai urged all members of the House to consult their people when making decisions on sensitive issues.
He said the controversial issue of the BRDC agreement had sparked public debate and members had been instructed to conduct meetings within their constituencies to gauge the views of their constituents before expressing their views during the June 10 sitting of the House of Representatives.
While acknowledging the spirited public debate by opposing groups as healthy politics for the region?s young democracy, Mr Peniai maintained the local parliament was the supreme authority on Bougainville and he would only accept factual questions raised against government decisions.
He said any motion to be tabled in the upcoming parliament sitting at Buka over the agreement would not be entertained ?by my business committee unless motions are backed by facts by way of statement of motion??.
He said any questions raised on the issue would be referred for a legal opinion.
Mr Peniai said it was important that members consulted their constituencies before bringing their wishes to the Bougainville parliament.  

27.05.08 08:59

879 Postings, 6502 Tage loghoDie ersten 8 von den 2000% sind gemacht....

27 May 2008

European shareholders predict 2000% rise in Bougainville share price

Blair Price
Tuesday, 27 May 2008

A GROUP of shareholders in Bougainville Copper believe the company?s stocks could be worth up to $A30 if it restarts operations at its Panguna copper, gold and silver mine.

Panguna Copper Mine, Bougainville PNG

Bougainville Copper, an Australian-listed company and Rio Tinto subsidiary, shut down operations at the massive Panguna operation in 1989 due to political and military unrest.

Despite the mine?s long hiatus, the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper - an internet-based group of European minority shareholders ? said they expect high returns on their Bougainville investment in the medium and long term.

With shares in Bougainville last trading at $1.30, the shareholder group?s projections have the company?s shares rising between $20 and $30, or 1538% and 2308% in value.

The shareholder group?s projections were made public in a series of written questions put forward to Bougainville and answered in the company?s recent annual general meeting.

Bougainville responded to the question of where the company sees its share price heading, should Panguna resume mining, by saying the board has not made any predictions on the share price.

The renegotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement and the establishment of mining powers will be discussed at the next meeting of the PNG and Autonomous Bougainville Government Joint Supervisory Board, set for late June.

Since Bougainville chairman Peter Taylor said he detected a mood of reconciliation between Bougainvilleans and the ABG, the Panguna Landowners Association has also called for a return to mining.

Also apparently increasing the possibility of a return to mining at Panguna is the move by Rio to send in its Technology and Innovation Group to carry out an order of magnitude study to look at the annual production of the mine in a range of 20-50 million tonnes per year. The study is expected to be completed in August.

According to Taylor the ore body at Panguna is only partially mined with large available reserves remaining.

In the mine?s last year of operation estimated mill feed reached 691Mt at 0.40% copper and 0.47 grams per tonne gold.  

27.05.08 09:41

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroFra +10,28%

Sind es die D Leser der Wirtschaftswoche oder die GB Leser des Profithunters ;-)))  

27.05.08 10:41

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroABG to license explorers

"We will make our stand known very soon and that will be to start exploration throughout Bougainville.? ;-)))))))))

ABG to license explorers

THE Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) is getting frustrated with the continued delay in the process to draw down powers including those of mining, petroleum and gas.
Mining Minister Mathias Salas said yesterday that there had been no progress since the last Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting in Alotau, Milne Bay Province.
?We are very disappointed as no progress is being made on the draw down of powers,? Mr Salas said.
?The JSB meeting is to co-ordinate and facilitate Bougainville?s endeavours and not to suppress it.
?We will make our stand known very soon and that will be to start exploration throughout Bougainville.?
He said with the exception of the Panguna area, all other areas of Bougainville would see local landowner companies being granted licences by the ABG to carry out exploration.
Mr Salas said the issuing of exploration licences would be totally different from how it is conducted in Papua New Guinea as the landowners of resources would be given the licences while Bougainville Resources Development Corporation (BRDC) would be providing technical and financial support to the incorporated landowner groups.
?BRDC will assist in terms of financing the incorporated landowner groups as well as providing technical expertise such as geologists,? Mr Salas said.
?We will introduce legislation that will be a platform on addressing exploration on Bougainville.?
He said that would be made known to the PNG Government soon as the delay in drawdown of powers had hit a brick wall.
Mr Salas said through this initiative the people of Bougainville would be empowered which in turn would put money in their pockets.
?The people of Bougainville will be the only ones applying for exploration licences and any company will go into joint venture with the licence holders,? he said.
?In the event that exploration is successful, the company must give 15 per cent interest free carried to the landowners.?
The establishment of the Mineral Resources Authority does not affect Bougainville and concerned Papua New Guinean resource owners should look into the MRA Act, he said.


27.05.08 15:07

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroSoeben wurden 50K (Aktien) a 0,77 in FRA

abgegriffen,3,5 Cts unter Pari

Glückwunsch ;-)))))))))))))  

27.05.08 20:31

178 Postings, 6433 Tage joebofällt mir jetzt gerade keiner ein

ob das denn ein wirkliches Schnäppchen war, wird sich erst zeigen, langfristig wird das schon so sein, sicherlich,

aber mich belustigen die tagesaktuellen Kursprognosen inzwischen doch eher mehr,

läuft der Kurs in AU gut und in DE etwas hinterher, redet man von Schnäppchen,
läuft der Kurs mal in AU mal nicht so genehm, wird die Frage gestellt, wo denn eigentlich die Kurse gemacht werden,
der geneigte Leser kann das leicht nachvollziehen,

viel deutlicher wird allerdings die Rolle des ESBC, wenn man sich die Antworten von BCL auf deren Fragenkatalog ansieht,
der ESBC wollte BCL zu klaren Antworten ?zwingen?, und was hat er bekommen, sozusagen eine Antwort ohne Inhalt,

nichts für ungut, und das von jemandem, der BCL nicht erst seit SL-Studien im Depot hat, sondern seit Ende der 80´er, und damit auch das ganze Desaster ? auch finanziell ? mitbekommen hat,

wünsche den neuen - oder alten - Engagierten viel Erfolg  

28.05.08 04:06

286 Postings, 7199 Tage bergfex58Sicherung erwünscht

Reconciliation in Panguna paramount

BOUGAINVILLEANS should considering reconciling among themselves rather than rushing the reopening of the Panguna mine.
Guava village chief Mathew Kove stressed this after learning that the Panguna landowners had rushed to re-open the abandoned mine rather than pushing forward reconciliation among the landowners, surrounding areas and the rest of Bougainville.
He said the push to ?welcome back Bougainville Copper Limited into Panguna? would inflame the situation again in Panguna and ?this is the last thing that we would like to see?.
The chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association was in Port Moresby during the annual general meeting of Bougainville Copper and he issued a statement after the meeting stating that BCL would be welcomed back into Panguna as it would be easier to resolve outstanding issues with the company.
?I am being told to compensate those that died during the crisis as people hear that we are pushing for the reopening of the Panguna mine,? Mr Kove said.
?I would like everyone in Panguna to reconcile, then we can talk about other issues such as resuming mining.
?We have to move forward through reconciliation.?
He said for landowners to immediately ask BCL to return to Panguna would not be possible and BCL would have to ?come good if it wanted to return to Panguna?.
?The people cannot be lied to again. We must have reconciliation first and move the place forward,? Mr Kove said.  

28.05.08 06:11

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroRT AU 1,45 AUD 0,89 ? 1,40 USD +7,41% Vol 102K

Auffallend dass diese 102 K sich wieder auf 42 Trades verteilen,im Durchschnitt also ca 2,5K pro Trade.Aussi Zocker sind das also noch garantiert nicht. ;-)))))))))))))  

28.05.08 06:30

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro@joebo

Viel wichtiger als der Fragenkatalog waren die Fragen u. Antworten,die die ESBC von Peter Taylor u. den Landeignern abends beim Bierchen bekommen haben.

Da ging es vor allen Dingen darum dass fast jede Woche ein Landeigner auf der Durchreise in das BOC Büro gelatscht ist u. eine neue Theorie zum besten gab.(Auf die Art 3 Landeigner 5 Meinungen) Ein auch von Peter Taylor gefordertes offizielles Landeigner Statement "We want BOC back" gab es bis dato nicht.

Mathew Kowe,der Chef von Guava Village,der sich heute im Postcurier dafür stark macht die Versöhnungsfeiern in und um die Pangunamine endlich abzuschliessen (wozu BOC die nötigen Geldmittel zugesagt hat) war übrigens auch auf der HV anwesend.

Zu sehen ist er unter
dann auf AGM 2008,weiter auf AGM Photos u. dann runter auf Foto 32 ;-)))))))))  

28.05.08 08:07

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroAU Schluss 1,475 AUD 0,90 ? 1,415 USD +9,26%

VOL 115230 St,das Ganze verteilt auf 49 Trades  

28.05.08 09:03

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroIn D im Mom. noch mit Rabatt ;-)))))))))))

28.05.08 12:41

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro the downside:upside probability is estimated at

28 May, 2008 (16:00:00 AEST)

the downside:upside probability is estimated at 107:15 or 7.1:1. ;-))))))))))))))))


Bougainville Copper (BOC) surged 12.50c (or 9.3%) to $1.48. Compared with the All Ordinaries Index which fell 63.9 points (or 1.1%) on the day, this represented a relative price change of 10.4%.

Significant Uptrend
Price Volume Trend: The price soared 20.9% in the last week. This has been propped up by firm volume of 1.3 times average for the week. In the last three months the number of rises outnumbered falls 28:27 or 1.04:1.
Relativities: Compared with the All Ordinaries Index which rose 1.5% for the month, this represented a relative price increase of 47.9% for the month. Since open its percentile rank in the Australian market was 95. In the Australian market of 2,092 stocks, the stock has a 6-month relative strength of 86 which means it is beating 86% of the market. A price rise combined with a high relative strength is a bullish signal.
Moving Average Price (MAP): The price to 200-day MAP ratio is 1.37, a bullish indicator. In the past 200 days this ratio has exceeded 1.37 44 times suggesting further upside. The stock is trading above both its MAPs at $1.08 for the 200-day MAP and $1.05 for the 50-day MAP, a bullish indicator. The 200-day MAP has increased to $1.08. An increase is another bullish indicator.
Breakout: The stock traded at a five-month high of $1.48 today. The bulls are maintaining control with price open, high, low and close exceeding yesterday's levels.
Support: The support price is hovering at the $1.0 level. Volume traded at the fragile support price zone was 0.3 times average during the six occasions when the support price was breached. In the last one month the first low was at $1.0 on Apr 29, the second at $1.0 on May 05. The third decline halted at $1.0 on May 07, the fourth at $1.0 on May 08, the fifth at $1.02 on May 06 and the sixth at $1.02 on Apr 30

Volatility: The stock traded between an intraday low of $1.40 and five-month high of $1.48. The price range has expanded in the last two days (from 3.0c two days ago to 7.50c today) which, accompanied by a price rise, is a bullish signal.
Volume and Turnover Period: There were 115,230 shares worth $164,274 traded. The volume was 2.5 times average trading of 46,264 shares.
% Disc to High and % Prem to Low: The last price is at a discount of 24.0% to the 12-month high of $1.94 and a premium of 102.0% to the 12-month low of 73.0c.
Volume Weighted Price (VWP): The price is at a premium of 17.5% to the 1-month volume weighted average price of $1.26. Given that this premium has been under 17.5% one hundred seven times and over 17.5% fifteen times in the last year, the downside:upside probability is estimated at 107:15 or 7.1:1.  

28.05.08 13:49

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroUnser MM in FRA ;-)))))))))

Kauft auf X 2k a 0,75 u. vertickert 999 St a 0,765 u. 1001 St a 0,762 in FRA

Das lässt aber zumindest 3x die Gebührenkasse klingeln ;-)))))))))))))))))))  

28.05.08 17:30

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekrothe only woman minister has been replaced

Damit hat es sich Kabui wohl auch mit allen B' viller Frauen endgültig verscherzt.

the only woman minister has been replaced and some more heads would be rolling
in the latest development at the ABG Hqs.
Also a public forum is been organized by the inter church women's forum.
I will confirm the date as soon as I get the details. Could be next week.


28.05.08 21:09

1158 Postings, 6512 Tage sumoeyBOC auf Goldseiten

Heute wird erstmals über BOC auf gesprochen.Es handelt sich hierbei um den Artikel aus der WiWo.Jetzt sollte man aber bdenken,die Seite hat sehr viel mit unserem mehr oder weniger geliebten Mr.Siegel zu tun,welche geraden hat BOC bei 18 Cent zu verkaufen.

28.05.08 22:22

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001USA

Tut sich auch was in den USA?

Gruß Tom  

28.05.08 23:20

1528 Postings, 6508 Tage CCLSCWiWo

29.05.08 08:07

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroUSA 1,49 $ +35.45%

BOCOY.PK Kurs 1.49 USD +35.45% 0,9517 ? 1.555 AUD

Nur das Vol ist mit 1.85K leider nicht der Rede wert.  

29.05.08 08:09

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroAU Schluss mit 1,48 AUD 0,9058 ? auf Jahreshoch

29.05.08 08:29

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroDa hatte es noch einer eilig in AU ;-)))))))))))

u. hat sich schnell noch nach Börsenschluss 4,5 K a 1,48 AUD geschnappt.

Damit ist auch der Block von 80 K a 1,48 zumindest angeknabbert.Darüber ist das Feld quasi frei bis zur (Axels) VK Order a 2.34 AUD

Nächstes Kursziel sollten die ATH seit 89 von der Woche 31 Oct-bis 7 Nov 07 sein

7-Nov-07 1.59 1.59 1.50 1.57 76,700 1.57
6-Nov-07 1.63 1.63 1.58 1.58 8,700 1.58
5-Nov-07 1.68 1.70 1.58 1.63 110,000 1.63
2-Nov-07 1.71 1.75 1.45 1.75 167,000 1.75
1-Nov-07 1.48 1.94 1.46 1.80 233,700 1.80
31-Oct-07 1.40 1.64 1.38 1.64 238,000 1.64



Price    Quantity
1.480   74,627   2  
1.520   5,000    1  
1.640   3,000    1  
1.650   6,000    1  
1.790   1,500    1  
1.900   10,000   1  
2.340   110,000  1  

Auffällig wieder dass 58.5K in 28 Miniorder von im Durchschnitt 2100 St umgesetzt wurden.  

29.05.08 09:01

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroTECHNICAL ANALYSIS Alle Signale auf Grün ;-)))))))

29 May, 2008 (16:00:00 AEST)


Bougainville Copper (BOC) strengthened 0.50c (or 0.3%) to $1.48. Compared with the All Ordinaries Index which rose 62.7 points (or 1.1%) on the day, this represented a relative price change of -0.8%.

Significant Uptrend
Price Volume Trend: The price soared 19.4% in the last week. This has been propped up by firm volume of 1.2 times average for the week. In the last three months the number of rises outnumbered falls 29:26 or 1.1:1.
Relativities: Compared with the All Ordinaries Index which rose 2.6% for the month, this represented a relative price increase of 46.6% for the month. In the Australian market of 2,094 stocks, the stock has a 6-month relative strength of 86 which means it is beating 86% of the market. A price rise combined with a high relative strength is a bullish signal.
Moving Average Price (MAP): The price to 200-day MAP ratio is 1.37, a bullish indicator. In the past 200 days this ratio has exceeded 1.37 44 times suggesting further upside. The stock is trading above both its MAPs at $1.08 for the 200-day MAP and $1.07 for the 50-day MAP, a bullish indicator. The 200-day MAP has increased to $1.08. An increase is another bullish indicator.
Breakout: The stock traded at a five-month high of $1.48 today. The bulls are maintaining control with price open, high, low and close exceeding yesterday's levels.
Support: The support price is hovering at the $1.0 level. Volume traded at the weak support price zone was 0.3 times average during the five occasions when the support price was breached. In the last one month the first low was at $1.0 on May 07, the second at $1.0 on May 05. The third decline halted at $1.0 on May 08, the fourth at $1.02 on Apr 30 and the fifth at $1.02 on May 06
Resistance: The stock hit a new five-month high of $1.48 on decreased volume index of 1.3 on Thursday.

Volatility: The stock traded between an intraday low of $1.42 and five-month high of $1.48. The price range has expanded in the last two days (from 5.50c two days ago to 6.0c today) which, accompanied by a price rise, is a bullish signal.
Volume and Turnover Period: There were 58,542 shares worth $85,491 traded. The volume was 1.3 times average trading of 46,724 shares.
% Disc to High and % Prem to Low: The last price is at a discount of 23.7% to the 12-month high of $1.94 and a premium of 102.7% to the 12-month low of 73.0c.
Volume Weighted Price (VWP): The price is at a premium of 16.7% to the 1-month volume weighted average price of $1.27. Given that this premium has been under 16.7% one hundred four times and over 16.7% nineteen times in the last year, the downside:upside probability is estimated at 104:19 or 5.5:1.
Beta is 1.3.  

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