Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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01.04.08 15:55

15 Postings, 6505 Tage hajottbe@cuba

ich würde aber lieber die stimmrechte als die aktien übertragen...;-))))))  

01.04.08 16:04

1401 Postings, 7401 Tage Cuba Maßda hast du wohl recht!

ganz schön kleinlich.. ;-)  

01.04.08 18:49

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroStimmrechte u. Eintrittskarten

Tja,das ist schon ein Kreuz mit den Banken.Beim abkassieren sind sie Spitze,nur beim Service hapert es.Schon anlässlich der Hv in 05 hatte ich das Problem dass von 5 Banken,darunter Comdirect,Consors u. DAB KEINE imstande war mir die Eintrittskarten trotz monatelanger Vorbestellung zu besorgen.Wer effektiv auch teilnehmen will sollte sich von seiner Bank eine Vermögensaufstellung senden lassen u. diese an Bougainville Copper schicken mit der Bitte die Eintrittskarten am Eingang zu hinterlegen.Das klappt ohne Probleme.Auch bei der Stimmrechtsübertragung der Aktien (von den ADRs garnicht zu reden)zicken die allermeisten Banken.Bei RT als Muttergesellschaft,welche rd.54% der Anteile hält sind die Stimmrechte im Grunde auch nicht wirklich relevant,verfolgen doch Mutter,Tochter,ABG,PNG,Landeigner u. wir Aktionäre alle das gleiche Ziel,das über kurz oder lang in der Wiedereröffnung münden wird.Trotzdem würde die Vertretung von ca.20 Mio Shares + ADRs den ESBC bedeutend mehr Gewicht verleihen.Wer sich die Mühe machen will sollte bei seiner Bank eine formlose Bescheinigung über seine gehaltenen BOC Stücke beantragen u. diese an Axel schicken oder faxen.  

01.04.08 19:31

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroAU BID 50k a 0,95 ;-))))))))))

Zumindest zur Eröffnung ist also mit steigenden Kursen zu rechnen ;-)))))))  

01.04.08 19:58

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroUN Certification ;-)))))))))))))))

Jetzt macht auch die UN Druck damit das Waffenvernichtungsprogramm definitiv durchgezogen wird.

No certification, no elections and that means you can forget about having autonomy for Bougainville,?? Mr Momis told the meeting.

Kein Zertifikat,keine Wahlen u. das bedeutet dass ihr die Autonomie für Bougainville vergessen könnt sagte Momis während eines Meetings

No certification, no poll

THE Bougainville Joint Awareness Team met with the people in South Bougainville last week.
The meeting was part of the efforts of the committee which comprised Bougainville Governor John Momis, the UN Observer Mission on Bougainville represented by its Political Adviser William Ozkaptan, Peace and Reconciliation Minister, James Tanis and Bougainville People?s Congress president Joseph Kabui (who is also the chairman of the Bougainville Constitutional Commission) to educate the people on efforts being undertaken for the province?s autonomous government.
Last Friday?s meeting was with the people of Buin to inform them on the latest on the peace process in Bougainville.
Mr Momis told the people of Buin that Bougainvilleans need to honour their part of the Bougainville Peace Agreement ? to destroy the remaining weapons contained in trunks around the island by the end of this month.
He said that for the elections of the autonomous Bougainville government to proceed, ex-combatants need to destroy the remaining weapons in ?their hands and that not one weapon must remain intact??. Mr Momis said the UN must certify that all guns in containers have been destroyed.
He said Bougainville needs this certification to proceed with the election of the autonomous government.
?No certification, no elections and that means you can forget about having autonomy for Bougainville,?? Mr Momis told the meeting.
He said Bougainvilleans had not fought to hold onto guns but to have and run their own government and to manage their own affairs so that all Bougainvilleans could enjoy peace and harmony.
Mr Momis said the rule of law must be established on Bougainville to attract foreign investment and also to create a new impression for Bougainville in the eyes of its friends ? both locally and internationally.
He said no investor or tourist would want to visit Bougainville if there was no law and order in place.
He called on the people to unite and prove to the UN and the international community that they are genuine in their desire for lasting peace on Bougainville.
?Do not live in the past,?? Mr Momis said, adding the meeting was the last to raise awareness on the need to destroy all weapons now.  

01.04.08 21:23

140 Postings, 6505 Tage pezz88Verteilung der Shares...

Wie im Annual Report angegeben sind die 20 größten Shareholders folgende:

1. Rio Tinto Limited Melbourne VIC 214,887,966 53.58
2. The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 76,430,809 19.06
3. ANZ Nominees Limited Melbourne VIC 32,789,966 8.18
4. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited Melbourne VIC 30,886,890 7.70
5. National Nominees Limited Melbourne VIC 8,945,294 2.23
6. HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited Sydney NSW 7,426,049 1.85
7. J P Morgan Nominees Australia Limited Sydney NSW 2,033,338 0.51
8. Franz Heinrich Rast Bulli NSW 1,657,440 0.41
9. James West Auckland New Zealand 1,529,511 0.38
10.Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Limited Melbourne VIC 1,235,383 0.31
11.Bell Potter Nominees Pty Limited Melbourne VIC 900,000 0.22
12.Mrs Francis Claire Fox Wheelers Hill VIC 771,765 0.19
13.The Noble Hope for Construction Pty Ltd Condell Park NSW 700,000 0.17
14.Deep Investments Pty Limited Pymble NSW 629,343 0.16
15.Estate late Mr Donald Ranaweera MBE Colombo Sri Lanka 625,000 0.16
16.Mr Anthony Patrick Cahill Ascot Vale VIC 470,130 0.12
17.Deep Valley Pty Limited Virginia QLD 377,000 0.09
18.Customer Company INC London United Kingdom 281,968 0.07
19.Mr Daniel Ronald Watson Glenside SA 250,000 0.06
20.Mr Lewis Haswell Finey Fairy Meadow NSW 240,446 0.06
           Summe               383,068,298 95.51


Nekro, Du schreibst in "953" dass wir vom ESBC 20Mio halten, damit wären ja sämtliche Shares verteilt, es gäbe überhaupt keinen Freefloat, stimmt das so?

Warum tauchen die Stücke vom ESBC nicht bei der Auflistung im Annual Report auf, da wird doch bestimmt einer mehr als 240K halten!


Auf der BOC Homepage hat es ein Update gegeben, habe dafür eine Alarmfunktion, Annual Report 2007 hinzugefügt, oder noch etwas anderes, habe die Page nicht ständig unter Beobachtung, vielleicht fällt jemanden noch etwas auf.


Dann mal alles gute, ich sehe aufregende Zeiten auf uns zu kommen...


01.04.08 21:48

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekro@ pezz

Die 20 Major Shareholders haben im letzten Jahr ihre Positionen von 95,17 auf 95,51% weiter ausgebaut.(Bedenkt man dass die Nominees auch noch gezwungen waren xx Mio St ADRs in Aktien zu tauschen,so haben sie noch viel mehr Stücke am Markt aufgekauft)Sie gehen von einer Wiedereröffnung aus u. haben auch bei Kursen um 2 AUD nicht verkauft,sehr wohl wissend dass der Kurs bei der Verkündung der Wiedereröffnung weitaus höher schnellen wird.

Der Freefloat beträgt somit gerade noch 18.007.700 St.
Die von den ESBC gehaltenen Stücke setzen sich aus Aktien u.ADRs zusammen,wobei die ADRs schon in den Positionen der Nominees enthalten sind,welche darauf auch die Stimmrechte halten.

Im GB tauchen nur die Shareholder auf,welche sich bei Computershare haben registrieren lassen.  

01.04.08 22:24

140 Postings, 6505 Tage pezz88@nekro

Besten Dank für die Informationen...

Das kann dann ja wohl nur gut sein, dass die meisten Stücke in festen Händen sind, und der Freefloat wird sicherlich immer geringer werden!!!

Irgendwie schlafen die doch immer noch alle, die windigsten Exploren werden ohne Ende gepusht, aber da wo etwas hintersteckt kümmert sich keiner drum, aber egal, die Warterei wird sich auszahlen...

Danke Dir auf diesem Wege mal, für Deine unermüdlichen Rescherschen!!!  

02.04.08 02:00

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroAU Orderbuch,sehr aussagekräftig ;-)))))))))))))))

Erster Wiederstand bei 1,48 ;-)))))))))))))))


   Quantity       Price
1   2,000           1.010
1   2,000           0.965  
1   6,000           0.960  
1   49,294           0.950  
1   30,000           0.940  
1   9,000           0.930  
2   4,276           0.920  
2   10,000           0.900  
1   12,000           0.865  
1   5,000           0.840  
1   11,751           0.815  
1   7,000           0.760  
1   10,000           0.720  
1   4,000           0.710  
1   10,000           0.705  
1   1,500           0.700  
1   1,000           0.560  
1   19,500           0.505  
1   100,000           0.500  

Price    Quantity  Number    
1.100   1,800       1  
1.180   5,000     1  
1.190   12,000   1  
1.480   75,000   1  
2.000    5,000    1  
2.340   110,000   1  

02.04.08 03:14

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroMeekamui hit back

Me?ekamui hit back

ONE man was killed and two other seriously injured when a passenger vehicle was ambushed by Damien Koike?s Me?ekamui faction on the highway in South Bougainville yesterday.
But more may have been killed according to a relative of one of the injured duo taken to the Arawa Health Centre.
?Wanpela lapun man mi lukim idai wantaim sampela mama na pikinini tasol mipela lusim ol long kar we oli kukim pinis (I saw an old man die and also some women and children but their bodies were left at the place where the vehicle was burnt),?? the relative told a health centre officer.
Arawa police confirmed the shooting and the death and two seriously injured but said they were still waiting for their man who had gone to the scene of the ambush to return with detailed report.
The vehicle, carrying 30 passengers, including women and children, was ambushed near Pania village, Konou Constituency in South Bougainville about 10am.
A staff from the Arawa Health Centre confirmed the two seriously wounded passengers ? a man and woman ? were brought to the centre late yesterday and would be transferred to Buka hospital as soon as a vehicle was available.
The health centre staff, who did not want to be identified for fear of his safety, said he had spoken to the relative who had brought the wounded to Arawa.
He told me more could have been killed and some had fled into the bushes in fear of their lives, the officer said.
The attack on the civilians is believed to be in retaliation to a recent raid conducted by Wisai Liberation Movement (WILMO) on a camp belonging to Koike?s faction two weeks ago in which four of his men were killed.
Attempts last night by the Post-Courier to get comments from the ABG police minister Ezekiel Massat unsuccessful and Buka police said they still were waiting for a report from Arawa.  

02.04.08 03:16

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroRT AU akt.+19,6%

02.04.08 07:50

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroBOC schliesst mit 1.10 AUD +19,6% auf Tageshoch

1.10 AUD 0,64? 1 USD VOL 43.5K

Papua New Guinea,Bougainville  In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Dow Jones Asian Equities Report, 2 avril 2008 , 2:35:00 GMT , 367 mots, (Anglais)

Attache Papua New Guinea,Bougainville  In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Dow Jones International News, 2 avril 2008 , 2:35:00 GMT , 367 mots, (Anglais)

Attache Papua New Guinea,Bougainville  In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Dow Jones News Service, 2 avril 2008 , 2:35:00 GMT , 367 mots, (Anglais)

Attache Papua New Guinea,Bougainville  In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Dow Jones Commodities Service, 2 avril 2008 , 2:35:00 GMT , 367 mots, (Anglais)

Attache Papua New Guinea,Bougainville  In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Dow Jones Emerging Markets Report, 2 avril 2008 , 2:35:00 GMT , 367 mots, (Anglais)

Attache Papua New Guinea,Bougainville  In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Dow Jones Australia and New Zealand Report, 2 avril 2008 , 2:35:00 GMT , 367 mots, (Anglais)

Diese Artikel locken jetzt die ersten Aussis hinter dem Ofen hervor.Orderbuch füllt sich weiter,trotzdem kein Verkaufsdruck nach dem resanten Kursanstieg der letzten paar Tage.Die jetzt gehandelten Stücke kommen wohl noch von den 89er Altanleger (a 7  AUD) ,welche froh sind nach 20 Jahren Wartezeit ihre Verluste etwas zu minimieren u. von der weiter fortgeschrittenen Situation noch keinen Schimmer haben.Bis zum Pritzkerangebot von 1994 a 3,35 USD ,immerhin auf dem Höhepunkt der Krise stehen ab jetzt noch 250% Kursanstieg vor BOC ;-))))))))))))))


Price  Quantity  Number  
1.090   519       1  
1.100   16,500   2  
1.150   6,000   1  
1.170   4,151   1  
1.180   5,000   1  
1.190   7,000   1  
1.475   5,927   1  
1.480   75,000   1  
2.000   5,000   1  
2.340   110,000   1  


Num Quantity      Price    

1   500           1.050  
1   5,000           1.000  
1   2,000           0.965  
1   6,000           0.960  
1   49,294           0.950  
1   30,000           0.940  
1   9,000           0.930  
2   4,276           0.920  
2   10,000           0.900  
1   5,000           0.840  
1   11,751           0.815  
1   7,000           0.760  
1   10,000           0.720  
1   4,000           0.710  
1   10,000           0.705  
1   1,500           0.700  
1   1,000           0.560  
1   19,500           0.505  
1   100,000           0.500  

02.04.08 08:11

302 Postings, 6500 Tage sellongoodnewsLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 03.04.08 00:19
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



02.04.08 09:01

51 Postings, 6345 Tage DerAnalystBougainville In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart :-)

DJ Papua New Guinea,Bougainville In Pact On Panguna Mine Restart
Tuesday, April 01, 2008; Posted: 10:35 PM


SYDNEY, Apr 01, 2008 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) -- -- Papua New Guinea's government is paving the way for lifting a moratorium on mining in the semi-autonomous island of Bougainville, home to the Panguna copper mine.

Bougainville, where a secessionist war claimed thousands of lives in the 1980s and 1990s and forced closure of the Panguna mine - majority-owned by Rio Tinto Ltd. (RIO.AU) - is seeking control of its mineral and gas resources.

Both governments have signed a 15-step memorandum of understanding to hand over mining powers, lifting a moratorium on mining aimed at helping the impoverished island, according to an official at the office of Papua New Guinea Deputy Prime Minister and Mining Minister Puka Temu.

Temu is reportedly hoping the initiative will be the first step in reopening the Panguna mine.  

The operation shut down in 1989 after being attacked by secessionist rebels. There has been no exploration or mining because site access is still off-limits despite the formation of an autonomous island government.

The mine produced about 180,000 metric tons of copper annually and ranked as the world's third largest copper mine when it was in operation.

The Papua New Guinea government will seek to retain a stake in future profits from the mine and other resource projects, said the official, declining to be named.

The next meeting between the two governments, scheduled for June, is expected to address transfer of power on certain issues.  

Rio Tinto owns 53.85% of Bougainville Copper Ltd. (BOC.AU), valued at A$401 million, and the Papua New Guinea government another 19.9%. The European shareholders of Bougainville Copper, a group of individual private investors, is also pushing for a restart of the mine.

The capital cost to restart the mine is pegged between US$1.2 billion and US$1.5 billion.  

Mining accounts for around 50% of Papua New Guinea's exports, and petroleum and gas together for 25%. Other companies active in the country include Lihir Gold Ltd. (LGG.T) and Barrick Gold Corp. (ABX).

-By Elisabeth Behrmann, Dow Jones Newswires; 61-2-8235-2965;  

(END) Dow Jones Newswires  

04-01-08 2235ET


02.04.08 16:01

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekro964 auf D.

SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Die Regierung Papua Neu-Guineas ebnet den Weg, ein
Bergbau-Moratorium auf der autonomen Insel Bougainville aufzuheben. In den 80er
und 90er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts hatte auf der Insel ein
Sezessionskrieg mit Tausenden Toten gewütet, der das Unternehmen Rio Tinto Ltd
zwang, seine Kupfermine Panguna stillzulegen. Die inzwischen autonome Insel will
ihre Mineral- und Gasvorkommen unter die eigene Kontrolle bringen. Wie ein
Sprecher der Regierung Papua Neu-Guineas mitteilte, haben die beiden Regierungen
ein 15-Schritte-Memorandum unterzeichnet. Dieses sieht die Übergabe der
Bergbaurechte sowie die Aufhebung des Moratoriums vor. Hiermit will man nach
Angaben des stellvertretenden Premiers und Bergbauministers von Papua
Neu-Guinea, Puka Temu, die verarmte Insel unterstützen. Die Initiative sei ein
erster Schritt hin zur Öffnung der Panguna-Mine, sagte Temu.

1989 hatte der Mehrheitseigner Rio Tinto die Mine aufgegeben, nachdem
sie Gegenstand von Angriffen gewesen war. Seitdem ist der Zugang versperrt,
obwohl inzwischen eine autonome Inselregierung gebildet wurde. Die Mine
produzierte jährlich rund 180.000 t Kupfer und war damals die drittgrößte
Kupfermine der Welt. Die Regierung Papua Neu-Guineas werde sich darum bemühen,
an den zukünftigen Erträgen der Kupfermine und anderen Rohstoffprojekten
beteiligt zu sein, sagte ein Regierungssprecher. Das nächste Treffen zwischen
den beiden Verhandlungsparteien ist im Juni anberaumt. Rio Tinto hält einen
Anteil an Bougainville Copper Ltd von 53,85% im Wert von 401 Mio AUD, die
Regierung Papua Neu-Guineas ist mit 19,9% an der Mine beteiligt. Neben den
beiden Anteilseignern drängen auch europäische Aktionäre von Bougainville Copper
auf die Wiederaufnahme der Förderung. Die Kapitalkosten für die Inbetriebnahme
werden auf 1,2 Mrd USD bis 1,5 Mrd USD geschätzt. Der Bergbau macht rund 50% von
Papua Neu-Guineas Exporten aus.


03.04.08 05:00

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroPress Release 20080403

A Flamboyant New Homepage for the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC)!

Copper/Gold-tone is the dominant colour of the new internet site of the European Shareholders of the giant BCL-Copper mine in Panguna (Central Bougainville) that has been presented yesterday to the public in Andorra (Europe). ?We are extremely satisfied that we were able to reserve the prestigious internet address for us?, said ESBC President Axel G. Sturm. ?That gives us the possibility to provide more in-depth information on mining in Bougainville to a greater public. Especially today when resumption of mining on the island comes nearer than ever before, our homepage will be the best source where interested people can find all information needed about Bougainville, the Bougainvilleans and their exceptional way to become a peaceful and prosperous region in the future.? The members of the ESBC intend to make sure that mistakes as made in the past will not be made again.? Further, the Europe based group of investors wants to survey intensively that the development on the island will bring profit to all Bougainvilleans. Therefore, the ESBC gives support to all good willing people on the island who want progress for their home country. ?The MOU that was just signed?, said Mr. Sturm, ?is a first big step towards a brilliant future. There are more steps to follow. Our dream is that all Bougainvilleans finally will reconcile, destroy their weapons and work faithfully together with us and BCL.?  

03.04.08 07:09

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroNach dem fulminanten Kursanstieg von 40%

seit dem 21 März (Kurs 0,75 AUD)hält sich BOC in AU erstaunlich stabil.Heute ein kleiner Rückgang,wohl durch Gewinnmitnahmen  auf 1,055 AUD 0,6153 ? 0,9619 USD VOL 52K

Australian Company News Bites - Trading Floor, 3 avril 2008 , 1,665 mots, (Anglais)  

03.04.08 08:06

1158 Postings, 6509 Tage sumoeybesser gehts doch gar nicht

Es gibt doch eh keine Stücke mehr,wenn jemand 550k kaufen möchte muß er über 2 AUD bezahlen.  

03.04.08 08:40

18 Postings, 6506 Tage dg6ndsRE: besser gehts doch gar nicht


so ist es! Wenn man bedenkt wie die Nachrichtenlage vor 3-2 Jahren war und nun mit dem jetzigen Newsflow vergleicht dann muss man sich schon fragen warum der Kurs noch nicht weiter angezogen hat. Wohin die Reise geht scheint offentsichtlich allen noch nicht ganz klar zu sein. Aber ich denke das plötzlich der ein oder andere Großaktionär da noch einsteigen will und dann werden auch spontan die Kurse weiter anziehen.


03.04.08 10:29

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekromemorandum of understanding

I will fax you the same as soon as I get copies from PM's Department.



03.04.08 22:22

51 Postings, 6345 Tage DerAnalystDie Aussöhnung geht weiter ...

Reconciliation team now in Oria in south Bougainville after one killed in bus ambush

Posted at 07:34 on 03 April, 2008 UTC

The Autonomous Bougainville Government in Papua New Guinea says a reconciliation team has now arrived in Oria village in the south of the main island, following killings by two warring factions in the past two weeks.

In the latest incident, on Tuesday, a bus load of Oria residents was shot at by Me’ekamui militants, killing one and injuring three.

Denis Kuiai, the first secretary to President Joseph Kabui, says it may have been a revenge attack after the killing of 3 Me’ekamui members last month.

He says the reconciliation team was subsequently allowed into Oria, and is there without security.


“They think if they go with armed security personnels it would mean a completely different thing altogether. But it is a combination of ex-combatants, church representatives, government representatives, and also youth representatives. It has been fairly represented. We also have members of the Me’ekamui faction from Panguna.”


04.04.08 03:58

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroKabui warns of repercussions

Kabui warns of repercussions
THE National Government has been warned by the Autonomous Bou-gainville Government (AGB) president that court action will be taken if it continues to retain minerals and mining powers.
Joseph Kabui issued the warning in a speech to delegates of the joint supervisory body (JSB) meeting in Alotau, Milne Bay province, last week before the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU).
He said if the National Government continues to insist on ownership, the ABG would have to consider alternative app-roaches to resolve this, such as taking the matter to the courts.
The ABG delegation and the National Government team met in Alotau to discuss issues relating to the drawdown of powers from the National Government to ABG.
?Such powers like mining, petroleum and gas are at the top on ABG?s list of powers it wants to be handed over, with lesser complicated ones to follow later,? Mr Kabui said.
The Alotau JSB meeting was a follow-up of the one held in Buka early this year.
?Since the Bou-gainville crisis was over, the ownership of mineral resource was good for solving our own problems, managing our own affairs and realising our aspirations, and must extend to mining and minerals,? Mr Kabui said.
He said: ?My government has always made it clear why it wanted autonomy, but now it has no idea of how far autonomy would be undermined by the National Government?s move to cling on to ownership of minerals.?
The ABG has no idea of the true extent of the power and control in Bougainville that the National Government would have if it keeps ownership of minerals.
Mr Kabui said the National Government believes that retaining ownership of minerals will give it significant control in relation to mining development in Bougainville.
He believes that the National Government is trying to claw back powers and control.
Mr Kabui said ABG was willing to examine details of what is meant by retaining ownership, but if it means government control, it is not acceptable to the people of Bougainville.
?ABG does not want to take the National Government to court over this issue, but it would be forced to if it does not respond favourably.
Mr Kabui urged the leadership to find an acceptable solution to the problem.

04.04.08 04:01

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroBOCOY.PK +21.54% in USA

war a 0.79 USD trotzdem ein Superschnäppchen ;-)))))  

04.04.08 05:27

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroPNG is hottest new global exploration destination§ionsource=s212

PNG is hottest new global exploration destination

Brian Gomez
Thursday, 3 April 2008

PAPUA New Guinea is set to establish itself in the next couple of years as the world?s hottest new exploration destination with unprecedented attention from global mining majors.

The world?s No 1 gold mining company, Canadian headquartered Barrick Gold, has decided PNG will be its top priority region for grassroot mineral exploration in 2008.

The company certainly did not pay US$141.5 million last October just for the Kainantu gold mine. It was eyeing the 2800 square kilometres of exploration area held by Highlands Pacific in the crash-hot Morobe region that this column had spruiked more than a year ago.

Since taking over late last year, Barrick has built a 200-man exploration base camp at Kainantu. This will house one of the biggest exploration teams found at any global location to access the high prospectivity within of contiguous land that includes the Porgera and Kainantu mines.

In the discussion of its year-end accounts, Barrick?s management disclosed that US$200 million has been set aside for worldwide exploration. Most of this money would go towards increasing reserves at its 27 mines around the world.

The company singled out mention for a US$8 million exploration budget for the contiguous land package it recently put together in PNG, where it aimed to follow up on identified high-grade gold vein targets and further define indicated copper-gold porphyry potential.

Just as this column had noted previously, Barrick said the area was ?one of the world?s most highly-endowed gold and copper regions that includes our world-class Porgera mine?.

In the next five years or so three separate US$1 billion scale mining projects are expected to start up in this district ? the US$1.37 billion Ramu Nickel project gets going next year followed by Marengo?s Yandera copper-molybdenum and Harmony?s Wafi-Golpu projects.

Moving well away from this generally mountainous geological environment, Barrick this week showed how hot it was on PNG when the company announced plans to invest up to US$32 million in areas held by Australian junior Allied Gold in the Tabar group of islands, near its 85,000oz a year Sinivit gold mine.

Barrick is certainly not interested in any operation of similar size to Sinivit and is hoping to accelerate exploration to discover something that might match the incredible promise of Porgera or the massive Lihir gold resource nearby.

Another Canadian major, Vancouver-headquartered Teck Cominco, has this week formed an alliance with undersea explorer Nautilus Minerals that will see a vast increase in exploration and discovery of potential undersea deposits in wide areas of PNG.

This will add to the glamour and potential of the development of the first such project, Solwara 1, which Nautilus hopes to bring into production as a world first in only 2-3 years time.

While some giant corporations from Canada and South Africa will pump millions of dollars into exploration in PNG, the action will exclude Australia?s two biggest mining conglomerates, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, both of which have long experience in, and knowledge of, PNG and its geological attributes.

In their stead are new players, such as Marengo and newcomer Goldminco, that will use their PNG platforms for the mines of tomorrow that will be company makers.

It was only in January that this column suggested PNG could have the best exploration climate of any country in the developing world with the possible exception of those in Latin America. And last October we noted it was starting to get world attention.

Who could have guessed how hot the scene would become only six years after the mining and exploration sector in PNG had strong claims on the pariah category.  

05.04.08 22:56

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Escaldes-Engordany, 05.04.2008  

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