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neuester Beitrag: 27.11.02 12:59
eröffnet am: 26.07.02 22:29 von: Happy End Anzahl Beiträge: 20
neuester Beitrag: 27.11.02 12:59 von: Dr.UdoBroem. Leser gesamt: 5779
davon Heute: 2
bewertet mit 0 Sternen

26.07.02 22:29

95441 Postings, 8823 Tage Happy EndADULTSHOP.COM (873083) STRONG BUY!

Das ist doch mal ein überzeuugendes Geschäftsmodell *g*

PS: CEOs haben wirklich ´nen schweren Job ;-)  

26.07.02 22:49

27 Postings, 8258 Tage Frau Holllledas ist das älteste geschäftsmodel

seit etwas war schon bei dem homo errectus strongest buy !!!




27.08.02 06:27

44542 Postings, 8865 Tage Slaternach dem hast Du mich überzeugt

gehe sofort zum Bäcker und kaufe ein paar warme  

22.10.02 21:01

16074 Postings, 8504 Tage NassieWas ist mit der Aktie geschehen ?

Keine aktuellen Kurse mehr.
Weiss jemand was dazu ?  

22.10.02 21:24

95441 Postings, 8823 Tage Happy EndAdultShop doubts bring suspension

BATTERED shareholders were left bracing themselves for further turbulence yesterday after the troubled online porn broker revealed the accuracy of both its reported June 30 full year results and its December half forecast had been called into question.

AdultShop chairman Kim Heitman asked the Australian Stock Exchange to suspend trade in the company's shares yesterday morning, about three hours after the market opened.

"The company has become aware of information which affects the revised financial projections issued to the market on 5 September, 2002 . . . as well as the financial report for the year ended 30 June, 2002," the request said.

Mr Heitman said the company expected to make an announcement before the opening bell on Tuesday.

The warning was a further blow to AdultShop shareholders, who have endured a rollercoaster ride over the past five weeks as the value of their investment was slashed by up to 75 per cent.

Before yesterday's announcement, AdultShop shares opened at 7¢ and were at 7.1¢ when trade was suspended.

On September 5, the Perth-based company issued a statement backing away from a bullish forecast profit for the December half of $11.6 million, instead projecting a loss as well as a fall in its cash reserves.

The shock announcement saw the company's shares plunge from 23.5¢ to 10¢ the next day, as the exchange launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the downturn in its online porn operations.

In the days that followed, AdultShop's share price slumped as low as 6.5¢ as the investigation was referred to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission. The company took a further hit when it was revealed it had paid a total of $1.6 million to AdultShop chief executive Malcolm Day's girlfriend, Bree Maddox, for directing internet traffic to the AdultShop site.

Confirmation of the payments to Ms Maddox, in response to questions from The West Australian, came just 12 hours after AdultShop's long-standing non-executive chairman Reg Gillard quit the board. Another director, Samantha Tough, also resigned soon after.

Less than three weeks ago, AdultShop told the market it stood by its September 5 forecast that it would have between $10 million and $12 million cash in its coffers by December 31.

In response to a three-page formal query from the exchange, Mr Heitman said he expected positive cash flows for the remainder of the December half, although the company could have negative cash flow for September.

But yesterday, that forecast - along with a reported full year profit of $5.7 million and cash reserves of $17.4 million at June 30 - appeared to be in doubt and The West Australian was unable to obtain any further information from the company.

In response to an emailed list of questions from The West Australian, AdultShop investor relations manager Nancy Hackett said no one from the company was available for comment.

"As stated in (yesterday's) request for a trading halt, expects to make an announcement on Tuesday, so I can only refer you to that," she said in an emailed statement.

Cash flow's a positive for
Oct 17, the embattled erotic entertainment group, has clawed its way back to being cash-flow positive but stopped short of declaring an end to its turmoil.

As part of strict reporting requirements forced upon it by the Australian Stock Exchange, AdultShop produced its monthly cash-flow statement for September yesterday.

This showed receipts income of $10.7 million and a net operating cash inflow of $2.6 million.

The figures arrest a $6.1 million operating cash outflow for the months of July and August as the Perth company's paying membership base fell by more than half.

AdultShop did not provide commentary to yesterday's results, and managing director Malcolm Day would not respond to questions about the company's financial outlook.

AdultShop's senior management and directors are completing their second revision of the company's December-half financial forecast.

AdultShop said early last month that a decision to outsource the membership billings process had caused its membership base to be slashed by 60 per cent to 115,000, prompting its interim profit forecast to be cut from $11.6 million to a likely loss.

It is unclear whether the subsequently strong September performance is sustainable and what impact it will have on AdultShop's expectation of an interim loss.

AdultShop would need to maintain a cash-flow neutral position for the next 10 weeks until December 31 to adhere to its balance-date cash reserves target of $10 million to $12 million.

The company's shares remained suspended yesterday while it finalised the December-half projections.

After attracting the ire of the Australian Stock Exchange last month, AdultShop has said privately that it wants to ensure there is no doubt the market is fully informed before it asks for the suspension of its shares, a favourite with day traders, to be lifted.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which launched an investigation after the stock exchange referred its concerns, is still working through reams of AdultShop financial statements, which it demanded from the company last month.

ASIC will not comment on the investigation but it is believed the regulator is yet to take action.


22.10.02 21:27

16074 Postings, 8504 Tage NassieDanke Happy

Das beweist einmal sehr, dass man auch beim Sex beschissen wird.  

22.10.02 21:36

44542 Postings, 8865 Tage SlaterNassie: Schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht?

Happy: Du bist für mich der Researcher of the year 2002  

22.10.02 21:46

118 Postings, 8196 Tage Dostojewskiich an eurer Stelle,

würde lieber die Finger von der Aktie lassen.
Die Firma hat ihre Anleger mehr als einmal verarscht und immer mehr Wert darauf gelegt selber abzusahnen.

22.10.02 23:14

1524 Postings, 8988 Tage HerreroJa , bei dieser Firma wird abgesamt ! o.T.

22.10.02 23:22

79561 Postings, 9260 Tage Kickyimmer diese Reitmeier- Aktien,habt Ihr vergessen

wie das mit MyCasino lief ,mit der Goldminenaktie (Adelong oder wie die hiess),oder den Skandal bei wallstreet-online mit dem CEO im Interview,da war noch nie auf Dauer was Solides in Australien bei der Reitmeier-Moser-Gang,und dann ausgerechnet Happyend ,der wieder anfängt damit???Immer wieder gab es Ärger mit der Börsenaufsicht ,.....  

22.10.02 23:24

5074 Postings, 9498 Tage ElanHappy hat Ärger mit der Börsenaufsicht?

22.10.02 23:27

95441 Postings, 8823 Tage Happy EndKicky, das war ein ironisches Posting vom Juli

mit entsprechendem Bild ;-))


22.10.02 23:36

1524 Postings, 8988 Tage HerreroMit was für einem Bild? o.T.

23.10.02 06:06

5698 Postings, 8272 Tage bilanzKicky

Hab da auch einmal rund 2000 Euro investiert.
Das Geld habe ich abgeschrieben.
Ist halt eben so bei Spekulationen. Damals vor bald zwei Jahren habe ich mich auf die Pusher auf diesem Board verlassen.
Es tut mir nicht mehr weh, weg ist weg!  

12.11.02 16:20

16074 Postings, 8504 Tage NassieGibt es eigentliche neue Infos ?

Wann wird wieder gehandelt ?  

12.11.02 16:29

95441 Postings, 8823 Tage Happy EndGute Frage ...

Adultshop can't get its numbers right - again

Eight weeks after lodging its full-year results, again has been forced to admit it got its sums wrong.

The online sex products retailer told the Australian Stock Exchange on Thursday night that it had overstated its full-year net profit by more than $1.5 million after underestimating problems with its credit card transactions.

Almost $4 million set aside to cover refunds for rejected credit card transactions in the 2001-02 financial year had fallen short by $2.28 million.

The company has also been forced to revise down its cash reserves forecast for the six months to December 31 by $2 million - the second time in as many months.

On September 6, said it would return a net loss for the six-month period instead of an $11.6 million profit and cash reserves would also fall from $30.35 million to between $10 million and $12 million.

Adultshop chairman Kim Heitman said the company was not aware of the problems at the time of lodging its financial statement for the 12 months to June 30, 2002.

Mr Heitman said in early October a "third party credit card processor" provided the company with information about refunds for rejected credit card transactions.

The transactions were processed between August 2002 and October 7, 2002, and related to revenue recorded in its 2001-02 financial statement. Adultshop has reduced its profit before tax from $7.39 million to $5.11 million, net profit from $5.72 million to $4.12 million and earnings per share from 1.9c to 1.4c.

Estimated cash reserves for the six months to December 31 have been cut from between $10 million and $12 million to between $8 million and $10 million.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation forecast range of $1 million to $2 million has not been changed.

Commitments Test Entity - First Quarter Report  

12.11.02 16:43

4934 Postings, 9193 Tage n1608@kicky - Zieh bloß nicht die Adelong in den Dreck!


war eines meiner besten geschäfte - ich sagt nur dausend -

wer vergessen hat auszusteigen; mein herzliches Beileid!  

27.11.02 12:16

78 Postings, 8755 Tage anonymusbesteht da überhaupt noch Hoffnung ...

daß die wieder mal gehandelt werden ???  

27.11.02 12:59

42940 Postings, 8722 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeWas ist eigentlich mit Deepgreen?

52 Week Range:0.000917 to 0.003667

Sechs Stellen hinterm Komma find ich klasse!

Gibts die noch?


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