Interessantes Posting aus dem RB (geht wieder mittlerweile *freu*) BITTE GENAU DURCHLESEN!
Here is some interesting information about the company.
PUD = 250,000 - 500,000 barrels of oil at $60.00 a barrel. Oil = 11,000,000 barrels at the lower level at $60.00 a barrel. Gas equals $35,000,000.00
I think it was worked out before to equal a $100,000,000.00 of which 5% belongs to MXXR.
$5,000,000.00 divided by the number of outstanding shares (189,455,576) equals $0.02639 book value.
Four producing wells at Buck Snag by the end of the year equals about $0.01 per well if current production rates were to hold steady.
That means 4 cents added to the $0.02639 of a book value of $0.0639 with the current OS, of course if they keep dumping shares none of this holds true as the book value will decrease even more.
Take this figure and give it the industry multiple of 3.5 and we are at a PPS of $0.2324.
Of course this means possible PPS, as the problem here is that the company refuses to update the market with any thing more than rumors from posters that claim to have spoken to IR.
There is also mention in the lstest 10K filng of interest in two wells the company recently bought in to. Isn't "Well" the term for a "Producing Well," not a prospect to be drillind?
Of course there are other assests yet to be determined, the gold field, they hjave never announced the potential value of that site.