@PANGÄA also die Quellen lassen hoffen, doch man kann es auch schon bisschen aus dem Quotbokk erahnen! Die müssen die Woche kommen! GWGO würde sich lächerlich machen! Und hier noch ein sehr positiver auszug! Das könnten wir im Filing auch erwarten:
Treasure King / Copper Mountain Base Metal: Cu, Au Owner: Not Disclosed Location: Big Bug, Agua Fria, Turkey Creek, AZ, USA
Information Available: Geology: Yes Drilling: Yes-Treasure King Only Geochemistry: Yes Reserves: Yes - Treasure King Only Geophysics: No Other: No
Land Tenure: 940 acres
unpatented claims
Surface Rights Secured: None
Agreement Type Sought: Exploration Agreement / Lease with option to purchase
Property Summary: The Treasure King / Copper Mountain Project (the "Project") is comprised of seven groups of mining claims along nine miles of a north / south Precambrian geological trend. Significant gold and copper oxide and massive sulfide mineralization is present throughout the claim blocks, together in some places with anomalous silver, zinc and lead. The northernmost claim block (AF claims) is located about 30 km south of the United Verde mine in Jerome. Most of the claims span or are adjacent to the 70 km-long "Shylock Zone," a north-south-trending Precambrian structure marked by unusual stretching and ductility during the deformation events that transformed the Precambrian volcanic country rock into greenstone schist. The Project includes portions of three mining districts (Big Bug, Agua Fria and Turkey Creek), which have had significant past production of gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead.
Exploration to Date
During the 1970?s Amselco staked out over 30 miles of this trend (also called the Black Canyon Schist Belt), all the way from Black Canyon City in the south to the outskirts of Jerome in the north. As Amselco dropped various portions of these claims, other exploration companies jumped in, including Billiton, Long Lac, Newmont, Rayrock, Homestake, Redco, Royal Gold and, most recently, American Copper and Nickel ("ACNC"), an Inco subsidiary. Past drilling by these companies has considerably narrowed the field, and recent exploration efforts have been concentrated in the central portion of the schist belt in the vicinity of Mayer, where Royal Gold acquired the fully permitted Treasure King open pit gold mine and the gold-rich AF claims.
On the copper front, Inco moved ACNC?s headquarters from Denver to Alaska, reportedly for budgetary reasons, dropping its Copper Mountain Project in the process.
The present owner first acquired the former Royal Gold gold resource and more recently acquired the Inco copper resource. The rationale was that the Project area was an excellent candidate for another Jerome-type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit.
Additional information (maps, reports and geochemistry) is available upon request, upon signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement available from the owner.
Geology Summary: The geology in the Project area is similar in many respects to that in and about Jerome. In both cases the deposits were once thought to be replacement in origin. However, by the 1970?s the theory had become generally accepted that they were volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Approximately 1.7 billion years ago seafloor volcanic activity built up successive layers of the country rock. Feeder vents (also called "black smokers") deposited massive copper sulfides and, later in the cycle, silica and gold. The strata were later deformed to greenstone schist and tilted sharply so that today the dip is nearly vertical in many instances. Finally, portions of the schist were covered with Tertiary volcanics. In the Project area the youngest rocks are located to the west, with the oldest strata located to the east.
The Jerome Deposits
The mines of the Verde district near Jerome produced the major share of all Precambrian ores from the southwestern United States, including 80 % of the tonnage mined (37 million tons), 93% of the copper (3.6 billion lbs), 71% of the silver (57 million ounces), and 67% of the gold (1.6 million ounces) produced from Early Proterozoic massive sulfide deposits to date in Arizona. The district is unique in the richness of its ores, compared to the typical Arizona porphyry copper deposit. The United Verde Mine averaged 4.79% copper, .043 oz/T gold and 1.61 oz/T silver. At one time the United Verde was the richest individually-owned mine in the world. Its owner at the turn of the century, Senator William Andrews Clark of Montana, once turned down an offer from the Rockefellers of $50 million (over $1 billion in today?s dollars) for the mine.
The adjacent United Verde Extension ("UVX") deposit (then owned by Jimmy "Rawhide" Douglas), while only about 10% of the size of the United Verde, produced nearly as much profit, as it was highly supergene enriched (average of 10.23 % copper, .039 oz/T gold and 1.71 oz/T silver). Unlike the United Verde, which had prominent surface outcrops long worked by native Americans for the blue-green copper oxide pigment, the UVX deposit was buried under approximately 1,000 feet of Quaternary alluvium. Had it not been for Douglas? persistence in looking for another deposit across the Verde fault from the United Verde, it is unlikely that the UVX would have been found until modern exploration techniques were developed.
The present owners of the United Verde and the UVX (Phelps Dodge and Verde Exploration, respectively), either directly or through lessees, joint ventures or partnerships, have explored thousands of other acres they own or control in the Jerome vicinity looking for another large deposit. In addition, more gold resources were discovered near the UVX, and these were mined during the 1980?s. The most recent activity has involved an unmined zinc deposit at the United Verde. This is believed to be one of the largest zinc deposits in the contiguous United States. In recent years it has been explored by leading zinc producer Cominco, in a joint venture with Phelps Dodge.
Exploration Potential South of Jerome
Several geologists have been of the view that the best place to find another big Precambrian deposit may instead be in the Big Bug and Agua Fria Mining Districts to the south of Jerome (where the Treasure King / Copper Mountain Project is located). The reasons are well stated by Paul Lindberg:
"Despite the relatively small size of the known Agua Fria deposits, they bear a strong resemblence to the ?Jerome type? of massive sulfide ores. Both camps show copper-rich and zinc-poor ores, hosted on large flow complexes. The district should have good exploration potential?.[T]he greatest future mineral potential may lie in the discovery of concealed volcanogenic massive sulfide and associated gold deposits. Most massive sulfide mining districts throughout the world contained a loosely defined ?family? of deposits. Typically the family contains at least one large deposit, several intermediate-sized satellite bodies, and a host of smaller prospects?.[Districts] such as the Big Bug [and] Agua Fria? contain ore bodies in the small to intermediate size range, and perhaps the ?largest member? deposits still await discovery." Paul A Lindberg, "Precambrian Ore Deposits of Arizona," Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, pp. 187-210.
Project Claim Blocks
From north to south, this is a brief description of the seven claim blocks included in the Treasure King / Copper Mountain Project:
AF Claims. These claims are to the west of the historic Binghampton and Copper Queen mines, which produced substantial copper from massive sulfide deposits early in the 20th century. Sampling has confirmed .3 oz/T Au in the iron-stained schist (also known as "marker rhyolite"), along with .3% Cu and .8% Zn. It is typical in volcanogenic deposits to have gold deposits located distally or up-sequence from a copper massive sulfide body like the Binghampton / Copper Queen deposit. One of the best ? known examples is the "Gold Stope" at the UVX. Main Copper Mountain Claim Block. These claims are immediately west (up-sequence) from the Stoddard Mine, another historic copper massive sulfide producer. The claims continue for over 1.5 miles to the SSE along the "Stoddard Trend," as indicated by anomalies found during geochemical sampling. There are numerous copper oxide outcrops throughout the claim block. For example, a sample from the Copper Czar Adit assayed 3.5% Cu, with .02 oz/T Au and .5 oz/T Ag. Values from the Copper Ridge Open Cut were 1.1% Cu, with .02 oz/T Au and .15 oz/T Ag. Past drilling by Newmont and Rayrock ignored this area, concentrating instead on the immediate vicinity of the Stoddard mine workings which are not included in the present Project. They also did some drilling in the vicinity of the Big Bug and Old Miner mines (which are included in the Project) where samples with up to .7% Cu have been found. The Big Bug / Old Miner horizon is now thought, because of its intense chloritization, to be a vent feeder zone. So the most likely place for a major deposit would be up-sequence and to the west, which would be in the Main Copper Mountain Claim Block. Big Bug / Old Miner Claim Block. As stated above, there is heavy chloritization of the schist throughout this horizon. There was historic copper and gold production from the Big Bug and Old Miner mines located in the northwest part of this claim block. There are also several very visible outcrops of copper oxide in the southeast part of this claim block, along another anomaly discovered during geochemical sampling. A schist sample from the Azurite Adit assayed 2.2% Cu with 0.14 oz/T Au and .4 oz/T Ag. The potential of this area should not be minimized despite the present geological interpretation as a vent feeder zone. It may very well be worth mining. Looking to Jerome, the analogous deposit is the Verde Central, which is presently thought to be in the feeder zone for the United Verde deposit. The Verde Central mine, located south of Jerome and at the foot of the volcanic pile (Cleopatra formation) on which the United Verde deposit rests, produced 139,000 tons of high grade (2.7%) copper ore, which also contained 0.4 oz/T silver. Pocahontas Claim Block. These claims follow another anomaly to the SSE of the Main Copper Mountain Claim Block for over two miles. There are copper oxide outcrops along the trend. Values in one sample, from the Pocahontas #2 Open Cut, were .03 oz/T Au, .45 oz/T Ag and .7% Cu. The southern portion of this claim block contains the once-productive Pocahontas gold mine, which is actually a polymetallic deposit. One sample from the Pocahontas dumps was anomalous in all metals tested: Au (.014 oz/T), Ag (1.25 oz/T), Cu. (.2%), Pb (.3%) and Zn (.4%). Anomalous gold samples were also found by Royal Gold in the central portion of this claim block to the east of the prominent "Jagged Tooth" chert ridge outcrop. Treasure King Mine. This gold deposit is about 1.5 miles south of the Pocahontas mine. It was originally located by Homestake and was later drilled out by Redco and then Royal Gold in the 1980?s. Redco fully permitted the mine for operation as an open pit heap leach facility and sold it to Royal Gold, which never opened it. The proven resource is 180,000 tons @0.065 oz/T gold. RR Claims. Sampling has found higher grade gold in the vicinity of the so-called "Main Shaft" (located about 1 ¼ mile south of the Treasure King shaft) than at the Treasure King Mine itself, as well as high grade (>2%) copper. Mesa Claims. The RR and Mesa claims are connected by an iron-stained ridge, which is interpreted as a possible gossan. Higher grade gold samples have been found in the vicinity of the "South Shaft" (located about a mile south of the "Main Shaft") than at the Treasure King Mine.
Geochemistry Summary: available upon request
Geophysics Summary:
Drilling Summary: Treasure King deposit was drilled out by Redco and Royal Gold , with both diamond drilling and reverse circulation drilling. Redco's results are available.
Reserves Summary So far only established at the Treasure King deposit. Approx 200,000T <.1 oz/T gold