gut analysiert
war der höhepunkt der unruhen in kirgistan. in anbetracht der tatsache, dass der " Jahretag" (am schlimmsten war es so um den 13.-16.6. meines wissen) ruhig verstrichen ist und in anbetracht der doch "alltäglichen" nachrichtenlage :
können wir ,glaube ich davon ausgehen , dass sich das System sehr gut stabilisiert hat.
selbst diese möglichen verzögerungen bei der präsidentenwahl sind eigentlich eher auf formalien im wahlgesetz zurückzuführen. Macht mir (inzwischen) alles keine sorgen, die scheinen ihren weg zu gehen, von oligarchen-bananenrepublik zu ordentlicher ( dieses ordentlich im Wortsinn) Demokratie
schmid aus stockhouse hat das sehr schön zusammengefasst, unabhängig von diesem Jahrestag:
When they were granted independence from the former Soviet Union, they elected the wrong guy.
Stans started buying assets from this government at auctions. The CURRENT Government has declared that Stans aquisitions were legal and they will not challenge Stans for ownership.
This first government went the way, a lot of governments go, in young democratic countrys. The head of state starts bringing in his family and starts to think he can get away with anything. He appoints himself ruler for life and greedily gets down to robbing the country blind. The sale of their telephone system was ruled foul.
The revolution, long in coming, was VERY well planned and executed. The revolutionaries had the police and the military on their side.
The only real bloodshed was in the south, were a very small, very unpopular minority were attacked by people SEIZING the opportunity a revolution offers.
This new government took a very long time to finally agree to a coalition government. This affected Stans stock, as there WAS uncertainty.
I like that, as far as I know, they still have a female head of state. It avoids pee-ing contests. Yes, they are young and probably mostly underqualified. There is a strong U.S. presence with a major air base. IMO, most of the country wants peace and prosperity and any bad elements are held in check by the fact, in this modern age you just can't get away with stuff any more. This is the year the video-phone is helping to topple unjust governments.
IMO, Kyrgyzstan's government will continue to earnestly work for peace and prosperity, because to try anything else just isn't an option any more. Companies such as Stans create jobs and badly needed tax incomes. The government cannot develop their resources without outside capital and expertise. Kasakstan, their near neighbour, is seeing phenominal foreign investment, inspite of being a predominately Muslim country?
IMO, Kyrgyzstan's unique location and history, make it safer than any other foreign investment I would contemplate.
IMO, they know they need foreign investment and shouldn't contemplate a TAX grab such as Australia's, for some years to come.
I apologize for being such a "Chatty Cathy" tonight, but I opened the political can of worms, more than usual with my last post.
Now maybe a few more of you can understand why some of us on this bullboard say, that if Stans were in North America, our SP would be MUCH higher.
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Stans Energy Corp
final addition list vom 24/6
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Stans Energy Corp
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
ich bin zwar kein freund von diesen short-verschwörungstheorien, aber wenn an 2 aufeinanderfolgenden tagen der kurs auf die stelle hintern komma genau um 10,0% runtergeht bei jeweils rund 1mio gehandelter aktien, ist für mich - als laie auf diesem gebiet - eigentlich offensichtlich , dass da manipuliert wurde.
jetzt könnte man eigentlich sagen: muss ja eine richtig interessante aktie sein, wenn sie für solche attacken geeingnet und ergo für investoren derart interessant ist. die wollen einfach billig rein - wenn ich stifel wäre z.b., die ja schon lange mit dabei sind , und ich glaube auch die letzte finanzierungsrunde gemacht haben (und seither viel geld verloren haben, von 1,85 auf jetzt 1,30) würde ich es so machen. blöd für jene unter uns die nicht nachladen können, denn dann könnte man dieses spielchen teilweise wenigstens spiegelverkehrt mitspielen. so muss man eben länger warten. fundamental hat sich ja nichts geändert , oder? (die besichtigung der anlage vor ort mit medienleuten und finanzierungspartnern ging letzte woche zuende)
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Stans Energy Corp
damit wir nicht immer wie das kaninchen vor der schlange......(also dem tageskurs)sitzen:
weiss nicht wer diese studie des öko-instituts in sachen recycling seltener erden kenn. ist schon im frühjahr 2011 erschienen. die experten unter euch werden sie schon kennen. für jene die daran interessiert sind: ab seite 100 etwa wird es interessant, quintessenz ist , dass recycling eigentlich noch aufwendiger ist als die seltene erden metallurgie.
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Stans Energy Corp
so erklärt:
1) auf stockhouse hat irgendeiner panisch pressemitteilungen über unruhen in kirgistan eingestellt. hat sich dabei aber um ein jahr vertan. habe dieses zeugs auch gelesen und gleich besiseite geschoben, denn es war sofort ersichtlich aus dem post, dass das uralte nachrichten waren. vielleicht haben da ein paar schlechtinformierte kleinanleger reagiert, beim dem handelsvolumen bewegen 100k gehandelte stück schnell mal den kurs.
übrigens ist der neue freedom house bericht 2011 gerade erschienen - der weltweit den stand der Demokratisierung v.a. in den nations in transit untersucht.
kirgistan hat sich hat sich deutlich verbessert und stabilisiert . v.a. in den bereichen wahlverlauf, zivilgesellschaft, demokratische verwaltungsstrukturen und korruptionsbekämpfung. wer die print ausgabe der "welt" zur verfügung hat, findet in der ausgabe vom 27.6. hierzu eine sehr gute übersicht/zusammenfassung, die es in dieser form sont nicht gibt. ansonsten einfach googeln.
2.) ansonsten wird spekuliert (von byron) dass ein analyst von clarus - nach besuch der anlage - einen bericht verfasst hat , der hinsichtlich der wiederherstellungskosten der anlage viel höher lag als bisher angenommen. an den bericht kommt man nicht ran, aber lest selbst im raremetalblog:
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Stans Energy Corp
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
viel zu sagen hat : hreef knapp 5% im plus.....passt doch , oder? ich rausch jetzt 4 wochen nach sanremo , aber nur zum online urlaub. :-)
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
noch boardmails machen ..kommt aufs gleiche raus. was meinst duß
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Stans Energy Corp
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
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Boardmail an "Teras" |
Stans Energy Corp
zwischen madold und mir.war kurzzeitig genervt eben. aber madold und teras haben das ja berichtigt. und auch recht: bei indo mines schrieb ich auch nie was und profitiere von den anderen. arbeitsteilung eben. nochmal privates @archimedi. ich mach morgen col de turini auf meiner dicken K1200LT: wenn stans abrauscht, sehen wir uns dort :-)
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
hat sich der neue IR mann doch mal gut positioniert.
http://resourceinvestingnews.com/...processing-mastering-the-art.html“With the plant, we got 30 years of historical data which the Soviet owners had complied. It had taken them 10 years to master the processing. That was with an unlimited budget, and brain power and it took 10 years to figure out the processing on an industrial scale,” stated Vinokurov.
Molycorp recently acquired Silmet, a light rare earth processing facility in the former Soviet satellite Estonia. The plant will help the company in various ways. The plant will provide the expertise in separating light rare earth elements as well as open a European center of operations for the company.
“The Silmet plant in Estonia, recently acquired by Molycorp, was designed by our partners as well. Keep in mind these are the only two large scale processing facilities outside of China,” stated Vinokurov, adding that Stans Energy’s processing facility, “is the only facility outside of China that produced 15 elements, into 120 forms of metals, alloys and oxides.”
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Stans Energy Corp
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
ich habe an stans geschrieben und von mackay folgende antwort bekommen:
hintergrund: ich habe einen kritischen analysten zu seiner meinung über stans gefragt.
und von den Stansleuten einen "gegenkommentar" bekommen. also vom chef robert mackay selbst.
weil ich den kritischen analysten nicht einfach so veröffentlichen kann,habe ich manche stellen in mackays antwort einfach unkenntlich gemacht.
ROT sind die Kommentare von Mackay. BLAU/SCHWARZ sind zitate aus dem mail des kritischen analysten an mich , welches ich an stans weitergeleitete habe. dort wo man rückschlüsse auf diesen kritischen analysten ziehen kann habe ich wie gesagt anonymisiert
The “plant” is a stripped-out and outdated design, which, according to my sources, was not atop-flight producer even when it was new.
§ It would be interesting to ask him who his sources are as he has never visited the plant and he cannot compare this plant to any other hard rock processing plants as there are none. This is the only plant in the world outside of China that ever separated all 15 REE's. We have been contacted by other companies to separate their HREE's on a toll basis so they are more knowledgeable than XXXX in this plant. We have allot of work to do to get the plant operational but because it actually worked before we are years ahead of the competition.
§ Past production engineers and operators are at the helm again
All of Western industry probably requires no more than 5-6 (Rare Earth companies) to reachmarket. 3 of those spots are likely spoken for, 1 or 2 of the others will likely be occupied by near-term producers that happen to be private companies today.
§ XXXXXXX lists Molycorp, XXXXX and XXXXX as 3 most likely first to market, but what are the other XXX private companies” they are talking about? There is a LREE private company in Turkey but ask him which HREE companies have the metallurgy and permits for production. The answer will be none, except for Stans Energy.
§ Breaking news this week that Lynas could be looking at up to 2 year delay in getting Malaysian processing plant operational, due to new environmental conditions imposed by government
We are not overly excited about its political jurisdiction.
§ This country is much more mining friendly than locations like anywhere in the USA especially California,Europe, Malaysia, First Nation controlled Northern Canada, or parts of Africa.
And it is not a near-term producer by any stretch.
§ Early 2014 puts it at the front of the line.
You have to understand, there are 200 or more early-stage REE projects making some fairly outlandish claims
Which of these has:
§ A mining licence
§ A past producing open pit mine
§ About 500,000 sq. ft. of building space
§ Large inventory of titanium,stainless steel and ceramic processing equipment, all assessed independently to be in good or satisfactory working condition
§ A rail yard that links to much of Asia
§ Experienced management and staff
§ A relationship with the Leading Metallurgical Research Organization in Russia
§ Power and water
§ Nearby town with skilled labour pool
All of Western industry probably requires no more than 5-6 of them to reach market. 3 of those spots are likely spoken for, XXX others will likely be occupied by near-term producers that happen to be private companies today.
§ Which of these produce Heavy Rare Earths or which have their hydro metallurgy worked out yet? If you take his favourite XXXXX it only has XXXX tons of DY and with a recovery rate of max 60% much less.
There is not much room for anyone or anything else.
The concept of high HREO/TREO ratio is, I am afraid, a hot-button topic for me.
This is because, as a concept, it is silly. High HREO/TREO ratios mean that out of thetotal amount of TREO you mine within a tonne of raw ore, a lot of it, relatively, is HREO.
But the users of this concept typically include marginally useless material such as Y in their HREO count, to inflate the figures. And I cannot sell a percentage, only a kg of a material.
§ Then strip out the “Y” percentage and see what remains.
The question I always ask people is this one; which would you rather own, a 1% in situ grade “HREE” deposit with a 4% TREO content of dysprosium oxide, or a 10% in situ grade “LREE” deposit with a 0.4% TREO content of dysprosium oxide?
The correct answer, for many reasons, is the LREE deposit,
§ The assumption that is being made here, and it is a massive assumption is that the LREE producer has the hydro metallurgy, expertise and skill to be able to separate the HREE from the LREE that theyremove from the ground. Molycorp’s Silmet isn’t able to do it, nor are there any other HREE production facilities currently in existence that has that capability. Stans is the only HREE past producer that was able to produce HREEs at an industrial scale. The obvious answer of “they are the same” is not correct. Why are these light ree companies contacting us for HREE separation?
§ Making the assumption that extraction capability is the same for both processes or producers is just as big a leap of faith. That assumption isn’t proven yet, and in early 2014, the world will see just how productive Stans will be as compared to the other so called wannabe’s. In discussions with the experts in the business they all conclude that most HREE companies are 5 years from industrial scale metallurgy and they feel some will never be economic. Those experts also told me that the basic chemistry the "Darling HREE Companies " are promoting for the separation of HREE's will not work. I believe 30 year PhD Chemistry veterans of HREE processing over an analyst that has NO HREE separation experience.
Basically, a high-grade deposit gives you, per tonne of mined ore, a lot better costs and a lot more material to sell.
§ If, and that is a very big IF, the company can extract the HREEs – which for the moment they can’t.
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
die farben sind irgendwie durcheinandergekommen beim reinkopieren . alles was mit "§" markiert ist, ist die antwort von mackay auf das vorangestellte kritische statement
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
ich hatte nie zweifel.nicht mehr als bei jedem meiner anderen investments. bzw. zweifel hat man immer, es geht halt darum sie zu minimieren. das mach ich so seit 20 jahren - upps , oder mehr sogar....) mich ärgert zwar der kurs, und mehr als nachzukaufen kann man nicht tun,im rahmen der finanziellen möglichkeiten eben.
aber was soll es: wenn es so einfach wäre, mittelfristig auf 1000 %oder wie byron king bei stans vor kurzem meinte auf 4800% zu spekulieren, würde es ja jeder machen.anders gesagt : wer einen tenbagger will oder zu haben glaubt, muss eben auch mal -40% oder mehr in kauf nehmen. bin übrigens schon lange im süden. komme gerade vom meer zurück :-)
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Stans Energy Corp
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Stans Energy Corp
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Stans Energy Corp
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