Rod Gelineau mal erklären? Was hat das mit dem Management von Gulfside zu tun? Ist das nicht der jenige der für die Firma Advanture Capitals Partners arbeitet? Diese Firma arbeitet wiederum für Gulfside Minerals. Aus dem Gulfside Management wurde doch nur dieser Herr ausgetauscht: John Jenks, BSc. PEng, Geologist Position: Director
John Jenks, BSc. PEng, Geologist with 40 years experience in coal, precious and base metals mineral development. Mr. Jenks has varied experience on mineral projects all over the world and has just completed a project in Australia. gegen: Mr. Jarvis
Mr. Jarvis brings added strength to the company with his 15 years of business experience including board, executive and senior-level roles, in both public and private corporations. His experience also includes five years in the mineral exploration industry, as well as public finance and corporate management experience. He holds a bachelor of business administration degree from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. He has successfully completed the Canadian Securities Course and an exploration and mining overview course at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia. Quellen:®ion=C Es scheint so als hättet ihr da etwas verwechselt. ----------- Die wahren TopGuns gibt es nur im GMG Thread. Es sind die berühmt berüchtigten I.S.B.P TopGuns ;o)