SEAMLESS: bin mal gespannt, ...
gut analysiert
Seamless hat nach wie vor eines der größten Potentiale der letzen Jahre; ich bleibe selbstverstänlich investiert und zucke nicht mal mit den Wimpern wenn es weiter runter geht. Jedes gute UN fängt mal klein an. Seamless ist nicht insolvent, die sind clever.
Wo sind die anderen? Meldet euch, ich bin long und bleibe long.
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Seamless WiFi
Schönes Wochenende an alle.
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Seamless WiFi
als ich im herbst von 0,02 gepostet habe, dachten hier sicher einige, ich wär völlig plemplem - aber die entwicklung hats gezeigt.
keine ahnung, ob jetzt der boden gefunden ist - mir siehts eher nach ruhe vor dem sturm aus - das die 0,03 in usa nicht überwunden wurde, hat mich doch nachdenklich gemacht.
na wir werdens sehen - schönes we + gruß - kl.
Com ($0.001)
Seamless Wi-Fi Appoints Two New Subsidiary Presidents
John Domerego Shifts to Become President of Seamless Internet, Ken Reda Takes Helm at Seamless Skyy-Fi
LAS VEGAS, NV, Mar 31, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. (OTC BB: SLWF) announced today the appointment of new presidents for two of their subsidiaries. John Domerego has moved from president of Seamless Skyy-Fi to become president of the Seamless Internet subsidiary and Ken Reda has become the president of the company's Seamless Skyy-Fi subsidiary.
In commenting on the management changes, Albert Reda, Seamless Wi-Fi CEO, stated that, "We are leveraging John and Ken's experience to bring the most immediate benefit to the projects we have on the table today. John Domerego has the engineering and product-to-market experience we need to meet our target goals and scheduled deployment date for the 'next generation portable computing and communication device.' We were fortunate to have someone with Mr. Domerego's project management and manufacturing ability already on board.
"Ken Reda has significant WISP experience and he will be instrumental in expanding Seamless Skyy-Fi's current operations and working to increase the company's presence in the hospitality and multiple unit hotspot deployments arena."
The company is conducting a contest to 'Name the Next Generation Portable Computing & Communications Device' that will begin on April 4, 2006 when the company will announce the site contestants can use to register to receive the rules and contest entry submission form.
To receive ongoing updates on the contest, Seamless corporate developments, progress, product and services initiatives, white papers and other news, please register to receive Seamless News at
Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. is an aggregator of Wi-Fi products and services based in Las Vegas operating three complementary subsidiaries: Seamless Skyy-Fi, Inc., Seamless Peer 2 Peer, Inc. and Seamless Internet. Seamless Skyy-Fi is forging a network of Wi-Fi Hot Spots in targeted geographic and vertical markets across the country and has achieved initial success in the hotel Wi-Fi provision market. Seamless Peer 2 Peer developed and is marketing its patent-pending Phenom(TM) Virtual Internet Extranet encryption software for secure business and government network communications. Phenom provides SOX and HIPAA-compliant secure peer mail, chat, file transfer, and remote PC access in a two-megabyte download. Phenom's API also supports secure VoIP telephony, video conferencing and white boarding. Seamless Internet will offer hosting to its clients designed to provide high security hosting services for Seamless Peer2Peer and Skyy-Fi clients and is not available for general public hosting services. Seamless Internet will also manufacture and market the ED.1.
For company information, please visit the following web sites: Seamless,, Skyy-Fi,, Peer 2 Peer,, and Seamless Internet,
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as SLWF or its management "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "forecasts," "estimates" or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, such statements in this release that describe the company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions, or goals also are forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, product price volatility, product demand, market competition, and risk inherent in the operations of a company. We assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement made by us or on our behalf as a result of new information, future events or other factors.
Rich Schineller
SOURCE: Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc.
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Seamless WiFi
Strafrecht: Eigentumsdelikte:
Unterschlagung (§ 246 StGB)
Die Unterschlagung gemäß § 246 StGB ist das allgemeinste Zueignungsdelikt im Strafgesetzbuch. Nach § 246 Absatz 1 StGB macht sich strafbar, wer sich eine fremde bewegliche Sache rechtswidrig zueignet. Unterschlagung ist ein Vergehen.
Der Wortlaut des Tatbestands lautet:
(1) Wer eine fremde bewegliche Sache sich oder einem Dritten rechtswidrig zueignet, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft, wenn die Tat nicht in anderen Vorschriften mit schwererer Strafe bedroht ist.
(2) Ist in den Fällen des Absatzes 1 die Sache dem Täter anvertraut, so ist die Strafe Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder Geldstrafe.
(3) Der Versuch ist strafbar.
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Boardmail an "Sitzfleisch" |
Seamless WiFi
Verstehe nicht ganz was das soll ?.
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Seamless WiFi
0.022 45000 OBB 14:41:19
0.022 45000 OBB 14:41:18
0.022 50000 OBB 13:51:42
0.022 50000 OBB 13:50:56
0.022 500000 OBB 13:32:32
0.022 100000 OBB 13:29:57
0.022 100000 OBB 13:29:09
unterschlagen und ins Bid geschmissen
0.0218 960000 OBB 16:04:29
usw. ,usw...
Ich kann nicht eine Sache verleihen die mir nicht gehört;
wenn ich´s dann doch mache, ist der Tatbestand der Unterschlagung ganz klar erfüllt.
Gang und gäbe ist es nun einmal die Aktien aus fremden Depots, ohne wissen des eigentlichen Eigners, Dritten zu überlassen.
Schon alleine dadurch wird sehr viel Kohle verdient;
wovon der eigentliche Besitzer natürlich nichts sieht.
Der Handel mit Aktien aus fremden Depots gehört ganz klar bestraft; bzw. verboten.
Ein Fall von "Macht steht vor dem Gesetz"
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Seamless WiFi
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Boardmail an "Kicky" |
Seamless WiFi
Genau die Trading Insider haben am 12.08.05 Seamless empfohlen,und gesagt das Seamless sich in einem Milliardenmarkt befindet und in einem Jahr einen Kurs von 0,60 ? aufweist.
Gut bis dahin sind ja noch 5 Monate,bis dahin kann ja noch viel passieren.:-)
Nur zu Thema Börsenbriefe.Aber Gott sei Dank recherchiere ich ja bevor ich etwas kaufe ja selber immer.Das mit dem Milliardenmarkt stimmt nur Zahlen sehe ich nie von denen.Also kann es durchaus sein das auch ich daneben liege und diesesmal auf einen Börsenbrief mal wieder reingefallen bin,oder ich verschlafe bei Seamless alles.
Ich suche auf jedenfall weiter.
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Boardmail an "Happydepot" |
Seamless WiFi
als absoluter Laie bei Ariva traue ich Seamless zu, dass die Aktie bis Ende Mai auf mehr als 0,035 Euro steigen wird.
Warum, das kann ich nicht genau schreiben, aber ich beobachte sie schön länger.
Ich will durch diese Nachricht den Kurs nicht positiv beeinflussen, obwohl ich vor Wochen mit 0,024 Euro eingestiegen bin.
Schönes Wochenende
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Boardmail an "Hajopai" |
Seamless WiFi
Das Unternehmen ist zurzeit sehr günstig bewertet und bietet für spekulative Anleger auf aktuellem Niveau eine hervorragende Einstiegschance. Die noch vorhandene Marktenge sorgt zurzeit noch für hohe Volatilität in der Aktie. Anleger sollten daher ihre Positionen laufend überwachen und Ihr Stopp Loss bei 0,075 Euro setzen. Seamless WiFi ist zurzeit ein exzellenter strategischer Kauf mit beachtlichem Vervielfachungspotenzial. Die Kurschancen sind enorm! Auf dem derzeit noch niedrigem Kursniveau von 0,09 Euro sind Zukäufe sehr empfehlenswert."
Die Experten von "Der Börsenspion" empfehlen die Aktie von Seamless WiFi als spekulativen Strong Buy und erwarten einen Kursanstieg auf 0,40-0,60 Euro bis Mitte 2006, was einer Kurschance von bis zu 500% entspricht!!
INVEST INSIDE hat für Sie bei Seamless WiFi nachgefragt. Nach Unternehmensangaben stehen positive Nachrichten kurz bevor! Nutzen Sie deshalb die Chance zum (Nach-)Kauf bis 0,12 Euro!
inzwischen komme ich immer mehr zu der überzeugung, das es sich hier um eine sauber eingefädelte anlegerabzocke handelt.
seamless liefert auch nur blabla - keine zahlen - nix mit substanz. und jetzt der brüller mit nem ollen ed1.
sicher ist mobiles internet ein milliardenmarkt - aber ob nun ausgerechnet seamless mit dabei ist???
gruß - kl.
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Boardmail an "canetti" |
Seamless WiFi
Winners will receive their devices before they are available to the public so winners will really be the first on their block to have one of these exceptionally cool new devices.
Approximate retail value for each device and one year equivalent service is about the same cost as the PALM TREO 700.
To increase your chances of winning enter early and often with your best naming ideas because in case of duplicate entries the prize will go to the first person submitting the winning name. The contest is open to all, there is no limit on the number of entries and the name must be able to be trademarked.
Seamless working with the original inventors to redesign the (Entertainment Device One), which won a Consumer Electronics Show "Best of Innovations" award. The ED.1 is a portable entertainment device and full-fledged computer measuring only 5" x 4" x 2" and weighing less than 12 ounces that offers an MP3 player, a gaming console and computer with a very functional fold-out almost full-size keyboard. A docking station and other aftermarket accessories will be available to enhance the portability and functionality of the device.
To receive ongoing Seamless corporate updates on the ED.1 contest and its rules, developments in the progress of the software programs, products services initiatives, white papers and other news, please register to receive Seamless News at
Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. is an aggregator of Wi-Fi products and services based in Las Vegas operating two complementary subsidiaries, Seamless Peer 2 Peer, Inc. and Seamless Skyy-Fi, Inc. Seamless Skyy-Fi is forging a network of Wi-Fi Hot Spots in targeted geographic and vertical markets across the country and has achieved initial success in the hotel Wi-Fi provision market. Seamless Peer 2 Peer developed and is marketing its patent pending Phenom(TM) Virtual Internet Extranet encryption software for secure business and government network communications. Phenom provides SOX and HIPAA-compliant secure peer mail, chat, file transfer, and remote PC access in a two-megabyte download. Phenom's API also supports secure VoIP telephony, video conferencing and white boarding.
For company information, please visit the following web sites: Seamless,; Skyy-Fi,; Peer 2 Peer,; and Seamless Internet,
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as SLWF or its management "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "forecasts," "estimates" or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, such statements in this release that describe the company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions, or goals also are forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, product price volatility, product demand, market competition, and risk inherent in the operations of a company. We assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement made by us or on our behalf as a result of new information, future events or other factors.
Rich Schineller
SOURCE: Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc.
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Boardmail an "Sanke" |
Seamless WiFi
Seamless Peer 2 Peer Establishes Foundation for 'Freek2Freek' Secure Social Network
LAS VEGAS, NV, Apr 13, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. (OTC BB: SLWF) subsidiary Seamless Peer 2 Peer today announced that it has signed a development agreement to create the programming for Seamless' soon to be launched Freek2Freek ( secure social web network.
"We are very excited to begin development and programming for Freek2Freek," said Lucanas Rippy, President of Seamless Peer 2 Peer. "Unlike other sites that have to hire outside security consultants to assure the security of the users, we have designed Freek2Freek from the ground-up to be safe and secure for any user, no matter what age, gender or proclivity."
"Next generation online social communities require more than just a websites to be competitive. They need to be safe, secure and extend beyond a web-only portal. Freek2Freek's architecture is the first to publicly address these requirements from the ground up. Freek2Freek will allow seamless integration of features into each aspect of life, on the road with wireless devices and mobile phones and at home or in the office through a website," concluded Mr. Rippy.
Advanced integration and functions will be available when using the Phenom Peer 2 Peer platform. The Freek2Freek solution is the first to fully embrace security for all messaging while extending it usability through integration into ubiquitous devices.
Upon launch, Freek2Freek will offer the highest levels of security and user verification because its patented backbone is based upon Seamless Peer 2 Peer's Phenom Secure Private Network layer technology, which allows transmission of data to peers in a transparent manner over conventional IP networks in such a way that information can be shared among peers even if one or more are behind proxies, Firewalls, or NATs. Freek2Freek will be a truly 'safe' online community where everyone who interacts on it will be authenticated and all communications will be encrypted.
To receive ongoing updates on Freek2Freek, the recently announced contest to name the next generation of the ED.1 portable communications and computing device, product and services initiatives, white papers and other news, please register to receive Seamless News at
Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. ( is a public company (OTC BB: SLWF) based in Las Vegas with three operating subsidiaries: Seamless Skyy-Fi, Inc. (, Seamless Peer 2 Peer, Inc. ( and Seamless Internet (
Seamless Skyy-Fi is forging a network of Wi-Fi Hot Spots in targeted geographic and vertical markets across the country and has achieved initial success providing hotel and retail Wi-Fi hotspots. Seamless Peer 2 Peer develops Phenom(TM) Virtual Internet Extranet encryption software which provides SOX and HIPAA-compliant secure peer mail, chat, file transfer, remote PC access, secure VoIP, video conferencing and white boarding in a two Mb client download. Seamless Internet offers high security hosting services for Seamless Peer 2 Peer and Skyy-Fi clients and is not available for general public hosting services. Seamless Internet is also manufacturing and marketing the ED.1.
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as SLWF or its management "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "forecasts," "estimates" or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, such statements in this release that describe the company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions, or goals also are forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, product price volatility, product demand, market competition, and risk inherent in the operations of a company. We assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement made by us or on our behalf as a result of new information, future events or other factors.
Best regards,
Rich Schineller
Rich Schineller
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Seamless WiFi
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Seamless WiFi
Viele Grüße
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Seamless WiFi
Seamless Peer 2 Peer Achieves Last Deliverable Before June 2006 Deployment of Phenom
LAS VEGAS, NV -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 04/20/06 -- Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. (OTC BB: SLWF) subsidiary Seamless P2 Peer, Inc. announced today that they have reached the last major milestone, which is a functional user interface and chat client, leading up to the launch of Phenom 3.0. Phenom is Peer 2 Peer Virtual Private Network software.
This milestone is the last one before beginning Phenom's Beta Testing in two months with deployment in June 2006.
Work on the user interface has gone forward and the development team is currently testing a fully functional chat client, including industry-first features such as a fully 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) Peer 2 Peer chat client, which at the current development point means that users can type in any font or style available, transmit complex text such as paragraphs, lists, etc., all within a chat session. HTML chat, images and complex media such as video, audio and animation are also supported within the chat window. The capabilities of the chat client lend itself particularly well to business collaboration.
"We see this last milestone as being extremely important in Phenom's appeal to the business market, as users can share complex documents within a session and see and edit them as they are," said Lucanas Rippy, President of Seamless Peer 2 Peer. "Users will be able to cut and paste the results of the collaboration back into their documents. When combined with some of the other features not yet announced that are currently in development, Phenom 3.0 will enable real time Internet meetings that are just as productive as a traditional sit-down meeting. We are very excited to have made such significant and ground-breaking progress and look forward to bringing Phenom 3.0 to market by the end of the second quarter of 2006."
The first Phenom 3.0 development milestone achieved in March 2006 was the development of the Seamless' Secure Private Network (SPN) Layer. The Seamless P2P SPN Layer allows transmission of data to peers in a transparent manner in conventional IP networks in such a way that information can be shared among peers even if one or more peers are behind proxies, Firewalls, or NATs. The SPN Layer is a fully extensible platform that will be integrated into Phenom 3.0 as well as future Seamless products.
Phenom(TM) Encryption Software V3.0 is a Peer 2 Peer Virtual Private Network for Wi-Fi networks, LANs and WANs that provides Chat, Peer-Mail, File Transfer and Remote PC Control applications. Phenom utilizes public-key authentication and encryption using the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
To receive ongoing updates on Phenom 3.0 development, the recently announced contest to name the next generation of the ED.1 portable communications and computing device, product and services initiatives, white papers and other news, please register to receive Seamless News at
Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. ( is a public company (OTC BB: SLWF) based in Las Vegas, Nevada with three operating subsidiaries: Seamless Skyy-Fi, Inc. (, Seamless Peer 2 Peer, Inc. ( and Seamless Internet (
Seamless Skyy-Fi is forging a network of Wi-Fi Hot Spots in targeted geographic and vertical markets across the country and has achieved initial success providing hotel and retail Wi-Fi hotspots. Seamless Peer 2 Peer develops Phenom(TM) Virtual Internet Extranet encryption software, which provides SOX and HIPAA-compliant secure peer mail, chat, file transfer, remote PC access, secure VoIP, video conferencing and white boarding in a two Mb client download. Seamless Internet offers high security hosting services for Seamless Peer 2 Peer and Skyy-Fi clients and is not available for general public hosting services. Seamless Internet is also manufacturing and marketing the ED.1.
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as SLWF or its management "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "forecasts," "estimates" or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, such statements in this release that describe the company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions, or goals also are forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, product price volatility, product demand, market competition, and risk inherent in the operations of a company. We assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement made by us or on our behalf as a result of new information, future events or other factors.
Rich Schineller
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Boardmail an "Sanke" |
Seamless WiFi
Seamless Peer 2 Peer Achieves Last Deliverable Before June 2006 Deployment of Phenom
LAS VEGAS, NV, Apr 20, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. (OTC BB: SLWF) subsidiary Seamless P2 Peer, Inc. announced today that they have reached the last major milestone, which is a functional user interface and chat client, leading up to the launch of Phenom 3.0. Phenom is Peer 2 Peer Virtual Private Network software.
This milestone is the last one before beginning Phenom's Beta Testing in two months with deployment in June 2006.
Work on the user interface has gone forward and the development team is currently testing a fully functional chat client, including industry-first features such as a fully 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) Peer 2 Peer chat client, which at the current development point means that users can type in any font or style available, transmit complex text such as paragraphs, lists, etc., all within a chat session. HTML chat, images and complex media such as video, audio and animation are also supported within the chat window. The capabilities of the chat client lend itself particularly well to business collaboration.
"We see this last milestone as being extremely important in Phenom's appeal to the business market, as users can share complex documents within a session and see and edit them as they are," said Lucanas Rippy, President of Seamless Peer 2 Peer. "Users will be able to cut and paste the results of the collaboration back into their documents. When combined with some of the other features not yet announced that are currently in development, Phenom 3.0 will enable real time Internet meetings that are just as productive as a traditional sit-down meeting. We are very excited to have made such significant and ground-breaking progress and look forward to bringing Phenom 3.0 to market by the end of the second quarter of 2006."
The first Phenom 3.0 development milestone achieved in March 2006 was the development of the Seamless' Secure Private Network (SPN) Layer. The Seamless P2P SPN Layer allows transmission of data to peers in a transparent manner in conventional IP networks in such a way that information can be shared among peers even if one or more peers are behind proxies, Firewalls, or NATs. The SPN Layer is a fully extensible platform that will be integrated into Phenom 3.0 as well as future Seamless products.
Phenom(TM) Encryption Software V3.0 is a Peer 2 Peer Virtual Private Network for Wi-Fi networks, LANs and WANs that provides Chat, Peer-Mail, File Transfer and Remote PC Control applications. Phenom utilizes public-key authentication and encryption using the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
To receive ongoing updates on Phenom 3.0 development, the recently announced contest to name the next generation of the ED.1 portable communications and computing device, product and services initiatives, white papers and other news, please register to receive Seamless News at
Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc. ( is a public company (OTC BB: SLWF) based in Las Vegas, Nevada with three operating subsidiaries: Seamless Skyy-Fi, Inc. (, Seamless Peer 2 Peer, Inc. ( and Seamless Internet (
Seamless Skyy-Fi is forging a network of Wi-Fi Hot Spots in targeted geographic and vertical markets across the country and has achieved initial success providing hotel and retail Wi-Fi hotspots. Seamless Peer 2 Peer develops Phenom(TM) Virtual Internet Extranet encryption software, which provides SOX and HIPAA-compliant secure peer mail, chat, file transfer, remote PC access, secure VoIP, video conferencing and white boarding in a two Mb client download. Seamless Internet offers high security hosting services for Seamless Peer 2 Peer and Skyy-Fi clients and is not available for general public hosting services. Seamless Internet is also manufacturing and marketing the ED.1.
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release includes forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as SLWF or its management "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "forecasts," "estimates" or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, such statements in this release that describe the company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions, or goals also are forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, product price volatility, product demand, market competition, and risk inherent in the operations of a company. We assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement made by us or on our behalf as a result of new information, future events or other factors.
Rich Schineller
SOURCE: Seamless Wi-Fi, Inc.
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Seamless WiFi
Zeit Kurs Stück
09:07:44 0,017 0
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Seamless WiFi
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