"hebroots Member Profile hebroots § §Friday, November 09, 2012 8:10:52 AM Re: joepenny post# 10098 §Post # of 10119 Realize for those who have been involved awhile with ITNS, even with the drop you mention, the stock price has not been this high for several months, and has been climbing up since beginning of August. Moving averages (10, 50, 200) have been bettered in last 2 days.
There is plenty room for criticism about this stock, including things I have posted myself. The management is flakey at best. But many are staying tuned for more news on several fronts, some of them more believable than others.
Like there was just more news about the nasal swab option for the new nasal nausea product in the works. Nobody seemed to post anything about that in the midst of all the bashing.
ITNS has the potential to be very volatile because of long term holders getting a chance to cash in the recent double in price. I would not read into it anymore than that. It is very popular on this board for some to post of this being a major scam, etc, but still one can make money. "