Auf meine Anfrage hin, wie es denn mit der Zukunft von Fusa so aussieht, habe ich von Hr. Osterwalder (Ceo von FUSA) höchstpersönlich diese Antwort erhalten:
Thank you for contacting FUSA Capital Corporation. We appreciate that you
have taken the time to contact us with your question.
Due to the strict laws for publicly trading companies in the United States,
we are not able to address information that is not already public
information. Due to this, we are not able to discuss our strategies with
regard to your specific question.
The company is in a very positive situation and we are invigorated about the
new year ahead. The efforts on behalf of SeatchforVideo, the company's main
product, have proven to be very beneficial. The site format was recently
updated and has been a factor in the growing user base of the site.
Additionally, the technical improvements that we have made have provided an
even better experience as indicated by this usage growth.
On December 12 we announced the launch of our first phase of a video podcast
directory focusing on international content. This was done as a result of a
surging demand of our customers for more varied international content.
On December 5 we announced that we have increased our online advertising
inventory for video publishers. Over 2006 we have built, and will continue
to build, strong relationships with top online video publishers. These
publishers are asking for more opportunities to showcase their content to
the searchforvideo customers.
On November 29 we announced that we were participating in a panel at Search
Engine Strategies 2006. This panel was made of experts in the video and
audio search industry. Searchforvideo is a leader in the industry and we
were sought after to participate in this panel.
Thank you again for your questions and feedback. We believe that 2007 will
prove to be a record year for the company. For more information and the
latest company announcements, please visit our corporate website at Thank you for your interest in FUSA.
Jenifer Osterwalder