AVZ war/ist mit den eigenen Planungen hinsichtlich des weiteren Explorationsprogramms etwa 2 Wochen delate. Das lag offenbar und insbesondere an Problemen mit den den Einfuhrbestimmungen für schweres Gerät, also auch für drill rigs. Insgesamt scheint es aber nach wie vor so zu sein, dass man extrem bestrebt ist, das aktuelle Programm, welches ausschließlich der Darstellung einer Resourcenberechnung dient, so schnell wie möglich abzuarbeiten.
Der letzte und aktuelle Report vom 08. Januar 2018 erklärt dazu folgendes:
Work Planned Q1 - 2018 AVZ will commence a n initial 20,000m drilling program from mid - January 2018. The program has been delayed due to additional official documentation require ments for the import of Equity Drilling ?s drilling equipment, as well as an embargo of heavy haulage vehicles over the Christmas and New Year period. To complete the initial 20,000m program and initial resource estimation by the end of Q1/early Q2 2018, AVZ has engaged an additional drilling contractor (Equator Drilling). AVZ is expecting Equator Drilling to commence drilling on or around mid - January. Shortly after this, Equity Drilling will have established itself onsite and will bring an additional four drill rigs to the program. The Company will have five rigs in operation in total. AVZ will initially target the Roche Dure pegmatite, given the expected approximate thickness of up to 220m and a potential strike length of 2,100m. Drill - holes MO17DD001 and MO17DD002 are approximately 400m apart through the thickest section of the pegmatite, and this zone will receive initial drill testing on sectional lines 100m apart and drill holes 100m apart. Drilling will progress to the north and south al ong strike. Additionally, drilling will be undertaken at the northern Manono sector, especially around Carriere De L?est where MO17DD007 intersected significant mineralisation from surface. Drilling will be programmed on lines spaced 200m apart and with holes 100m along lines over a strike length of 1600 metres of strike. The establishment of a fully self sufficient camp is well advanced and will be finalised prior to arrival of the drilling rigs and personnel.
Ob tatsächlich bereits Anfang Februar erste Ergebnisse dargestellt werden können, wage ich zu bezweifeln. Das ist auch mir ein wenig zu ambitioniert. Ich hätte zwar nichts dagegen, könnte aber auch gut damit leben, wenn es zwei Wochen später wird.