wallstreet omline
#382 von rian-edgar 04.08.09 10:08:32 Beitrag Nr.: 37.704.870 Dieses Posting: versenden | melden
Auszug aus Jeromes Mail von heute:
I have received emails from 3 other shareholders asking about Robert Rother and the comments he made regarding Coco Park. This guy is really not too smart. He is also a cheater and con man. He lives in Shenzhen, which is a souther city border to Hong Kong. The Coco Park which we have our shop is in Shanghai. I don't know what he is talking about.
Another thing is that he took money from us because he said he knows how to promote our company by writing a research report. He said he hired a team of writers and analysts which can help make a report about IBMC but after we paid him, he didn't do anything. I wouldn't trust one word he says.
Soviel dazu! Ich glaub ihm das. Und das mit Shenzen und Shanghai hatten wir ja hier auch schon...
Ob er jetzt nicht "smart" ist, oder es ihm nur darum geht IBMC in den Dreck zu ziehen, lass ich jetzt mal dahingestellt!
Eine andere Sache ist, dass der natürlich niemals hätte Geld dafür bekommen dürfen!!! Aber dafür hab ich ihn schon geschimpft!