Solar Enertech DL

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18.05.09 16:34

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juZukunftsaussichten

Hallo an alle. Die Module Lieferung ist um 111% gestiegen. Der Umsatz ist um 27% gestiegen,trotz Preisverfall und Rezestion Cashflow ist trotz Verluste, meiner Meinung nach positiv. Ich denke wenn die Qualität und der Preis bei Solar Enertech nicht stimmen würde, hätte er nicht noch weitere Aufträge aus Europa und Australien bekommen. Der Sprung in den amerikanischen Markt steht vor der Tür. Meine Vermutung ist das Solar Enertech auf soliden Füssen steht und in Zukunft für eine positive Überraschung sorgen wird.  


18.05.09 16:35

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSOEN

Ich stimme mit dem unteren Bericht über ein.

Starting with the negative: 3 straight quarters of declining quarterly revenue (from a high of $13 million to just over $4 million); no mention of possibly turning a profit next quarter; no updates on 21 Century Silicon partnership and supply of high quality but cheaper raw materials (I'm aware that they did say they've worked through all higher cost materials); no update on 5MW project in China that they referred to in last quarter's earnings report; negative gross margin of $1.3 million for the quarter; operating expense for quarter was only $2.0 million or 45% of sales, but when factoring in executive pay compensation for "key execs" total operating costs run up to $3.7 million or 84%; Net loss of $5.5 million or (.06) per diluted share; mention of uptick in existing customer orders, but no new business or customers mentioned; total assets down $7.0 million from last year.

Good News: Although revenue is down 3 consecutive quarters, it was up 27% on a YOY quarterly basis; although still a negative gross margin, the margin has improved due to cost cutting measures; used all raw material inventory purchased at higher prices; mention of increased orders from existing clients and the need to run/hire additional shift (although we don't know how much more revenue this may produce); another reference to "after sale service support" leading credence to new revenue streams from potential partnerships and expanding business model; they forecast "sequential revenue improvement in 2009" although this backs off from statement from last earnings where they predicted YOY improvement (that would mean they would need to do more than $13 million in the next quarter which is not in the cards... I'm expecting revenues of about $6 to $7 million); spent 8 times in R&D this past quarter compared to the previous one.

So overall, it's a mixed bag. In a world recession where solar is taking a big hit, they're surviving so far. Their continuing operating losses are a concern to me, but they're managing their business and appear to be getting aggressive with finding a profitable business model through new partnerships and service offerings. Some feel that the worst 3 quarters of this recession will be 4th quarter of 2008 and first 2 quarters of this year, if so, they've nearly survived this. Solar will be under pressure all year, but the long-term still looks positive (more international cooperation on fighting global warming and the U.S. and China looking to spur their economies through job growth in the alternative energy sector). SOEN hired a new CFO, formed a new strategic partnership, cut operating costs, worked through high price inventory, and secured more repeat business this past quarter. They're not out of the woods yet, but I remain a buyer at these prices. I believe the major stock market indexes will decline in the coming weeks and SOEN may follow this broader trend as people realize we've still got a ways to go with this global recession, but I believe the prices are good and the risk / reward justifies the purchase of SOEN at 23 cents or below (and I expect SOEN to be trading under 20 cents for much of this quarter... this could change with any major positive news announcements from them during the quarter).


25.05.09 18:08

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juEntwicklung und Rückblick

hallo an alle,
2005 und 2006 war die gründung und langsamer aufbau von Solar Enertech.

2007       2Q                                                                   umsatz                  3000$
                                                                                     verlust                   3000$
2007       3Q                                                                   umsatz                  1,5 Mio.$
                                                                                     verlust                   10000$
2007      Jahresabschlussbilanz                                     umsatz                  5,6Mio.$
                                                                                     verlust                  400.000$

2008       2Q                                                                  umsatz                  3,5 Mio.$
                                                                                    verlust                   700.000$
2008      3Q                                                                   umsatz                  10,2 Mio.$
                                                                                    verlust                   37.000 $
2008       jahresabschlussbilanz                                   umsatz                   29,4 Mio$
                                                                                    verlust                   3,7 Mio. $

2009      2Q                                                                   umsatz                  4,4 Mio. $
                                                                                    verlust                   1,3 Mio.$

Ohne das teuere Silicium und der weltweiten Wirtschaftskrise wäre das 2Q im jahre 2009 bei weitem besser gelaufen .(ein Plus auf der bilanz nicht ausgeschlossen)
Wenn es so läuft wie ich es mir vorstelle , wird der umsatz um ca 10% steigen als im Vorjahr.
Und in der Jahresabschlussbilanz ein klares Plus erkennbar ist.

Aber nunja lassen wir mal die Kirche im Dorf .
Rom wurde schließlich auch nicht in einer Woche erbaut. Nun aber genug weisheiten ;)

Wenn man 3 jahre zurückschaut kann man erkennen das es sich jedes jahr steigert.
In schätzungsweise 3 jahren wird die bilanz auf wesentlich besseren werten stehen als sie es jez schon tut.



26.05.09 19:55

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSilicium Pr

Hallo an alle

First Solar shares may be poised for fall-Barron'

NEW YORK, May 24 (Reuters) - Shares of First Solar (FSLR.O) could take a hit if its customers turn away from the maker of solar panels in favor of lower-priced rivals, according to a report in Barron's.

As the Intersolar trade show starts in Munich, where the world's solar businesses discuss their next contracts, deals will likely adjust for the falling price of refined silicon -- "half the cost of goods at First Solar's rivals," the business weekly said in its May 25 edition.

"One leading customer says it will ditch First Solar's 'thin-film' panels if crystalline silicon alternatives keep getting cheaper. That seems likely," the paper said. "Silicon prices are expected to drop another 30 percent by year end. First Solar profits -- and its shares -- could get cut in half."

Shares of First Solar closed at $191.72 on Friday on Nasdaq. (Reporting by Franklin Paul; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)  

27.05.09 11:50

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSOEN

Shunda and SOEN website      26-May-09 09:42 pm


05.06.09 13:33

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juPreissenkungen

Hallo an alle.

Bei Solarmodulen drohen offenbar weitere Preissenkungen durch chinesische Hersteller.

Laut Gordon Johnson von Hapoalim Securities bieten chinesische Firmen wie Yingli, Suntech und Trina Solar Solarmodule teilweise in der Preisspanne von nur 1,21 bis 1,28 US-Dollar pro Watt an.  Dies sei insbesondere für die amerikanischen und die europäischen Solarmodulhersteller sehr gefährlich. Johnson rät ausdrücklich zu Short-Positionen bei den deutschen Herstellern Q-Cells und SolarWorld, sowie bei SunPower und First Solar.

Laut Johnson unterschätzen viele Investoren die Fähigkeit chinesischer Hersteller zu weiteren Kostensenkungen, insbesondere bei den Arbeitskosten. Viele chinesische Arbeitnehmer seien dazu bereit, für einen sehr niedrigen oder sogar gar keinen Lohn zu arbeiten, um die chinesischen Hersteller aus ?Nationalstolz? zu unterstützen, schreibt Johnson in einer aktuellen Analyse.

Volle Lager, Spanien fällt aus
Gordon Johnson fügte weiter an, dass sich die weltweiten Lagerbestände noch immer auf 1,5 Gigawatt belaufen würden und Spanien im laufenden Jahr als Abnehmer so gut wie komplett ausfallen würde. Noch im letzten Jahr wurde fast jedes zweite Solarmodul dank des üppigen Förderprogramms nach Spanien verkauft.

Vier Short-Kandidaten
Unter dem Strich sieht Johnson größeres Ungemach auf die Solarindustrie in Europa und in den USA zukommen und rät bei den Großen der Branche Shortpositionen einzugehen, also auf fallende Kurse zu spekulieren. Namentlich seien seiner Ansicht nach Solarworld, Q-Cells, First Solar und Sunpower Kandidaten für mögliche Leerverkäufe.

Solar Enertech wirt auch davon profitieren. Der Ölpreis hat die 70,00$ erreicht.


16.06.09 18:50

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juBranchenindex

Hallo an alle.

16.06.2009: Nach langer Talfahrt scheint sich der PHOTON Photovoltaik-Aktien Index (PPVX) jetzt wieder auf dem aufsteigenden Ast zu befinden. Im Laufe des Monats April hat der Branchenindex um 16 Prozent auf 2.199 Punkte zugelegt.

Zugegeben, das ist noch weit entfernt von den Spitzenwerten aus dem Jahr 2008 mit weit über 6.000 Punkten, aber dennoch ein Hoffnungsschimmer für die gebeutelten Solarinvestoren.

Spitzenreiter des Monats April waren die deutsche Centrotherm Photovoltaics AG mit einem Zuwachs von 51,3 Prozent, die chinesische Trina Solar Co. Ltd. (plus 52,6 Prozent) und die US-amerikanische Energy Conversion Devices Inc. (ECD, plus 41 Prozent). Centrotherm und Trina hatten auch im Vormonat schon deutlich gewonnen und gehören bislang zusammen mit GT Solar International Inc. im PPVX zu den drei Top-Performern des Jahres. Wer Anfang des Jahres dagegen auf ECD gesetzt hatte, konnte bislang noch nicht einmal die Verluste ausgleichen. Ohnehin stellen sich Solaraktien auch weiterhin als Spielwiese für Zocker dar ? so heftig sind die Kursschwankungen. Verluste oder Gewinne im zweistelligen Prozentbereich binnen Monatsfrist sind die Regel; nicht selten hatte sich der Aktienwert in letzter Zeit innerhalb wenigen Wochen halbiert oder ? wie bei GT Solar ? verdoppelt.

Im April ging es dann für die meisten Firmen aber erstmal wieder aufwärts. Lediglich 8 der 30 PPVX-Titel hatten noch kleinere Verluste zu verschmerzen, die meisten davon lagen im unteren einstelligen Prozentbereich oder gar bei weniger als einem Prozent. Ob es am Wetter lag? Der April war in Deutschland der wärmste seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen, und der schneereiche Winter im weltweit wichtigsten Solarmarkt Deutschland wurde von vielen Unternehmen als Ursache für die schlechten Absatzzahlen genannt. Stimmt die These, dürfte der Wonnemonat Mai eine weitere Erholung bereithalten.


17.06.09 19:28

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juProducts

Hallo an alle.[tab]=exhibitors&t x_isexhibitorsv2fe_pi1[id]=386

Exhibitors and Products

Set-Solar Corp.

Booth Number 7621

444 Castro Street, Suite 707
94041-2017 Mt. View
United States
+1 877 786 8649 x106
+1 650 318 3623
Company Profile
SET-Solar Corp is a comprehensive technology provider, based in Mountain View, California. It is a joint venture established by the Jiang Shunda Group and Solar EnerTech. SET-Solar Corp will utilize Jiangsu Shunda?s strength in polysilicon and wafer supply and Solar EnerTech?s advanced solar cell technologies as well as its resources in the U.S. market. The joint venture aims to establish a vertically integrated operation in the U.S. market with services ranging from the production of polysilicon to ingots and wafers, to solar cells, panels and solar system installation.
Product Categories
PV Modules
PV Solar Cells,Wafers


26.06.09 16:59

853 Postings, 6608 Tage MarkAurel1O MW Auftrag für Solarzentrum Allgäu

Der langersehnte Großauftrag ( 20Mio $ Volumen) ist da und soll noch dieses Jahr komplett abgewickelt werden.
Ab heute wirds wieder etwas spannender und phanthasievoller werden.  

26.06.09 17:56

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.ju20 Million Doller

Hallo an alle

Solar EnerTech Enters into Sales Contract with German System Integrator

   MENLO PARK, Calif., June 26 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- Solar EnerTech Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: SOEN) (the "Company") today announced it has entered into a 10MW contract to deliver its solar modules to Solarzentrum Allgau, one of the leading solar system integrators in Germany.

   The total shipment value to Solarzentrum Allgau under the contract is approximately US$20 million.  Shipments, aimed for solar power installations in Germany, are scheduled to begin immediately and will be delivered throughout the current calendar year.

   Solarzentrum Allgau was founded in 1985 in Altdorf, Germany. The company has benefitted from Germany's introduction of the Renewable Energy Sources Act in March 2000 and has grown its operations through its specialization of sale, assembly and installation of photovoltaic systems. The company is also the founder of an information and advisory center about solar energy in the county of Allgäu. Its President, Willi Bihler is considered a visionary in the field for his innovations in solar power installation (Photon magazine, June 2008 issue).

   Mr. Leo Young, CEO of Solar EnerTech, commented, "This is an exciting new project for Solar EnerTech which can accelerate our financial performance for this calendar year.  It shows that our strategy of enhancing our operating facility and improving our product efficiency is paying off. The quality of our solar modules are well known to Solarzentrum Allgau as we have served as a supplier to their rooftop projects in the past. Our high-quality, efficient and reliable products continue to garner increased attention among many well-known PV system integrators, which has improved our competitive advantage in winning new contracts."

   Willi Bihler, Proprietor of Solarzentrum Allgau commented, "Solar EnerTech's solar products and support services meet the criteria for high quality and performance that we demand from our suppliers.  When we encounter some technical issues during our installations, Solar EnerTech's team is always available to assist us with the appropriate solutions. We look forward to further developing our relationship with Solar EnerTech and believe that through their support, we have a compelling opportunity to gain a larger share of the German market going forward."

Meine Vermutung ist, dass Solar Enertech auf soliden Füssen steht und in Zukunft für eine positive Überraschung sorgen wird.  
Ich glaube meine Vermutung war gar nicht mal so schlecht.


26.06.09 19:51

251 Postings, 6823 Tage donathjose@JuJu


Voll Treffer!

01.07.09 10:39

8295 Postings, 8407 Tage gvz120 Millionen US-Dollar (Deutsch)

US-Hersteller Solar EnerTech liefert Photovoltaik-Module an das Solarzentrum Allgäu
Solarmodule von Solar EnerTech.
Solarmodule von Solar
Der Photovoltaik-Produzent Solar EnerTech Corporation (Menlo Park, Kalifornien) berichtete am 26. Juni, 2009, das Unternehmen habe mit dem Photovoltaik-Systemintegrator Solarzentrum Allgäu (Altdorf) einen Vertrag über die Lieferung von Solarmodulen mit einer Nennleistung von 10 Megawatt geschlossen. Laut Pressemitteilung umfasst die Vereinbarung Module im Wert von ungefähr 20 Millionen US-Dollar (14,5 Millionen Euro).  Die Lieferungen, die für Solarstromanlagen in Deutschland bestimmt sind, sollen sofort beginnen,. Das vollständige Vertragsvolumen soll bis Ende des aktuellen Kalenderjahres ausgeliefert worden sein. Das Solarzentrum Allgäu habe in den vergangenen Jahren seine Geschäftstätigkeit mit einer Spezialisierung des Vertriebs sowie der Fertigung und der Montage von Photovoltaik-Anlagen ausgeweitet, heißt es in der Pressemitteilung. Das Unternehmen habe außerdem das Informations- und Beratungszentrum für Solarenergie im Allgäu mitgegründet.

Module bereits in dachmontierten Solarstromanlagen eingesetzt

Leo Young, Vorstand von Solar EnerTech kommentiert: "Dies ist ein aufregendes neues Projekt für Solar EnerTech und bringt uns in diesem Kalenderjahr wirtschaftlich nach vorne. Es zeigt, dass die Strategie aufgeht, unsere Fabrik auszubauen und die Wirkungsgrade unserer Produkte zu erhöhen. Das Solarzentrum Allgäu weiß um die Qualität unserer Solarmodule, weil wir sie in der Vergangenheit für dachmontierte Solaranlagen bereits an das Unternehmen geliefert haben". Willi Bihler, Eigentümer des Solarzentrums Allgäu ergänzt: "Die Solarprodukte von Solar EnerTech entsprechen den hohen Anforderungen an Qualität und Leistung, die wir unseren Zulieferern stellen. Sollten wir technische Probleme bei der Installation von Solarsystemen haben, ist das Team von Solar EnerTech stets sofort mit Lösungen zur Stelle". Bihler gelte wegen seiner Innovationen bei der Solaranlagen-Installation als Visionär der Branche, heißt es in der Pressemitteilung von Solar EnerTech.

01.07.2009   Quelle: Solar EnerTech Corporation   © Heindl Server GmbH
Bildquelle: Solar EnerTech, TOP 10 SOLAR-NEWS die wichtigsten Solarnachrichten auf einen Blick  

08.07.09 14:19

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSET Solar & SOEN

SET-Solar Establishes Local U.S. Marketing and Sales Operations for its Photovoltaic Solar Modules
Eco-conscious supplier provides installers, integrators and distributors high-quality, low-cost panels through vertical integration collaboration.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., July 8 /PRNewswire/ -- SET-Solar Corp., a provider of mono-crystalline photovoltaic solar modules, announced today it has established marketing and sales operations for its solar modules in the U.S. SET-Solar is part of a larger vertical integration strategy that includes Jiangsu Shunda PV-Tech Co. Ltd., one of the largest manufacturers of high-grade polysilicon and silicon wafers in China, and Solar Enertech, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SOEN - News), a U.S.-based company producing advanced solar cell technology. Through this strategic alliance, SET-Solar brings value to solar panel installers, integrators and distributors by offering them quality modules at direct pricing, without the mark up of middlemen or delays dealing with offshore suppliers.

"SET-Solar's unique vertically integrated manufacturing approach guarantees highly reliable products because we control the quality of the entire manufacturing process. We don't rely on outside suppliers for our panel components," stated Roland Chu, Chief Executive Officer at SET-Solar Corporation. "We not only control the quality of production but the volume as well, giving us ample supply to fill the increasing demand for solar modules now, and in the future."

With SET-Solar modules, customers realize a higher return on investment due to the higher power output per panel. The company's panels utilize state-of-the-art solar cell technology from Solar Enertech. These advanced solar cells have a higher photovoltaic conversion rate and render more power generating the most watts per area.

SET-Solar will showcase its product offerings at the Intersolar North America 2009 Conference and Exhibition in San Francisco, California, July 14-16, 2009 in Booth . The company will have specialists available to discuss solar solutions for large and small applications. SET-Solar will be among many new "green" suppliers exhibiting at the conference.

"We're very aware of the effects of the manufacturing process on the environment. After all, we're in business to protect the earth," commented Roland Chu. "We have one of the cleanest polysilicon refinery processes for our industry in existence. Our manufacturing facilities follow the strictest international standards for pollution control, toxic waste reclamation and sustained renewable resources."

About SET-Solar

SET-Solar Corporation is based in Mountain View, California. The Company markets and sells high-quality, mono-crystalline photovoltaic solar modules to integrators, installers and distributors in the U.S. SET-Solar is part of Jiangsu Shunda PV-Tech Co. Ltd., one of the largest manufacturers of high-grade polysilicon and silicon wafers in China, and Solar Enertech, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SOEN - News), a U.S.-based company producing advanced solar cell technology.



13.07.09 18:40

317 Postings, 5813 Tage chopsueysoen

Solar EnerTech to Showcase at Intersolar San Francisco and Secures Project to Install Solar Products within Hawaiian Charter School

   * Press Release
   * Source: Solar EnerTech Corp.
   * On Monday July 13, 2009, 10:20 am ED

      Solar enertech corp.

MENLO PARK, Calif., July 13 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- Solar EnerTech Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: SOEN - News; the "Company") today announced that it will appear at Intersolar San Francisco July 14 -16, 2009 under the name SET-Solar Corp, which is the Joint Venture between Solar EnerTech and Jiangsu Shunda Semiconductor. This event marks Solar EnerTech's premier as an exhibitor at an international PV trade show.
Related Quotes
    Symbol     Price    Change          §
   SOEN.OB      0.43+0.02

SET-Solar Corp commenced operating in May 2009. The joint venture utilizes Jiangsu Shunda Semiconductor's strength in polysilicon and wafer supply with Solar EnerTech's advanced solar cell technologies, resulting in a truly vertically-integrated operation in the U.S. market with services ranging from the production of polysilicon to ingots and wafers, to solar cells, panels and solar system installations.

The Company also announced today that SET-Solar Corp has won its first solar system installation project in the U.S. -- a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) project with the charter school system in Hawaii. Ka Waihano school, the site of the installation, is located in the city of Waianae, on the island of Oahu and is located on one of the sunniest areas on the Hawaiian islands where the sunlight is about 650 Kcal/sq-cm. With a goal of being independent from any electrical power grid, the Hawaiian Charter School system requires a total solar power of 4 megawatts. The current installation of 250 KW at the Ka Waihano school will be distributed over 3 buildings and Solar EnerTech's products have been chosen because of SET-Solar's local presence and support. The installation will begin in late July and is expected to be completed in mid-August.  

17.07.09 18:34

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juusa / china

Hallo an Alle

US, China announce clean energy research center

BEIJING (AP) -- The United States and China, the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitters, announced plans for a joint clean energy research center Wednesday, raising hopes of better cooperation in what is becoming an increasingly competitive industry.

With initial financing of $15 million and headquarters in both countries, the center will focus on clean coal, building efficiency, and clean vehicles, said U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. As a research clearinghouse for scientists, it can also highlight potential U.S.-Chinese cooperation in an industry that Washington says could create thousands of jobs.

"Today we are taking an important step forward on the clean energy cooperation we need," Chu said, making the joint announcement with China's Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang in the Great Hall of the People in central Beijing. "I know we can accomplish more by working together than by working alone."

The research center is an effort at compromise between the two governments, which disagree on whether China should join richer nations in adopting binding emissions-reduction targets to stave off environmental devastation from climate change.

Chu and U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke were in Beijing this week to lobby China to promote private-sector development of alternative energy such as solar, wind, biofuels and other clean energy. The two, both descendants of Chinese immigrants, met with Chinese ministers in charge of trade, technology, health and other areas.

Locke appealed to China to avoid trade barriers to clean technology. Some companies say Beijing is trying to build up its industry by shielding companies from competition, shutting foreign competitors out of wind power and other projects.

"We need to empower U.S. and Chinese entrepreneurs and innovators to create and collaborate free from artificial trade barriers," Locke said in a speech to an audience of American businesspeople.

President Barack Obama sees the development of cleaner energy as a source of growth and jobs for the struggling U.S. economy. His stimulus package includes billions of dollars for alternative energy research.

China is promoting solar, wind and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on imported oil and gas, which its communist leaders see as a strategic weakness. But Beijing has rejected binding emissions commitments, saying it is the responsibility of rich countries to cut their own output.

Most scientists agree that even a slight increase in global temperatures will wreak havoc as seasons shift, crops fail and storms and droughts ravage fields.

Earlier Wednesday, in a speech to students at the elite Tsinghua University, Chu said China and other developing countries should join the United States in setting mid-century targets to cut carbon emissions in the battle against global warming.

"We all live in the same world. The developed world did make the problem, I admit that, but the developing world is going to make the problem much, much worse," Chu said.

Chu, a Nobel laureate in physics, acknowledged that the U.S. and other developed nations were the first to emit such dangerous gases, but said the developing world was fast catching up.

If China continues on the same course without using more renewable resources the "amount of carbon China emits in the next 30 years will equal all the carbon the U.S. has emitted in the life of the country," he said. "We are all in this together so we have to fix it together."

"What the U.S. and China do in the coming decades will in a large part determine the fate of the world," he said.

Beijing has said it opposes proposed U.S. legislation that would impose tariffs on countries that do nothing to cut emissions.

"Our main concern is that the implementation of this policy will harm the interests of developing countries," a Commerce Ministry spokesman, Yao Jian, said Wednesday.

Yao said Beijing sees protectionist motives behind the bill and warned that it might trigger retaliation by developing countries.

Trade ties between the United States, the world's biggest economy, and No. 3 China are regarded as a key element of a recovery from the deepest global economic slump since the 1930s.

Beijing's currency controls and complaints about import and investment barriers are a chronic irritant in U.S.-Chinese trade relations.

China unsettled its trading partners when it announced in May that projects financed by its economic stimulus package are required to use domestically made goods whenever possible. Protectionism or barring foreign companies from Chinese contracts could be a "serious threat to trade cooperation," Locke warned.


28.07.09 19:56

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juVon USA

Hallo an alle.

They're not competing on the same turf. Set Solar is a joint venture of Shunda and Solar EnerTech. Solar EnerTech doesn't have UL listing but should be October / November. Shunda does have a UL listing so that is who is providing Set Solar products currently.

Overall, solar installations are picking up in California and the state legislature is apparently reviewing other legislation that could augment this. Set Solar is Solar EnerTech's entry way into the American market, but they need the UL certification. The companies are very much intertwined. Chris Hanabusa was the sales person for Solar EnerTech and is now the Area Sales Manager for Set Solar. Set Solar's address is the exact same as Solar EnerTech's American address. The joint venture isn't immediately producing revenues for Solar EnerTech in the American market but will in time. Based on my conversations with the Set Solar folks, they're off to a strong start.

Die Medien reden immer noch von übleren Krisenszenarien.Ich halten diese Ängste grundsätzlich für überzogen und sehe die aktuelle Situation für eine große Chance um noch mehr zu Investieren.(SOLAR ENERTECH ). In den nächsten Monaten werden deutliche Kursgewinne wahrscheinlich sein. Die "zittrigen Hände" sollten wieder einmal abgeschüttelt worden sein.


15.08.09 08:51

317 Postings, 5813 Tage chopsuey14. August, 2009, 9:00 AM EDT

Solar EnerTech Announces FY2009 Third Quarter Financial Results
Fiscal 3Q09 Module Shipments Increased 39% Compared to 3Q083Q09 Gross Margin Turned Positive 5% Compared to Flat in 3Q08
Press Release
Source: Solar EnerTech Corp.
On Friday August 14, 2009, 9:00 am EDT
      Buzz up! 0 Print.Companies:Solar Enertech Corp.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Aug. 14 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- Solar EnerTech Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: SOEN - News; the "Company") today announced financial results for the fiscal third quarter ended June 30, 2009.

In the 2009 third quarter, total module shipments increased 39% compared to the third quarter of the prior year period. Revenue decreased 1% to $10.1 million compared to $10.3 million in the third quarter of the prior year period. Revenue for the third quarter was comprised of approximately $6.6 million in solar modules sales, of which more than 95% were sold to Europe and Australia and $3.5 million in solar cell sales.

Third quarter 2009 gross profit increased to $486,000 compared to $37,000 in the third quarter in the prior year period as well as increased sequentially from a gross loss of $1.3 million for the 2009 second quarter. Third quarter 2009 gross margin was 5% of total sales compared to 0% of total sales in the prior year period. The improvement in gross margin was a result of recent cost restructuring and management focus on procurement.

Total operating expense for the fiscal 2009 third quarter was $3.1 million, or 30% of total net sales, which included a $1.5 million non-cash stock compensation charge related to the retention of the management team and a $36,000 non-cash charge for loss on debt extinguishment. Excluding these non-cash items, the operating expense for the quarter was $1.6 million, or 16% of total net sales. This compares to total operating expense for the fiscal 2008 third quarter of $3.3 million, or 32% of total net sales.

Net loss for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 was $6.8 million, or ($0.08) per basic and diluted share, compared to a net loss of $3.5 million, or ($0.03) per basic and diluted share in the same period in fiscal 2008. In the third quarter of fiscal 2009, the Company recorded a non-cash loss totaling $3.4 million associated with a change in the fair market value of compound embedded derivative liability and a change in the fair market value of warrant liability compared to a total non-cash gain of $0.1 million for these two same items in the third quarter of fiscal 2008. Excluding non-cash items, on a non-GAAP basis, the third quarter 2009 net loss was $3.4 million compared to a net loss of $3.6 million in the prior year period. Both the compound embedded derivative and warrant liabilities were recorded in conjunction with the convertible notes transaction entered into by the Company in March 2007.

Mr. Leo Young, Chief Executive Officer of Solar EnerTech commented, "Our recently completed third quarter marks a turning point for Solar EnerTech. We are seeing steady demand for our products in the regions in which we operate as evidenced by the 39% module shipment increase compared to the prior year period. We were also quite pleased to see a monthly improvement to our gross margin that turned positive in the third quarter. Further, our overall performance would have improved even more had we not endured a $3.4 million non-cash accounting charge. We believe the third quarter marks an inflection point in our business with improved operational and financial results from steady customer orders, improved sourcing, a reduction in non-essential expenditures, and leaner production schedule, all of which improves our competitive position as order demand for solar modules accelerates. We expect to see continued module volume and gross margin improvement for the remainder of our calendar year.

"While we have experienced volatile market conditions for the last several months, our focus on product quality coupled with our efforts in sales and support services has provided satisfaction among our major customers in Europe and Australia. To meet the increasing demand for higher output modules from existing and new customers, our R&D and technical teams are acutely focused on producing higher-efficiency cells to generate increased product demand.

"Although we are encouraged with our improved results, we still have a lot of room for improvement. For the remainder of the calendar year, our focus will be on improving our productivity, maximizing our financial performance and profitability, and enhancing the conversion rate of our solar cells. Additionally, we continue to support our new Joint Venture company, Shunda-SolarE Technologies, Inc., in the U.S. with its efforts to develop a strong base of customers and build up its local supply chain and support team. We believe the quality of our products and the strong customized support that we provide to our customers differentiates Solar EnerTech from many of the other key players in the worldwide PV industry. We look forward to further increasing the awareness of our solar products and expanding our presence in the market."

Financial Position

As of June 30, 2009, the Company had $3.3 million in cash, $6.4 million of accounts receivables, $0.9 million of prepayment primarily for purchase of raw materials and $4.6 million of inventories on hand. Additionally, as of June 30, 2009, the Company had $10.4 million of accounts payable, customer advance payment and accrued liabilities, $5.6 million of accrued liability due to related party, $0.6 million of derivative liabilities, $4.8 million of warrant liabilities and $11.6 million in principal of convertible notes due March 2010 outstanding, which are recorded at carrying value at $1.4 million.  

15.08.09 09:50

251 Postings, 6823 Tage donathjoseKommentar vom CEO Young:

Herr Leo Young, CEO von Solar EnerTech kommentiert, "unser vor kurzem abgeschlossene dritten Quartal einen Wendepunkt für Solar EnerTech markiert. Wir erleben verlässliche Nachfrage nach unserer Produkte in den Regionen, die in denen wir, operieren wie durch die 39 % Modul Lieferung Erhöhung gegenüber der Vorjahresperiode. Wir waren auch sehr gerne eine monatliche Verbesserung unserer Bruttomarge finden Sie unter, die im dritten Quartal positive aktiviert. Weiter, unsere Gesamtleistung würde sogar noch mehr verbessert haben wir eine Gebühr von $ 3,4 Millionen non-Cash Kontoführung nicht ertragen hatte. Wir glauben die dritten Quartal-Markierungen zeigen eine Flexion in unser Geschäft mit verbesserte operative und finanzielle Ergebnisse aus verlässliche Kunde bestellt, verbessert, Beschaffung, einen Rückgang der nicht unbedingt erforderlichen Aufwendungen und schlankere Fertigungsplan, alle unsere Wettbewerbsposition verbessert, wie Reihenfolge Nachfrage für Solarmodule beschleunigt. Wir erwarten, dass die weiterhin Modul Lautstärke und Verbesserung der Rohertragsmarge für den Rest der unsere Kalenderjahr angezeigt werden.

"Während wir volatilen Marktbedingungen für den letzten Monaten erlebt haben, unser Fokus auf Qualität gekoppelt mit unseren Bemühungen im Vertrieb und Support-Services hat Zufriedenheit zu unseren wichtigsten Kunden in Europa und Australien zur Verfügung gestellt. Um die steigende Nachfrage nach höheren Output-Module aus bestehenden und neuen Kunden gerecht zu werden, sich unsere Entwicklung und technischen Teams akut konzentrieren auf Herstellung höhere Effizienz Zellen um erhöhte Produkt Nachfrage zu generieren.

"Obwohl wir mit unserer verbesserten Ergebnissen ermutigt sind, haben wir noch viel Raum für Verbesserungen. Für den Rest des Kalenderjahres wird unser Fokus auf unsere Produktivität zu verbessern, maximieren unsere finanzielle Leistung und Profitabilität und Verbesserung der Umrechnungskurs von unserer Solarzellen sein. Darüber hinaus, wir weiterhin unterstützen, unser neues Joint Venture-Unternehmen, Shunda-SolarE Technologies, Inc., in den USA mit ihren Bemühungen zu eine starke Base des Kunden entwickeln und bauen ihre lokalen supply Chain und Team unterstützen. Wir glauben die Qualität unserer Produkte und die starke angepasste Unterstützung, die wir für unsere Kunden bereitstellen unterscheidet Solar EnerTech von vielen anderen die Key Player der weltweit PV-Industrie. Wir suchen forward weiter erhöhen das Bewusstsein unserer solar Produkte und erweitern unsere Präsenz auf dem Markt. ?  

14.09.09 17:28

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSOEN

Hallo an alle

It is surely frustrating to see it drift downward. I do believe the new CFO is making an impact with the improved margins of the last quarter and I expect this to continue moving forward. I am also expecting revenues this quarter to be around $15 to $16 million based on the German Systems Integrator order on top of already existing customer orders.

The key is improving the margins. If SOEN didn't pay out $1.6 in non-cash bonuses this past quarter for the retention of key executives, their margins would have been 20% instead of 5%. I'm not saying SOEN executives shouldn't earn bonuses since they take lower salaries on the average, but paying out 15% of your gross revenues to top management is way too excessive! SOEN has no excuses anymore on why they shouldn't be producing the same 15% to 20% margins as other solar companies. Having said this, I do think SOEN's margins will improve this current quarter but they probably won't make the leap up to 15% or greater. I would expect at least 10% and anything less will be inexcusable IMHO. Also, they need to be getting closer to 20% by their 1st fiscal quarter of next year or this will be cause for further alarm.

I would also expect SOEN to get and announce a UL listing here within the next 2 to 3 months. The SET Solar joint venture makes no sense without a UL listing. In addition to servicing existing customers, SOEN needs to obtain new customers and by entering into 'new' markets such as the United States and China, this will increase their ability to run at full capacity. Based on revenues of $10.1 million this past quarter, they appear to be generating 4 to 5 MW per quarter while their capacity is roughly 12.5 MW per quarter. There is plenty of room for improvement here. With the addition of the German systems integrator order, I'm expecting production to be at 7.5 MW or so and that is why I'm estimating that they'll do $15 to $16 million this quarter. The increase in revenues would be most welcomed by us investors but the real key is the improvement of margins... this is an absolute imperative for the company!

So I'm a buyer here at 29 cents and will be if for some reason it goes down to 20 cents. The only way I see it going down to 20 cents would be if we have a 10% correction in the major stock market indexes plus the company doesn't announce anything positive for investors to nimble on (such as a new contract, UL listing, 18% conversion efficiency, etc.). Many economists seem to believe a 10% in the markets in possible between now and the end of October which is precisely why I no longer think it will happen.


17.09.09 20:11

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSan Francisco

Hallo an alle.

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 15 (Reuters) - California's governor on Tuesday ordered that a third of the state's electricity come from renewable resources by 2020, the same amount as a legislature plan but with promises to let power companies get more electricity from outside the state.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said that his plan would help the state better meet its clean energy target by making it easier to import power. He also said the legislature's alternative would have required solar thermal plants to clear more regulatory hurdles before they could be built.

The most populous state is also the biggest U.S. alternative energy market, and its environmental standards including car pollution rules and green building regulations are models for national and international policies.

The state aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming to 1990 levels by 2020, and the governor has also called for the state to reduce carbon emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050.

"What they have proposed is a job killer," he said of the legislature's plan. "It also would give us a limited chance of reaching this goal (for cutting greenhouse gases). It also would raise rates and is protectionism to the highest level," the governor said in webcast remarks after signing the order. He will veto the legislature's plan.

The executive order puts the state's Air Resources Board in charge of implementing the 33 percent standard and it could develop detailed guidelines by the middle of next year.

Public Utilities Commission Deputy Director Nancy Ryan said that the commission aimed to keep the expansion of renewable energy "simple, flexible and workable."

"Unfortunately, the legislation was highly proscriptive and overly complex," Ryan said.

Some industry groups and renewable energy companies, such as Tempe, Arizona-based First Solar Inc (FSLR.O), had lined up in favor of the legislation and urged the governor to sign the bills.

Set Solar und Solar Enertech werden aus dem Geschäft in Carlinornien noch profitieren.


09.10.09 14:15

163 Postings, 6851 Tage Ju.juSüdafrika

Hallo an alle,
ich habe durch meine Verbindung nach Südafrika(Cape Town), einige Solarfirmen dort angerufen und Solar Enertech vorgestellt. Das Interesse scheint sehr groß zu sein. Das ganze habe ich mit Chris besprochen und durchgeführt. Informationen sind zu den Frimen geschickt worden, nun muss man sehen was daraus wird.
Meine mails die ich zu H. Young schicken werden zur Zeit nicht beantwortet, ich hoffe das es durch sehr viel arbeit bedingt ist. Die Produktionen in Shanghai laufen so viel ich weiß gut. Ich hoffe das die Jahresbilanz positv ausfällt( für uns alle). Außerdem weiß ich das in Indien Verhandlungen mit Solaranbietern stattfinden.
Ab den 21 Oktober ist H. . inden USA weil am 22 Okt. ein Board meeting mit allen Managern stattfindet, und es werden die letzten Vorbereitungen für die größte Solarmesse getroffen, die vom 27.-29 Okt. läuft.


09.10.09 15:02

251 Postings, 6823 Tage donathjose@Ju.JU Hello nice to see you again!

Hallo JU, es ist schön immer wieder von Dir zu lesen!

Ich glaube auch an SOEN  aber die Konsolidierung läuft schon (fast zu) lange...

Bitte gebe uns bald gute News von Mr. Young.

best regards

22.10.09 21:23

216 Postings, 6183 Tage yosemiteMesse ab oct.27.

ja, sie sind dabei. jetzt ist die gelegenheit auftraege einzufahren. es waere gut, wenn sie nach ende der messe den newsflow aktivieren wuerden.  

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