QUEST MINERALS+MNG (WKN: A0M92C) Produktionsstart?
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18B East 5th Street
Paterson, NJ 07524
p: (973) 684-0035
f: (973) 684-8009
Fortführung vom alten Quest-Thread (qmnm.ob):
Es hat sich in den letzten Wochen bei Quest einiges geändert, daher ein Update der Informationen, die bisher bekannt sind.
Quest Minerals und Mining plant zum 01.07.2008 mit der Rehabilation seiner ersten Mine fertig zu sein und mit der Produktion durch zu starten. Es werden mit Umsatz von ca. 125.000,-USD am Tag gerechnet.
Dieses stellt in Quest dann einen Wendepunkt dar. Ob dieser Termin dieses mal eingehalten werden kann, bleibt abzuwarten. Quest stand schon 2 x vor so einem Wendepunkt - konnte diesen aber durch viele Probleme dann doch nicht einhalten.
Quest wird laut aussagen vom CEO in diesem Quartal ~$50.000,- Umsatz generiert haben und im 10Q2-Bericht ausweisen können.
Alle Fragen, Antworten und Risiken sind in den alten Threads zu Quest nachzulesen! Dort können alle Informationen rückwirkend nachgelesen werden.
Ich hoffe auf einen interessanten Thread mit vielen guten Informationen rund um Quest und wenig inhaltslosem Bashing/Pushing!
Bitte überlegt lieber zweimal, was ihr hier öffentlich schreibt. Danke.
Noch einmal vorkramend und zusammenfassend:
Lasst euch bitte von den Zahlen nicht blenden ... wartet mit einem Investition auf einen nachhaltigen steigenden Kurs! Wenn der Kurs steigt - muss man wohl schnell sein. Wann das sein wird - das steht wirklich in den Sternen. Es kann Anfang Juli soweit sein - es kann aber auch erst zum 10Q2/2008-Bericht Mitte August ... oder erst zum 10Q3/2008-Bericht im November sein.
Fakt scheint zu sein - dass Quest im Mai wieder Kohle verkauft hat.
Quest hat seit diesem Jahr wieder eine gesicherte Kreditlinie von 1 Mio USD erhalten, auf welches zurück gegriffen werden soll, falls es Geldknappheit geben soll.
Quest hat bis Anfang des Jahres sich mit Dillution über Wasser gehalten.
Max. Shares sind 975Mio. Diese wurden letztes Jahr schon erreicht - es fand ein R/S statt. Ausgegebene Shares zur Zeit ~325 Mio.
Zu Quest gehört das Unternehmen Gwenco, welche IMHO vertraglich im Besitz von mindestens 9 Minen-Lizenzen sein soll. Ich habe einmal eine Auflistung erstellt - von Minen, die in den letzten Jahren in News erwähnt worden sind. Ob Quest/Gwenco heute noch die gültigen Lizenzen dazu beistzt, ist unklar:
Stand 2008-04-04:
1) Apollo #1: 3.500.000 tons
-> News: November 01, 2005
-> ~$80 USD/tons (~$280.000.000 USD)
1.a) Apollo #1 portal 1:
-> 40.000 - 50.000 raw tons per month
1.b) Apollo #1 portal 2:
-> 40.000 - 50.000 raw tons per month
-> over 13,000 BTU
-> Fireclay Rider coal
-> lower 12% ash
-> Sulfur 1.1%-1.4%
-> permit # 852-7254
2) Gwenco Taylor seam (Hurricane Branch): 1.783.500 tons
-> Fill: September 30, 2007
-> $80 USD/tons (~$142.680.000 USD)
2.a) Gwenco Taylor: 20k raw tons per month
-> 12,200 BTU
-> Sulfur 0.7%
-> 36" to 42" inches seam
3) Gwenco Pond Creek seam (Slaters Branch): 4.093.689 tons
-> News: April 5, 2007
-> Fill: September 30, 2007
-> ~$80 USD/tons (~$327.495.120 USD)
3.a) Pond Creek: 40k raw tons per month
-> over 13,000 BTU
-> 6% ash
-> Sulfur 0.5%
-> 36" to 44" inches seam
4) Gwenco Lower Cedar Grove (Slaters Branch): 3.702.600 tons
-> News: April 5, 2007
-> Fill: September 30, 2007
-> ~$80 USD/tons (~$296.208.000 USD)
4.a) Lower Cedar Grove: 40k raw tons per month
-> 13,476 BTU washed
-> Sulfur 0.7%
-> 50" inches seam
5) Burning Fork #1 (Pike County): 1.000.000 tons
-> News: Feb 10, 2004
-> ~$80 USD/tons (~$80.000.000 USD)
5.a) Burning Fork #1: 8k tons per month
-> contains Elkhorn #3 coal
6) Winifrede: 214,650 tons
-> Fill: September 30, 2007
-> ~$40 USD/tons (~$8.586.000 USD)
6.a) (??)
-> Seam 065 - KDMM Code 720010 (LOCAL USAGE AT POND CREEK) (??)
7) Letcher county
7.a) (??)
8) Floyd county
8.a) (??)
9) Knott county
9.a) (??)
10) Powell Branch Energy Elkhorn #3: 1,400,000 tons
-> News: January 4, 2008
-> ~$80 USD/tons (~$112.000.000 USD)
10.a) Powell Branch Energy Elkhorn #3: 30,000 tons per month
-> 55" to 60" inches seam
11) McCoy Heirs Elkhorn #3: 1.000.000 tons
-> News: January 10, 2008
-> ~$80 USD/tons (~$80.000.000 USD)
11.a) Elkhorn #3:
-> 6,000 raw tons per month
12) Mud Creek, Kentucky - Elkhorn #2 seam (Parsons Branch): 450,000 tons
-> News: July 21, 2006
-> Letter of Intent with Parsons Branch.
<=Ende Part 1=>
bei der letzten blabla-Meldung waren's (wenn ich mich dunkel erinnern mag) ~262 Mio Shares ... welche gehandelt oder neu auf den Markt geschmissen wurden?!?
ohne Worte ...
14:10.2010 Nasdaq OTC O. : 94.499.944 Shares
Times & Sales | |||
Uhrzeit | Kurs | letztes Volumen | kumuliert |
21:57:41 | 0,0006 | 10.000 | 92.371.546 |
21:54:00 | 0,0006 | 500.000 | 92.361.546 |
21:50:47 | 0,0006 | 200.000 | 91.861.546 |
21:46:59 | 0,0006 | 3.000.000 | 91.661.546 |
21:44:48 | 0,0006 | 3.905.000 | 88.661.546 |
21:44:48 | 0,0006 | 9.000.000 | 84.756.546 |
21:44:48 | 0,0006 | 9.000.000 | 75.756.546 |
21:12:37 | 0,0006 | 70.000 | 66.756.546 |
21:12:32 | 0,0007 | 50.000 | 66.686.546 |
21:12:24 | 0,0007 | 60.000 | 66.636.546 |
21:12:23 | 0,0007 | 60.000 | 66.576.546 |
21:12:21 | 0,0007 | 60.000 | 66.516.546 |
21:11:06 | 0,0006 | 1.900.000 | 66.456.546 |
21:10:34 | 0,0006 | 5.000 | 64.556.546 |
21:09:48 | 0,0006 | 214.999 | 64.551.546 |
21:08:49 | 0,0006 | 150.000 | 64.336.547 |
21:08:43 | 0,0006 | 5.000 | 64.186.547 |
20:47:53 | 0,0006 | 200.000 | 64.181.547 |
20:32:43 | 0,0007 | 40.000 | 63.981.547 |
19:47:25 | 0,0006 | 680.000 | 63.941.547 |
19:18:05 | 0,0007 | 20.000 | 63.261.547 |
19:14:36 | 0,0007 | 20.000 | 63.241.547 |
19:10:55 | 0,0006 | 500.000 | 63.221.547 |
19:09:52 | 0,0006 | 80.000 | 62.721.547 |
18:52:13 | 0,0007 | 322.814 | 62.641.547 |
18:52:04 | 0,0007 | 322.900 | 62.318.733 |
18:42:37 | 0,0007 | 500.000 | 61.995.833 |
18:40:40 | 0,0007 | 1.000.000 | 61.495.833 |
18:38:00 | 0,0007 | 1.000.000 | 60.495.833 |
18:37:54 | 0,0007 | 205.000 | 59.495.833 |
18:35:56 | 0,0007 | 76.500 | 59.290.833 |
18:35:44 | 0,0007 | 76.357 | 59.214.333 |
18:33:48 | 0,0007 | 3.000.000 | 59.137.976 |
18:32:32 | 0,0007 | 166.500 | 56.137.976 |
18:32:18 | 0,0007 | 166.500 | 55.971.476 |
18:29:30 | 0,0007 | 400.000 | 55.804.976 |
18:29:28 | 0,0007 | 1.500.000 | 55.404.976 |
18:26:32 | 0,0007 | 1.100.000 | 53.904.976 |
18:25:23 | 0,0007 | 200.000 | 52.804.976 |
18:24:27 | 0,0007 | 680.000 | 52.604.976 |
18:19:55 | 0,0007 | 240.000 | 51.924.976 |
18:19:01 | 0,0007 | 785.000 | 51.684.976 |
18:19:01 | 0,0007 | 785.000 | 50.899.976 |
18:12:16 | 0,0007 | 125.000 | 50.114.976 |
18:09:12 | 0,0007 | 50.000 | 49.989.976 |
18:08:50 | 0,0007 | 200.000 | 49.939.976 |
18:08:36 | 0,0007 | 1.250.000 | 49.739.976 |
18:08:29 | 0,0007 | 835.714 | 48.489.976 |
18:08:16 | 0,0007 | 2.250.815 | 47.654.262 |
18:07:52 | 0,0008 | 125.000 | 45.403.447 |
18:07:49 | 0,0007 | 1.000.000 | 45.278.447 |
18:07:38 | 0,0007 | 500.000 | 44.278.447 |
18:07:07 | 0,0008 | 200.000 | 43.778.447 |
18:07:07 | 0,0008 | 640.000 | 43.578.447 |
18:06:39 | 0,0008 | 850.000 | 42.938.447 |
18:04:15 | 0,0008 | 115.000 | 42.088.447 |
18:03:25 | 0,0008 | 95.000 | 41.973.447 |
18:02:56 | 0,0008 | 1.637.135 | 41.878.447 |
18:02:56 | 0,0008 | 162.865 | 40.241.312 |
18:02:24 | 0,0008 | 2.000.000 | 40.078.447 |
18:02:21 | 0,0008 | 80.000 | 38.078.447 |
18:02:13 | 0,0008 | 190.000 | 37.998.447 |
18:01:25 | 0,0008 | 3.500 | 37.808.447 |
18:01:01 | 0,0008 | 645.000 | 37.804.947 |
18:00:52 | 0,0008 | 300.000 | 37.159.947 |
18:00:50 | 0,0007 | 5.000 | 36.859.947 |
17:59:50 | 0,0008 | 5.000 | 36.854.947 |
17:59:47 | 0,0008 | 10.000 | 36.849.947 |
17:59:47 | 0,0008 | 20.000 | 36.839.947 |
17:59:30 | 0,0007 | 1.535.000 | 36.819.947 |
17:58:50 | 0,0007 | 2.500.000 | 35.284.947 |
17:58:50 | 0,0007 | 1.000.000 | 32.784.947 |
17:58:28 | 0,0007 | 305.000 | 31.784.947 |
17:58:28 | 0,0007 | 200.000 | 31.479.947 |
17:58:19 | 0,0007 | 5.000 | 31.279.947 |
17:58:17 | 0,0007 | 5.000 | 31.274.947 |
17:58:15 | 0,0007 | 935.784 | 31.269.947 |
17:58:15 | 0,0007 | 705.800 | 30.334.163 |
17:58:12 | 0,0007 | 305.000 | 29.628.363 |
17:57:44 | 0,0007 | 800.000 | 29.323.363 |
17:57:36 | 0,0007 | 390.000 | 28.523.363 |
17:57:28 | 0,0007 | 5.000 | 28.133.363 |
17:57:27 | 0,0007 | 125.700 | 28.128.363 |
17:57:13 | 0,0007 | 800.000 | 28.002.663 |
17:56:51 | 0,0007 | 5.000 | 27.202.663 |
17:56:22 | 0,0007 | 94.200 | 27.197.663 |
17:55:47 | 0,0007 | 1.000.000 | 27.103.463 |
17:55:30 | 0,0007 | 200.000 | 26.103.463 |
17:55:01 | 0,0007 | 600.000 | 25.903.463 |
17:54:47 | 0,0007 | 500.000 | 25.303.463 |
17:54:47 | 0,0007 | 10.000 | 24.803.463 |
17:54:47 | 0,0007 | 65.000 | 24.793.463 |
17:54:28 | 0,0007 | 500.000 | 24.728.463 |
17:54:10 | 0,0007 | 1.000.000 | 24.228.463 |
17:53:42 | 0,0007 | 250.000 | 23.228.463 |
17:53:37 | 0,0007 | 500.000 | 22.978.463 |
17:53:30 | 0,0007 | 70.000 | 22.478.463 |
17:53:30 | 0,0007 | 925.000 | 22.408.463 |
17:53:25 | 0,0007 | 300.000 | 21.483.463 |
17:53:23 | 0,0007 | 3.125.000 | 21.183.463 |
17:53:23 | 0,0007 | 1.400.000 | 18.058.463 |
17:53:23 | 0,0007 | 3.125.000 | 16.658.463 |
17:53:23 | 0,0007 | 625.000 | 13.533.463 |
17:51:32 | 0,0007 | 200.000 | 12.908.463 |
17:51:14 | 0,0007 | 215.000 | 12.708.463 |
17:51:13 | 0,0007 | 625.000 | 12.493.463 |
17:51:02 | 0,0007 | 400.000 | 11.868.463 |
17:51:02 | 0,0007 | 100.000 | 11.468.463 |
17:50:49 | 0,0007 | 266.500 | 11.368.463 |
17:50:45 | 0,0007 | 5.000 | 11.101.963 |
17:50:09 | 0,0006 | 921.447 | 11.096.963 |
17:50:09 | 0,0006 | 734.368 | 10.175.516 |
17:50:09 | 0,0006 | 595.000 | 9.441.148 |
17:49:26 | 0,0006 | 471.365 | 8.846.148 |
17:49:20 | 0,0006 | 31.135 | 8.374.783 |
17:49:19 | 0,0006 | 1.968.865 | 8.343.648 |
17:49:19 | 0,0006 | 605.835 | 6.374.783 |
17:49:19 | 0,0006 | 1.394.165 | 5.768.948 |
17:49:15 | 0,0006 | 1.935.784 | 4.374.783 |
17:44:39 | 0,0006 | 89.000 | 2.438.999 |
17:29:49 | 0,0005 | 41.004 | 2.349.999 |
17:29:37 | 0,0005 | 255.000 | 2.308.995 |
17:29:37 | 0,0005 | 3.996 | 2.053.995 |
17:28:13 | 0,0006 | 850.000 | 2.049.999 |
17:26:56 | 0,0005 | 200.000 | 1.199.999 |
16:31:44 | 0,0006 | 799.999 | 999.999 |
16:31:42 | 0,0006 | 200.000 | 200.000 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
werde meine verbliebenen 15 !!!!! shares jetzt endgültig aus meinem Depot entfernen lassen, da ich mir den traurigen 100% Verlust nicht länger ansehen will. Habe was für mein ganzes Börsenleben gelernt.
Der Typ ist ein gerissener Betrüger und hat mich auch getäuscht.
Viel Glück allen, die noch investiert sind oder sich sogar mit dem Gedanken des Kaufens/Nachkaufens beschäftigen. Die sollten aber vorher mal odentlich recherchieren.
Ja - traurige Sache hier :-(
Dank Dir trotzdem noch einmal für Deine gesamten Bemühungen!
Nachkaufen erst einmal nicht ... aber ich werd' Quest auch nicht rauswerfen ... evtl. kommt ja doch noch einen Aktion von Eugene ;-)
stay coal ...
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
ja - haben wir schon den 1. April ... ?!? kaum zu glauben ... ;-) -------------------------------------------------- Source: Kentucky Energy, Inc. |
Kentucky Energy, Inc. Releases Chairman's Letter to Shareholders |
PATERSON, N.J., Sept. 21, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kentucky Energy, Inc. (Pink Sheets:QMIN) (Kentucky Energy), a Kentucky based operator of energy and mineral related properties, today announced the release of a Chairman's Letter to Shareholders. The full text of the letter appears below: Kentucky Energy, Inc. Chairman's Letter to Shareholders - September 21, 2010 Dear Shareholders: I believe our company faces a bright future. As you have noticed, our coal revenues have been stable. In total, Kentucky Energy revenues for 2010 through the end of August 2010, are $2,049,799, compared to $442,499 for the same period in 2009, which represents a revenue increase of 363%. We currently have ongoing developments that we believe will enhance our production. Our productive mining operations are evident from our revenue results. Upgraded equipment has allowed us to maintain consistency in production. A thickened coal seam has improved our rates of recovery and allowed us to sustain increased revenues. As you know, Gwenco leases over 700 acres of coal mines, with approximately 12,999,000 tons of coal in place. In 2007, Gwenco reopened their deep mine and began production at the Pond Creek seam. This seam of high quality compliance coal is located at Slater's Branch, South Williamson, Kentucky. Kentucky Energy is also seeking to diversify its operations into other sectors of the energy industry, including the oil and gas sector. Kentucky Energy management believes that a successful diversification into the oil and gas field would provide Kentucky Energy with an opportunity to improve its results of operations while hedging on coal production and prices. I remain excited about our future and I ask for your support through your personal investments in the company as well as those from your friends and families. Sincerely, Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. About Kentucky Energy, Inc.: Kentucky Energy, Inc. acquires and operates energy and mineral related properties in the southeastern part of the United States. The Company focuses its efforts on properties that produce quality compliance blend coal. For more information on Kentucky Energy, Inc., please visit our website: Forward Looking Statement: This press release contains items that may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Kentucky Energy, Inc. believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations include, but are not limited to, lack of revenue-producing operations, lack of working capital, debt obligations, judgment and lien claims against Kentucky Energy, Inc. and certain of its assets, difficulties in refinancing short term debt, difficulties identifying and acquiring complementary businesses, fluctuations in coal, oil and gas, and other energy prices, general economic conditions in markets in which Kentucky Energy, Inc. does business, extensive environmental and stock and other uncertainties and business issues that are detailed in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CONTACT: Kentucky Energy, Inc. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. 973-684-0035 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Source: Kentucky Energy, Inc. |
Kentucky Energy Expands Into Oil and Gas Exploration and Development |
PATERSON, N.J., Sept. 29, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kentucky Energy, Inc. (Pink Sheets:QMIN) (Kentucky Energy), a Kentucky based operator of energy and mineral related properties, has elected to expand its energy based operations into oil and natural gas exploration and development. The Company is in the final stages of exercising an option on over 3,000 acres in Rockcastle County, Kentucky, in drilling participation with United States Energy Corp. (USE). In anticipation of drilling, USE has surveyed three drill sites and is in the process of preparing permits for the drill sites in conjunction with the participation development agreement. There are three potential economic horizons. The Knox formation at about 2700 feet deep is the primary target. The Sunnybrook (Middle Ordovician) is a viable secondary prospect. Upon completion of the option, Kentucky Energy intends to participate in at least two test wells this year with other industry partners. Kentucky Energy and United States Energy have mutually agreed to enter into a substantive Area of Mutual Interest Agreement which could result in the acquisition of up to an additional 10,000 acres by Kentucky Energy. Kentucky Energy Chairman, Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr., noted, "With the intense interest in the Marcellus Shale and other Appalachian "tight sands" we feel this acreage play positions the Company for an exciting and extensive play in the oil and gas sector, hedging against our current position as a provider of high quality compliance coal." About Kentucky Energy, Inc.: Kentucky Energy, Inc. acquires and operates energy and mineral related properties in the southeastern part of the United States. The Company focuses its efforts on properties that produce quality compliance blend coal. For more information on Kentucky Energy, Inc., please visit our website: Forward Looking Statement: This press release contains items that may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Kentucky Energy, Inc. believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations include, but are not limited to, lack of revenue-producing operations, lack of working capital, debt obligations, judgment and lien claims against Kentucky Energy, Inc. and certain of its assets, difficulties in refinancing short term debt, difficulties identifying and acquiring complementary businesses, fluctuations in coal, oil and gas, and other energy prices, general economic conditions in markets in which Kentucky Energy, Inc. does business, extensive environmental and stock and other uncertainties and business issues that are detailed in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CONTACT: Kentucky Energy, Inc. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. 973-684-0035 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Source: Kentucky Energy, Inc. |
Kentucky Energy Announces OTCBB Listing Application |
PATERSON, N.J., Oct. 7, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kentucky Energy, Inc. (Pink Sheets:QMIN) (Kentucky Energy), a Kentucky based operator of energy and mineral related properties, today announced that market maker, Spartan Securities Group, Ltd., filed an application to resume quotation of Kentucky Energy's shares of common stock on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Kentucky Energy's shares are currently quoted on the OTCQB, a newly created marketplace of U.S. registered and reporting companies that are current on their reporting to the SEC. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr., President of Kentucky Energy, Inc., stated, "We are pleased to report that Spartan Securities has applied to resume quotation of Kentucky Energy's shares on the OTCBB. Kentucky Energy has timely filed its SEC reports over the last year, and we are hoping that FINRA approves Spartan's application and that our shares resume quotation on the OTCBB in the very near future." About Kentucky Energy, Inc.: Kentucky Energy, Inc. acquires and operates energy and mineral related properties in the southeastern part of the United States. The Company focuses its efforts on properties that produce quality compliance blend coal. For more information on Kentucky Energy, Inc., please visit our website: Forward Looking Statement: This press release contains items that may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Kentucky Energy, Inc. believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations include, but are not limited to, lack of revenue-producing operations, lack of working capital, debt obligations, judgment and lien claims against Kentucky Energy, Inc. and certain of its assets, difficulties in refinancing short term debt, difficulties identifying and acquiring complementary businesses, fluctuations in coal, oil and gas, and other energy prices, general economic conditions in markets in which Kentucky Energy, Inc. does business, extensive environmental and stock and other uncertainties and business issues that are detailed in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CONTACT: Kentucky Energy, Inc. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. 973-684-0035 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Source: Kentucky Energy, Inc. |
Kentucky Energy Announces Oil and Gas Exploration Opportunity |
PATERSON, N.J., Oct. 19, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kentucky Energy, Inc. (Pink Sheets:QMIN) (Kentucky Energy), a Kentucky based operator of energy and mineral related properties, today announced that the Company has identified its first two drilling locations in the Rockcastle County, Kentucky lease. Kentucky Energy has determined, in conjunction with its field operator, United States Energy, that the first well will be drilled on the Ricky Bullock Lease. United States Energy has completed the engineering survey maps required to be filed as a prerequisite to obtain drilling permits authorized by the Oil and Gas Division of the Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals. Four survey plats have been prepared for the 3,000 acre lease where the Company plans to explore for oil and natural gas within the Knox Formation. The primary target horizon is at the 2700 feet level. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr., President of Kentucky Energy, stated, "We are pleased to have the opportunity to diversify our Company's revenue streams. We believe oil and gas exploration enhances our ability to improve shareholder value." About Kentucky Energy, Inc.: Kentucky Energy, Inc. acquires and operates energy and mineral related properties in the southeastern part of the United States. The Company focuses its efforts on properties that produce quality compliance blend coal. For more information on Kentucky Energy, Inc., please visit our website: Forward Looking Statement: This press release contains items that may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Kentucky Energy, Inc. believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations include, but are not limited to, lack of revenue-producing operations, lack of working capital, debt obligations, judgment and lien claims against Kentucky Energy, Inc. and certain of its assets, difficulties in refinancing short term debt, difficulties identifying and acquiring complementary businesses, fluctuations in coal, oil and gas, and other energy prices, general economic conditions in markets in which Kentucky Energy, Inc. does business, extensive environmental and stock and other uncertainties and business issues that are detailed in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CONTACT: Kentucky Energy, Inc. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. 973-684-0035 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Da läuten die Glocken zum nächsten R/S irgendwann in den kommenden 4 Monaten ;-)
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
10-Q 1 v203578_10q.htm
Commission File No.: 000-30291 |
Utah | 87-0429950 |
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) | (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) |
18B East 5th Street Paterson, NJ 07524 (Address of principal executive offices) |
Large accelerated filter o | Accelerated filter o | |
Non-accelerated filter o (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) | Smaller reporting company x |
Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format: Yes
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
sorry, Message sieht etwas komisch aus ... ariva hat beim Editor irgendwelche Konvertierungsprobleme ... für jede Tabellenzeile wird über der Tabelle eine Leerzeile eingefügt ... grmpf ... man muss also ein wenig runter Scrollen ...oder sicht das Quell-Dokument direkt anschauen
September 30, | December 31, | |||||||
2010 | 2009 | |||||||
(Unaudited) | ||||||||
ASSETS | ||||||||
Current assets: | ||||||||
Cash | $ | 34,314 | $ | 7,254 | ||||
Receivables | 13,000 | 112,282 | ||||||
Prepaid expenses | 11,062 | 8,227 | ||||||
Total current assets | 58,376 | 127,763 | ||||||
Other assets: | ||||||||
Leased Mineral Reserves, net | 5,166,903 | 5,187,317 | ||||||
Mine development, net | 28,307 | 113,207 | ||||||
Equipment, net | 106,118 | 133,184 | ||||||
Deposits | 83,643 | 48,986 | ||||||
Total assets | $ | 5,443,347 | $ | 5,610,457 | ||||
Current Liabilities: | ||||||||
Accounts payable and accrued expenses (Note 3) | $ | 3,770,419 | $ | 3,060,061 | ||||
Loans payable-current portion, net (Note 4) | 2,816,874 | 996,995 | ||||||
Total current liabilities | 6,587,293 | 4,057,056 | ||||||
Long-Term Liabilities: | ||||||||
Loans payable-long term portion, net (Note 4) | 94,945 | 2,075,927 | ||||||
Restructured debt - long term portion, net (Note 4) | 1,789,157 | 558,833 | ||||||
Related party loans, net (Note 4) | 713,818 | 300,468 | ||||||
Total long-term liabilities | 2,597,920 | 2,935,228 | ||||||
Total liabilities | 9,185,213 | 6,992,284 | ||||||
Commitments and contingencies (Note 7) | - | - | ||||||
Deficiency in stockholders' equity | ||||||||
Preferred stock, par value $0.001, 25,000,000 shares authorized | ||||||||
SERIES A - issued and outstanding 20,726 shares | 21 | 21 | ||||||
SERIES B - issued and outstanding 48,284 shares | 48 | 48 | ||||||
SERIES C - issued and outstanding 260,000 shares | 260 | 260 | ||||||
Common stock, par value $0.0001, 2,500,000,000 shares authorized (Note 6) issued and outstanding 467,800,655 and 17,457,239 shares as of September 30, 2010 and December 31, 2009, respectively | 46,781 | 1,746 | ||||||
Common stock to be issued | - | 5,648 | ||||||
Equity allowance | (587,500 | ) | (587,500 | ) | ||||
Paid-in capital | 70,591,581 | 69,846,336 | ||||||
Accumulated deficit | (73,793,057 | ) | (70,648,386 | ) | ||||
Total deficiency in stockholders' equity | (3,741,866 | ) | (1,381,827 | ) | ||||
Total liabilities and deficiency in stockholders' equity | $ | 5,443,347 | $ | 5,610,457 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | |||||||||||||||
2010 | 2009 | 2010 | 2009 | |||||||||||||
Coal revenues | $ | 784,841 | $ | 348,334 | $ | 2,243,192 | $ | 678,648 | ||||||||
Production costs | (974,641 | ) | (655,566 | ) | (2,803,820 | ) | (1,344,334 | ) | ||||||||
Gross loss | (189,800 | ) | (307,232 | ) | (560,628 | ) | (665,686 | ) | ||||||||
Operating expenses: | ||||||||||||||||
Selling, general and administrative | 300,633 | 574,981 | 1,008,836 | 1,295,002 | ||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 44,310 | 40,862 | 132,379 | 118,802 | ||||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 344,943 | 615,843 | 1,141,215 | 1,413,804 | ||||||||||||
Net loss from operations | (534,743 | ) | (923,075 | ) | (1,701,843 | ) | (2,079,490 | ) | ||||||||
Other income (expense): | ||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on debt settlements | - | (1,200,305 | ) | 16,026 | (1,201,226 | ) | ||||||||||
Interest, net | (460,933 | ) | (233,189 | ) | (1,458,854 | ) | (526,738 | ) | ||||||||
Net loss before income taxes | (995,676 | ) | (2,356,569 | ) | (3,144,671 | ) | (3,807,454 | ) | ||||||||
Provision for income taxes | - | - | - | - | ||||||||||||
Net loss | $ | (995,676 | ) | $ | (2,356,569 | ) | $ | (3,144,671 | ) | $ | (3,807,454 | ) | ||||
Basic and diluted (loss) per common share | $ | (0.0040 | ) | $ | (2.2533 | ) | $ | (0.0251 | ) | $ | (6.5806 | ) | ||||
Weighted average common shares outstanding | 248,790,264 | 1,045,821 | 125,146,163 | 578,589 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
2010 | 2009 | |||||||
Operating Activities | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | (3,144,671 | ) | $ | (3,807,454 | ) | ||
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities: | ||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 132,379 | 118,802 | ||||||
Stock issued for interest | 11,768 | - | ||||||
Stock issued for services | 247,120 | 571,348 | ||||||
Stock compensation | 100,000 | - | ||||||
Gain (loss) on debt settlements | (16,026 | ) | 1,201,226 | |||||
Amortization of discount on convertible notes - interest expense | 982,065 | 142,022 | ||||||
Amortization of deferred issuance costs | - | 226 | ||||||
Amortization of royalty costs | 2,647 | 12,316 | ||||||
Changes in operating assets and liabilities: | ||||||||
Decrease (Increase) in receivables | 99,282 | (120,873 | ) | |||||
Increase in prepaid expenses | (2,835 | ) | (8,835 | ) | ||||
Increase in accounts payable and accrued expenses | 1,083,112 | 984,801 | ||||||
Net cash used in operating activities | (505,159 | ) | (906,421 | ) | ||||
Investing Activities | ||||||||
Mine development | - | - | ||||||
Equipment purchased | - | (12,000 | ) | |||||
Restricted cash | - | (19,651 | ) | |||||
Security deposits | (34,657 | ) | (5,916 | ) | ||||
Net cash used in investing activities | (34,657 | ) | (37,567 | ) | ||||
Financing Activities | ||||||||
Repayment of borrowings | (1,131,407 | ) | (167,069 | ) | ||||
Borrowings | 1,698,283 | 1,097,869 | ||||||
Net cash provided by financing activities | 566,876 | 930,800 | ||||||
Increase (decrease) in cash | 27,060 | (13,188 | ) | |||||
Cash at beginning of period | 7,254 | 13,439 | ||||||
Cash at end of period | $ | 34,314 | $ | 251 | ||||
Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information | ||||||||
Cash paid during the period: | ||||||||
Interest | $ | - | $ | 2,621 | ||||
Services | $ | 35,774 | $ | 2,300 | ||||
Income taxes | $ | - | $ | - | ||||
Non-cash financing activites: | ||||||||
Conversions of note principal and interest | $ | 636,025 | $ | 705,771 |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Kentucky Energy, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2010 Operation Results
Third Quarter Highlights - Ninth Month Year Over Year Revenue Increase of 231%
PATERSON, N.J., Nov. 30, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kentucky Energy, Inc. (Pink Sheets:QMIN) (Kentucky Energy), a Kentucky based operator of energy and mineral related properties, today announced the financial results for September 30, 2010.
The Company's coal revenues were $2,243,192 for the nine months ended September 30, 2010, as compared to $678,648 for the nine months ended September 30, 2009, an increase of approximately 231%. For the third quarter, the Company's coal revenues were $764,841 for the three months ended September 30, 2010, as compared to $348,334 for the three months ended September 30, 2009, an increase of 125%.
The Company incurred an operation loss of $344,943 for the three months ended September 30, 2010, compared to an operating loss of $615,843 for the three months ended September 30, 2009. For the year to date, the Company incurred an operating loss of $1,701,843 for the nine months ended September 30, 2010, compared to an operating loss of $2,079,490 for the nine months ended September 30, 2009.
Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr., President of Kentucky Energy, stated, "We are pleased to report that our revenues from coal sales generated from our mining operations for the year to date have exceeded $2.2 million. This represents a substantial increase in revenues of over 230% from the comparable period in 2009, and it shows that we have turned our operations around to the point where we are consistently generating meaningful revenue on a monthly basis.
"We are continuing to take steps to improve our operational performance and increase revenues. In addition to taking steps to improve our operational efficiency, we remain focused on improving our financial liquidity in order to provide us with additional working capital and capital expenditures. We continue to seek a larger credit facility, which we believe would allow us to make the necessary capital expenditures and provide sufficient working capital in order to accelerate our desired revenue growth. Our team is very focused on getting these milestones successfully concluded and enhancing value for our stockholders."
"We also continue to believe that demand for coal, both in the United States and abroad, is rebounding and getting stronger, with U.S. and Asian steel producers continuing to show positive signs."
About Kentucky Energy, Inc.: Kentucky Energy, Inc. acquires and operates energy and mineral related properties in the southeastern part of the United States. The Company focuses its efforts on properties that produce quality compliance blend coal. For more information on Kentucky Energy, Inc., please visit our website:
Forward Looking Statement: This press release contains items that may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Kentucky Energy, Inc. believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations include, but are not limited to, lack of revenue-producing operations, lack of working capital, debt obligations, judgment and lien claims against Kentucky Energy, Inc. and certain of its assets, difficulties in refinancing short term debt, difficulties identifying and acquiring complementary businesses, fluctuations in coal, oil and gas, and other energy prices, general economic conditions in markets in which Kentucky Energy, Inc. does business, extensive environmental and stock and other uncertainties and business issues that are detailed in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
CONTACT: Kentucky Energy, Inc. Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. 973-684-0035
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
ISIN: US49127G2084
Mich stört da die Aktien-Bezeichnung wieder ... "KENTUCKY ENERGY INC NEW Aktie" ...
!-- New Aktie --! das hört sich mal wieder nur nach Übergangs-Position an ...
Schade ... da schrieb doch jemand ein paar Posting weiter oben "tiefer kann es ja nicht mehr gehen ..." Eugene hat uns mal wieder eines besseren belehrt ... :-(
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Datum Eröffnung Tief Hoch Schluß §
10.02.11 0,0035 0,0026 0,0035 0,0026 §
09.02.11 0,004 0,0033 0,0045 0,0033 §
08.02.11 0,0032 0,0032 0,006 0,0035 §
07.02.11 0,0042 0,0032 0,005 0,0032 §
04.02.11 0,003 0,002 0,008 0,0047 §
03.02.11 0,01 0,003 0,01 0,0035 §
01.02.11 0,125 0,0625 0,125 0,0625 §
31.01.11 0,005 0,0025 0,005 0,0025 §
28.01.11 0,0025 0,0025 0,005 0,005 §
27.01.11 0,0025 0,0025 0,005 0,005 §
26.01.11 0,0025 0,0025 0,005 0,0025 §
25.01.11 0,005 0,0025 0,005 0,0025 §
24.01.11 0,0025 0,0025 0,005 0,0025 §
21.01.11 0,0025 0,0025 0,005 0,0025 §
20.01.11 0,005 0,0025 0,005§0,0025
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Commission File Number 000-32131
Utah | 87-0429950 |
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) | (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) |
18B East 5th Street Paterson, NJ 07524 (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code) |
Large accelerated filter o | Accelerated filter o | |
Non-accelerated filter o | (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) | Smaller reporting company x |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Kentucky Energy, Inc. (Registrant) | |||
Date: May 12, 2011 | By: | Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr. | |
Eugene Chiaramonte, Jr., President | |||
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]
SEC Accession No. 0001144204-11-031876
Filing Date 2011-05-23
Accepted 2011-05-23 17:03:55
Period of Report 2011-03-31
Filing Date Changed 2011-05-23
IRS NUMBER: 870429950
SEC ACT: 1934 Act
SEC FILE NUMBER: 000-32131
FILM NUMBER: 11865662
STREET 2: P.O. BOX 843
ZIP: 41514
BUSINESS PHONE: 606-433-1926
STREET 2: P.O. BOX 843
ZIP: 41514
Commission File No.: 000-30291 |
Utah | 87-0429950 |
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) | (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) |
18B East 5th Street Paterson, NJ 07524 (Address of principal executive offices) |
Large accelerated filter o | Accelerated filter o |
Non-accelerated filter o (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) | Smaller reporting company x |
Alles wie immer IMHO! Das ist nur "meine" Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko. AYOR!
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