The Sainshand wind farm in Mongolia, the third privately financed wind farm in the country, will receive a US$ 120 million project financing package from a group of international investors and financiers.Located 460 km south-east of Ulaanbaatar in the Gobi Desert, Sainshand Salkhin Park LLC is sponsored by French energy leader ENGIE, German project developer Ferrostaal, Danish Climate Investment Fund (DCIF) and Mongolian entrepreneur, Radnaabazar Davaanyam, with long-term financing provided by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The lenders have agreed to provide a total project financing of US$ 78.5 million, which comprises EIB funding of US$ 47 million, of which the first tranche will be guaranteed by EKF, Denmark?s Export Credit Agency, with NORD/LB acting as agent; and EBRD funding of US$ 31.5 million
55 MW Vestasturbinen s.#666