Wer sagt denn, das die Apple iWatch nicht doch ein Liquidmetal Gehäuse hat ?
Meint doch ein US-User;
"If Apple Inc. has not used Amorphous alloys for its new Apple Watches, then can Trung-Tin Nguyen please explain how Apple managed to develop THREE new metal alloys that each surpasses their stainless steel, aluminium and 18kt gold Crystalline alloy counterparts ?
You failed to mention that CEO Thomas Theipp has stated that under the capture agreement with Apple, LiquidMetal is not allowed to say "if or when" it will be used and "if it is or if it isn't" an amorphous alloy. Why would you assume that after 4 years of R&D and numerous patent filings jointly (Crucible IP) by Apple and LiquidMetal Technology, that all of a sudden there is no more future for Apple with LiquidMetal ? some short info regarding the 2 companies mentioned in the above article -Apple's Capture Agreement with LiquidMetal ends February 2015. (second extension) -Apple has First Right of Refusal on LiquidMetal Technology until August 2015. -The Swatch Group's licensing agreement with LiquidMetal ends March 2015. -Apple Watch estimated to arrive early 2015, between February-March 2015, Interesting to say the least.
Nur Geduld bring hier "Rosen"; 
----------- So wie einem das Licht nicht ohne die Dunkelheit bewusst würde, so gibt es keine Situation, in der nicht etwas POSITIVES zu entdecken wäre.
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