my thoughts are torn when i´m remembering my first visit at the "House of Salvation" or "Füchsleinstrasse" as we call it here in Spicecastle.
But let me reminis about the golden days of my mentel disease...
I was walking on the green fields of joy. Taking my fluoxetin every day. And I was wondering how life was before taking them. It was the bloodiest point of hell. A point no one would ever reach. Ghouls and ghosts where hunting down my happiest thougts with there claws, rottening bodies and teeth (wich actually hat the colour of mashed-potatos with a big load of butter!) ripping my flesh of my Body.
I had a great time then.
Und jetzt du Dussel red´ gfellichst deutsch.
Ist ja nicht zum aushalten hier.
I can see what you see not, vision ´s milky, then eyes rott.
Then you see what can not be, Shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind, cast down into the halls of blind!