"wenn der angegebene Übernahme Kurs nicht erreicht wird ,kommt der Deal einfach nicht zustande.
Das ist doch wohl nicht so schwer zu kapieren!"
Dann belege doch diese Aussage, ist doch nicht so schwer zu kapieren oder?
Vielleicht irre ich mich ja und wäre toll wenn du es belegen kannst.
Ich hab dafür extra nochmal geschaut und für dich passende Links rausgesucht:
Halo Labs Inc. ("Halo" or the "Company") (NEO: HALO, OTCQX: AGEEF, Germany: A9KN) is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive acquisition agreement with respect to its proposed acquisition of Bophelo Bioscience & Wellness (Pty) Ltd (?Bophelo?) in exchange for 40,786,667 common shares of Halo (the ?Transaction?).
As consideration for the acquisition of the Bophelo Shares, the Boiketlo Debt Claim and the Third Party Debt Claims, Halo has agreed to issue an aggregate of 43,712,667 common shares in the capital of Halo (the ?Halo Purchase Shares?) as follows: first, by paying out such number of Halo Purchase Shares that is equal to the aggregate amount owing under each of the Boiketlo Debt Claim and the Third Party Debt Claims divided by the closing Halo share price (being the greater of: (i) the amount equal to the volume weighted average trading price of Halo common shares for the twenty (20) consecutive trading days immediately preceding the trading day prior to the closing of the Transaction; and (ii) the minimum price permitted pursuant to applicable securities laws and the requirements of the NEO Exchange Inc.) to Boiketlo and the 3rd Party Lenders, respectively; second, by paying out an aggregate of 2,039,333 Halo Purchase Shares to GMG; and third, by issuing 45% and 55% of the remaining Halo Purchase Shares to Boiketlo and GMG, respectively. Halo has also agreed to issue an additional 2,039,334 Halo common shares to GMG in connection with an arrangement fee.
Vielleicht hab ichs übersehen oder überlesen, aber da steht nur die Anzahl der Aktien und ein volumengewichteter, durchschnittlicher Preis von 20 Handelstagen. ???????