bei Uran Aktien.
Der Chart war auch Thema bei Andy "Uranium Boom Coming?: Scott and I Discuss" #1561 Die Aktie wird massiv von dem US Inflation Reduction Act profitieren.
Statement: Inflation Reduction Act Makes Critical Investment in HALEU Enrichment BETHESDA, Md., Aug. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE American: LEU) President and Chief Executive Officer Daniel Poneman made the following statement about the nuclear energy related investments in the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law earlier this week:
Centrus Energy Corp., Bethesda, MD (PRNewsfoto/Centrus Energy Corp.)
"The Inflation Reduction Act makes a historic commitment to combating climate change while restoring America's nuclear leadership on the world stage. In addition to providing critical support to our existing fleet of reactors, the new law includes a $700 million appropriation to help jump-start domestic production of High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) ? an advanced fuel that's needed to power the next generation of nuclear reactors.
"Establishing the necessary infrastructure to produce and transport HALEU will take sustained public and private investment over several years. The $700 million in the new law represents a critical down payment on this effort.
"In the meantime, with the only U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission license for HALEU production, Centrus is strongly committed to serving this market and helping to fuel the future of nuclear energy around the world so that we can achieve our net-zero climate goals."
Sie sind bestens positioniert mit ihren 3 Unternehmensschwerpunkten.
Nuclear FuelCentrus Energy is the world?s most diversified supplier of enriched uranium fuel for civilian nuclear power reactors.
United States National SecurityOver the long term, the United States will need to deploy a domestic uranium enrichment technology at industrial scale. Centrus? American Centrifuge technology is the only technology available now to restore this critical capability.
Manufacturing, Engineering & InnovationBased on our experience developing and building the world?s most advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges, Centrus now offers its unique technical capabilities and engineering expertise to a wide range of customers outside of the traditional nuclear fuel business, including turnkey engineering, design, and advanced manufacturing solutions for advanced reactor developers and others in the energy, aerospace, chemical, and defense sectors.
Und am Chart sieht man die relative Stärke zu anderen Uranaktien !