ADVANTAGE LITHIUM CORP. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Unaudited - Expressed in Canadian Dollars) __________________________________________________ Note October 31, 2017 $ July 31, 2017 $ ASSETS Current assets Cash 13,501,993 16,470,165 Amounts receivable 1,976 4,358 GST receivable 67,890 168,875 Prepaid expenses 165,786 166,802 Total current assets 13,737,645 16,810,200 Non-current assets Investment 5 946,680 338,606 Property, plant and equipment 6 105,719 83,269 Exploration and evaluation assets 7 41,725,446 39,114,820 Total non-current assets 42,777,845 39,536,695 TOTAL ASSETS 56,515,490 56,346,895 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 9 357,127 490,070 TOTAL LIABILITIES 357,127 490,070 SHAREHOLDERS? EQUITY Share capital 8 66,355,080 65,279,861 Share-based payments reserve 6,251,945 6,088,912 Accumulated other comprehensive income 64,680 12,826 Deficit (16,513,342) (15,524,774) TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS? EQUITY 56,158,363 55,856,825 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS? EQUITY 56,515,490 56,346,895 Nature of Operations - see Note 1 Events after the Reporting Period - see Note 13 These condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of Directors on December 20, 2017 and are signed on its behalf by: /s/ David Sidoo /s/ Nick DeMare David Sidoo Nick DeMare Director Director The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements. Page 3