Nautilus - etwas kommendes?

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28.08.12 14:05

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyMajor Sharholders per 31.10.2011

Metalloinvest Holding (Cyprus) Limited      (21.0%)
Anglo American plc                                     (11.1%)
Mawarid Mining LLC                                   (9.98%)


28.08.12 14:08

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyNews per 28.08.2012

auf und auf

Date ET                Sym Price        Type                 Headline
2012-08-28 07:13 NUS 1.23   In the News Globe/wire say Nautilus in pursuit of undersea partner


Hinweis: aktuell noch nicht auf Sedar abrufbar  

28.08.12 14:43

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyProjektkosten ca. Mio $407 VS .ca. Mio$122 Cash

Anfang Zitat:"Nautilus had $87.1 million in cash as of June 30 and raised C$34 million ($34.3 million) in an equity offering this month. The total capital cost of the Solwara 1 project, excluding the vessel, is expected to be $407 million, Rogers said."ENDE ZITAT  

28.08.12 16:04

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskymein Reminder

"Post-it / Merkzettel / Gedankenstütze "

Die nachfolgend gemachten Angaben dienen mir persönlich ausschliesslich zur Visualisierung, als Gedankenstütze und stellen keinerlei Aufforderung zum Handeln in Wertpapieren von Nautilus Minerals dar!

Ich verweise explizit auf den am Ende des Postings angebrachten Hinweis/Disclaimer und den damit verbundenen kategorischen Ausschluss jegwelcher Haftung.

AllTime-Low            $0,57/0,58    - ca. ? 0,46
Worst-Case            $0,94            - ca. ?0,75
Unterstützung        $1,19            - ca. ?0,95

Chance                   $1,27/1,29    - ca. ?1,03
Chance Widerst.A   $1,96/1,98    - ca. ?1,58
Chance Widerst.B   $2,41-2,45    - ca. ?1,92-1,95

o.g. Werte sind aus einem Chart via "grob" abgeleitet und erheben keinen Anspruch auf Richtigkeit!

DISLAIMER/HINWEIS:Die in diesem Beitrag/Posting enthaltenen Angaben stellen keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren dar, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche-subjektive Meinung wieder. Ich übernehme keinerlei Haftung für finanzielle Verluste, Irrtümer sind vorbehalten! Börsengeschäfte, besonders Termingeschäfte, beinhalten Risiken, die zu einem Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals und darüber hinaus führen können! Alle Angaben und Quellen werden sorgfältig recherchiert. Für die Richtigkeit sämtlicher Inhalte wird jedoch keine Garantie übernommen, ich behalte mir trotz größter Sorgfalt einen Irrtum insbesondere in Bezug auf Zahlenangaben und Kurse ausdrücklich vor. Die enthaltenen Informationen stammen aus Quellen, die für zuverlässig erachtet werden, erheben jedoch keineswegs den Anspruch auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit.
Die hier wiedergegebene subjektive Meinung stellt keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlungen dar, weder explizit noch implizit ist sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Ich schließe jede Haftung diesbezüglich aus. Der von mir eingestellte Beitrag dient ausschließlich der Information und stellt keine wie auch immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar. Obligater Hinweis auf die im User-Profil gemachten Angaben.  

28.08.12 16:31

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyWiderstände vs. Unterstützungen gem.

      Type     Value     Conf.§
resist. 2.82 2
resist. 2.43 2
resist. 2.23 6
resist. 2.05 7
resist. 1.87 5
resist. 1.65 3
resist. 1.40 2
resist. 1.25 10
supp 1.12 7
supp 0.98 12


aktuell läuft ein Angriff auf die Unterstützung bei $1,12.....

Recent Trades - Last 10 of 103
Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller
  10:12:50         T      1.13     -0.10       100§          15 UBS 99 Jitney
  10:12:50         T      1.13     -0.10       100§          85 Scoti 99 Jitney
  10:12:38         T      1.13     -0.10       400§          85 Scoti 1 Anonymous
  10:12:38         T      1.13     -0.10       100§         15 UBS 1 Anonymous
  10:12:38         T      1.13     -0.10       500§         39 Merrill 1 Anonymous
  10:06:07         T      1.13     -0.10       200§         39 Merrill 2 RBC
  10:01:14         T      1.13     -0.10     1,300§ 39 Merrill 7 TD Sec
  09:58:01         T      1.12     -0.11       100§         13 Instin 39 Merrill Lynch
  09:58:01         T      1.12     -0.11     2,300§ 13 Instin 1 Anonymous
  09:57:26         T      1.12     -0.11       200§         13 Instin 1 Anonymous


28.08.12 16:43

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyWer stellt Körbchen auf ?....ich war´s NICHT ;-)

Nautilus Minerals Aktie
ISIN: CA6390971043
Symbol: NUSMF
Times & Sales: Frankfurt
          §Kurs Stück
15:44:15 0,914 ?
13:59:56 1,016 ?
09:17:31 1,019 ?
08:00:11 0,971 ?


28.08.12 20:25

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyaktuelle NEWS "Richtigstellung zu News durch CEO"

Anfang Zitat"

Nautilus Minerals Inc. seeks to clarify recent statements and press coverage regarding the company's Solwara 1 project.

The company reiterates that the mining lease was granted by the State of Papua New Guinea in January, 2011, and is not a recent development as has been reported in some news articles.

Further, in a recent interview, Stephen Rogers, the chief executive officer of the company, was referenced as saying that Nautilus is in talks with potential partners to sell a stake in the project and that Nautilus may sell shares to help raise $100-million if it can't find a partner.

Nautilus will only determine its precise additional financing requirements when it has finalized details of the vessel financing and secures a resolution to the current dispute with the PNG government. The company continues its efforts on both these matters. The project equipment build at the end of June was approximately 51-per-cent complete. Consistent with Mr. Roger's statements above, the company has stated previously in management's discussion and analysis filed in conjunction with financial results on Aug. 2, 2012, that it may need to rely on the equity markets for future financing of its development of Solwara 1 or alternate financing in the form of joint ventures.


freie Übersetzung gem. google-Translator

NAUTILUS veröffentlicht Erklärung auf die jüngsten Presseberichterstattung KLÄREN

Nautilus Minerals Inc. sucht jüngsten Äußerungen zu klären und Presseberichterstattung über das Unternehmen Solwara 1-Projekt.

Das Unternehmen bekräftigt, dass die Bergwerkspacht durch den Staat von Papua-Neuguinea wurde im Januar 2011 erteilt und ist keine neue Entwicklung, wie in einigen News-Artikel berichtet worden.

Weitere, kürzlich in einem Interview, war Stephen Rogers, der Chief Executive Officer des Unternehmens, zu sagen, dass Nautilus in Gesprächen mit potenziellen Partnern ist es, eine Beteiligung an dem Projekt zu verkaufen und dass Nautilus kann Aktien verkaufen, um zu helfen anzuheben 100 Millionen Dollar, wenn referenziert es kann nicht einen Partner finden.

Nautilus bestimmt lediglich die genaue zusätzlicher Finanzierungsbedarf, wenn sie Details des Schiffes Finanzierung wurde abgeschlossen und sichert eine Lösung für die aktuelle Auseinandersetzung mit dem PNG Regierung. Das Unternehmen setzt seine Bemühungen auf beiden Bereichen. Das Projekt Geräten am Ende des Juni zu bauen, war etwa 51-prozentige abgeschlossen. Im Einklang mit Mr. Roger Aussagen erwähnt, hat das Unternehmen bisher in das Management Diskussion und Analyse in Verbindung mit finanziellen Ergebnisse auf 2. August 2012 eingereicht gesagt, dass es eventuell an den Aktienmärkten für zukünftige Finanzierung der Entwicklung von Solwara 1 verlassen oder alternative Finanzierung in Form von Joint Ventures.  

29.08.12 17:31

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinasky...

      Type     Value     Conf.§
resist. 2.82 2
resist. 2.43 2
resist. 2.23 6
resist. 2.05 7
resist. 1.87 5
resist. 1.65 3
resist. 1.39 3
resist. 1.23 13
supp 1.12 7
supp 0.98 12

29.08.12 19:12

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyTest der Unterstützung I. - bei $1,12

12:49:18 T 1.12 -0.07 100 39 Merrill Lynch 2 RBC K
  12:49:18         T      1.12     -0.07       100§82 Stifel Nicholas 2 RBC K
  12:21:19         T      1.12     -0.07       100§39 Merrill Lynch 2 RBC K
  12:21:19         T      1.12     -0.07       100§82 Stifel Nicholas 2 RBC K
  12:13:50         T      1.12     -0.07       300§39 Merrill Lynch 89 Raymond James K
  12:13:50         T      1.12     -0.07       200§82 Stifel Nicholas 89 Raymond James K
  12:04:58         T      1.12     -0.07       100§39 Merrill Lynch 79 CIBC K
  12:04:58         T      1.12     -0.07       100§82 Stifel Nicholas 79 CIBC K
  11:49:29         T      1.12     -0.07       600§39 Merrill Lynch 7 TD Sec K
  11:49:29         T      1.12     -0.07       300§82 Stifel Nicholas 7 TD Sec K


31.08.12 18:03

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskySentiment hat sich zunehmend eingetrübt.....

      Type     Value     Conf.§
resist. 2.82 2
resist. 2.43 2
resist. 2.23 6
resist. 2.04 9
resist. 1.87 5
resist. 1.65 3
resist. 1.40 4
resist. 1.18 20
supp 0.98 12
aktuelle Kurse unter
Aktuell läuft der Kampf um die Unterstützung ;-) bei Kursen bis knapp unter CAN$1.00
sobald der erste massive Widerstand ;-) bei CAN$1,18 nachhaltig (mind. 2-3 Tage mit hohen Volumen und höherer Nachfrage als Abgabebereitschaft) bestätigt wird sollte der Kurs "eigentlich" Richtung  ca. $1,27/1,29  und im weitern Verlauf ggf. sogar (positiver Newsflow voraussgesetzt) bis ca. $1,96/1,98  laufen. (siehe Reminder #54).

In diesem Sinne,

good things come to those who wait ........
( nicht wie ich zu früh rein ist,...auch wenn es nur eine Test-Posi war) ,...... or trade.


DISLAIMER/HINWEIS:Die in diesem Beitrag/Posting enthaltenen Angaben stellen keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren dar, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche-subjektive Meinung wieder. Ich übernehme keinerlei Haftung für finanzielle Verluste, Irrtümer sind vorbehalten! Börsengeschäfte, besonders Termingeschäfte, beinhalten Risiken, die zu einem Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals und darüber hinaus führen können! Alle Angaben und Quellen werden sorgfältig recherchiert. Für die Richtigkeit sämtlicher Inhalte wird jedoch keine Garantie übernommen, ich behalte mir trotz größter Sorgfalt einen Irrtum insbesondere in Bezug auf Zahlenangaben und Kurse ausdrücklich vor. Die enthaltenen Informationen stammen aus Quellen, die für zuverlässig erachtet werden, erheben jedoch keineswegs den Anspruch auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit.
Die hier wiedergegebene subjektive Meinung stellt keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlungen dar, weder explizit noch implizit ist sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Ich schließe jede Haftung diesbezüglich aus. Der von mir eingestellte Beitrag dient ausschließlich der Information und stellt keine wie auch immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar. Obligater Hinweis auf die im User-Profil gemachten Angaben.  

02.09.12 09:07

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyNo need for deep-sea mining....?

No need for deep-sea mining: Namah
Monday, 27 August 2012

OPPOSITION Leader Belden Namah has come out against deep-sea mining and reportedly said the Papua New Guinea government ?just signed? a multi-billion kina LNG project ? indicating a deal might have been struck over the InterOil-led Gulf LNG project.

Belden Namah on the campaign trail. Image courtesy of PNG Party.

This revelation was amid his criticism of the government?s involvement in Nautilus Mineral?s Solwara 1 project in the Bismarck Sea.

According to The National, Namah said this LNG deal would no doubt propel and sustain PNG?s economy for the ?next 40 to 50 years?.

?This is a government blinded by economic wealth, with no regard for future catastrophic social and economic consequences,? Namah reportedly said in relation to his comments about ?economically unnecessary? and ?ethically wrong? government involvement with the Solwara project.

?PNG should not become a guinea pig or a testing ground for such projects,? he added.

In opening Parliament last week, Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio said the PNG LNG and Gulf LNG projects would underpin the economy for the next 40 years.

It?s still not clear when InterOil?s hunt for a government-acceptable, world-class LNG operator for its Gulf LNG project will end. The process behind it started in October and the government is keen to finalise a deal." ENDE ZITAT


08.09.12 15:54

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskydas künftige Schiff im Bild....?

aus Urheberrechtsgründen bitte dem Link folgen,....

ANFANG ZITAT:"Das zukünftige Produktionsschiff des Harren-/Nautilus-Joint Ventures
Die kanadische Nautilus Minerals Inc., Toronto, und die Bremer Reederei Harren & Partner wollen im Bereich des Abbaus von Rohstoffen aus dem Meer im Rahmen einer strategischen Partnerschaft zusammenarbeiten. "ENDE ZITAT  

08.09.12 16:06

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskydie letzten News chronologisch auf Reuters

12.09.12 10:38

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyMawarid Offshore Mining Ltd. jetzt %16,9 Sharehold

ANFANG ZITAT:"Mawarid Offshore Mining Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of MB Holding Company LLC, has completed the second and final tranche of its subscription for common shares of Nautilus Minerals Inc. pursuant to the subscription agreement entered into between Mawarid and Nautilus on July 31, 2012. Pursuant to the subscription agreement, on Sept. 11, 2012, Mawarid purchased an additional 18,433,811 Nautilus shares at 90 cents per share, resulting in MB and its affiliates beneficially owning or controlling 39,636,897 shares representing approximately 16.9 per cent of the outstanding Nautilus shares (based on 234,097,865 outstanding Nautilus shares as at the date hereof, as advised by Nautilus).

The additional Nautilus shares were acquired for investment purposes only. Depending upon the market and other conditions, MB and its affiliates may acquire additional securities of Nautilus."ENDE ZITAT


18.09.12 20:15

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyInferred Mineral Resources Estimate ! News!

ANFANG ZITAT:"Nautilus's Clarion at 410 Mt of Ni-Co-Cu-Mn inferred

2012-09-18 11:05 ET - News Release

Mr. Steve Rogers reports


Nautilus Minerals Inc.'s 100-per-cent-owned subsidiary, Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd. (TOML), has confirmed that Golder Associates Pty. Ltd. has completed a maiden mineral resource estimate for TOML's Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone (CCZ) polymetallic nodule project, located within the central Pacific Ocean.

The Inferred Mineral Resource has been reported at a range of abundance cut-offs, and is summarised in Table 1.


Abundance cut-off    Abundance    Ni    Co   Cu    Mn   Polymetallic nodules
(wet kg/m2)         (wet kg/m2)   (%)   (%)  (%)   (%)     (x 106 wet tonnes)

4                          8.9   1.2  0.24  1.1  26.9                    440
5                          9.1   1.2  0.24  1.1  26.9                    420
6                          9.4   1.2  0.24  1.1  26.9                    410
7                          9.8   1.2  0.24  1.1  26.8                    370
8                         10.4   1.2  0.24  1.0  26.7                    310

Resource estimates prepared by Matthew Nimmo, principal geologist, Golder
Associates, Queensland, Australia. Mr. Nimmo is a member of the Australian
Institute of Geoscientists, a full-time employee of Golder and fulfills the
requirements to be a qualified person for the purposes of National
Instrument 43-101.                                              
The resource is classified as inferred. As the nodules effectively form a
single layer on the seafloor, abundance (kilograms/square metre) is used
rather than volume to define the mineral resource tonnage.

Nautilus president and chief executive officer Steve Rogers commented: "Our maiden mineral resource estimate for the CCZ again highlights the enormous potential of seafloor resources. We believe that the advance in processing and offshore technologies over the last 20 years now makes the extraction of these significant resources technically feasible."

The reduced social disturbance associated with deep-sea mineral production and the development of a strong regulatory framework by the International Seabed Authority since 1994 are key elements that set this project apart from large land-based resource developments.

Mr. Rogers added that: "At Nautilus Minerals we are hugely excited to be leading the development of this enormous, currently untapped potential on the seafloor. Our priority focus must remain with our high-grade Solwara 1 seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) project, and other prospective SMS systems in PNG and Tonga. With the immense polymetallic nodule mineral resources of the CCZ however, we have to start the engineering and evaluation processes now to realize this opportunity at the appropriate time in the future. There is the potential for a further update of this mineral resource estimate, in that approximately 30 per cent of our licence area is not included in the estimate, but both of these areas are known to have nodules present from limited sampling work carried out to date."

General background

The nodules occur within the CCZ of the tropical north Pacific in water depths generally between 4,000 and 6,000 metres. They contain significant grades of manganese, nickel, copper and cobalt, and form by the precipitation of metals on the seafloor, either directly from ocean waters, or via decomposing micro-organisms and/or their effluent in benthic sediments.

Basis of the mineral resource estimate

Golder has estimated the mineral resource for the TOML CCZ project using:

   Sample data collected by pioneer contractors (Deep Ocean Resources Development Co. (DORD, of Japan), Association Francaise d'Etude et de recherche des NODules oceaniques (AFERNOD, of France), Yuzhmorgeologiya (state-owned company of the Russian Federation)), and provided to TOML and Golder by the International Seabed Authority;
   Ordinary kriging for nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese grades;
   Inverse distance for nodule abundance and tonnage.

Samples used for the resource were collected by the pioneer contractors during various exploration cruises, using free-fall-sampling devices. The resulting samples were stored on the vessel, and then on arrival at port dried and crushed. Nickel, copper, iron and cobalt were normally assayed using atomic absorption, with manganese measured by photometric (electrometric) titration. The resulting sample locations and assay results were presented to the International Seabed Authority (ISA) as part of the process whereby the pioneer contractors hand over half of their prospect areas (of equal value) to the ISA for inclusion in the reserve area set aside for developing nations such as Tonga.

The data provided by the contractors are not supplied with any quality assurance or quality control, although some QA/QC is known to have been performed at the time (there was no requirement however to submit this to the ISA). TOML has accessed these data for the purpose of this mineral resource estimate. As part of the verification requirements, Golder also contacted pioneer contractors directly to provide confirmation of the data sets and methodologies used. Checks were also undertaken by comparison of the different data sets (those covering the TOML blocks) and by comparison of these data with the larger ISA data set covering the entire CCZ (see associated tables for raw sample statistics). These checks showed that:

   Only four of the total 2,212 data points provided were suspected of being erroneous (and are likely data entry errors that occurred with the one contractor).
   Box plots and log-probability plots comparing the various assay data and distributions show the TOML abundance, Ni, Cu, Co and Mn data compare well with the full ISA data set. Variations between the data sets are attributed to both spatial variability, and minor differences in sampling and assaying methods of the various contractors.
   Quantile-Quantile (QQ) plots show the TOML abundance, Ni, Cu, Co and Mn data compare well with the total ISA database, but with divergence at the tails of the distributions, while Co and nodule abundance tend to be biased slightly lower for the TOML data.

Assay data for the four key elements (Ni, Cu, Co and Mn) are very consistent and widespread over large areas of the CCZ. The key variable for future resource classification is nodule abundance. Determining short-range variability for nodules will be required to increase resource classification to higher levels of indicated and measured.

The verification also involved review of the data by the independent qualified person, Dr. Charles Morgan. Dr. Morgan has considerable experience in the CCZ nodules, having been a scientist on board the Lockheed Martin consortia program in the 1980s and having been a consultant to the ISA in various capacities, including as a member of the legal and technical commission, and in the preparation of resource estimates for the ISA. Golder considers the sampling data are suitably supported and maintained by the ISA for use in the calculation of an inferred resource.

The estimate is current as of Sept. 18, 2012, and only incorporates blocks A to D of the TOML licence (approximately 70 per cent of the licence area). Blocks E and F are known to host nodules from limited sampling, and represent significant exploration upside to the mineral resource (see associated tables). Additional elements are reported to be present in CCZ nodules, with rare-earth elements being of particular note, and these provide additional potential for the project. All of the blocks are located at a depth of between 4,000 metres and 6,000 metres below sea level.

Other relevant information

The ISA is an autonomous international organization established under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 1994 implementation agreement. The ISA regulates the area beyond national jurisdiction under the terms of UNCLOS and the law of the sea. As of May 15, 2011, UNCLOS has been signed by 162 parties, mostly independent states and the European Union. The only notable absentee signatory is the United States. Part XI of UNCLOS, and its subsequent implementation agreement of 1994, deals with mining of minerals from the seafloor in the area.

The ISA has also developed regulations for prospecting and exploration for polymetallic nodules, seafloor massive sulphides and cobalt-rich crusts within the area. On Jan. 11, 2012, TOML signed a contract for exploration for polymetallic nodules with the ISA covering an area of approximately 75,000 square kilometres in six blocks within the CCZ. TOML is registered in Tonga, is subject to the laws of Tonga and is sponsored by Tonga under the law of the sea. The contract is for an initial term of 15 years.

The ISA, at its 18th session in Jamaica in 2012, started the process of developing regulations to cover the exploitation of nodules. Royalties and taxes payable on any future production from the property will only be finalized once the ISA has developed its exploitation code. The code will need to include the key principles of UNCLOS.

TOML has agreed to a royalty with the Tongan government as part of its sponsorship agreement of $1.25 (U.S.) per dry tonne for the first three million dry tonnes of nodules mined per year and 75 U.S. cents per dry tonne for all subsequent tonnes mined thereafter in that same year. Nautilus and TOML are parties to a contract with Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. (NORI) and NORI's current shareholders, pursuant to which Nautilus increased its indirect ownership interest in TOML from 50 per cent to 100 per cent in exchange for its 50-per-cent indirect interest in NORI. That contract provides, among other things, a value normalization process in respect of TOML and NORI's licences to explore polymetallic nodules in the area. The process is triggered by TOML and NORI achieving a resource pursuant to National Instrument 43-101. NORI has not yet disclosed a resource estimate in respect of its licences.


It is recommended that future work on the TOML licences aim to determine an inferred mineral resource estimate for areas E and F, and increase the resource classification for parts of the other areas to indicated or measured mineral resource. Additionally, key modifying factors will be constrained to a point where a mineral reserve may potentially be estimated. It is recommended that future work include:

Exploration phase

   Exploration surveys for detailed bathymetry;
   Sampling on TOML areas E and F to define inferred mineral resources for these areas;
   Sampling at sufficient detail on the best of the defined inferred mineral resources to define short-range variability, assay variance and trends, density, and other critical data;
   Assaying of all samples collected for additional elements, including but not limited to REE, potential contaminants and any other elements that may aid economic studies;
   Widespread and detailed study of dry and wet density of the nodules on the TOML licence, including study of free and crystallization water contents;
   Side scan sonar survey of TOML licence areas where appropriate to image nodule occurrence;
   Baseline environmental studies.

Study phase

   Engineering and metallurgical studies, and design work for both the onshore and offshore components;
   Preliminary economic and commercial studies to provide scoping estimates for capital expenditures and operating expenditures for mining, transportation and processing options.

Possible budgets required to complete the exploration phase over the next two years may total $2-million (U.S.) to $4-million (U.S.). Nautilus has sufficient funds to undertake this work or may choose to look for a partner.


                                Mn       Co     Ni      Cu        Abundance
                                (%)     (%)     (%)     (%)      (wet kg/m2)

Count                            18      18      18      18               18
Minimum                       21.46    0.15    0.71    0.46             2.68
Maximum                       30.05    0.30    1.47    1.51            17.93
Mean                          25.40    0.22    1.14    1.00            10.12
Median                        25.50    0.21    1.15    1.02             9.19
Standard deviation             2.44    0.04    0.24    0.35             5.08
Coefficient of variation       0.10    0.18    0.21    0.35             0.50

                 SUMMARY OF HISTORIC GRAB SAMPLES AREA B                            

                                Mn      Co      Ni      Cu        Abundance
                                (%)     (%)     (%)     (%)      (wet kg/m2)

Count                            88      88      88      88               88
Minimum                       10.30    0.02    0.53    0.40             0.03
Maximum                       31.20    0.35    1.51    1.40            26.00
Mean                          25.40    0.25    1.16    0.94             8.82
Median                        26.55    0.25    1.23    1.02             8.09
Standard deviation             4.19    0.06    0.23    0.26             5.87
Coefficient of Variation       0.16    0.22    0.20    0.27             0.67

                SUMMARY OF HISTORIC GRAB SAMPLES AREA C                            

                                Mn      Co      Ni      Cu        Abundance
                                (%)     (%)     (%)     (%)      (wet kg/m2)

Count                            78      78      78      78               78
Minimum                       22.01    0.14    0.93    0.71             1.35
Maximum                       30.90    0.32    1.42    1.44            21.25
Mean                          27.91    0.25    1.27    1.15             9.98
Median                        28.55    0.25    1.29    1.19             9.17
Standard deviation             2.13    0.03    0.10    0.15             4.20
Coefficient of variation       0.08    0.13    0.08    0.13             0.42

                SUMMARY OF HISTORIC GRAB SAMPLES AREA D                            

                                Mn      Co      Ni      Cu        Abundance
                                (%)     (%)     (%)     (%)      (wet kg/m2)

Count                            42      42      42      42               42
Minimum                       22.79    0.19    1.09    0.79             0.12
Maximum                       30.45    0.30    1.44    1.36            16.37
Mean                          28.52    0.22    1.31    1.16             7.68
Median                        28.76    0.22    1.32    1.17             7.78
Standard deviation             1.47    0.02    0.08    0.10             4.09
Coefficient of variation       0.05    0.10    0.06    0.08             0.53

            HISTORIC GRAB SAMPLES AREA E                                      

Water depth      Mn     Co     Ni     Cu       Abundance
(m)              (%)    (%)    (%)    (%)    (wet kg/m2)

4,542          26.83   0.16   1.11   1.14          18.18
4,497          24.04   0.21   1.01   0.88           6.73
4,851          25.64   0.18   1.21   1.04           9.24
4,577           27.5   0.16   1.29   1.13            9.2

            HISTORIC GRAB SAMPLES AREA F                                      

Water depth      Mn     Co     Ni     Cu      Abundance
(m)              (%)    (%)    (%)    (%)    (wet kg/m2)

4,073          32.4   0.17   1.33   1.31            9.3
4,073          32.4   0.16   1.27   1.29           13.7


                                Mn      Co      Ni      Cu        Abundance
                                (%)     (%)     (%)     (%)      (wet kg/m2)

Count                         2,188   2,188   2,188   2,188            2,188
Minimum                        4.14    0.05    0.15    0.12             0.01
Maximum                       35.62    3.23    1.75    1.62            52.20
Mean                          27.47    0.21    1.25    1.04             8.21
Median                        28.47    0.21    1.30    1.09             7.10
Standard deviation             4.06    0.08    0.20    0.24             6.06
Coefficient of variation       0.15    0.40    0.16    0.24             0.74

Matthew Nimmo of Golder, independent qualified person, has prepared the technical information that forms the basis for this press release.

Pursuant National Instrument 43-101, Nautilus Minerals will file an independent technical report within 45 days in respect of this mineral resource estimate."ENDE ZITAT


22.09.12 11:52

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyheftig Richtung Süden abgetaucht.......

....gründe kommte ich bis anhing noch nicht erkennen....

BMO hat massiv verkauft,.... die Stücke wurden aber mit vernünftigen Ordergrössen abgenommen....

  16:51:14         T      0.85     -0.21    16,400§2 RBC 2 RBC S
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21     4,200§80 National Bank 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21    10,000§1 Anonymous 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21     3,000§99 Jitney 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21    30,000§80 National Bank 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21    10,000§80 National Bank 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21     3,000§99 Jitney 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21    20,000§80 National Bank 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21    10,000§80 National Bank 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ
  16:10:00         T      0.85     -0.21     5,000§19 Desjardins 9 BMO Nesbitt KQ


andererseits könnte es auch einfach sein, dass der Kurs "runter gedrückt wurde" um die Kurse an die der von Anglo American & MB Holding anzupassen um andern ebenfalls ein annehmbares Kursniveau zu verschaffen...

Sep 12/12 Sep 11/12 MB Holding Company LLC Indirect Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 18,433,811 $0.900
Sep 12/12 Sep 11/12 MB Holding Company LLC Indirect Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report  
Sep 12/12 Sep 11/12 MB Holding Company LLC Direct Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report  
Sep 11/12 Sep 11/12 Anglo American Exploration Luxembourg SARL Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 2,198,571 $0.900
Aug 7/12 Aug 3/12 Anglo American Exploration Luxembourg SARL Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 2,200,000 $0.900


Montag sind wir schlauer,...... aber den Kurs finde ich so aus dem Bauch heraus auf dem aktuellen NIveau ziemlich interessant _LANGFRISTIG_ (subjektiv gesehen - Haltefrist mind. 24Monate )

DISLAIMER/HINWEIS:Die in diesem Beitrag/Posting enthaltenen Angaben stellen keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren dar, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche-subjektive Meinung wieder. Ich übernehme keinerlei Haftung für finanzielle Verluste, Irrtümer sind vorbehalten! Börsengeschäfte, besonders Termingeschäfte, beinhalten Risiken, die zu einem Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals und darüber hinaus führen können! Alle Angaben und Quellen werden sorgfältig recherchiert. Für die Richtigkeit sämtlicher Inhalte wird jedoch keine Garantie übernommen, ich behalte mir trotz größter Sorgfalt einen Irrtum insbesondere in Bezug auf Zahlenangaben und Kurse ausdrücklich vor. Die enthaltenen Informationen stammen aus Quellen, die für zuverlässig erachtet werden, erheben jedoch keineswegs den Anspruch auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit.
Die hier wiedergegebene subjektive Meinung stellt keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlungen dar, weder explizit noch implizit ist sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Ich schließe jede Haftung diesbezüglich aus. Der von mir eingestellte Beitrag dient ausschließlich der Information und stellt keine wie auch immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar. Obligater Hinweis auf die im User-Profil gemachten Angaben.


23.09.12 16:59

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinasky...

also "im Grunde" war gestern nur ein Verkäufer zu sehen,.... könnte IMO mit dem Delisting, welches ab Montag in Kraft tritt, zu tun haben.
Ich vermute einfach mal, das BMO eine Anlagestrategie / -Produkt hat, welches nur Investments in Stocks-gewichteten Titeln zulässt und daher der typische Fondverkauf durchgeschlagen hat,...

Nautilus Minerals deleted from S&P/TSX indices

2012-09-14 19:41 ET - Miscellaneous

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.
Here is a sample of this item:

Standard & Poor's Canadian index operations have made index changes as a result of the quarterly S&P/TSX Composite Index review. These changes will be effective at the open on Monday, Sept. 24, 2012.

Issue name                                   Symbol                    Exchange

Nautilus Minerals Inc.                          NUS      Toronto Stock Exchange


für mich hat sich an NUS nichts geändert,..... sobald die finanzierung geklärt ist (und IMHO ist sie das eigentlich schon) wird sich der Trend klar ändern. NUS ist aus meiner Sicht das weltweit einzige Unternehmen welches bereits -hinsichtlich Deep-Sea-Mining- fortgeschritten ist. Das Vessel (Transport u. Abräumschiff , der "Ernte-Roboter" und...) vorallem die Lizenzen für die Schürf- und Abräumrechte sind in trockenen Tüchern....
Einzig  das PNG Paga-Neuguinea goverment hat sich mal zufällig spontan umentschieden,.... unschön... aber hinsichtlich der enormen Resourcen und Möglichkeiten kann sich das PNG "eigentlich" heutzutage gar nicht merh leisten , nicht mit vorne dabei zu sein.
Tonga und andere Länder sind bereits ebenfalls schwer dabei Fortschritte im Bereich Deep-Sea-Mining (*DSM - meine eigene künfitge Abkürzung :-)
zu  machen.

Also ich habe ein abstauber Limit eingestellt und schau mal ob ich bedient werde.... bei dem Kurs kann man meiner Meinung nach , wenn man spekulativ und langfristig orientiert ist,.. und auch das Risiko des TOTALVERLUSTES nicht scheut,... nicht so viel falsch machen....

aber eben,... nur meine subjektive und ganz eigene- persönliche Empfindung. Keine Aufforderung zu jegwelchen Handlungen. Siehe Profilangaben und Disclaimer.

DISLAIMER/HINWEIS:Die in diesem Beitrag/Posting enthaltenen Angaben stellen keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren dar, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche-subjektive Meinung wieder. Ich übernehme keinerlei Haftung für finanzielle Verluste, Irrtümer sind vorbehalten! Börsengeschäfte, besonders Termingeschäfte, beinhalten Risiken, die zu einem Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals und darüber hinaus führen können! Alle Angaben und Quellen werden sorgfältig recherchiert. Für die Richtigkeit sämtlicher Inhalte wird jedoch keine Garantie übernommen, ich behalte mir trotz größter Sorgfalt einen Irrtum insbesondere in Bezug auf Zahlenangaben und Kurse ausdrücklich vor. Die enthaltenen Informationen stammen aus Quellen, die für zuverlässig erachtet werden, erheben jedoch keineswegs den Anspruch auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit.
Die hier wiedergegebene subjektive Meinung stellt keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlungen dar, weder explizit noch implizit ist sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Ich schließe jede Haftung diesbezüglich aus. Der von mir eingestellte Beitrag dient ausschließlich der Information und stellt keine wie auch immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar. Obligater Hinweis auf die im User-Profil gemachten Angaben.  

23.09.12 18:23

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyGoldrush in the Abyss -Artikel siehe 2.Seite-

ANFANG ZITAT:"Fifteen years ago, would-be underwater miners staked the world?s first claim: Nautilus Minerals won title to about 2,000 square miles of the Papua New Guinea seabed rich in volcanic features. The company, based in Toronto, inched toward mining but quickly expanded its prospecting to hundreds of Pacific sites and has since identified dozens of areas as potential candidates for seabed mining.

Last year, Nautilus won a 20-year lease to mine a rich deposit in the Bismarck Sea, in the southwestern Pacific. The mounds are a mile down. The company says the site holds about 10 tons of gold and 125,000 tons of copper.

Nautilus plans to start mining next year but also cites possible delays. It is building robots up to 25 feet tall that are to collect sulfides and pump them to the surface. Barges are then to carry the seabed minerals to Rabaul, a Papua New Guinea port some 30 miles away.

?We?re making good progress,? Stephen Rogers, the company?s chief executive, recently told analysts.

Meanwhile, Tong Ling, China?s largest importer of copper concentrates and one of the world?s largest copper smelters, recently signed a deal with Nautilus for more than a million tons of Pacific sulfide ores per year ? an amount equal to about 5 percent of the world?s copper production." ENDE ZITAT


25.09.12 07:59

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyNEWS InferredMineralResource of NI 43-101

ANFANG ZITAT:"Nautilus Releases NI 43-101 Resource Report for Polymetallic Nodules

2012-09-24 17:19 ET - News Release


Nautilus Minerals (TSX:NUS)(OTCQX:NUSMF)(AIM:NUS) announces the release by its 100% owned subsidiary, Tonga Offshore Mining Limited ("TOML"), of an independent Technical Report prepared by Golder Associates Pty Ltd in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 in respect of a maiden Mineral Resource estimate for TOML's Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone polymetallic nodule project, located within the Central Pacific Ocean (see Links section for related press release and location map).


Figure 1 - Map of tenements

General Background:

The nodules occur within the Clarion Clipperton Zone of the tropical north Pacific (Figure 1), in water depths generally between 4,000 and 6,000 meters. They contain significant grades of manganese, nickel, copper and cobalt, and form by the precipitation of metals on the seafloor, either directly from ocean waters or via decomposing microorganisms and/or their effluent in benthic sediments.

Mr Mathew Nimmo of Golder Associates Pty Ltd as independent Qualified Person has prepared the technical information that forms the basis for this press release.

The report has been filed on SEDAR and is available from the Company's website at" ZITAT ENDE

Abundance Cut Off    (wet kg/m2) Abundance  (wet kg/m2)

               N(%)        Co(%)   Cu(%) Mn(%) Polymetallic Nodules    (x 106 wet tonnes)

4 8.9  1.2 0.24 1.1 26.9 440
5 9.1     1.2 0.24 1.1 26.9 420
6 9.4  1.2 0.24 1.1 26.9 410
7 9.8  1.2 0.24 1.1 26.8 370
8 10.4   1.2 0.24 1.0 26.7 310


25.09.12 10:50

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyRecommendations........



It is recommended that future work on the TOML licences aim to determine an Inferred Mineral Resource estimate for Areas E and F and increase the resource classification for parts of the other areas to Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource. Additionally, key modifying factors will be constrained to a point where a Mineral Reserve may potentially be estimated.

It is recommended that future work include:

Exploration Phase      Exploration surveys for detailed bathymetry.     Sampling on TOML Areas E and F to define Inferred Mineral Resources for these areas.    

Sampling at sufficient detail on the best of the defined Inferred Mineral Resources to define short range variability, assay variance and trends, density, and other critical data.    

Assaying of all samples collected for additional elements, including but not limited to REE, potential "contaminants", and any other elements that may aid economic studies.

Widespread and detailed study of dry and wet density of the nodules on the TOML licence including study of free and crystallisation water contents.    

Side scan sonar survey of TOML licence areas where appropriate to image nodule occurrence.    

Baseline environmental studies.  


Study Phase:

Engineering and metallurgical studies and design work for both the onshore and offshore components.    

Preliminary economic and commercial studies to provide scoping estimates for CAPEX and OPEX for mining, transportation and processing options.  


Possible budgets required to complete the exploration phase over the next two years may total $US2 million to $US4 million.

Nautilus has sufficient funds to undertake this work or may choose to look for a partner.  






31.10.12 21:23

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyPRESIDENT & CEO Steve Rogers returns to Family

Zitat:" Mr. Geoff Loudon reports


Mike Johnston, Nautilus Minerals Inc.'s vice-president for strategic development and exploration, has accepted the position of interim president and chief executive officer, effective immediately. After more than four years as president and CEO, Steve Rogers has decided to return interstate to be with his family; he will however, remain a non-executive director of Nautilus. "ENDE ZITAT


05.11.12 08:45

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinasky....up to 11.9% Cu + 26.6 g/t Gold @ North Mata

"Nautilus samples up to 11.9% Cu at North Mata

2012-11-01 10:20 ET - News Release

Mr. Mike Johnston reports


Nautilus Minerals Inc. has discovered two high-grade, sea floor massive sulphide (SMS) systems on its wholly owned exploration tenements in the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Tonga.

Grab samples from these discoveries assayed up to 11.9 per cent copper, 59.8 per cent zinc, 28.6 grams per tonne gold and 673 grams per tonne silver."ZITAT ENDE

vollständiger Artikel/News unter


13.11.12 11:56

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyWer hat wieiviel Interesse am "Kuchen" DeepSea?

Kennecott Consortium

Kennecott Corporation 40% USA
TRZ Deepsea Enterprises Ltd. 12% GB
Consolidated Gold Fields PLC 12% GB
BP Petroleum Development 12% GB
Noranda Exploration Inc.        12% CAN
Mitsubishi Group        12% JAP

Ocean Mining Associates

Esses Minerals Co.        25% USA
Union Seas, Inc. 25% BELGIEN
Sun Ocean Ventures 25% USA
Samin Ocean Inc.        25% ITALIEN

Ocean Management Inc.

Inco Ltd.                25% CAN
AMR (Arbeitsgemeinschaft- 25% BRD
bare Rohstoffe)
Sedco Inc.        25% USA
Domco Ltd.        25% JAP

Ocean Minerals Co.

Amoco Ocean Minerals Co. 30,7%USA
Lockhead Systems Co.Ltd. 69,3%USA
  §30,7% Lockhead Aircraft Corp
  §30,7% Billiton B.V.
  §  7,9% BKW Ocean Minerals B.V.


13.11.12 12:48

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyUdate vom 30.07.2012 aller DeepOceanMining Cons

13.11.12 13:22

4140 Postings, 5018 Tage chinaskyTechnical Report 24.Sept.2012 of CCZ

CCZ Clarion-Clipperton-Zone Project - Pacific Ocean  

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