Ich hab ein paar Neuigkeiten für euch.
Da mich das Thema Xped und IoT aktuell sehr intersiert, hab ich mir so meine Gedanken gemacht, was man damit alles umsetzen könnte. Also beschloß ich einfach mal Xped anzuschreiben. Antwort bekam ich von John selbst.
Aber lest selbst. Ich habe die ausdrückliche Erlaubnis dies hier zu posten.
Meine Frage:
my name is XXXX, I am from Germany (so english isn´t my native tongue - please be patient) and I am a Shareholder. I am also a software engineer for embedded systems working for a worldwide operating telecommunication company. I dont have to say that your work and Ideas are fantastic, otherwise i wouldn´t hold your shares. ;)
I thought long about your System and what´s possible with it. Wow, a lot of things could be managed more easy (I have many Ideas). So long term short: I have one question - Do you see any posibility to create an small powerline adapter for 240V cables? Easy to plugin for customers with absolutly no technic affinity. I dont now how big the hardwareparts of your system have to be. My thoughts are: Could I bulid a housesystem for old people with small effort? One adapter for the TV, one for the light. That would be great! My vision is: when my mom is really, really old and maybe she couldn´t leave her bed anymore, could I make her life easier without changing all the hardware she has (TV, Radio and so on).
Und die Antwort von John:
Happy to hear from you. All of the things you just mentioned are possible with our technology. In fact we are working with a company that is building our ADRC into their electrical systems for building fitout. So new homes will have our technology in all of their electrical wall sockets and lights etc.
But your vision is something that can be realised even sooner. Sounds like what you were asking about is something we already have. Our Ultraplug is a small adapter than can be inserted into wall sockets and controlled via the smartphone. We are looking for partners who could market this product in various geographic locations. I’ve attached some information on our Home Energy System that shows you the ultraplug, which is also available as a standalone unit.
Let me know what you think
Im Anhang seiner Mail war noch eine pdf Präsentation. Leider kann man hier keine pdf´s hochladen aber ich füge ein Bild dieser bei. Dann könnt ihr euch vorstellen wie Xped das umsetzt.
John such noch Vertriebspartner für Europa, die dies in ihr Sortiment aufnehmen möchten. Falls hier jemand mit liest der sowas umsetzen könnte.... nur zu: info@xped.com
Und hier noch der Link zum Shop: http://www.xped.com/store/